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By jasminefj

383K 8.5K 1.9K

Story Status: [ on going + revising ] In which a girl named Selena falls in love with a frat boy named Zayn... More

C A S T & D E T A I L S
๐ŸŽถCurated Playlists for character relationships:
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4.9K 116 21
By jasminefj

Stars Dance
Chapter 17
Selena's Point of View

ADAM AND I had arrived before Zayn and Jackie, thirty minutes before. I was rather mellow about being on a date with Adam. While he looked nervous that ever sitting next to me. We made small conversation until the waiter interrupted us to take out orders in beverage. It was only seconds later after thirty minutes when Zayn had arrived and Jackie stood beside him, she wore a crop top with a pencil skirt, and heels that clicked with every step they took. Her arm latched around his and she eyed him as his gaze stuck right on mine he and Jackie walked their way towards us.
Although I wasn't quite amused that it was Jackie who stood beside him on this date, they had a history and bond with each other that I was never going to break even if I tried. She'd be on board with whatever plan Zayn had in mind. She'd say yes to whatever he wanted her to follow through and would even put her hands in the fire for him, if she had too. Honestly there was no way around that. As they approached closer Adam stood up from where we sat and I followed, he took Jackie's hand and shook it with a firm grasp.
"Jackie." She said.
I smiled and then all four of us sat down facing each other. While Zayn never once took his eyes off of me, his gaze with hawk eyed, watching over my every move while watching Adam's movements as well.
Zayn's Point of View

Selena squirmed in her seat next to Adam, trying to her best to have their ship sail smoothly, but I knew her better. The waiter had arrived to take out orders, while Jackie looked over the menu and recited her order to the waiter, I just looked over at Adam and how he would look at Selena with every fucking tooth in his mouth. It was the irritating.
Overall the way she was styled and the dress made her look beautiful as ever. I was in awe but I contained myself from completely expressing that over my face. Once the waiter cleared the table form the menus, we both sat there, barriers of menus no longer shielding our unwillingness to actually talk to each other. Jackie hated awkward situations and she would be the first to break the ice, always.
I had explained everything to her on the way here, and everything that came out of her mouth was because I asked her to lie. "So how did you two meet?" She questioned both Adam and Selena.
Adam stared at Jackie nearly doe eye, before he cleared his throat and answered her. "Well uh, we have a class together, literature." He said.
"Interesting." Jackie said. "I was ready to hear some crazy story." She said. "You two look like a perfect match for each other!" Jackie teased. "It was like bound to be. So simple."
She could real blunt at times, and I nudged her though underneath the table, lightly so she got the message. Jackie smiled at me and then turned her attention back to both Selena and Adam. Her hand gripped my thigh and dug her nails on my skin, I clenched my jaw get managed as they continued the conversation.
"And how about you both?" Adam questioned Jackie, while he glanced at me then back at Jackie.
"Oh Zayn and I?" Jackie added. "We go way back." She said. "Yeah." She trailed off. "Major?" She questioned.
"I'm trying to go for something in business and finance, my father is a business man himself and I figured I'd step into his shoes once he's retired." Adam says. "He owns a Corp here in London, and travels back and forth between the States and here all the time." He lifts his shoulders. "I figured I could run the ones in the States, once I graduate."
"Interesting, I'm a major in speech and cultural languages." Jackie added. "I figured I could do a lot with that, in a global perspective." She said. "Plus it's interesting.
I cleared my throat and releasing I had sat here quiet the whole night as Selena had as well, and it be awkward if we said nothing, the whole night. "Sounds interesting, really it does." I said rather sarcastically. "But I'm more in the arts." I said.
"Yeah." Selena added. "Literature is, my specialty, I'm hoping into getting into some publishing office one day." She added.
"There's beauty in literature, I'm sure you'll write great pieces wherever you get hired." Adam smiled at Selena, while I sat there with a forced smile on my face. "Your talent cannot go unseen." Adam added, and Selena gave him a smile smile. I honestly don't know how much I could take of this night.
"Awe you both make such a cute couple." Jackie egged in, I was convinced she was doing this on purpose. "Right Zayn?" She teased.
"So cute." I mumbled.
An hour and a half later, I was sitting through Adam explain his whole fucking life story and I was get bored by the minute, Selena and Jackie listen attentively and I nodded my head in agreement, so act like I gave a fuck. Jackie made conversation, I tried making conversation and Selena chimmed in occasionally. He was explaining his philosophy on life, topics and a whole lot of the shit while looking over at Selena once in a while with a big fucking smile on his face.
"Thanks for joining us." Adam said as he stood up from the table, and finally my hell was over, Selena would return home and this would all be over. "Hope we can do this again, it was fun. However, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to take Selena out for the night."
My eyes widened, and I didn't expect this. He had other plans? I thought it was over? He planned on taking Selena elsewhere? What if he asks her out? What if he tried to kiss her? Worst, what if she accepts? Having no other choice? No, no, no, this was all wrong.
They said their goodbyes, and walked out of the door of the restaurant. While I quickly paid the bill. "Glad that's over." Jackie sighed in relief as we walked out of the restaurant. I walked in a rather fast paced manner and Jackie trailed behind me. "What the hell?" She said, as I unlocked the car and I quickly got in and she got in after me.
"Over? What the fuck is he thinking?" I pointed at Adam and Selena who I spotted getting into his car and driving off. "That motherfuxker has a back up plan." I said annoyed.
"You are not going to follow them?! Are you mad!" Jackie said.
"Yes." I said. "We are."
"Nothing is going to happen, Selena looks like she has brains." Jackie clicked her teeth.
"It's not her who I'm worried about!" I exclaimed. Gripping the steering wheel. "It's him." I said.
Selena's Point of View

After we walked out of the restaurant, Adam had let me into his car and I smiled as he closed the passenger door and he hurried to the other side. He turned on the engine, and as I assumed he was taking me back to the dorm, he seemed to have other plans.
"Where after?" I questioned.
"I know this nice park, where they have a bridge over lake water, where I wanna take you." He said. "It's it's ok with you?" He said.
"Sure." I said, not really knowing how to avoid in turning him down without sounding like a downer to his plans.
We only drove for a few minutes through the streets of London passing at green lights and stopping at red owns. Until he pulled up into the parking lot of a park, it was lit up with lamp posts, and the bridge was decorated with lights the reflected in the lake below it.
We stepped out and he took his hand in mind and we walked towards the park. "Wow this is beautiful." I admitted.
"I knew you'd like it." He smiled as we walked towards the bridge looking over the lakeside.
"It's beautiful." I said leaning over the ledge. "A hidden gem here in London I guess." I said.
He walked over to me and leaned beside me leaning over the ledge as well. Only a few centimeters apart from out shoulder touching. "Just like you." He whispered.
I grew confused and my eyebrows kneaded together. "What?" I questioned.
"I brought you here because I thought it would be the place to tell you something, something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." He said followed by a small smile, as he took a second to look over the water then back to me.
"What is it?" I pushed, for his answer.
"It's just, even since I saw you. I wanted to know if you would like..." His tone became smaller and smaller into a whisper as he leaned closer towards my lips, my eyes widen, and I froze in time. "To kiss me as much as I want to kiss you..." He said, as his mouth nearly touched mine.
"Don't you fucking try it!" Was the only thing they stopped him from going so as Zayn his presence known loud and clear, we mouth turned our attention to the end of the bridge, where Zayn's stood with Jackie beside him trying to hold him back from whatever was gonna happen next.


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