
By Annaleen101

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I'm not normal. I just know I'm not. I constantly have horrific nightmares about demons hunting me down and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen : Lucifer
Chapter Seventeen : Dysly/Majerious
Chapter Eighteen : Katheryn
Chapter Nineteen: Dysly/Majerious
Chapter Twenty : Katheryn
Chapter Twenty-One : Dysly
Chapter Twenty-Two : Katheryn
Chapter Twenty-Three: Katheryn
Chapter Twenty-Four: Lucifer
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Author's Note: Thank You!

Chapter Sixteen : Katheryn

948 34 3
By Annaleen101

"Katheryn!" Frosty screams. 

"Don't die." Jason urges.

"We need you, Katheryn." Erin pleads.   

"I'm gonna get you, Katheryn." It growls.   

"Katheryn." Luna whispers.   

I wake in a cold sweat. I sit up on my elbows while the sun shines in my eyes.

Knock, knock   

It's probably my ladies... again. "Come in," I call. It's Frosty and Jason.   

"Good morning, Kat," Frosty cheers.   

"Hey," Jason says.   

I rub my eyes and yawn. "What are guys doing here?"   

Frosty giggles, "Sky is having a really big party later this evening!"   

"It's not really a party. It's just a celebration that lots of people are attending." Jason adds.   

"What are we celebrating," I ask, stretching.   

Jason grumbles, "Well, since you seem to have forgotten, we did win the war almost a year ago."

Frosty beams, "And, Sky is welcoming a new headmaster! You're gonna have another little helper!"   

It's been almost a year since Erin died. I didn't take it very well; I didn't even attend the funeral. I don't want to meet the person replacing her. 

"C'mon Kat, everyone wants you to be there," Frosty urges. "This party is also for you since we couldn't throw you a welcome home party last year."   

"They want me to be there or I have to be there?"   

"A little bit of both," Jason answers.   

Frosty says three women will be waiting for me on the second floor to pamper me up for the "party."

"You need it 'cause you look ridiculous," Jason jokes.

"Look who's talking," I respond.

"Nope, nope, nope," Frosty says. "It's too early in the morning for that."

Jason just shrugs his shoulders before leaving.

"I thought you two got along, now," Frosty said. "What happened?"

Jason and I have been apart for a year now, so we didn't really have a chance to grow closer. Besides, it's not like we were friends before. A lot was happening last year and we both just got caught in the moment.

"It's complicated," I answer.

"Oh, sure. It's complicated." Frosty adds air quotes around the last part.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing," Frosty says with a smile on her face. "Just hurry and get ready."


My ladies-in-waiting were waiting for me on the second floor as Frosty said. The first woman, Sarah, was plump. The second, Mary, was extremely thin and looked as if she was in pain. The third, Emily, looked a little too excited to see me.   

"Oh Princess! I'm so happy to see you! We are gonna make you look fabulous, just fabulous!" Her wings continuously fluttered.   

Mary quickly added, "Not that you don't already look amazing."   

I follow the women into the indoor beauty salon. Yes, this Palace has an indoor salon. I can't believe I've been missing out on this for the past 18 years.

The women ordered me to remove all of my clothing, which, of course, made me feel uncomfortable. Then they laid me down on a metal bench and waxed all of my hair off.

Next, Sarah washed and styled my hair while the other two pampered my nails. She asked, "You don't mind if I curl your hair do you Princess? No? Okay, good."   

Lastly, it was the make-up and wardrobe. Emily piled on the lipstick, powder, and all kinds of eye make-up, including rhinestones.    

"Now, the final touch," Emily beamed. "The dress!"   

The dress was a beautiful golden high-low dress. The top sparkled and tiny butterflies decorated the bottom.

Mary turned me towards the mirror. I thought I was going to look like a circus clown but no, I was radiant."You're beautiful," Mary whimpers. She begins to cry badly, so she left the room.   

"You just look so much like Luna," Emily whispered, looking as if she was going to cry as well.   

I clear my throat, "Um, about the shoes?"   

Sarah scoffs, "Princess they're only three inches tall, just wear them."   

When the ladies led me downstairs to the Great Room, my hands were shaking.   

Emily squeezes my hand before I enter into the party. "Remember Princess: Chin up, look confident, and don't try to find the headmaster, she'll find you."   

I nod and enter the Great Room.   

The music booms throughout the area. It's a mix of Swing, Jazz, and Blues music. Everyone is dancing, eating or socializing. I even notice a few children playing tag or Duck, Duck Goose.   

A little girl with bright yellow hair notices me and shouts, "Hey look! It's the Princess."

All eyes are on me now. I wave weakly and squeak, "Uh, hi?"   

Everyone bows and cheers before they go about their business. Well, it is a party. So I'm gonna do what I do best; eat. 

