Supernatural One-Shots [REQUE...

By peachypatrickskies

80.6K 1.8K 339

Sammy, Deano, Cassie, Gabe, Balthazar, Kevin, Charlie, Crowley, Chuck, Luci, Garth, and Adam. Requests are al... More

Authors note
Gabriel x Shy!Reader
Movie Night!
Baking With Gabe
Dancing with Cas
Lose-ifer - Lucifer x Reader
T&S - Sam x Reader???
King of Hell for a Day - Crowley x Reader
A Supernatural Twist - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (How You Met)
A Supernatural Twist P.2 - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Your First Date)
Preferences (His NickName For You)
Running Into The Devil
Listen To Me! - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Your Nickname For Him)
Gabriel (Preferences)
Preferences (Hugs)
Preferences (What You Do Together in Autumn)
Preferences (How He Scares You)
Preferences (How You Scare Him)
Preferences (Shark Week)
Preferences (He Teaches You How to Hunt)
Preferences (He Finds Out You're A Hunter) (Alternative)
Amnesia Part Two
Beach Day - Lucifer x Reader
Open! - Gabriel x Reader
LA Devotee - Dean x Reader
Karaoke Night!
Destiel Wedding
Concert - Gabriel x Reader
Nerd - Sam x Reader
Vanilla Twilight - Destiel
Titanic - Balthazar x Reader
Destiel School AU
Candy - Gabriel x Reader
Clumsy - Dean x Reader
The 45th Time
Thanksgiving Shopping - Castiel x Reader
This - Dean x Reader
Kevin (Preferences)
Gabriel Imagine
Preferences (Cheesy Pick-up Lines)
Control - Deanmon x Reader
Black Friday
Christmas Lights
Preferences (What You Do Together in Winter)
Preferences (Christmas Surprise)
Preferences (Christmas Songs)
Just a Day in the Life of Y/n
An Unexpected Day in the Life of Y/n
Preferences (Switcheroo)
That's a Fact - Destiel
Stormy Nights Aren't So Bad After All - Sam x Reader
Christmas Cookies - Sam x Reader
Enemies? - Gabriel x Reader
Nightmares - Gabriel x Reader
I'm Back, Baby! - Gabriel x Reader
Are You Okay? - Dean x Reader
Hot - Castiel x Reader
Preferences (Trust Falls)
Preferences (Colors)
Drunk and In Love - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Black and White)
More Destiel
The Djinn Chapter - Dean x Reader
Happy New Year!!
Chills - Sam x Reader
Frog - Dean x Reader
Castiel Imagine
Castiel Imagine P.2
Destiel idk
Shape of You - Dean x Reader
Destiel idk P.2
Destiel idk P.3
This Stupid Song - Destiel
School Spirit - Gabriel x Reader
Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
Impossible Year - Sam x Reader
Impossible Year P.2 - Sam x Reader
Cooking Ft. The Winchesters
Preferences (Sick Days)
My Best Friend Is Satan - Lucifer x Reader
I'm Just Your Problem - Gabriel x Reader
⭐️Group Chat⭐️
Perpetual Frowner - Castiel x Reader
Preferences (Valentine's Day)
Paper Kisses - Castiel x Reader
A New Day in the Life of Y/n
Y/n in Oz
Y/n in Oz P.2
Save Myself - Dean x Reader
Taken In
Huggles - Crowley x Reader
Growing Up the Winchester Way
Preferences (Songs That Remind You of Him)
Preferences (Songs That Remind Him of You)
Y/n in Oz P.3
Just Dance! Ft. The Winchesters + Angels
Preferences (Insecurities)
Candy Thief - Gabriel x Reader
Candy Thief [P.2] - Gabriel x Reader
Y/n in Oz P.4
Lost Memories [P.1]
Preferences (First Kiss)
Candy Thief [P.3] - Gabriel x Reader
Preferences (Pets)
Lost Memories [P.2]
Y/n in Oz P.5
Forever Yours [P.1] - Castiel x Reader
official goodbye

A Fun Day in the Life of Y/n

171 10 5
By peachypatrickskies

Eek, I know some people have different birthdays but just pretend your birthday is between like the end of Spring and the middle of Summer.

It's been a little over a year since that night, and you're surprisingly okay. More than okay, it turns out.

