Fixing My Luna

By SweetDream22

38K 783 42

Coming from a bad home with her evil abusive brother, Lily runs away with her 2 little siblings. When they st... More

Chapter 1- Run Aways
Chapter 2- My Blue Eyed Mate
Chapter 3- Welcome Home
Chapter 4- New Visitor
Chapter 5- Spill It
Chapter 6- Playing Cards
Chapter 7- New Talent
Chapter 8- Friends
Chapter 9- Mornings
Chapter 10- Bring it on Boys
Chapter 11- You Bite Me?
Chapter 12- Shocking Surprises
Chapter 13- Unlocking the Truth
Chapter 15- Taken
Chapter 16- I'm Not a Cheater
Chapter 17- It's A Deal
Chapter 18- Being Left Out
Chapter 19- Just A Little Girl
Chapter 20- Hide And Seek
Chapter 21- Fights Pics and Sorrys
Chapter 22- Treehouse
Chapter 23- One More Day
Chapter 24- Just Getting Started
Chapter 25- Now or Never
Chapter 26- Excuse Me?
Chapter 27- Worrying About Lily
Chapter 28- Waking Up
Chapter 29-It's Time
Chapter 30- 50/50

Chapter 14- Ready or Not

1.1K 25 1
By SweetDream22

Warning>>> Sexual content


    After the kids left I took Lily by the hand and grabbed the book and we walked down to the first floor where I had my usual meetings. The whole time we walked I thought about Lily and her life before me. She said it was the same Emileen’s story. That means Lily was beaten and hurt so many time that she actually thought about killing herself. Stealing a glance at her as she walked beside me looking at all the rooms innocently and I can’t help but be worried for her. Worried that one day something bad will happen and she will break. I hope our story turns out better than Emileen’s.

    Walking into my board room I found all my leaders seated at the oval table. The people here are Caleb, Chris, Cole, Ash and Marcus. My 3 brothers each have their own section of pack they take care of making them my leaders and one day I will break away another section for Marcus to watch over. “Thanks for coming everyone.” I said as I sat at the head chair and pulled Lily on top of my lap.

    “Why are we here?” Ash asked.

    “Because of this.” I said holding up the book.

    “Because of a book?” Caleb asked annoyed.

    Lily answered before me. “No sherlock because of the pretty picture on the front cover.” she said sarcastically and I couldn’t help but laugh. I think Caleb is pretty attached to Lily because he didn’t pick on her too much and took her attitude. He always seems happier when she’s around.

     Lily took the book from my hand and slid it across the table to Marcus. “Read it.” Marcus flipped it open without any questions and started reading. “Don’t worry boys it’s in you reading level it’s only about a dozen pages.” She teased and they all just rolled their eyes at her.

    “Ok so what’s it about?” Cole questioned.

    Lily’s eyes went blank as she laid back on me. “My family curse.” At that all the boy’s eyes went wide except for Marcus who was too into the book. Lily didn’t even seem to notice and she continued, “Every 5th generation in my family the Alpha and his mate will have a boy, then a girl, and after that their last child will cause the mother to die at childbirth. The oldest boy will be appointed Alpha and as soon as he becomes it he will turn evil. The oldest sister will run away and the brother will eventually find her starting a war between 2 packs.” She summed up.

    I pulled her tighter as if to hide her from her life and she gladly snuggled toward me. I looked around to the blank faces and they tried to process this. “A war?” Ash said slowly.

    Hugging Lily I nodded my head. “We do not know when but I want border patrols increased and training to begin.”

    “And if people as why?” Chris said.

    I shrugged, “Tell them to talk to me if the have a problem with it.”

    We all turned to Marcus as he finished the book. “Lily I’m so sorry.”

    She shrugged at him. "You know it was bad growing up." 

     "Yeah but it still sucks." he replied and I can't agree more.

    “How’d you find this?” asked Cole.

    “It was a book dad got from another Alpha and this morning when I was working Lily found it on my bookshelf.” I pulled the gold chain from around her neck and showed them the key. “Lily’s mother handed her down this key that is passed down in the family. She put it in the lock of the book and it opened.”

    Marcus started laughing and everyone looked over at him as if he was crazy. He only looked at Lily. “So that’s what that damn key opened? The lock wasn’t even in our territory.”

    That got my angel to show her breath taking smile. “Nope. Sorry bout that.” Deciding to fill us in she looked at the rest of the boys. “I tried out this key on every lock in my pack’s territory and got caught a few times for breaking and entering.” that relieved some of the tension as the boys laughed.

    Ash then finished reading and looked over at Lily with pity and said “I’m so sorry Lily.” Then he passed the book on to Caleb.

    “Stop looking at me like that,” she commanded Ash before she looked at the others who haven't read it yet, “If I get a look of pity out of the rest of you I will punch you.” she warned.

    While we waited for everyone to finish reading the book I went over strategies with the boys and Lily was busy punching the boys every time they gave her a pity look and I'm pretty sure Caleb was doing it on purpose just to pick on her and hopefully cheer her up. I love how feisty she is. When all the boys were done reading I dismissed them and Lily and I walked back to our room. “Now what?” Lily asked.

