Bong Rips and Blowjobs (A Gam...

By FallingInBlackPanic

5.9K 190 151

+- Contains self harm, marijuana usage, and sex scenes. -+ Danny falls in love with an old college buddy whil... More

+-+ One +-+
+-+ Two +-+
+-+ Three +-+
+-+ Four +-+
+-+ Five +-+
+-+ Six +-+
+-+ Seven +-+
+-+ Eight +-+
+-+ Nine +-+
+-+ Ten +-+
+-+ Eleven +-+
+-+ Twelve +-+
+-+ Thirteen +-+
+-+ Fourteen +-+
+-+ Fifteen +-+
+-+ Patty Mini-Introduction +-+
+-+ Sixteen +-+
+-+ Seventeen +-+
+-+ Eighteen+-+
+-+ Nineteen +-+
+-+ Twenty +-+
+-+ Twenty One +-+
+-+ Twenty Two +-+
+-+ Twenty Three +-+
+-+ Twenty Four +-+
+-+ Twenty Five +-+
+-+ Twenty Six +-+
+-+ Twenty Seven +-+
+-+ Twenty Eight +-+
+-+ Thirty +-+
+-+ Thirty One +-+
+-+ Thirty Two +-+
+-+ Thirty Three +-+
+-+ Thirty Four +-+
+-+ Thirty Five +-+
+-+ Thirty Six +-+
+-+ Thirty Seven +-+
+-+ Thirty Eight +-+
+-+ Thirty Nine +-+
+-+ Forty +-+
+-+ Forty One +-+
+-+ Forty Two +-+
+-+ Forty Three +-+
+-+ Forty Four +-+
+-+ Forty Five +-+
+-+ Forty Six +-+
+-+ Forty Seven +-+
+-+ Forty Eight +-+
+-+ Final Chapter +-+

+-+ Twenty Nine +-+

44 2 6
By FallingInBlackPanic

tw: some good old fluff

I would say it's been a year and a half since I gave the date idea to Patty. We've been having a multitude of dinners together and try to maintain a proper relationship.

Today I wanted to do something special.

Patty had always talked about never going to Disney, and it was going to change.

"Baby boy. Wake up and get dressed. I got the day off and we're going somewhere." I say, rubbing Patty's back to wake him up.

"Okay." Patty mumbled stretching his legs under the blanket before getting up.

I was grateful that Patty didn't feel that I was already dressed and the car was packed. I bought tickets online and ordered a hotel for tonight.

We would go to Disney today, stay the night, and come home tomorrow.

"Okay. Can I get a coffee somewhere? I just need caffeine and i really don't want to make anything." Patty says walking into the room in an open flannel long sleeve with super tight skinny jeans.

"Of course. Come on." I say grabbing his hand and leading him to the car.

Once we got his coffee, he sat up straighter. Begging me to tell him where we were going once we hit the Interstate going south.

"You'll like it I promise. I planned the whole day." I say squeezing his hand and he groans.

"Babe please tell me. Or at least give me a hint!" Patty begs and I sigh letting his hand go to think of a hint.

"It's in Anaheim and you've never been." I say which stumps Patty enough to stare out the window.

"It's alright babe. You'll find out when we get there." I say grabbing his hand again.

Pulling onto the street Patty's eyes light up like he was a small child. I laugh a little at him, before paying the parking fee and following the flow of other cars.

"Babe you did not-" Patty says almost bouncing in his seat. "You didn't have to do this!"

"I wanted to take you because you've never been and I knew you would have fun." I say pulling into the parking space and turning the car off.

"I have a bag packed with water and our wallets. I also have sunglasses. Since I came during a weekday I'm hoping we don't get swarmed by fans." I say getting the bag from the back.

Patty grabs my face and presses his lips to mine. Thanking me for taking the day off to come here. I laugh before getting out of the car with him.

This is going to be the best date ever.

Halfway through the day, Patty was tired from standing in lines and how hot it was. No matter how many times I offered to take a break, he said no and we kept pressing on.

"Babe after this can we get lunch?" Patty asks, squeezing my hand to get my attention.

"Of course. I know a good place to eat too. Suzy and Arin brought me here a lot. I pretty much know the place like the back of my hand." I say and he nods leaning against my shoulder.

Once in the ride, Patty had gotten some amount of energy. Extremely bubbly and giddy for an adult man.

The plan for later today was driving me insane, almost making me forget about the ride we were on.

Patty was pointing out everything like a small child, giggling at himself whenever he said anything. At some point the ride had locked up, leaving us stuck inside the Haunted Mansion ride.

"This happens. Give it a few minutes." I whispered to Patty and he nodded cuddling into me.

"I really do appreciate this babe." Patty says, rubbing his thumb over the back of our hands.

"Of course. I knew you've been wanting to go and I figured it was a perfect date idea. Spend a day in Disney then stay at a hotel? Who wouldn't want to do that?" I ask, making the hotel sound five times funner than it would be.

Patty laughs and places a leg over my own. He lets out a small screech when the bar holding us in opens, making me grip his shoulder tighter to calm him down.

The lights turn on next, freaking Patty out even more when he sees the machinery underneath us and how far up a hill we were.

"You're alright baby. I've got you and we aren't going anywhere." I whisper, rubbing his shoulder as his hand tightens around mine.

"The ride will begin momentarily. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." A man over the speaker says right as the lights shut off and the bar comes back down.

Patty slowly starts to calm down and is back to pointing out characters and hidden secrets.

As we exit the ride, we start walking to where our lunch would be. As we order our food, Patty is tightly gripping my hand. From either fear or lack of food, it could have been either.

"Are you alright?" I ask once at the table and eating.

"Just the mass amounts of people kind of freak me out. But I'll survive." Patty says eating slowly.

"Makes sense. Disney is always uncomfortably crowded. We will get on a few more rides then stay for fireworks okay?" I suggest and Patty nods excitedly.

((A little bit of fluff. You deserve it and maybe another update will roll out tomorrow ;)
Remember to love yourself!! -Kells❤️ ))

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