"C'mon, we have to hurry!" You shout, jumping up and down like an excitable child.


"Because I said so."

Dean rolls his eyes and turns. As you're walking away, you hear him doing a frustratingly good impression of you.

"No beer for you!" You yell over your shoulder, trotting into the next room before he can protest.

Sam is busy packing a picnic basket, (yes, a picnic basket), with sandwiches, your camera, and a few other things. The two angels won't eat anything except for Gabe who would only be interested in shit like candy anyways. You nod approvingly at Sam as he organizes it all even though it will probably be messed up on the way there. You fix your flannel a bit and tap your foot impatiently as you wait for the brothers to finish with the preparations.

You had decided to move in with them permanently. Well, a large part of it was your decision. But a large part of it was also the boys. The family had grown from two hunters, an angel, and his brother to three hunters, an angel, and his brother. You wanted to stay, and the boys wanted you to stay, too. So here you were.

"Calm down, we're coming."

Dean walks in with a pack of beer and you frown.

"You think that'll be enough?"

Before he can answer you pick up another three packages and carry them outside. The boys gape as you seemingly carry the packs out with ease. But as soon as you're out of sight, you drop them on the ground and pant.

Note to self. Never do that again.

By the time the boys pick their jaws up off of the ground you have the beers safely in the car and you're leaning against it, pretending you didn't just almost die.

You shot each of your angel friends a prayer when you woke up this morning, asking them to meet you at your destination. You expect they'll both be there since your prayer was something along the lines of "please come to this picnic or else I'll kick your feathery angel asses."

Dean grudgingly let's you drive Baby to where you want to go since you refuse to tell them anything about it. You drive slowly to reassure Dean that no, you were not going to crash his prized car.

Once you were about a mile from where you needed to be, you parked Baby where she wouldn't be seen and got out.

"Where the hell are we?"

You don't answer and grab only two packs of beer this time, letting Dean carry the other two and Sam carry the picnic basket and blanket. You push through some bushes, shushing Dean as he complains about being scratched by tree branches.

Finally, the scathing tree branches begin to clear out and you step into a beautiful clearing. Sam inhales sharply at the sight.


You take in everything. Beautiful green grass, flowers and birds everywhere. Bees and butterflies flying around lazily, enjoying the sun. Trees surround the clearing but if you look up, you can see the deep blue sky, clouds floating here and there.

"How did you find this?"

"Solo hunt," you reply, taking the blanket and spreading it out. To your surprise, Dean doesn't say anything about how you weren't supposed to be hunting alone in the first place. He just sets down his beer next to yours and stares around at everything.

"You chose a lovely spot, (Y/n)."

You turn to see Cas.

"Thanks. It is pretty great," you admit with a smile, watching as he studies a bee landing on a flower. A chuckle escapes your mouth as he moves away from your side to study the bee closer.

"Little bro has a point."


You turn and launch yourself at him. You had seen Cas just yesterday, but you hadn't seen Gabriel in a few weeks.

"A little excited?"

You pull back and sock him in the arm. You know you hit him way harder than you needed to, but you play it off like you didn't notice. As you turn back around to make your way to the blanket, you hear a quiet grunt of pain.

"That girl can hit."

Laughing to yourself quietly, you open up the basket.

"Time to eat."

You pass around the sandwiches quickly, already starving. Cas joins you but continues to keep an eye on the bees buzzing around. Gabriel seems bored so you roll your eyes and toss him a candy bar from our of the basket. His face lights up as he opens it.

"Thanks, kiddo."

You shrug your shoulder in response, eating the rest of the sandwich, excited to surprise Dean with what else you brought. Sam was the only other one who knew, and you trusted that he wouldn't say anything about the pie you made.

Dean stares at the basket as you wait for Sam to finish up, and suspicion unfurls in your mind.

"You already know, don't you?"

He looks at you, replacing his anticipating expression to one of innocence.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You do, too, you little sneak," you say, trying to mask your teasing with a serious expression as you pull out the pie. "I have half a mind to not give you any at all."

His face falls and you finally give up the teasing, handing him a slice.

"I was kidding, Dean. What did you think it was for anyways?"

He smiles and takes it from you.

