Say You Won't Let Go ➵ Camren

Karegui द्वारा

107K 4K 2.1K

Lauren Jauregui is a part of the girl group, The Holy Trinity, alongside her best friends Normani Kordei and... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 5

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Karegui द्वारा

It's been almost a week since New Years and The Holy Trinity would be moving into their Miami apartment today. The girls were met early in the morning by their security team, who from now on will be with them at almost all times.

When they recorded their last album, fans found out where they studio was. During a recording session, around 100 fans waited for the girls outside. When it was time to go home, the girls were mobbed by them, they were being pushed and pulled through the crowd.

They have no problem with their fans, they love them more than anything but some managed to follow them home. In the middle of the night, someone tried to break in. Nothing serious happened, but the label now wants a security team with them for the duration of recording this album.

The head of security, Max, came to pick up the girls and take them to the airport with 2 other guards. They would be traveling with them to Miami and Max would be living in the same apartment complex as them, just in case he's needed at any given moment.

The bodyguards loaded the Escalade with everyone's luggage, while Normani, Dinah, and Lauren got comfy in the back.

Normani and Dinah were grumpy for being awake so early. Lauren didn't mind because she gets to see her family today. They would land in Miami around noon and go to Taylor's BBQ.

She looked at her phone and got even happier when she saw KC posted a new video.

"Sup pumpkins. Hope your New Year is starting off great. Enjoy the video."

Something about her voice was very familiar, but Lauren couldn't figure it out.

My mama don't like you and she likes everyone.
And I never like to admit that I was wrong.
But I've been so caught up in my job,
Didn't see what's going on.
But now I know,
I'm better sleeping on my own.

Cuz if you like the way you look that much,
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself.
And if you think that I'm still holding onto something,
You should go and love yourself.

You tried to make me insecure.
You tried to break me,
Maybe cuz you couldn't love yourself,
Love yourself.
But your poison was the cure,
And by accident you showed me how to love myself.

Cuz if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holding on to something
You should go and love yourself

"Well, that's all I have for you. Love Only!"

"Haven't heard that voice in a while," Dinah said. "Have you talked to her?"

"I mean, we exchange messages, but it's not like that."

"Because you only have eyes for Camila now?" Dinah smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Lauren quickly said.

"Yes!" Normani countered.

Maybe, Lauren thought. "I haven't seen her since New Years," Lauren frowned. "Ally came over a couple times and Mani went over Ally's house. And Dinah, you went to dinner with Camila last night," she paused thinking about the pictures of Camila with Dinah that were all over entertainment news. "Did you see the paps pictures of last night? She looks cute."

Dinah rolled her eyes. Last night when she was out with Camila, all the Cuban talked about was Lauren. "Well, have you even asked her to chill?"

"Not really," Lauren mumbled. "But why didn't she come when Ally came over?"

"Ask her," Normani said. "Communication is key!"

"You guys are no help, at all." She focused back on her phone to message KC.

Lauren: You killed that song! Bieber who!?!?!? You write that bridge yourself?

KC: lol Thnx Laur I did.

Lauren: Damn, you can sing. You play multiple instruments, and you can write. What cant you do?

KC: I'm going to be honest with you, I'm often gets overshadowed by my awkwardness.

Lauren: lmao sure. Why didn't you sing more?

KC: tbh I recorded that after a shit night. I just wanted to sing to let it out, you know?

Lauren: Is everything okay? I know we don't talk like that, but I'm here if anything.

KC: Everything is alright, no worries.

Lauren: Okie dokie, I'm here if anything 😊 but I gotta go catch a plane. Hakuna Matata ✌🏻

KC: Ah the life of a popstar. Bye Lauren 😘

"Kissy Emoji!?" Normani faked a gasp, "Who are you talking to?" she asked trying to peak at Laurens phone.

"Your girlfriend?" Dinah suggested while Lauren pushed Normani away.

"Which one," Normani laughed.

Lauren scowled at her bandmates. "I was talking to KC, not that it's any of your concern."

"So girlfriend number two," Dinah joked. "You're supposed to text number one!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lauren said annoyed with her friends teasing.

"Sure Lolo. I see you smiling at your phone like an idiot when your texting Mila...Oh, I'm sorry I mean Camz." Dinah said playfully earning a smack by Lauren.

"Ask her why she hasn't come see you...No! Ask her to hang out when we get to Miami. She's going home today too," Normani said.

