Chapter 14- Ready or Not

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Warning>>> Sexual content


    After the kids left I took Lily by the hand and grabbed the book and we walked down to the first floor where I had my usual meetings. The whole time we walked I thought about Lily and her life before me. She said it was the same Emileen’s story. That means Lily was beaten and hurt so many time that she actually thought about killing herself. Stealing a glance at her as she walked beside me looking at all the rooms innocently and I can’t help but be worried for her. Worried that one day something bad will happen and she will break. I hope our story turns out better than Emileen’s.

    Walking into my board room I found all my leaders seated at the oval table. The people here are Caleb, Chris, Cole, Ash and Marcus. My 3 brothers each have their own section of pack they take care of making them my leaders and one day I will break away another section for Marcus to watch over. “Thanks for coming everyone.” I said as I sat at the head chair and pulled Lily on top of my lap.

    “Why are we here?” Ash asked.

    “Because of this.” I said holding up the book.

    “Because of a book?” Caleb asked annoyed.

    Lily answered before me. “No sherlock because of the pretty picture on the front cover.” she said sarcastically and I couldn’t help but laugh. I think Caleb is pretty attached to Lily because he didn’t pick on her too much and took her attitude. He always seems happier when she’s around.

     Lily took the book from my hand and slid it across the table to Marcus. “Read it.” Marcus flipped it open without any questions and started reading. “Don’t worry boys it’s in you reading level it’s only about a dozen pages.” She teased and they all just rolled their eyes at her.

    “Ok so what’s it about?” Cole questioned.

    Lily’s eyes went blank as she laid back on me. “My family curse.” At that all the boy’s eyes went wide except for Marcus who was too into the book. Lily didn’t even seem to notice and she continued, “Every 5th generation in my family the Alpha and his mate will have a boy, then a girl, and after that their last child will cause the mother to die at childbirth. The oldest boy will be appointed Alpha and as soon as he becomes it he will turn evil. The oldest sister will run away and the brother will eventually find her starting a war between 2 packs.” She summed up.

    I pulled her tighter as if to hide her from her life and she gladly snuggled toward me. I looked around to the blank faces and they tried to process this. “A war?” Ash said slowly.

    Hugging Lily I nodded my head. “We do not know when but I want border patrols increased and training to begin.”

    “And if people as why?” Chris said.

    I shrugged, “Tell them to talk to me if the have a problem with it.”

    We all turned to Marcus as he finished the book. “Lily I’m so sorry.”

    She shrugged at him. "You know it was bad growing up." 

     "Yeah but it still sucks." he replied and I can't agree more.

    “How’d you find this?” asked Cole.

    “It was a book dad got from another Alpha and this morning when I was working Lily found it on my bookshelf.” I pulled the gold chain from around her neck and showed them the key. “Lily’s mother handed her down this key that is passed down in the family. She put it in the lock of the book and it opened.”

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