    Looking at the clock I can see we spent most of the day in there and I do remember Lana bringing us supper. I gave her an evil smile. “I think now I have to give you your punishment from earlier.”

    I quickly grabbed her and threw her on the bed and she let out a squeal from the sudden movement. I took my shirt off and she watched before I jumped on the bed. Hovering over her I moved my face down and we started kissing slowly and when I bit her bottom lip asking for permission she happily gave it to me. Our kiss lasted only so long until I had to breath.


    Best punishment ever!!! I keep singing in my head. I couldn’t help but think that as Daniel started kissing down my neck and when he kissed my mark all things and worries not related to him dissolved away. His soft pink lips and hard body pressed against mine was all I could think about now. My arms instinctively wrapped around him as I gripped his soft black hair like it was the only thing holding me down on earth. He will always be my rock keeping me steady. 

    When he is kissing my mark I can feel my core bursting. At the same time he trailed his hands down my sides leaving fire in it’s path. His fingers reached my abdomen the fire seemed to explode with in me and all I know is I want him with all my body. His fingers trail up my stomach, over my ribs before he traces the outside of my bra line causing me to moan loud. When he removes his hands I push him back a little then I lay back down and take off my shirt slowly. His eyes grow darker as he inspects me but when he tries leaning over me, I lay my hand flat on his smooth and push him backwards so I am on top straddling his sides.

    I don’t think he likes the fact that I was on top but I didn’t give him time to protest as I started kissing his lips. When I came up for air I started kissing along his jawline and I nipped at his ear causing a rumple in his chest. Smiling I started giving him hickies down his neck until I reach the base while tracing my finger nails along his abs. Kissing him wildly along his chest and abs I got a lot of pleasure groans from him. “You are the death of me.” he said in a husking voice full of lust. When I reached the bottom of his abs I felt his fingers trailing up my spine causing shivers and it took one pinch of my purple polka dotted bra for it to unclasp. I slipped it off as quick as I could throwing it across the room not caring where it landed. When I came up to hover over him his eyes roamed my chest like a present that he just opened on Christmas day.

     It was a blur of motion when I realized he had flipped us over so he was on top straddling my hips. “Much better.” he growled. He had me pinned with my arms above me and his eyes were completely black now and I know his wolf had surfaced but I know mine was too. “Are you sure you want to do this?”  he asked one last time.

     “When you said earlier that I can have anything I wanted,” I said husky with lust as I pushed every word out. He nodded a little confused, “I want this.” I breathed out. “I have never wanted anything more.”

     Now his eyes were 100% black as he pressed his already kiss swollen lips to mine in a heated kiss. While he explored every inch of my mouth his hands were busy cupping my breast and moving his thumbs in circles causing me to moan loudly with pleasure. I couldn't open my mouth without a moan escaping. He growled at my moaning and pressed his body fully against me making me feel his arousal pressing into my thigh causing me to blush bright red. My wolf and I purred at the fact we could cause that reaction to happen. When I reached his jeans I slipped my fingers in his belt loop and gave them a yank. “Off please.” I said breathlessly.

     He nipped my ear then whispered, “You first.” Grabbing my jeans and underwear on both sides his pulled back and slipped them off in one swift motions. Lying there completely naked in front of Daniel made all the blood rush to my cheeks. His eyes were wide and full of hunger. Tearing his eyes from me he slipped his pant off and boxers. Standing there nude Daniel didn’t seem the least bit uncomfortable. When we finished our inspection of each other Daniel came back into bed.

     I couldn’t help but get a tiny thought in my brain that we were missing something but I forgot all about it when Daniel laid on top of me pressing up against me. Flesh to flesh. Leaning down his gave me soft kisses and I felt butterflies in my stomach going crazy. This is the point of no return where I would being giving up my v card permanently and to be honest I don’t think I could ever be more willing. I reached my arms around Daniel so my hands were flat against his shoulder blades as he grabbed on to my hips. In one fluid motion I felt him inside me. “Daniel.” I moaned as I arched my back pressing more against him.

     It hurt but I expected that. It only hurt at first and I dug my nails into Daniels back but he hardly seemed to notice. His head was tucked into my neck and I felt his warm breath against my ear “I love you Lily.” he whispered. Going in further our bodies seemed to click like a puzzle piece and now every curve, muscle and anatomy fit together perfectly. We were made for each other.

     “I love you too.” and with that I seemed to encourage him as we continued. We moved together each releasing our urges and hitting our climaxes. Only stopping to catch our breaths and do it all over again until we were too exhausted to continue.

     I woke up in the morning next to my complete mate as he blissfully slept. Why did I wake up? I was answered a second later by pounding on my door. I shook Daniel shoulder to try to wake him but he just pulled me closer. “Daniel someones here.”

     Groaning he opened his eyes. “Come in.” he called as he pulled the covers up on my so nothing of me would be exposed to our visitor.

     Ash came barging in and I can already tell he’s a mess. His clothes are stained and crumpled and he is full of dirt except for the 2 lines on his face where the tears were running down. He spoke 2 word the had me paralyzed with concern, “They're gone.” 

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