"NO!" Dinah shouted. "Ask her to come to your sister's BBQ. Your dad said to bring friends!"

"Yes! I'm going to text Ally." Normani said excitedly.

"Wait, no. Let me talk to Camz first."

Dinah smiled, "Okay Ralph," she patted Lauren's head teasingly, "You talk to Camz first."

Lauren swatted Dinah's hand away, and Dinah then started to ruffle Lauren's hair. The two started pushing and shoving each other.

"We are here, girls," Max said opening the door.

"I don't know about these babies," Normani said pointing at Dinah and Lauren, "but I'm a woman." The three started laughing. They tried climbing over each other to get out of the car, which led to Normani falling out.

Max rushed to her and picked her up. "Are you alright, woman?" he jokingly asked causing more laughter.

After that, they made their way to the airport security effortlessly. There was luckily no problem with paparazzi, probably because their security shielded them well.

They were headed towards their gate when Lauren felt somebody bump into her. One of their bodyguards grabbed her making sure she didn't fall. When she saw who it was she smiled widely. "Camz? What are you doing here?"

Camila looked up at Lauren and images of New Years flashed in her mind. She took a step away from the older girl with a terrified look. She shook her head trying to shake the thoughts.

"Lauren?" she asked. She knew Lauren would be at the airport, but she didn't expect to run into her. Literally. "Uhhh, I gotta go!" she said and took off running.

Lauren frowned but decided to chase after her. She told Dinah and Normani to meet her at the gate. They stopped security from running after her, letting them know it was okay. Max was not happy about that.

He'd been with The Holy Trinity since they started. He always felt the need to protect them, especially Lauren. From the outside world and from herself as well. On tour when she managed to sneak off on her own, he'd always find her and make sure she was fine.

Lauren wondered why Camila was running away from her. Maybe the younger girl really didn't want to see her. The thought made her feel guilty.

"Camila!" Lauren shouted chasing her. "I know you said you're okay and everything, but it feels like you're dodging me."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Camila said still running, looking around like crazy.

"Well for one, you are literally running away from me." Lauren started catching up.

"Fuck!" Camila groaned, abruptly stopping. Lauren tried to stop as well but ended up tripping over her own feet and falling to the floor.

Camila bursted into laughter. "Laur, I'm not avoiding you. Trust me." She reached her hand out and pulled Lauren up. "I was running to catch this flight but looks like it left. Ally really had to use the bathroom, I was going to hold the plane for her."

"I'm not sure that's how it works," Lauren laughed. "I don't think you can just hold a plane."

"Sounds pretty ridiculous now that I think about it," Camila giggled. Talking and laughing with Lauren felt so good, but she can't get the image of angry Lauren out of her head.

"I'll call her," Lauren suggested after she noticing Camila's silence while she looked deep in thought. She took out her phone and dialed Ally.

"Lauren?" Ally picked up confused.

"Yeah, hey I'm with Camila. You guys missed your flight, but me and the girls are headed to Miami, so you can fly with us."

"Um, okay? Is there room on your flight?"

Lauren just laughed, "Yeah, stay where you are. Me and Camz are coming to you," With that Lauren hung up. She looked at Camila who was looking around the airport and reached her hand out to get her attention. Camila flinched away the moment Lauren touched her.

"I'm sorry," Lauren said quickly. She realized how afraid Camila was of her. Even though Camila may say she's okay, there's still a part of her that is scared of Lauren.

Camila shrugged, "I just wasn't expecting you to touch me. I'm sorry." She didn't understand what was happening, why she was so scared of Lauren. Sure, they had a little fight but she thought she was over it. They talked a bit since then, everything seemed fine until actually seeing Lauren.

Lauren hated that Camila feared her, but decided to ignore it and tried to make the moment lighter, "Wanna race to Ally?"

Camila smile and nodded. "I'll beat you, that's for sure."

"Oh yeah? Then let's make it interesting...If I win you have to let me take you out." Lauren suggested.

Camila rolled her eyes, "Fine whatever. If I win, you have to announce your undying love for me to the world."

Lauren thought for a moment, "Management will not like that, so fuck it...GO!" She took off running.

Camila and Lauren ran through the airport with Lauren in the lead the whole time. They almost made it to Ally when Camila shrieked, "Ow!" she stopped running and gripped her ankle. "Lo, wait up. I hurt myself."

