My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

25K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Getting Help

288 16 0
By TarableTaralynn

**The Next Day**:

 Dean drove around town on his bike, he's ridden around all night since he left the house after what happened with Cass. He wasn't mad at Paige anymore...truthfully he never was, he was actually angry at himself for being unable to figure out how to kill Vassago. He felt like a failure, he had let Roman and Seth get captured and he still doesn't have a damn clue where to even begin looking for them! He truly believed that Keeper had made a mistake when he told Vassago that he was the Chosen One; he was just an ordinary Vamp, he was no one special. He sighed, as he decided to go back to the house and apologize to Paige. She was the only one he had left and if she left him too he wouldn't know what to do; maybe he really did need to work on letting people help him.

 It was late afternoon when he returned to the house, he hid his bike in the bushes, before he went inside. He called out to her, but got no response, confused he began looking around, but she was no where in the house. Fearing his family had somehow found the house and took her, he raced downstairs and opened the door. As he did he scared the crap out of a tall, chubby, middle aged man in a suit; he had short, brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. Seeing him, Dean quickly grabbed him and holding him off the ground and against the wall, he demanded to know who he was.

 "Who are you?" Dean demanded angrily.

 "I...I'm Professor Reed Grant!" Grant answered scared.

 "How did you find us?"

 "I...I was given this address! Please don't hurt me!" Grant begged.

 "Given it by who?" Dean questioned confused, as he held him higher off the ground by the front of his shirt.

 "Don't...don't hurt me please!" Grant begged again.

 "Dean Ambrose!" Paige said from behind them. "Let the Professor go, he's our guest." She scolded him, as she came up the driveway, carrying bags of groceries, as Dean put Grant down. "I'm sorry about my brother Professor, ever since we've been little he's been very overprotective. That's why I was hoping to be back with the groceries, before you got here."

 "Overprotective?" Grant said upset, as put distance between himself and Dean. "Your brother had me off the ground! He..."

 "Spends way too much time working out!" Paige said, cutting him off. "I promise it won't happen again, right big brother?" She added smiling, as they looked at a confused Dean.

 "Right, sorry Professor! With a sister like Paige here, I have my hands full; she's been a wild child, ever since she was young!" Dean said smiling, as he put his arm around her shoulders.

 "Alright then, why don't you show me those papers you need translated?"

 "What papers?" Dean asked, looking at Paige.

 "Don't you remember Dean? The papers mom and dad sent us from their trip around the world?" She answered smiling, as they went into the house.

 "Professor, could you give my sister and I a few minutes alone to talk please?" Dean asked smiling.

 "Oh, of course, I'll be in the living room." Grant agreed, before he left and they went into the kitchen.

 "What the actual hell is going on Paige?" Dean demanded, as he began to pace. "And who the hell is Professor Dumb-Ass?" He added, as she put the bags down and began putting the food away.

 "Calm down Mr. Angry Vampire, okay? I can explain everything. After what happened yesterday I felt horrible. So, I decided to check online and see if there was anyone that could translate the prophecy for us.
I posted a picture of a small portion of it and asked if anyone knew what it said."

 "And Professor Lame-Ass in there was the only one who knew what it said?"

 "Yep!" Paige answered smiling.

 "I...I don't know kid. He doesn't look like he can help us." Dean said unsure.

 "Looks can be deceiving Deano! I mean you don't look like bad-ass Vampire, but you are." She pointed out.

 "I get your point kid, but how are you going to explain why it talks about Vampires and crap?"

 "Simple big brother, mom and dad sent us this story from Transylvania!"

 "Well, you better hope he buys that cute, little story kid, otherwise you've got a lot of explaining to do." Dean replied smiling.

 "That's...that's it?" Paige asked shocked. "That's all you're going to say?"

 "Uh...yeah, what more were you expecting?" Dean asked confused.

 "I was expecting more of a fight honestly! You aren't good with letting people help you." She answered. "So, basically I was expecting you to freak out, more yelling!"

 "What? I do not do that! I let you help me didn't I?" Dean said in his defense.

 "Really?" Paige replied smirking, as she crossed her arms.

 "Okay, fine...maybe I do freak out a little. Don't push it kid! Come on, let's go see what Professor Dork can do for us." Dean said smiling, before they went into the living room.

**Meanwhile With Roman And Seth**:

 Roman sat in a corner, eyes closed, as he leaned his head against the wall. His whole body hurt from Vassago's torture, he knew he wasn't going to kill them yet, but he had no problem hurting them! Seth lay on his side, finally asleep after trying to convince Roman that he didn't need to rest because he was fine. After Vassago's last visit, he left and hasn't returned yet and that was yesterday; Roman had no idea if or when he'd return.

 Roman missed Dean so much, it seems like forever since he last saw him...last held him! He was worried about him, he knew Dean would do anything to save them; even put his life in danger to do it! Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by Vassago coming into the mausoleum alone, he sat on his makeshift throne, petting his Raven, not saying anything.

 "What's the matter Vassago? You finally have nothing to say?" Roman asked smiling, trying not to wake Seth up.

 "Your weak attempts at trying to get into my head won't work Roman. Besides, there's nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy the quiet." Vassago replied sighing.

 "I've been wondering something Vassago?" Roman said.


 "Why haven't you sent the rest of the family after Dean, if the Elders are dead?" Roman questioned. "I mean they were the only reason you didn't kill from the beginning after all."

 "First of all, I don't have to explain myself to anyone; especially you! Secondly, the answer to your little question is simple. I haven't sent my family after Dean because when he dies, I want it to be by my hand! When the time is right I will face him and I will make him watch you two die first, before I kill him!" Vassago explained.

