The Alpha's Human Mate

By SunFireRising

307K 8.3K 590

Calla moves to a new town with her mother to get away from a 'divorce' but Calla finds out there was a differ... More

The Apha's Human Mate
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
AN*** Video of how Calla redirects lightning
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapte 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 46

1.8K 63 3
By SunFireRising

I get a lot of reads on my chapters but no votes! VOTE PLEASE <3333

Calla's POV

I sit on my bed waiting for Harm to wake up... i hope she agrees to let me go to Olympus for a few fays, but i NEED a beta because i cant leave the pack Alpha-less. I'll probaly ask either Harmony or Jasper to be my beta. I can trust them with that position.

Harm rolls over and looks at me with sleepy eyes, "Hey Babe, what time is it?"

I smile and look at my iPhone, "Its 6pm, you slept for a while."

She laughs, "I can see that. School drained me."

I roll my eyes, "Tell me about it... I watched over you for a little bit but then i went to see my mom... and Ares was there talking to her."

Harmony's eyes buldged out of her head, "Are you serious??? The god Ares? Your Father?"

I nod, "Yes, my father."

She sits up and jumps on the bed, "Tell me what happened!!"

I sigh, "I fought with my mom because she hid things from me. Ares wanted to see my mother and I when i was growing up, but she refused him to see me. I could have had him in my life but she held a grudge about him leaving to Olympus, so i couldnt see him. He told me the story of how i came to earth... how much he missed me and all of that."

Harm sniffles, "Im sorry you couldnt see your dad Calla..."

I hug her so she wont cry, "Its ok baby, thats the past. Dont cry my love, it will make me sad."

She smiles, "I wont. Tell me more!"

I laugh at her anticipation, "After my mom left, Ares and I talked about stress, of being powerful and all of that... then he started talking about my god family, my grandparents and aunts and uncles that are gods... How they want to meet me..."

Harm grins, "Thats great Babe!!! You should meet them and spend time with Ares!"

I sigh in releif, "Its good to hear you say that.. Ares wants me to visit and i want to visit with in a couple of days... Would that be ok with you?"

She smiles, "Of course its fine with me... You dont need to ask me for premission! But i will miss you.."

I giggle, "Ill miss you too babe... but i need to see my god family. Anyways i do need to ask you for premission because i am most likely going to leave you behind as my second in comand. So you will be the fill-in Alpha while im gone!"

Her face pales, "Calla i cant handle that position. Im Luna, i cant be Alpha or your second in command. Im not even strong enough to be considered that high up in rank."

I nod, "Im sorry.. i didnt think of it that way... Ill have Jasp be my beta."

She smiles, "Its ok babe. I undertand, plus id rather Jasp in command. I love you!"

I giggle, "I love you too, Im gonna go talk to Ares!"

Harm laughs, "Have fun, ima go talk to my parents."

I lean down and kiss her lips gently before walking out of the room. I walk down to the stairs into the living room to see Ares sitting on the couch watching: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lightning Theif.

I grin, "Your really watching this?" i sit down on the couch and see that Percy is discovering the lightning bolt is in his bag pack, where Ares left it.

He rolls his eyes, "I do not act like this! I wouldnt frame a kid... Plus Hades and I are close, just cause he is the king of the underworld dosnt mean hes evil and everything."

I laugh, "Thats a twist in what humans on earth think. So i talked to Harmony..."

Ares smiles and perks up a bit, "And what did she say?"

I grin, "She said i can visit, Harm said i didnt even have to ask for premission... she will miss me but i need to spend time with my god family."

He laughs, "Your lucky Harmony is understanding, other people wouldnt let their mates out of their sight. Anyways... when would you like to come to Olympus?"

I think for a second before answering, "Tomrrow morning..."

I couldnt finish my sentance because my mom walked in the sobbing with tears in her eyes, "Your really going?"

Ares frowns, "You cant not let her see me Marie. She needs her father."


Ares keeps his face calm and smooth, "Marie, its OUR baby. And you know i didnt want to leave you or Carmelina.... i had to because i am a god and i needed to return to Olympus. You knew what you were getting yourself into when i told you i was a god."

My mom frowned, "I know, i just didnt think you would leave right away... i dont want Calla seeing you."

I growl at her, "Mom you cant control what i do! i will be 18 in a few months and i run this pack not you! My father has rights to see me and i have rights to see him. I will be leaving with him tomorrow, with Jasper being my beta he will be in command for the few days i am gone. I do not want to see you till i get back... We will talk then."

My mom goes to say something so i use my Alpha tone, "YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OR SEE ME UNTIL I GET BACK, WE WILL TALK THEN. AM I CLEAR?"

She bows her head, "Yes Alpha." and walks away with out a single glance at me or Ares.