There were two extremely long tables mounded with all kinds of food, deserts, and beverages. I immediately walk towards the table with cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and buckets of candy.   

While I binge on sweets, a man that looks about 20 years older than me with curly red-orange hair approaches me; two purple beverages in hand."I see you have quite the sweet tooth, Princess," the man chuckles. He hands me one of the purple drinks.   

"Thank you," I mumble. I wash the sugar down with my drink.   

After swallowing, I laugh and ruffle the man's hair. "And people say I'm the freaky redhead. I knew I wasn't the only one."   

The man laughs as well. "All my friends used to say that I was abnormal for having red hair too, Princess."  

I hold my hand out to shake hands with him, but instead, he takes my hand and kisses it. "It was a pleasure finally meeting you, Princess Katheryn," the man whispers before he turns and leaves.

"Who was that?" Frosty was sucking on a frozen cupcake as if it was a lollipop. Frosty was cute; she was wearing a dark blue sundress with a light blue necklace. I noticed she cut her shorter.   

"Uh, I don't know but he seemed nice," I answer. "Where's Jason?"   

"I don't know. He wasn't finished being dressed so he told me to go on ahead. Jace should be here by now."   

I nod in understanding and continue to stuff my face with sweets. I'm extremely nervous about meeting the new headmaster. I don't want another little helper when I barely had my last one.   

All of a sudden, everyone starts cheering and looking toward the door. When I turn to see what all the commotion is about, I'm looking at the new headmaster. She's a spitting image of Erin, but younger and much prettier.

Her skin is a smooth peanut butter and her hair a long, luscious pale bluish purple. She is tall and sexy, as Erin was. The new headmaster wears a lilac bustier and skirt that is right above her knees. I noticed she wasn't wearing any shoes.

"Well hello people I've never seen before." She waves both hands happily and smiles. The crowd laughs and goes back to the party.   

When the new headmaster noticed me, she beamed and her wings fluttered. "Katheryn?" She bolts toward me and hugs me, which nearly knocks me over.   

"Oh my gosh! Katheryn, it really is you? Oh my gosh, you're so beautiful! It's so nice to finally meet you."   

I try to process all of what just happened. "Um, feelings mutual. You look gorgeous as well..." Her lavender eyes sparkle.   

"Oh, I'm Joy." She giggles. "I'm the new Headmaster. I'm Erin's daughter."

My jaw drops. I knew she looked familiar. "Wow! It's nice to meet you Joy." Instead of a handshake, we embrace each other again.  

"Kat," Joy sighed, "you don't want to be here, do you?"   

I shake my head. "No not really. Do you?"   

"Nah. But, I know somewhere fun where we could go. Erin used to take me every year for my birthday."   

"Joy, I don't think we're supposed to leave."   

Joy chuckles, "You're the Princess and I'm the Headmaster; I'm sure they won't mind if you leave for an hour or two."   

Joy takes my hand and we both calmly and quietly exit the Palace.


The wind is so soothing blowing through my hair. My arms and legs hang loosely and freely while I aimlessly wander through the sky. Now I understand why everyone wishes they could fly.   

Our destination was a beach. The ocean is calm and beautiful sparkling in the moonlight. The sand is extremely soft and cool. I would love to spend my summer vacation on this beach. I can't believe that Erin would bring Joy every year for her birthday.   

Joy removes her jewelry before splashing into the water. "Ah! This feels amazing! Join me Kat, you know you want to!"   

Reluctantly, I remove my shoes and jewelry before leaping into the water. The water is lukewarm and soothing to my body. I notice remnants of glitter and sparkles floating in the water and I feel three pounds lighter.   

"So Kat, tell me about yourself," Joy asks after spilling ocean water out of her mouth like a dolphin.   

I chuckle softly, "There isn't much to tell. What about you," I ask.   

"Same here. I guess we're not so different after all, Kat."

Joy and I float in the water in silence; enjoying the sparkling stars and the glowing moon. I don't even mind when sand gets in my hair. Hours later, Joy shakes me awake and I feel the cool sand against my body.   

"C'mon Kat, we gotta go. I totally forget about your coronation this evening."

"Coronation? Like a tiara," I mumble. Joy doesn't answer my question but drags me back toward the Palace. Our wings were too soaking to fly.

When we return to the Palace, I notice that half of the party has left and those who have stayed are constantly yawning. Why can't they just go home already?   

Joy and I make our way to a small pedestal and stand side by side. There is a microphone and a small velveteen box resting on a wooden table. Joy steps toward the microphone and clears her throat.   

"Hey! I know it's late and ya'll are tired, so I'm not gonna waste anymore of your time." Joy seems so comfortable and relaxed in front of all of these people.   

Joy retrieves a small diadem from the box and faces me. Before placing it on my head, she looks me in the eye and says,   

"As you would assume, this was Luna's crown. However, this one is special. This belonged to Luna and only Luna. Your mother was one-of-a-kind and she wanted her crown to be even more so. Therefore, she requested to have her own custom-made. I know that Luna would want you to cherish this; to pass it down for generations to come."   