Lauren stopped immediately and jogged back towards Camila, "What happened? Are you okay?" she said concern laced in her voice.

Camila started laughing, "You're such a sucker." She took off running, leaving Lauren stunned.

Camila got to Ally first and was ecstatic, while Lauren was pouting telling her she cheated. The three girls made their way to the gate where Normani and Dinah were waiting.

"Damn dawg, took you long enough," Dinah said impatiently. "I'm trying to sleep on this plane."

"These two missed their flight, so they are coming with us," Lauren explain.

"Yay! Are they coming to Tay's BBQ?" Normani asked.

Lauren looked at Camila and Ally, "Wanna come to my sister's BBQ? It's literally only going to be my family, nothing big."

"Yes!" Ally exclaimed.

"I have to go visit my little sister, and I wouldn't want to intrude," Camila replied timidly.

"Mila bring Sofi! She's probably The Holy Trinity's biggest fan!" Ally begged.

"Aw, yeah bring her! Dinah is used to children because of her 1000 siblings. And Lolo, she turns into a little ball of mush around kids." Normani added.

"My dad said to bring my friends, so it's no intrusion. Please," Lauren pleaded giving Camila her best puppy eyes, and pout.

It made Camila's heart flutter, she bit her lip and nodded.

"Great! Let's get going," Lauren ordered.

The five girls walked outside going to the private plane, Dinah took that time to take pictures. Once inside Ally and Camila marveled at how beautifully sleek the inside was. Neither girl ever flying in something like this before.

Ally quickly took a picture before all the girls got seated. Camila laid on a sofa near the back of the plane, Lauren sat in a chair across from her. In front of them, Ally, Dinah, and Normani sat at a table. And near the pilot's cabin in front sat the three bodyguards.

When seated before takeoff Dinah decided to post a picture on twitter for the fans.

@DinahJane: I miss your faces, but Miami here we come ✈️✈️

@DinahJane: 📷: @AllyBrooke 💘

@AllyBrooke: Flying in style 🛩

@LaurenJauregui: @AllyBrooke Get off my plane.. #StrangerDanger 🆘

@NormaniKordei: @LaurenJauregui Leave @AllyBrooke alone. 😡

@DinahJane: @NormaniKordei @LaurenJauregui @AllyBrooke Why don't you include me in conversations? I'm feeling unloved.

@LaurenJauregui: @DinahJane Probably because no one loves you.

Lauren laughed at her phone making Camila glance at her to see what's funny. She assumed it had something to with Dinah because she heard the Polynesian shouting at Lauren shortly after.

"Excuse me, but I think you have a love to confess," Camila said innocently.

"You cheated Cabello. I'm not doing it," Lauren said.

"Lauren Michelle! You know damn well if you would've cheated and won, you'd make me go on a date. Stop being a punk ass and post a tweet about how whipped you are," Camila demanded.

"You don't even have twitter," Lauren grumbled.

Camila looked at Lauren wide-eyed. She had told the older girl earlier that she didn't have any social media, but truth is KC did. "Not the point."

Lauren sighed, "Fine." Camila did a small victory dance in her seat.

@AllyBrooke: dMac I love you 💕 @DinahJane

@NormaniKordei: 🙁 and Me? @AllyBrooke.

@AllyBrooke: With all my heart. 💗 @NormaniKordei

@DinahJane: and no one loves @LaurenJuargui

@LaurenJauregui: I don't need any of you @NormaniKordei @DinahJane @Allybrooke. I have something much better. 😍

@LaurenJauregui: My future baby mama 💛 #CamilaCabello

"I fucking ship it!" Dinah shouted to the two girls in the back.

Camila laughed and assumed Lauren must've said something on twitter. "Were you nice?" Camila asked Lauren.

"Aren't I always, babe?" Lauren smirked.

"Not your babe, Jauregui." Camila shook her head. "Hey Laur, what's your favorite color? I read once that your favorite color plays a hand in your personality and behavior."

Before Lauren can answer Camila rambled on, "You seem like a blue kind of person! Calming and cool. Charming and peaceful. I never thanked you for helping me through my little panic attack. See! Calming. So am I right?" Camila said in one breath.

Lauren bit her lip to suppress her smile, she thought Camila's random rambling was adorable. Camila is adorable. Though she didn't have a favorite color, she didn't want to disappoint Camila who was sitting there excited and eager. "Yes, I love blue."

"Ah, I knew it." Camila smiled.

