The Alpha Queen

By Poseidon_Athena_14

124K 3.7K 479

In a world where women are usually thought less of by men and sometimes even theirselves it is all about to c... More

Chapter 1: But your the oldest
Chapter 2: I'll Think about it
Chapter 4: OMMG
Chapter 5: Did you just growl at me?
Chapter 6: Imma Kill That Bastard
Chapter 7: Is That Him?
Chapter 8: Torture and Kill Them Both
Chapter 9: Talking to yourself?
Chapter 10: It Starts With a M
Chapter 11: Mate?
Chapter 12: Curses and Curses pt 1
Character and Supernatural Counter parts
Chapter 13: Curses and Curses pt 2
New book idea ....
Chapter 14: No PDA
Chapter 15: Baby Boy/Baby Girl
Chapter 16: Don't Go
Chapter 17: First Dates and First Kisses Part 1
Chapter 18: First Dates and First Kisses Part 2

Chapter 3: I'll accept the offer

10.7K 259 47
By Poseidon_Athena_14

Blu, Nyx, and Cryx outfit with different shirts

Blu has dark blue

Nyx has black

Cryx has dark grey

Nyx POV:

"That was great mom just like always" we all said.

"That was delicious Leto" my father told my mother and pecked her lips.

"Ew" Thena, Art, and Pollo said looking away. Everyone laughed at their action.

"What you Ewing about?" dad asked them.

"Well we just got done eating and we might lose it" said Thena and Art. Even though they are only 5 they are very smart so, is Pollo but Thena and Art are smarter and Pollo is a clown.

"Well then might as well get to bed so you can sleep on a full stomach" mom said and got up and put the plate in the sink with me helping her.

"NO!! We didn't mean it mommy and daddy!!" they screamed and ran to mom hugging her legs, begging her to not make them go to sleep. I chuckled and shock my head turning to my dad who had called me.

"Yes, father?" I asked.

"Do you still wish to talk to me?" he asked

"Yes, father. Is now a good time?' I asked.

"Yes, my child. Shall we go?" he asked getting up from his seat. I just nodded and followed suit. We walked out of the dinning room and into the hallway and to his office. When we got to his office he sat behind his desk and leaned on his elbows which were propped on his desk.

"Father I would like to talk to you about earlier." I said calmly

"Have you made your choice?" he asked leaning back into his chair.

"Yes, actually I have." I said taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Well what is it?" he asked you can hear the curiosity in his voice.

"I'll accept the offer father." I said as confidently as possible.

"Good my child. I am proud of you, you know that."

'Yes, father I do. I can see it all over your face." I said smiling at him. He got up from his seat and walked around his desk to hug me.

"I love you kiddo, you know that." he told me kissing my forehead.

"I love you too dad and I've always known that." I said looking up at him.

"Good now lets go tell the family" dad said and started walked toward the door "you coming?" he asked.

"Yeah dad." I said and walked out the office with dad and into the living room. Mom, Blu, Cyrx. Nel, Ky, Thena, Art, and Pollo sitting in the living room watching the new Adam Baldwin movie Boss Baby. It looks like the movie just started. Dad leaned down and kissed mom cheek and paused the movie. Thena, Art, and Pollo all groaned and glared at dad which caused us to laugh at them.

"We have something to tell you all" dad said, catching everyone's attention.

"Is Nyx going to take the throne?" Blu and Cryx asked.

"Yes, I am" I said looking at my family.

"Well that's great honey. I'm proud of you" mom said standing up and kissing my cheek.

"Why though?" I asked.

"Because earlier you were so scared and didn't know what to do and now you are confident with your choice" she said looking into my eyes. You can feel the proudness radiating off of my family in waves and it made me so happy. It also reminded me of when I came out to them. Of course Blu and Cryx were the firsts to know then dad and the rest found out on Blu, Cryx and myself birthday when we turned 18. I had went out the night before with my brothers and came home late with a lady friend and that morning they came into my room when we were having morning sex. And the disturbing thing was they waited till we had finished to come in with a cake that they had the chief change to "Happy Birthday You Proud Lesbian You. We Love You Always And Forever" yes that's long but some how he got it to fit.

"Thanks guys I appreciate it I really do" I said and we had a group hug that was kind of weird.

"Now we need to arrange the ceremony and then get you, your Alpha tattoo" dad said. He may be the Alpha King but he likes to plan things like this with mom. Its how they met and their way of bonding. I find it cute.

"Who will be your beta, delta, and gamma?" Nel asked.

"Well Blu will be my beta, Cryx my delta, and you and Ky as my gammas" I said looking to see if anyone disapproved and seeing no one me and my wolf nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm fine with that" they all said.

"Good now hit the sack your mom and I have some planning to do" dad said and we all left and went to our respective ways.

"Night dad and mom. love you" we all said. We kissed their cheeks when they said no kiss for us.