You spend the next few hours eating and laughing. Sometime during those few hours, Sam let's you braid his hair and you weave flowers through it. At one point you end up rolling around through the grass, startling all the butterflies. As you're running around, Sam pulls out your camera and snaps a picture of you. It shows you running through a flock of birds. They are all flying around you but you can be seen clearly in the middle, arms in the air. A smile is lighting your face, like when the sun comes out after a long storm. The golden glow of the sunset shining through the trees ties the picture together nicely. The fact that you were unaware of your picture being taken only makes it better. You look in your element, and anyone could tell by looking at the picture how free you felt, absorbing it all, finally happy, if only for a while.

Sam smiles at the picture, satisfied, and slips your camera back into the basket. Even later after that, you are sitting on the blanket again, resting. The sun hasn't finished setting yet, so there's enough light to see by. Many of the birds have retreated and so have the bees, but some butterflies are still hanging around in the last minutes of daylight.

The five of you sit and relax, watching the sun set through the trees. As you sit, a butterfly lands in Cas' hair. You are the first one to notice and your quiet giggle tips everyone else off.

"Cas, don't move."

He looks up without moving his head. Another butterfly lands beside it and then anther and another. In your fit of giggles, you barely notice the butterflies landing in your own hair as well as Sam, Dean, and Gabriel's. Cas quickly pulls out the camera and snaps a picture of you, but you still don't notice, too occupied with the butterflies landing on the flowers in Sam's hair.

Right after the photo is taken, the butterflies all fly away, and you wave at them despite the fact that they're butterflies. The sun finally fades away until it's dark and only a few stars shine in the sky along with the moon. It takes a moment, but your eyes adjust to the dark and you fall flat on your back, stargazing.

"This is the most fun I've ever had."

"That's what you said the last time you got drunk."

"Well, I'm not drunk this time," you reply, smiling at the sky. Slowly, more and more stars wink into existence and you make a contest of pointing out constellations.

"Ursa Major AND Ursa Minor! Beat that!" You laugh.

"Alright, there are the Gemini and Cancer constellations."

"There's Leo!"



(Sorry to interrupt but I wanna say that I'm aware that there are some constellations you can't see at the same time cause they'll be in different hemispheres and idk if these are all in the same hemisphere. Bear with me pls).

You are about to point out another constellation when a firefly lands on your nose. You cross your eyes to look at it and sit up carefully.

"Guys, look."

It comes out in a whisper that they almost don't hear. But as more fireflies begin flying around, they sit up to look. You cup your hands together and a few land there, making your face glow in the moonlight. Dean takes out the camera, careful to make sure you don't notice. He snaps the picture quickly and replaces the camera before you see anything.

The firefly flies off your nose and as your eyes follow it, a raindrop  plops down in the same spot. The fireflies in your hand decide to leave as well and they head off in the same direction they came.


Another drop slides down your cheek and then another in your hair.

"Take cover!"

Before any of you can move, it begins to sprinkle and then full on rain.

None of you had anticipated rain, so here you are, getting drenched. You didn't even bring a jacket. You had taken your flannel off earlier so all you were wearing now was the tank top you had been wearing underneath.

"Grab everything!"

You scramble to pick up trash and shove it in the basket and fold up the blanket. Checking one last time to make sure you have everything, the boys dart into the trees and you follow.

Gabriel has the basket and Sam hands you your flannel, which you tie around your waist. As you step into the protection of the trees, the rain begins coming down harder and drenches you even through the leaves. You always loved rain, and tonight was no exception.

"(Y/n), c'mon!"

You laugh in response, getting lost in the darkness, rain, and moving bodies.

"I'm trying!"

You follow the sound of your friends  and keep close to them. You dodge trees and plants that you can't see.

"Oops, sorry," you laugh, apologizing to Sam, or who you think is Sam at least.

"It's okay, just c'mon."

He grabs your hand but it slips away when you trip over a root and fall through some bushes. You can no longer see the boys anywhere, but you still hear them.

"Guys, (Y/n) fell!"

The sound of footsteps turning back to come help you gets louder but you look up in front of you at the sound of someone clearing their throat.


You stand up and hug him tightly, getting the front of his suit wet.

"Stop that, you're a sodding mess!"

You do as he says and as you do, you notice that there isn't a drop of rain in this spot of the forest.