"If I'm so cool and charming, go on a date with me," Lauren said, her phone buzzing in her hand.

Mani👑: Why you lying?

DMac💖: Yeah dawg, your favorite color is not blue!

Lolo: Stop snooping... but did you hear how excited she was?

Lolo: It's my favorite color now, I'm never gonna look at blue the same. 💙

Camila heard a loud "Aw" from the girls in the front. She shook it off, and went back to thinking about what Lauren said. Is she crazy for constantly rejecting Lauren?

She wanted badly to just say yes, and leave her heart out of it because she knew Lauren probably just wanted sex. That's not what Camila was looking for. She wanted to meet someone and fall in love. Make love, not just fuck.

"I didn't mean to make you anxious or something," Lauren spoke softly.

Camila looked at her confused, and Lauren pointed to Camila's stomach. The younger girl must have started scratching it subconsciously while in thought.

Before Camila could say anything, her phone started buzzing.

Shawn🇨🇦: What the hell is this?

Mila🐨: Maaaan I can't even begin to explain to you what the fuck has been happening.

Shawn🇨🇦: Well when you come over with Sof you gots some explaining to do lol

"Fuck," she muttered.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked.

"I told Shawn I'd hang out with Sofi at his house. Whatever I'll just tell him I have something else to do."

Lauren felt unexplainably jealousy at the second mention of this Shawn person, "Why don't you invite him?" she suggested wanting to get a look at her competition.

"What? Are you sure? I don't want to like be intruding family time."

"Chill Camz, you can invite that person. You're not intruding, trust me. Truthfully, I wanted to invite you earlier, but you hadn't seen me all week and I didn't want to seem like a creep." Lauren admitted.

"Because asking me out every day is less creepy?" Camila joked.

Lauren laughed, "I'm not giving up."

Camila laughed and shook her head refocusing on her phone.

Mila🐨: About that...wanna go to the park?

Shawn🇨🇦: Sure Mila

Mila🐨: with Ally..

Shawn🇨🇦: Yeah..?

Mila🐨: and The Holy Trinity

Shawn🇨🇦: What the fuck?! Are you serious?

Mila🐨: so serious

Shawn🇨🇦: dude, you really have to explain all this, but yeah I'll go

For the rest of flight Camila slept, as well as Dinah and Normani. Ally watched a movie, and Lauren had a sketchbook and drew Camila sleeping. Lauren always like to paint and draw, but since being on tour and everything she didn't do it often.

Lauren didn't understand what made her so drawn to the younger girl. When Camila had the panic attack, Lauren just wanted to make sure she was safe. And now that she knows she hurt Camila more than just physically, it hurts her heart. This one girl is making her crazy, and it's only been a couple days.

When they landed in Miami, the five girls were ambushed by fans. Dinah's selfie and their interactions on twitter clearly didn't go unnoticed. They tried to say hello to as many fans as possible before a swarm paparazzi came.

The paps mainly asked questions about Camila being Laurens girlfriend, making Lauren smirk. Camila didn't expect one twit pic would turn into this much of a big deal.

The girls had two black Escalades picking them up from the airport. Dinah suggested Lauren and Camila go pick up Shawn and Sofi, while the rest go straight to Lauren's house.

Lauren was more than excited to spend time alone with Camila. She wanted to get to know more about her. Day after day Lauren found herself wanting more. What started off as wanting to undress Camila's body, turned into wanting to undress her mind. Finding out everything there is to know about the younger Cuban.

"You ladies ready to go?" Max asked as Camila and Lauren settled in the back of the car. He, of course, decided to drive Lauren and Camila.

"Just don't drive too fast," Camila spoke quietly.

Cars make her uncomfortable. In the limo with The Holy Trinity, she didn't want the girls to think she was any weirder by mentioning her car anxieties so she just tried not thinking about it. Now in the car with just Lauren, she felt different.

"Don't worry, Miss. You're in good hands," Max smiled and started to drive off.

"You're scared of cars?" Lauren asked.

"Something like that," she answered.

Lauren didn't push it. She looked down at Camila's hands, wanting badly to hold them. She knew that the younger girl would pull away out of fear. She hated herself for making Camila scared.

She took a deep breath, "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Camila turned to her shocked, "What are you apologizing for?"

"Can I hold your hand?" she asked, she didn't look up.