"WAKE UP!! IT'S BREAKFAST TIME!!!" I heard mom scream from downstairs. Since it's just us and a few older pack members mom cooked breakfast and dinner sometimes. Also the chef doesn't get here till after breakfast. The only time he is here early is when mom and dad are away during Alpha and Luna business.

I groaned and sat up in bed throwing my legs over the side. I stretched till I heard a satisfaction crack and got up. I went to my extremely large walk in closet and picked out an outfit, put it on the bed and went to shower. I grabbed my Dove almond cream and hibiscus body and scrubbed my body. I got out 10 minutes later and wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of my bathroom. I dried off and put on my briefs and sports bra and put on my Axe Phoenix deodorant. I got dressed and sprayed on m Axe Phoenix fragrance and walked out of my room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I kissed mom on her forehead and kissed dad on his cheek.

I sat down in my seat and piled my plate with bacon, sausage, pancakes, eggs and poured me some orange juice and waited for dad to say grace.

"Dear Moon Goddess I thank you for praising our family from the beginning. We hope that you continue doing so. We swear to always protect our own and others. Thank you." dad said nodding his head at us signaling for us to dig in.

"How did everyone sleep?" I asked everyone before eating a little of everything on my plate.

"I slept good but Apollo here wouldn't stop snoring" said Thena and Art glaring at Pollo. I laughed shaking my head at them.

"You're going to miss sleeping in the same room as him when y'all get separate rooms mark my words" we all said. My whole family are multiples. My dad is a triplet like me. Mom is a quadruplet and both my grandparents were twins.

"No way" Pollo said.

"Ok then. Mom how many years till they get their own rooms anyway?" Cryx asked

"Well they are 5 so... about 5 or 6 years" mom said.

"So when they are 10 or 11 is when they get their own rooms" I said "y'all better enjoy it will it last. And I'm going tell you something ok?"

"Ok" they said.

"When we got our own rooms" I said motioning to Blu Cryx and myself "I was happy but on the first night I was scared and went back to our old room and guess who I found there?" I asked them.

"Dad and mom" they said.

"Why would mom and dad be in our old room?" Cryx and Blu asked.

"Cause they were in there remembering when y'all sharing the room"

"Well we might of did that once or twice when you all moved out" mom admitted looking a little embarrassed while dad chuckled.

"Ok but no I found Blu in there sitting on the his old bed" I said "he was the only one in there and when he saw me he got up and together we walked to Cryx room. We didn't even have to knock he had opened the door and we walked back to the room and pushed our old bed together and went to sleep. I'll tell you another thing Blu likes to sleep in the middle." I said earning a chuckle from Cryx and a glare from Blu.

"I do not" he said

"Oh don't lie mom probably has a picture of it and when we used to sleep with mom and dad you would always put yourself in the middle." Cryx said

"Well I do have a picture and they are right Blu and you know it" mom said

"Mom your supposed to be on my side" Blu whined

"Sometimes I think your the youngest instead of the eldest" Me and Cryx said.

"Anyway we aren't you guys so it doesn't matter" Art said.

"We'll see about that" we said and finished eating. After we got done Blu, Cryx and I got up at the same time.

"Really how do we always seems to end up matching" I said eyeing them.

"We need to change" Blu said

"We only have time to change our shirts. We have still have class today" Cryx said.

"Ok I'm going to wear a Black Button up, Blu you wear a dark blue one and Cryx you wear a dark grey one. Now go" I said running up the stairs with them behind me. I changed my shirt and walked out just as they did. I looked them up and down with them doing the same and we nodded in agreement. We walked downstairs and kissed mom on her forehead and I kissed dad on his cheek while they shook his hand and we walked to the garage and each got into our Ford Mustang they are the color of the shirts we had on. I know what you're thinking "Why not just ride in the same car?" because I have to pick up The Three Stooges from school after my classes. And Cryx has Basketball practice while Blu has to be home right after school to help mom and dad. We pulled put of the long drive way and made our to our college which is only for the Supernatural. The only way humans are allowed would be if they are someone's mate. The name of our school is Kingside University. This year is our last year in college we are getting our PhD in Business, Law and Nursing.

Besides being the Alpha King dad along with his brother are the founders of the 3 of the worlds largest businesses. He also is one of the founders of King & King Business, Law and Nursing. Uncle Admetus is the other founder. Dad owned 20 Hospitals around the world and 20 Law forms around the world. They are known world wide as one of the worlds richest African American men.

We arrived at school which is about to start. We have the same classes so we park our cars by each other, grabbed our stuff and stepped out at the same time, closing the door. Shaking my head I started walking towards class. After I reached class I took my seat and waited for the Professor to come in. Blu and Cryx came in just before Professor Owen.


"That's all for today class. King, King, and King can you stay behind I need to talk to you three" Professor said.

"Sir" we said in unison.

"Well y'all might be able to graduate earlier than originally planned" he said smiling at us.