The tiara is a beautiful goldish pink with cute little flowers as the circumference. Joy places the crown on my head and I can feel a tingling sensation coursing through me; running up and down my spine, making its way to the tips of my toes and fingers.   

Joy and I embrace once more. "You look amazing," she whispers. Joy and I face the audience and they cheer wildly. I could get used to this.


After everyone left, Joy and I decide to assist the maids in cleaning up the big party mess. When we're about halfway through, Jason finally decides to show up in his pajamas.   

He strides towards me with a grin spread across his face. "You look nice."   

I push him gently but hard enough to let him know that I was upset. "Where were you? Frosty and I were trying to find you and you didn't show up.

There's a pause.   

I cross my arms. "Why weren't you here?"   

Jason chuckles slightly. "Your hair is wet."   

I enunciate, "Why weren't you here, Jason?"

"I was busy."

"Doing what, looking for your bow tie?"   

"Too many people," He says. "I don't really like crowds."

"You're such a weirdo."

Jason was going to make a lame comeback when Joy comes up from behind him and roughly yanks his hair. Jason exclaims loudly while Joy giggles, "Just like when we were kids, huh Jason? I was always the strongest."   

"Oh please, JoJo." Jason puts his hair back in place.   

"Don't call me that," Joy says hostilely and yanks his hair again.   

I never would've guessed that Joy and Jason were friends, especially since they were children. Knowing this, gives me a small tinge of jealousy and I'm not sure why.   

"Um, excuse me, Princess," Mary stands by the door that enters to the Great Room. She glances at me slightly, and then looks past me.   

"I think that the time has come for you to rest." She stammers, "I mean, it has been a long night. You don't have to if you don't think you should."   

Joy and I leave but before we make our way up the stairs, Jason calls after me, "Honestly Katheryn, you look beautiful."   

I already knew I looked great, it was just odd for Jason to compliment me and actually mean it. "Uh, thanks. You don't look half bad in those pajamas."   


After I had showered and relaxed, I visit Joy's bedroom before trying to sleep.   

Joy is unpacking the last of her belongings: clothing, stuffed animals, many books, and photos. When Joy notices me, she smiles and gestures me to enter.   

"I'm just making sure my toys are in a safe place," she says while rearranging her teddy bears.   

I lean against the wall and stare at the photos. One of them is of Joy, Erin, and her father I assume.   

"That is my dad," Joy says looking at the same photo. "He was killed by a Creature."   

How did she know that that is what I had been thinking? I hadn't said anything; it was as if she read my mind.   

Joy snickers. "That's because I did. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Who!" That actually is pretty neat. "What else can you do," I ask.

"You don't want to know," Joy answers. "Well, it's a surprise."

To change the subject, I ask Joy about her family. "Joy, if Erin was your mother, how come I've never seen you in the Palace?"   

"I was living with my aunt and my sisters and cousins. Erin and I weren't that close. I mean, I loved her without a doubt, but we never really connected."   

I wonder if Luna had any siblings and if they're still alive. I wonder if I have any siblings. Are they alive?

"I don't think you had siblings, but your grandmother did," Joy starts. "Your great-grandfather, who was the King, had two sons and one daughter. They were all royal blood, but the oldest died of age and a Creature had killed the other. Only your grandmother was left."

My grandmother, Luna's mother. I wish I could meet them; they are my family after all. "Joy, how do you know all that," I ask.   

"They teach all about the royal family tree at school. I always paid attention because I knew that when you came back, I would be able to tell you everything." Joy winks at me.   

I think back to when I asked Mom to tell me about myself so I could have my questions answered. She was never a help, but now I have all the answers to whatever questions I might ask.   

"You know Kat, you should just say what's on your mind. Thinking is useless around me." Joy grins.   

I examine the other photos on Joy's wall: Joy and Erin at the beautiful beach, Joy and her classroom, Joy and Jason at her 12th birthday party. However, one picture catches my eye. It's a photo of Erin and Luna.   

They're both young and gorgeous. Luna's white hair shines like the moon; her smile is the crown jewel of her beauty. I don't understand why people compare me to her; she's much prettier than I am.   

"They look happy," I comment. 

"They still had to deal with those bloodthirsty demons, though," Joy mumbles.   

I try not to think about the Creatures, but memories still haunt me in my dreams and my thoughts. I wonder if Luna was as terrified as I was when she was growing up.

"Well, hopefully tonight you'll have sweet dreams." Joy gives me a pat on the back. She turns out the light and slips into bed. "Good night, Kat."

I leave her alone and go into my room. "It's been a long night," I think to myself. "I should be able to sleep well."

It takes about an hour or two before I drift off to sleep.

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