Camila tilted her head a little, she reached her hand out to touch Lauren's face. The older girl closed her eyes at the contact. When they opened, she locked eyes with Camila, who smiled. "It's not you, Lo. Well, it's not only you." Camila dropped her hand from Laurens' face to her hand, interlocking their fingers. "Me being scared, it's more than just about you. I don't want you to hold it against yourself."

"I'm very sorry," Lauren dropped her gaze again.

"I know, Lo," Camila said.

They sat quietly for a bit. That moment between them felt intimate, but Camila decided to ruin it. She picked up her hand that was attached to Laurens, "And don't think this means anything." She waved their hands in front of her. "Don't believe the paparazzi, I'm not your girlfriend," she joked.

Lauren laughed, "Damn Cabello, you're ice cold. I'm here being vulnerable and shit."

"I know, you almost had me," Camila said letting go of Lauren. "If only that was the side of you I met first."

Lauren bit her lip, "I'm still going to win you over. I'm going to prove to you that I'm not this drunken monster. It was a slip-up, one I'll never let happen again. I'm going show you that I'm more than one night stands like you think I am."

Camila smiled and looked out the window. She tried to ignore the butterflies erupting in her stomach, "You can be very cute when you're not being pretentious."

"I know, but that cute side of me I'll reserve only for you," Lauren smirked.

"Okay, okay. Now you're just trying to sweet talk me. Take those phony lines elsewhere." Camila rolled her eyes making Lauren laugh loudly.

The rest drive to the Cabello house was short, filled with comfortable conversation. When they pulled up, Camila stared out the window for a moment. Hoping that everything would go okay. Minimal conversation with her father. She closed her eyes rubbing her temples, thinking about the flashback she had the other night.

Lauren noticed Camila's apprehension. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little headache. Okay, I'll be back in a minute."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No! No, that's quite okay. Alright, I'm going now."

Lauren didn't understand why Camila looked so uneasy. Maybe she hasn't been home in a while, perhaps she's just nervous. When Camila stepped out of the car, Lauren looked at her up and down. Her eyes looking at every curve her body did. Camila had the nicest body Lauren has ever seen.

Camila turned to say something to Lauren and noticed her blatant staring. "Eyes up here Jauregui. Jeez, I'm literally just in leggings and a t-shirt."

"You don't have to try, babe. Your body is close to perfection," she said smoothly.

"Yeah, yeah. Not your babe."

"One day, Cabello. Let a girl dream."

Camila turns towards her house. She takes a deep breath and walks down the path to the front door. Lauren watched her from the car window. She laughed when Camila tripped slightly.

"Well, you seem smitten," Max spoke up.

Lauren smiled, "I don't know what it is about her."

"I haven't seen you like this in a while. It suits you," he smiled.

"Max, don't become a big softie," Lauren joked making him laugh.

He was a buff guy, ex-marine. He was in his late 40's with light orange hair that was graying. He had a deep gritty voice, and hearing him talk about this was weird to Lauren.

Camila stood in front of her house thinking of all the possibilities that could happen when she sees her dad. She barely rings the doorbell before it swings open.

"Kaki!" Sofi said with an angry face.

"Hey princess," Camila bends down to greet her sister.

"No! I'm still mad at you," Sofi frowned.

Camila felt a pang in her chest, "I'm sorry baby, Ally really wanted me to go to Texas. I can make it up to you. We are going to the park, and I have a surprise. It's in that car over there." Camila points to the car, "But first here this is for you." She gave her sister a little box.

Sofi wasted no time quickly unwrapping and opening the gift. It was a silver bracelet that read "Sofia" with a tiara charm. "I love it. I'm still mad at you, but less mad. I'm going to tell Papi I'm leaving with you, then I'll go get my other surprise in the car."

"Good idea, Sof."

Camila was relieved that her dad didn't come to the door. Sofi came back and had the bracelet on while playing with the charm. "Papi said you better bring me back in one piece. – Ok, so what's the next surprise Kaki!" Sofi beamed.

"You'll see when you get to the car," Camila said.

Sofi ran to the car with Camila chasing behind her. She opened the door and her mouth dropped. She looked at Camila and back at Lauren. "Lauren Jauregui?! You got me Lauren? Ok Kaki, I'm not mad at you anymore."

Lauren and Camila started laughing. "Well, I didn't go out and buy you a personal Lauren Jauregui. But we are going to be hanging out with her today. And her family. And Ally...and Normani. And Dinah."