He sighs, "You didnt have to do that Carmelina..."

I sigh too and fall back against the couch, "I had too... my anger gets the best of me sometimes... Alpha instincts i guess. I dont like being told what to do."

Ares laughs, "I can tell... when you get back can you apologize to her?"

I sigh, "I was already planning on it. Why does she hate me seeing you so much?"

He looks off into space, "I have no idea Calla... you should ask your mother."

I nod, "Ok well, im going to sleep goodnight Dad. Ill see you tomorrow!"

Ares looks like hes going to cry but he nods, "Good night Carmelina, sleep tight."

I head to my room thinking about what i did wrong... once i sit the pillow with Harm by my side i fall right asleep.

Ares' POV

My little Carmelina called me dad... i almost started to cry when the word came out of her mouth. Im honestly very excited about Carmelina coming home with me to stay and visit my family. OH! I need to call father to tell him.

I stand up and exit the house into the backyard, its pitch black outside... about 10pm and the air is clean and fresh. I pull out my cell phone and dial my fathers number, i put the phone up to my ear as my father answers.

"Hello Ares."

I sigh, "Hello Father. I just wanted to call to tell you my daughter Carmelina is coming to Olympus with me tomorrow to visit!"

Dad laughs into the phone, "Im glad shes finally coming to see us! I will tell Hera and your brothers and sisters! They will all be here for her arrival! What does she look like?"

I laugh, "She's beautiful, Dark green eyes, midnight black hair with green highlights, shes about 5'5" and she has full lips like her mother, muscles... she is obviously faye."

He chuckles, "I knew she was faye cause you told us when you found out. She sounds like she looks nothing like you or Marie."

I sigh, "I told you why she dosnt look like us that much anymore. She went through her faye change. She used to have my hair, my brown eyes.... she looked like us but now she developed her own traits."

He laughs, "Obviously. Anyways im going to go tell Hera the good news! Since her room is already set up we just need to have the party set up. Bye Son. I love you."

I groan, "Dont got to crazy on the party. I love you to Dad."

He hangs up and i groan again.. i dont know how Carmelina feels about having a huge party dedicated to her.... ive always kept a room for her just in case Marie let me see her. Its cute.

I descide to see Marie. I walk to her room and knock on the door.

A few seconds later she opens the door and when she sees me she motions me in.

I frown, "Sorry about Carmelina Marie. You know she hates being told what to do."

She looks at me angrily, "Of course i know that, shes my daughter!" she snaps. I sit on her couch and she sits on the chair in front of me.

Marie sits down and lets tears leak down her cheeks, "Why do you have to take her from me?"

I sigh, "Marie, ive told you this a thousand times... literally. I am not taking Carmelina away from you... i just want to see her because she is my daughter as much as she is yours."

She groans, "I know Ares.. but your a god and shes my little baby. That dosnt mix."

I laugh, "She is half god to. We are more equal then you and her."

Marie frowns, "Shes kind of part human too..."

I sigh, "Marie, you know shes not. Shes half god, and half faye."

She sobs, "I know... i wish we were a normal family."

I laugh, "Marie you asked me for your vision gift. i wasnt going to give it to you. You just wanted to try to be like Carmelina and I, being special."

Marie pouts, "I know... but i like having my visions... i saw you coming."

I sigh, "I know. Question for you. Why didnt you give Carmelina her gift when she turned 10 years old?"

Her face paled, "Because.. i didnt want her to think you were going to come back for her.."

I feel sickened towards my old love. Not giving Carmelina hope about me. Thats sick.

I stand up, "That is SICK Marie! How dare you! Have you listened to your awful reasoning! You kept her from me because of how you feel... you ruined her childhood from her not having me there! Give me her present now."

She weakly nods before walking over to her dresser and opening the middle drawer, and picking up the clothes reveling a tiny door that holds the gift i wanted her to give to Carmelina. She walks over and hands me the tiny package.

I nod, "Thank you. One more, why does everyone call her Calla and not her beautiful name?"

Marie looks down and bites her lips quiltily, "Becuase i didnt want to call her by the name you gave her..."

I shake my head, "Honestly Marie, you are quite ridiculas and a dissapointment. Good night."

I walk out the door not waiting for an answer. Who could make their childs life sad with out their father cause they held a grudge? Marie needs to smarten up. I feel really bad for Carmelina now... worse then before. At least i can give her, her gift. I smile looking down at the package.

The gift inside of this pouch was special to me, it ran through our family till my mom (Hera) gave it to me... telling me it would be special to give to my daughter... I cant wait to give it to her. I head to my room and fall asleep quickly thinking about the day to come.

Hey guys!!! I hope you like this chapter! VOTE,COMMENT, FOLLOW ME!!! <333 I love you all!!!


Kat Akatyszewski <3 xoxo

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