My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Saving His Life And Mistakes Made

351 20 1
By TarableTaralynn


 Dean sat on a chair in the living room by the fireplace, the only light in the room coming from the fire. Paige was in the kitchen making them coffee and Cass was still out two hours later.

 "Here, just how you like it D." Paige said smiling, as she returned to the room and gave him his coffee.

 "Thanks kid." He said taking it, before she sat on the couch across from him.

 "You okay? You've been quiet ever since you came back."

 "Just frustrated that I'm the only one who can end this all and yet I can't even figure out how to do it!" Dean answered sighing.

 "We'll figure it out somehow Dean, I promise. Besides dude, you're the Chosen One, if you can't figure it out we'll just do whatever feels right to you at the time!" She said smiling.

 "I wish I had as much faith me, like you do." Dean replied sighing. "How do we even know for sure that I' am the Chosen One?" He added, as he put his cup down, stood up and began pacing.

 "What's going on with you Dean? What happened to the confident, kick-ass Vampire I met days ago?" 

 "I...I don't know Paige, I just feel like somehow all of this is just some huge mistake!" 

 "It's no mistake brother!" Cass suddenly spoke, causing them to turn and look at her.

 "Finally woke up huh?" Paige said smiling, as she put her cup down and stood beside Dean.

 "Really Deano? Letting this mortal bitch fight your battles for you now?" Cass taunted smiling.

 "Those are tough words coming from the bitch tied to a chair!" Paige replied angrily. "Dean doesn't need me to..."

 "Paige, go for a walk and calm down. My sister and I have some catching up to do!" Dean said smiling, cutting her off, his words directed to Paige, but his eyes never left Cass.

 "What?" Paige said shocked. "I'm not leaving you alone with..."

 "That wasn't a suggestion dammit!" Dean said angrily, cutting her off again, as he looked at her.

 Paige starred at him angrily for a few seconds, not saying a word, before she looked at Cass who was smiling. She couldn't believe Dean had just kicked her out like that and she was pissed. Without saying a word she put her shoes and jacket on, before she went to the front door and with one last angry look at Dean, she left slamming the door behind her. Dean sighed, as he ran his hands over his face, he had enough problems with trying to kill Vassago and finding his brothers, he didn't need Paige's bullshit too!

 "Uh, oh! Looks like there's trouble in paradise!" Cass mocked him smiling.

 "Seriously Cass, just shut the hell up!" Dean said angrily.

 "You seem tense brother. You want to talk about it?"

 "What I want sister, is for you to tell me all you know about the prophecy and then translate it for me." Dean replied smiling, as he looked at her.

 "Why would I do either of those things?" She questioned.

 "Oh, I don't know. Out of the goodness of your cold, black heart maybe?" Dean said sarcastically, as he walked towards her. "Or maybe because I'll torture it out of you; you know I can hurt you Cass, you know what I'm capable of. Or maybe I'll make it look like you betrayed Vassago and the family and you've been helping me all this time and they'll kill you?"

 " wouldn't! You need me to translate the prophecy; no one else can!" She replied smugly, trying to hide her fear from him.

 "Oh, but I would! You see Cass, I have no clue what the prophecy says right now, but look at what I've already done! Having the prophecy translated would make killing Vassago and Keeper easier, but I don't need it!" Dean explained smiling, Cass' eyes grew wide with fear, as she knew he spoke the truth.

 "I'm not afraid of you Dean!" She stated.

 "You should be...very afraid!" He replied still smiling, before he punched her in the face.

**Meanwhile With Roman And Seth**:

 The mausoleum was quiet, Roman had fallen asleep an hour ago, but Seth couldn't, he still felt guilty about letting that bastard Vassago get into his head, causing him to doubt Dean. He had grown so close to Dean, they had become brothers, Seth loves him and knows Dean loves him too. He knows Dean would do anything for him; including die, like he would for Roman! 

 Seth sighed, as he sat against the wall and began to think of Paige again. He had really grown to like her in the short amount of time he had known her. He had felt horrible leaving her behind at the Exchange; not knowing what hell waited for her! He was so relieved when they found out about Dean letting all the humans trapped there free; including Paige. His heart broke though, knowing that when Dean found them and killed Vassago, he had no way of finding her.


 "Yeah?" Seth replied, as he quickly wiped his tears away, not wanting Roman to see them.

 "You've got to stop doing this to yourself!" Roman said gently, as he sat beside him, putting an arm around his shoulders.

 "Easy for you to say Ro, you've never doubted Dean's loyalty." Seth replied sadly.

 "Seth, don't you see? This is what he wants!" Roman said upset. "He wants us..."

 "Talking about me again boys? I'm flattered!" Vassago said, cutting him off, as he came into the mausoleum alone. "Sorry I took so long, but it seems that our rogue Vamp has gotten braver...or stupider, I really can't tell the difference with him." He added sighing, as he sat on his makeshift throne and began petting his Raven.

 "What?" Roman asked confused.

 "While the family was gathered together tonight at the nest, Ambrose showed up!"

 "He what?" Seth asked shocked.

 "What...what happened?" Roman asked, scared he had been captured.

 "To him...nothing!" Vassago answered bitterly.

 "Then what did happen?" Seth demanded.

 "It seems he somehow made it close enough to the nest, without being found out and has taken his sister Cassandra captive!"

 "Wait, if he wasn't seen then how do you he took her?" Seth asked confused.

 "Her car was still at the nest; she told two of her brothers that she was going back into town to search for Dean." Vassago explained.

 "So, maybe she walked?" Roman suggested.