"Really?" I asked looking at my brothers.

"Yes, really. If you keep up the good work you'll be able to in a mouth or two" he said

"Oh my god YES!!" Cryx screamed. He might be the smartest one out of us but he hated school with a passion like us.

"May we go now. I'm hungry" I said.

"Yes you may" he said. We walked out of his room and down the hallway to the cafeteria. We got in line and ordered our food.

"I'll have pepperoni pizza with salad" I said.

"We'll have the same" Cryx said.

"What type of drink do you want?" asked Blu

"I want a pineapple Fanta" I said.

"I want a red Gatorade" Cryx said.

"Ok, I'll be right back" Blu said and walked away. We sat down outside and waited for Blu to come back with our drinks. He came back 5 minutes later with our drinks.

"Pineapple Fanta for the lady" he started handing me my drink "a red Gatorade for the gentlemen" he said giving Cryx his drink "and a Tropical Sprite for me" he said sitting down while placing his drink down.

"Can y'all believe it? We may be able to graduate earlier then we expected to even when we were trying to" Cryx said grinning like an idiot. I did tell you before that he hates school like any normal person would.

"Yes and no" I say.

"Why yes and no?" Blu asked.

"Because I know we are extremely smart and no because it's just one of those things that years from now you wouldn't believe happened" I explained to them.

"Well that's true" they both said in unison. I nodded my head and started eating. The food was good but not better than moms or Chief Antonina. Maybe not even dads cooking but it's still eatable.

We finish eating, throw our trash away, and head to our next class. We got there and took our seats in the back at the top. We were some of the first people there so we just chatted until the professor came in.

"Alright class today we will be taking a quiz on what we learned over the span of this week. I know you don't want to take it but I don't care" he said responding to the groans our classmates made. And that's how most of the class went with us taking a quiz and then doing work and being assigned homework at the end the of class.

"I'll see you guys at home" Blu said as he walked to his car.

"See you later big sis" Cryx said as he moved to kiss my forehead.

"I'll walk you to practice" I say as I start walking towards the gym.

"Big sis I can walk myself" he said stopping me "plus you have to pick up the stooges" he said.

"Fine" I say and kiss his cheek and walk to my car and hope in. I drive off but not before buckling my seatbelt. I drove to the stooges school and hopped out the car. Their school is a human/supernatural school ranging from daycare through 5th grade. I walked in and into the front office saying hey to the lady at the front desk and signed in then walked out. I got to the stooges class room and stood by the door watching them when Pollo saw me and waved making Thena and Art along with the whole class turn my way. I waved at them and they all waved beck. I walked in a grabbed their bags and motioned for them to come with a nod. They hopped up and ran towards me, taking their bags from me.

"Bye Ms. Thomas" they said waving.

"Bye Ms. Thomas it's was nice seeing you again" I said walking out the door.

"You too Nyx" she said just before I closed the door. Me and Rayland (Ms. Thomas) went to high school together. She is a fairy and has a gentle voice and heart. I had a huge crush on her in Freshmen and Sophomore year and finally went out with her at the end of Sophomore and the beginning of Junior year but we broke up not little after the first semester. It ended well for us we still talked to each other and hung out. Anyway me and the stooges were in the car all of us buckled up and I made sure. I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving toward home. I stopped at a red light and took a glance to the side and saw the beautiful view of the woods.

I rolled the windows down letting that woodies smell invade my nostrils. I love this smell not just because I'm a werewolf but it makes me feel at home, loved, and protected. Dad has a strong but fatherly scent to his kids. He smells like a Baobab tree and fresh rain with a hint freshly fallen snow to me. His natural smell are just the first two the last one is what I smell when I'm with dad or think about him. When I think of mom I smell Baobab tree with the smell of morning dew and a hint of Lavender and roses. Baobab is a royal wolves natural scent along with a special scent that is unique to that wolf.

When I snapped out of my little daydream we were a couple of minutes away from home. I stopped at another red light and this time I turned to look at the stooges.

"How was school?" I asked as I turned back around just in time to see the light turn green.

"It was good. How about you?" asked Thena as I begun driving again.

"It was good also" I said rounding the corner to the house.

"Did you like seeing Ms. Thomas today?" Pollo asked

"Kind of" I said.

"Why only kind of?" Art asked.

"It's to complicated for 5 year olds" I said as I stopped at the gate.

"Try us" they said in unison

"Well it's not like I didn't not like seeing her but it's not like I did like seeing her. It was kind of like when you see an old friend that you haven't seen in a while but you don't know what to say or do so you don't do anything" I said pulling into the garage

"Yeah, you shouldn't of tried us" Thena said unbuckling her seatbelt and hopping out the car

"I knew it" I said chuckling and walking in the house. Only to be tackled to the floor by ...


Hey, guys it's me the awesome Sea God

This chapter was published on 4/2/17 at 8:15 PM
Slight Editing: 5/18/19

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