"Ally said you were our biggest fan, and I just needed to meet you!" Lauren smile picking Sofi up and placing her on her lap.

Sofi hugged her tightly, "Best late Christmas ever!"

Camila was about to enter the car when she heard shouting from down the street. "Yo, Koala!" She looked to see who was yelling and saw Shawn walking to her. She took off towards him, jumping into his arms praying that he catches her. He did, and she gave him one of her Koala hugs that he was referring to.

"Did ya miss me," she smiled climbing off him.

"Naaaaah," he joked. "So, they're in there?" He was nervous about meeting the pop stars.

"Just Lauren, she's awesome," Camila smiled looking back at the car.

Shawn looked at her, "Ooooh. Does Mila have a crush?" he smirked.

Camila rolled her eyes. "A little," finally admitting what everyone knew.

Lauren watched their interaction from the car. Camila laughing and smiling with this guy made her envious. He was wearing a black jersey, handing Camila a matching one that she threw on over clothes.

"Hey Sofi," she said. "Who's that with Camila."

Sofi looked out the window, "Oh that's Shawn. They are best friends, but he loooves her."

Who wouldn't love Camila, she was the perfect amount of cute and dorky. Lauren shook her head and refocused on talking to Sofi.

After telling Shawn about everything that had happened and making sure he doesn't tell them that she is KC, they made their way to the car. Camila opened the door and noticed Lauren was a little off. "Lauren, are you okay? Did Sofi do something?"

Lauren smiled, "No, she's my favorite Cabello."

"Haha," Sofi said sticking her tongue out at Camila. "Lauren's my best friend."

"That's right!" Lauren moved Sofi next to her and put the seat belt on.

Camila rolled her eyes and introduced Shawn to Lauren. Shawn felt intimidated by Lauren, and it didn't help that she was glaring at him. Everyone got settled in the car, and Max began to drive to Lauren's house. He redirected himself after Lauren got a call telling her everyone was on the way to the park.

Camila couldn't help but feel like something was bothering Lauren. Shawn would try to make small talk, but she was barely talking. Sofi did all the talking, excitedly telling stories about her winter break.

The car pulled up to the park and Sofi excitedly hopped on Lauren's lap again. "Are Dinah and Normani here?"

Lauren peeked out the window, spotting her bandmates dancing with Ally on the field. Her parents and siblings were laughing, sitting at a picnic table watching the show. She laughed shaking her head, "Yes baby, they are dancing. Wanna join them?" she asked Sofi, who nodded vigorously.

Max helped everyone out of the car, and Lauren pulled him aside.

"Can you do me a huge favor?" she smiled brightly.

He sighed, "I know you think I'm your servant—"

"No Max, I know you're my bodyguard. I also know that for the last 4 years you've grown close to us and you love us like your own."

He huffed, "What do you want?" and Lauren grinned.

Camila, Shawn, and Sofi stood by the car waiting for Lauren to talk to Max. Shawn was holding Sofi, spinning her around and tickling her. Camila's eyes wandered to Lauren and she watched the older girl. She admired her curves and perfect face. Whenever Lauren smiled, it made Camila get butterflies.

She walked over to the two, "What's the holdup?"

Max excused himself leaving the girls to talk.

"Nothing beautiful," Lauren said making the younger girl blush. "Aw, you're blushing. Does that mean you like me?"

"No!" Camila said quickly. "Why were you so weird in the car?"

"No reason," Lauren said dryly. She glanced over to Shawn.

Camila followed her gazed and smirked, "You're jealous!"

Lauren's eyes widened, "Of that guy? No, no."

Camila poked her stomach, "Admit it."

Lauren rolled her eyes, "Have you seen me? I'm not jealous."

"Oh, I see you, Jauregui! And you look jealous."

"Whatever, come on," Lauren started walking away. "You have to meet your future in-laws," she smirked and Camila suddenly felt nervous.

It's going to be a long afternoon, she thought.


AN: Hi! Thanks for the support guys! Hope you all continue to enjoy this.

I had finished this chapter earlier this morning, but I get nervous to actually post it lol

I originally wrote an AN about how I might not update it for more than a full week because my birthday is Tuesday and I'll be busy this weekend and next. BUT it's been snowing all day today so my parties are probably cancelled this weekend and there's supposed to be another snowstorm on my actual birth day! 🌨 Lol SO lucky for ya I'll probably be snowed in writing! 📝 ❄️ 😄

Have a lovely day 💜

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