 "Good point, but she was also seen walking into the woods surrounding the nest, she never returned and no one has been able to find her."

 "So, maybe..."

 "Enough!" Vassago yelled angrily. "I' am tired of these games! You know, as well as we do that Dean has taken her!"

 "She must be very special to the family, for you to be concerned he took her?" Roman asked.

 "As King, I care about all my children equally, but of course Cass' disappearance is more troubling than most."

 "Why?" Seth questioned. "She your mate or something?"

 "Or something!" Vassago answered. "Dean is in possession of the prophecy; the one that foretells my end at his hands. Of course the prophecy alone to Dean is useless, written in a language long forgotten by our kind. There are a select few though who can still read it; myself, the Elders, Keeper and..."

 "Cassandra!" Roman and Seth said together, cutting him off.

 "Yes, she was turned not long after Dean and worked closely with the Elders."

 "If she's so important to the family, why wasn't she better protected?" Roman asked smiling.

 "What I do with my family is none of your business mortal!" Vassago said angrily.

 "Looks like the mighty Vassago made a mistake!" Seth taunted, as he and Roman smiled.

 Their smiles disappeared though, when suddenly they fell to their knees, grabbing their throats, gasping for air, as they were choked by an invisible force. Vassago clenched both his fists tighter, as he stood up and walked towards them.

 "I don't make mistakes, you pathetic worms!" Vassago said angrily, before he released his grip on them. "You two better remember who you're talking to!" 

 "Look...looks like Dean out...outsmarted you again!" Roman said smiling, between coughs, as he and Seth tried to catch their breath.

 Instead of saying anything though, Vassago caused both men to fly backwards against the wall hard. They were pinned against it, unable to get free no matter how hard they tried. Vassago walked towards them slowly, until he was standing between them. 

 "This is nothing, but a tiny, insignificant set back. Why you ask? The answer is simple...I have no fear of Dean, I have two things he! He'll do whatever I want, including surrender!"

 "Dean will never surrender!" Roman said angrily.

 "He will if it means saving your pathetic lives!" Vassago replied smiling.

**Two Days Later**:

 Dean sat unmoving in a chair in front of Cass, while Paige stood behind him leaning against the wall silently. She was worried about Dean, ever since bringing Cass back to the house two days ago, he's been different; more angry and he's withdrawn into himself. He refused to talk about it with her, spending more and more time alone by himself. That meant Paige was left alone with Cass, during their time alone the bitch tried to piss Paige off, trying to get her angry enough to kill her. It almost worked the first time she did it, but before she could Paige realized what she was doing and stopped; she had caught onto what she was trying to do. She wanted Paige to kill her, so Dean couldn't torture her anymore, but she wouldn't let the bitch Vamp off that easy! Neither Dean or Paige knew that Cass had been secretly trying to loosen her ropes and had them almost undone now, after hours of working at them.

 "You know Cass, it doesn't have to be this way." Dean spoke gently to the battered and weak Vamp. "All you have to do is translate the prophecy for us, then I'll kill you quickly. You can go out a damn hero, I could make it look like you died trying to kill me!"

 "Or brother, I could kill you for real!" Cass said smiling, as she broke free from the ropes and lunged at Dean.

 Not expecting her ropes to break, Dean wasn't ready for the attack and she landed on him before he could get off the chair, causing the chair with Dean and Cass still on it to fall backwards hard. Paige grabbed her machete off the table and ran towards them to try and help, as Cass holding Dean by the throat slammed his head into the floor. Before she could reach them though, Paige was suddenly thrown backwards into the wall hard, losing her machete in the fall. That distraction was enough for Dean to knock Cass off him and stand up, she stood too, before Dean charged her this time, connecting and knocking them over the back of the couch and through the coffee table. The fight went back and forth again; just like their earlier battle, Paige continued trying to help, but every time she did, Cass sent her flying.

 Finally Cass took advantage of the fight by using Paige as a distraction; she sent Paige flying through a closet door, causing Dean to turn to check on her, but was stopped by Cass tripping him. He landed on his face hard, stunning him momentarily, before she flipped him over onto his back and sitting on him, she began strangling him. He reached out beside him with one hand, looking for something to use to knock her off him. He saw a piece of the coffee table laying near him and began reaching for it, he almost had it, when suddenly Paige appeared out of nowhere behind Cass, with her machete and before Dean could stop her, she cut off Cass' head. As soon as her body fell off of Dean, he began coughing and gasping for air, Paige knelt beside him and helped him sit up.

 "What...what the hell did you do?" He demanded angrily, as he coughed, before he stood up.

 "It's called saving your ungrateful life!" Paige replied angrily, as she stood too. "You're welcome by the way!"

 "No, what you just did was screw everything up! Dammit Paige, she was the only one who could read the prophecy!"

 "She was killing you Dean!" Paige countered. "What was I supposed to do huh?"

 "Nothing Paige! You should have stayed out of it!" Dean answered.

 "I'm sorry alright, I...I did it to help you!" Paige said upset.

 Dean didn't say anything, he just picked up Cass' body and head and walked towards the door.

 "Where...where are you going?" Paige asked quietly.

 "To get rid of the body, then I need to be alone for awhile and figure out what to do next." Dean answered sighing, keeping his back to her, before he walked out.

 Paige sat down on the couch sighing shakily, as she put her machete down beside her. She had really screwed up this time, but she had only done it to save Dean's life! She needed to fix this and the only way how was to figure out what the damn prophecy said. Maybe she could do some research online and see if there was anyone who studied ancient languages who could help? It was a long shot, but it was the only one they had right now!


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