War Of The Robots |COMPLETE|

By MuteSpy

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In the 22nd Century, robots were a relatively new invention. They were now made for different uses such as cl... More

The Nightmare Begins
A New Life
The Prize
The Dreadful Discovery
A New Ally?
The New Adventure
A New Problem
The Poisonous Robot
A Dangerous Turn
The Newest Memory
The New Boy
The Talk
The Newest Attack
Unlikely Allies
The Past Of Cameron
The Simulation
Important Codes
A Training Session Gone Wrong
The Newest Plan
Newest Failure
A Secret Backup Plan
A Plan Put Into Action
Journey To The Laboratory
All According To Plan
The Master's Death Plan
Tests of Dignity
The Final Battle
Celebrations and Sadness
The Future Surprise

Amara's Reactions

18 3 4
By MuteSpy

October 14th, 2150

Two days after the arrest, the Master would be facing a judge soon. He is currently in solitary confinement. Amara and everyone else at the military base were watching the story with great curiosity. There haven't been recent updates, but there was a lot of celebration. 

The soldiers and Amara were currently recovering in the hospital. Amara had some debris from the explosion stuck in her leg, stomach, and her right arm. She sprained her ankle but that was the minor injury. The soldiers had some deep cuts and Sky had a broken arm. 

While Amara was in the hospital, she had time to reflect. How did she survive that explosion? Where is she going to live? What school is she going to go to? Why was she called the Master's niece? 

She knew she was going to be released in a few days. Amara was going to be on crutches for 6 weeks and she was not excited for that. But she was lucky she was even alive. 

As she was thinking, she heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in," She told the person. The door opened to reveal Rock coming in the room. Amara noticed that the boy was wearing a baggy shirt and basketball shorts. It was abnormally warm for fall, but she knew the doctors would go crazy if they saw his outfit of choice. 


"Hello," Amara greeted back. "How did the doctors react to that outfit. That is a summer outfit!" 

"I got some looks," Rock admitted, giving his friend an embarrassed look. 

"Well, I bet!" Amara chuckled at her friend's embarrassed look. 

"So, I heard you are getting out of here in a few days huh?" 

"Yeah," Amara replied to her friend. "It is so boring here!" 

"Whatever," Rock said with sarcasm. Amara sighed. 

"How would you feel if you had your ankle up in the air for this long?" 

"It's been only a few days Amara," Rock countered. 

"But that is still long!" 

Rock rolled his eyes at his friend. Even though it does sound uncomfortable, she needed to stop complaining. He knew this was the right time to talk to her about a certain thing that he desperately needed to get off his chest. 

"Amara, I have to talk to you about something," Rock started, getting rid of the silence. 

"What is it Rock?" Amara asked him. 

"I told the soldiers a few days ago when I said that I would tell them about the attacks I helped in. But I really needed you to know this."

"Sure, what is it?" Amara asked again. 

"Well, you obviously know about the second attack and I was a part of the second attack. But, there was a first attack." 

"I see." 

"But, I want you to be open. You know that I was controlled and I had no intention of doing this attack. But, I don't know if you remembered the first attack. You see, I was involved." 

Amara was in shock. Why hasn't she been told this before? 

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" 

"You wouldn't trust me." 

"Of course I-" 

"You wouldn't," Rock repeated. "A lot of people say that they can trust someone, even though they killed one of their loved ones Amara. I know the outcome if I did tell you." 

"Yeah but-" 

"There are no buts about it, you know. I needed to get that off my chest. Goodbye Amara." 

"Rock wait!" Amara shouted to him as he left the room. What was he worried about? Why was he so scared about her reaction? She was trying to defend him. Of course, Amara would forgive him, even though he thinks she wouldn't. He killed her parents for god's sake! 

She finally understood why he was so scared. She absolutely missed her parents and they were the reason why they went on this whole adventure. She knew her parents were watching and were proud of her. This was her biggest accomplishment in her fourteen years of life. 

She was going to tell Rock about the whole situation. Even though he ran away now, she was going to have to talk to him eventually. 


October 21st, 2150

A week after the confrontation, Amara was finally released from the hospital. She hated the wheelchair and the crutches, which were super annoying to her as they hurt her armpits. She had to get stuffed animals under her armpits just for it to be comfortable. 

She got picked up by the General after 5 minutes of waiting. It was silent for a little while until he started speaking. 

"Hello Amara, how was your hospital stay?" Amara didn't even know how to respond. She was tired, lost in thought, and was hungry. 

"It was fine," Amara replied, rubbing her stomach. She was starving and needed anything to eat. 

"Are you hungry Amara?" Amara nodded quickly. "I'll take you to the coffee shop. They do have some sweets that can hold you over for the time being, okay? Today is going to be a big day for all of us." 

Amara was confused. Why was this going to be a big day for everyone? Amara nodded slowly, still wondering what was going on. 

Ten minutes after she got picked up, they made it to the coffee shop. It was small but very high quality and everyone in there seemed happy as they were talking to each other. Smiling, Amara walked to the counter to look at all of the delicious looking food. A nice coffee and a muffin does sound good. What Amara didn't notice was Cameron and Rock were sitting in a booth. 

After they got their food, the General led Amara to the where the two boys were sitting. Amara sat next to Rock, then she whispered in his ear. 

"I forgive you." 

Smiling, she then started eating her muffin. Rock stayed silent while they were all talking. 

"So, Amara, we have a proposition for you," The General started. He looked at Cameron, both nodding at each other. "We are adopting you." 

Amara was in shock. 


"My dad is going to adopt you," Cameron said. "Didn't you hear him?" 

"Oh, shut up Cameron." 

Rock smiled at their bickering. They were definitely going to be good siblings. But he still definitely needed to talk to Amara about her reaction to this little predicament. 


Sorry, this chapter is shorter than the others. The next chapter is going to be the last chapter and will be longer than this one. 

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