 "You're really here, I thought it was just a nightmare!" Seth said bitterly, as he got up and sat beside Roman.

 "Aw, what's the matter Sethie? Aren't you happy to see me?" Vassago mocked.

 "So, what are you going to do to us today?" Seth questioned.

 "You know boys, I haven't really thought about it."

 "The mighty Vassago has no plan?" Roman mocked.

 "Sometimes spur of the moment is more fun!" Vassago replied.

 "Where's Keeper? We haven't seen your little bitch in awhile?" Seth asked.

 "Keeper's with the family, since Cassandra's kidnapping I felt it was important that they're under Keeper's watch while I'm not there."

 "Afraid Dean will go after more family?" Roman asked smiling.

 "No, it's more to keep the family in order, they're a little unruly due to the whole situation with Dean." Vassago answered sighing.

 "Dean's really screwing with the family huh?" Seth asked smirking.

 "You know boy, you're in no shape to try and anger me!" Vassago warned.

 "I'm not worried, you're not going to kill us!" Seth stated.

 "No, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you in the meantime!" Vassago replied.

 "So, do it already dammit!" Seth said, tired of listening to Vassago's empty threats.

 "Don't sound so bitter Sethie, here I thought we were becoming such good friends?" Vassago mocked.

 "Oh yeah Vassago, we're all best friends now!" Roman added sarcastically.

 "Dean has taught you two well in the language of sarcasm, I see." Vassago said annoyed.

 "It's not the only thing he taught us, you bastard!" Roman replied.

 "Yes, I heard about him teaching you to fight. How cute."

 "He did, but that's not what I meant."

 "Oh? Please explain then Roman."

 "He taught us to fight for what we believe in; no matter how tough the battle is. He taught us to never give up and that love is worth fighting and dying for!" Roman answered, as Seth agreed.

 "You know the one thing about Dean that always confused me was that! When Dean was alive he was this selfish, hate-filled, killer! As soon as he turned though, he suddenly grew a conscious, he had feelings and emotions for others that he lacked when he was alive. As a human he would take a life without hesitating, just because they looked at him wrong. As a Vamp he refused to drink from humans, so he drank from animals; only the sick and dying ones, but quickly realized he couldn't survive off that, so he drank only from sick and dying humans. That is until he discovered blood banks and he no longer had to kill to get the blood he needed to live." Vassago said sighing.

 "You sound disappointed?" Seth questioned.

 "I' am, Dean was supposed to lead my army into victory against the humans! Not develop mercy for them!" Vassago answered angrily. "I would watch Dean training with the others and I knew with him leading us, we'd be unstoppable!"

 "Dean refused to do it, didn't he? He refused to be any part of it!" Roman asked.

 "Yes!" Vassago replied. "He told me he had shed enough blood when he was alive and then he told me to take my army and shove it up my ass...sideways! It doesn't matter though, that was in the past, the future is set...Dean shall finally bow down at my feet, before I kill him; and it's all thanks to you two."

 "You'll be the one bowing at Dean's feet, you son-of-a-bitch!" Roman said angrily.

 Vassago didn't say another word, instead he got up and walked out, leaving Roman and Seth alone again.

**With Dean And Paige**:

 After agreeing to let Professor Grant help, Dean and Paige went into the living room and found him looking around. Hearing them, he turned to face them, he looked at Dean briefly, before looking at Paige; she didn't scare him, like Dean did!

 " long have you two lived here?" Grant asked.

 "Only a few days, why?" Dean answered.

 "It's a beautiful, old home, but there's nothing in here that leads me to believe someone actually lives here. No new furniture, no family pictures or other odds and ends that make a house a home." Grant explained.

 "Wow, you're good!" Paige said smiling.

 "It's part of my job as a Professor of Archaeology to be observant." Grant replied proudly.

 "Well Professor, instead of talking about how we decorate our house, why don't you do what we asked you to come here for and translate that story for us!" Dean said annoyed, Grant instantly tensed up.

 "Dean, can I speak to you in the kitchen now? We'll be right back Professor."

 She grabbed Dean's hand and pulled him into the kitchen, before she let him go and punched him in the arm.

 "What the hell was that for?" Dean demanded.

 "Would you stop scaring Grant!" She replied, before she hit him again.

 "Would you stop hitting me dammit! I didn't do anything!" Dean stated, pouting like a child, Paige starred at him, as she crossed her arms. "Okay, I haven't done anything to him since we first met!"

 "Dean, he's terrified of you!"

 "That's a bad thing?" Dean asked.

 "Yes Dean! A very bad thing dude! If we want to translate the prophecy we need Grant's help to do it! Which means that you're going to stay away from him, until it's translated!" Paige answered.

 "What?" Dean asked shocked. "You can't be serious Paige!"

 "Dead serious Ambrose!" She answered. "Please just trust me Dean."

 "Fine! But if he tries anything stupid I'm going to break every bone in his body!" Dean threatened.

 "Like what?"

 "I don't know, but if tries doing anything stupid with the prophecy, he'll regret it!" Dean answered angrily.

 "We'll both be fine Dean, I promise. Besides, he wouldn't do anything anyway, you scare the crap out of him!" She replied smiling, before she kissed his cheek and returned to the living room.

 Dean sighed, as he ran his hands over his face, he listened as Paige took Grant upstairs to start working. He went into the living room and began to pace. As he did he thought of Roman and Seth, he knew Vassago wouldn't kill them, no he'd want to do that in front of him; that didn't mean he couldn't hurt them while he waited though! This was their last chance to translate the damn prophecy, if Professor Shit-Head couldn't do it, then he was going to forget about it and do things his way; it's worked so far! Whether they finally uncovered what the prophecy said or not, Vassago was going to die by Dean's hand!


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