"Come to see me on my birthday?" You ask, wiggling your eyebrows.

"If you must know, yes."

"I knew it! You like me."

You smile smugly, crossing your arms.

"Yes, well..." he trails off slightly. "I just wanted to drop in. Say hello and everything."

"Hey." You touch his arm lightly. "Thanks."

You smile at him and after a second he looks away.

"Have a lovely night."

And with that he's gone.


The sound of your name being called brings you back and you go through the bushes, entering the downpour again.

"I'm here!"

This time Sam gets a good grip on your wrist and helps you weave around the trees. Finally, you make it back to the road and spot all of the boys. Sam's hair is completely soaked through and looks similar to yours actually. Gabriel's also looks similar to that and Cas and Dean both have their hair matted down to their heads. You giggle at their bedraggled appearance.

"Damnit, (Y/n)! Where'd you park my car?"

The smile drops from your face slightly.


You can't help it. Another laugh escapes your mouth and then another.

"This is not a laughing matter!"

The words along with Dean's appearance only make you laugh harder. Dean continues looking at you angrily and Sam looks as if he thinks you're insane. Cas peers around, probably looking for the car and Gabriel pulls out the camera, careful not to get it wet as he snaps a picture of you laughing in the rain. Finally, the anger melts off of Dean's face and he smiles at you as the laughter finally dies down.

"This way I think."

After another thirty minutes of searching for the car, you find it. You let Dean drive and share the back with the two angels. You sit shivering in the back. You're almost envious of the two angels who don't feel cold in the slightest. You consider putting on your flannel or asking for a jacket, but those are both wet and would probably make it worse. So you sit in silence as Dean tries to get back to the bunker as fast as he can without crashing the car.

As soon as you pull in, you scoot over Cas' lap and run into the bunker, still shivering. You run and grab towels for everybody. You and your brothers change into pajamas, (t-shirts and sweats for the boys, one of Sam's flannels for you), and everyone sits down on the couch, happy to be dry and warm.

After a few moments of enjoying said dryness and warmth, you stand back up.

"Movie time!"

"It's like midnight."

"Movie time!" You repeat, running to your room to grab a few of your favorites along with some you know the boys'll like.

They all follow you to your room (it's the only one with a DVD player) and find comfortable positions on your bed. You spend the last hours of the early morning watching movie after movie, eating all the snacks you can bear to eat until you are all full and you pass out on top of each other, movie still playing on screen.


The first time you wake up, you are surrounded by all four of the boys. Sam is the furthest up on the bed, but your head still rests right next to his stomach, barely touching his side. Dean's face is nuzzled into the crook of your neck. Gabriel's head is on your stomach while Cas' head is near your side. You can't see their legs, but you imagine they must be at odd angles. That doesn't seem to bother them though. You drift back off to sleep to the sound of their breathing.


The second time you wake up, the boys are gone. You blink a few times and then frown in disappointment. But then you notice the pictures on your bedside table. A picture of you, running with your arms in the air, a smile on your face. On the back it says "Sam" in the corner in his handwriting. You move on to the second one. It's of you, laughing, butterflies in your hair, your nose scrunched up and your eyes glistening. You flip it over to see "Cas" written in slightly unsteady handwriting in the corner. The third picture is a bit darker than the previous two. It's of you, fireflies cupped in your hands, a few on your arms and a few in your hair, lighting up your face. On the back it says "Dean" in slightly sloppy handwriting. The last picture is pretty dark but you can still make out everything perfectly. It's you, laughter spilling out of your mouth. Your hair is completely soaked through. Despite the fact that you are completely drenched, you still look beautiful. Turning it over, you see the name "Gabriel" in large fancy letters. That's so like him. You chuckle and then notice the rose on your bedside table. It's in perfect condition, and a pristine white card sits in front of it, signed simply with a "C."


You have no idea how he got this in here, but you don't care.

You place the pictures with the all the previous pictures you already had. They were almost all of you with the boys. Many of them were of you caught unaware, or one of the boys caught unaware. Some were of you right after a hunt, blood stains and all. Some were of the car, some were of the places you had all been. But most of them were of you and the boys. Next, you take the rose and place it in a vase, filling it with water. Finally, you set the card in front of it. With a happy and satisfied smile, you go get dressed.

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