Supernaturally Caged

By karenhallal

50.1K 2K 209

Ranelle a 18 year old girl knows nothing about her life or parents only knows that her life was spent in her... More

3: Cake
5:New Friends
6:A Little Chat
9:Waking Up
12:Time to Tell
13:Partner in crime
14:Letting go
16:Lucas pov (Not all thou)
21:Special Powers
24: More Guards and a Raise
25: A Little Slice
27:Plan into action
29:Behind that door
30:New Beginning
32:The First Crash
33: Up and Wake
Deleteing soon but...

31: The Winchesters are here

735 29 6
By karenhallal

Dean and Sam with their outfits

A huge thanks for everybody who voted you guys are all so amazing ❤♥️♥️

Song: We just haven't met yet ~Russ

This week has been beyond amazing.

It has been a week since our escape but it felt like years, yes I've been getting horrible nightmares but Lucas was always there and because of that they slowly by time are disappearing.

before all the dates I got to know him better than ever like his favorite color music artist and also my parents all that I have missed I even got some of the memory back. Skyler and I got so close knowing we are literally the same body got to know all the werewolf crap I needed to know apparently I am a luna meaning like a mother of this pack and I can command also but I have kinder way than Lucas. Mackenzie and I have also gotten a lot closer she told me everything about her like stopping the apocalypse about a fight with the archangelsMicheal and lucifer and fighting off demons Lilith Azazel all this that I would call a big bag of bull but with everything I did believe her as her job is hunting supernatural creatures apparently like me and many many others.

On the other hand, my dates were something out of this world he really did put his heart into them as they were something special. Our first date was simple but unforgettable it was a picnic under the night sky beside an amazing waterfall scenery with a bottle of red wine which is some good stuff, we talked about everything and anything how many babies we want our wedding all things that sound so early tp plan but so late not to.the second date was a family dinner may not sound like one but he knew it was important for me so he prepared it in an amazing restaurant ith delicious food was gonna order the whole menu but my stupid stomach gave up on food, much more beautiful dates.

Biting my lip to stop from smiling but failing miserably as we are waiting for the Winchesters to arrive at any minute.

"Come on you know I can't handle myself if you are gonna keep biting your lip like that," whining Lucas beside me with lust evident in his eyes.

"Ah yes sorry, I was just thinking about how my life changed in a week about everything you did especially the dates and how you are okay with waiting me out till we err... mate .." saying this out loud makes me repeat my action of biting my lip to stop from smiling looking down toward the ground.

"I told you to stop," as he comes over lifts my face and kisses me passionately our lips fits perfectly together as if every bump and curve was craft-made to fit his like a lock and key as they move in sync. I would have gone on forever kissing those soft lips but the body demands some oxygen as I said stupid body.

we break the kiss with our foreheads touching we were in our little perfect bubble but we heard the rumbling of a car engine a few blocks ahead so we separated our foreheads stood a bit taller together with Lucas hand on my waist and mine behind his back. standing like this for a few minutes till we see a black car that is absolutely stunning turn the corner and park beside us and let me tell not only was the car stunning but also the driver and his brother. one was taller than the other with taller hair than the other both have light brown hair and both were gorgeous

As they approached I saw that the taller one had light brown eyes as he was wearing a blue flannel with a bit of red, over it with a beige jacket with blue pants jeans and black boots while the shorter one a black shirt and a blue flannel with a black jacket blue jeans and also black shoes.

"Hi I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean," he extended his arm and Lucas was happy to take it.

"Nice car." I say pointing at it,  "What is it?"

"1967 chevy Impala, it's amazing." said Dean who has amazing green eyes like fiction green.

"Woah," I say as let go of Lucas and get near the car I can see that he tensed, "Can I?"

"Ya sure just be extra careful that's my baby," he says I nod trying to stop from laughing but this car means so much to him apparently so I keep a serious face and trail my finger along it towards the front, i Can see how new it looks and how much he keeps it safe. I can feel all of them staring at me but I don't mind that as I crouch down to see the word 'Chevrolet' carved on its front frame wow that really is an amazing car.

"sweet," I say as I stand and go towards Lucas, " Sorry where are my manners, I'm Ranelle and this my mate Lucas the former alpha," this time I extended my arm smiling also Sam took it and shook. Guess Dean isn't really found of us and he likes to make it shown.

"Umm can we see our sister Mackenzie?" asked Sam , seemed like Sam will be doing all te talking.

"Yes of course right this way,"  Dean went first he thinks we will trap them.

After a long agonizing walk with Lucas trying to small talk and them shutting him down, I can feel him get angry thinking how can the disrespect an alpha so I keep holding his hand and kissing him on his cheeks according to what I heard it calms him down surprisingly it works perfectly. thank the gods up above

We arrive at Lucas's house and I go to open the door as I feel I'm much better at it than he is.

"I'm home," I shout, "Hey Mack you got visitors!" again without but a bit louder. I hear her footsteps running down the stairs apparently, they were so loud that dean also heard them as he pushed me gently to find a crying Mackenzie on the bottom of the stairs.

"Dean Sam?" she questions asking sure they are real and when they nod with tears in their eyes she runs directly into Dean's wide open arms.

"We missed you little one," says sam as he joins and I move back to Lucas as he squeezes my shoulders as a sideway hug.

later Lucas and the brothers sit down as me and Mack go to the kitchen and make dinner for them nothing fancy only burgers and according to mack the only way to make dean more comfortable is to bake a pie which thank you mom, she taught me two days before how to bake the best pie in the world

"Hey Nell, thank you so much for all this," she said as she turned and looked at me.

"for what?"

"For this, for accepting my apology even after I lied to you, for calming Lucas down even when he is going to explode at Dean and his bad manners most of all for accepting me after I told that I hunt creatures like you ."

"Woah there I did all that cause you mean to me more than ever and you are the first best friend I had after the incident and I understand that some are uncontrollable rouges better to be called and I promise you I will never be like them and I'm always by your side," I say as I go and hug her and I sense a presence I look up and see Dean.

"Hey Dean," I say as I break the hug with Mack, " I'm baking apple pie hope that is good ?" I say fiddling with my hands trying to not sound nervous but can't.

"Did Mackenzie tell you anything about pie?" he says looking at mack.

"No, why I thought of asking pie case I learned yesterday and I would like to share it with you guys cause I make the best pie in the world," I say with a smirk on my face regaining my calmness back.

"Oh is that so, ill be the judge of that cause I have tasted a lot of pie to know which is the best in the world," he says with a cocky grin, yes I think its working.

As he leaves I shout, "Oh you are on!" and he laughs going into the living room.

"I think you won him over," she says as we both start jumping up and down and all around, "All it takes now is your best pie in the world."

"then let's get to work," with that we went to bake the best pie and the greatest dinner in the world.

When we finished I remove my apron wash my hands and fix my make up a bit then I went to the living room and call them.

"Guys dinner is ready," I say and go and stand with Mack waiting for them.

They sat down as I sat beside Lucas.

"please make yourself home and fill your plates up," I say as I smile

"Thank you," says Sam.

It was awkward a first but mack was able to get some conversation going on we talked about how we met and what happened, but we wanted to talk about why they are here for another night by that means tomorrow.

"Pie time," I say excitedly as I go to take the pie ou of the oven. taking it out it had that aroma that was sure it would be delicious.

"here ya go big piece just for you Dean," I say smiling at him. "I know you will love it."

As he takes a bite, his pupils immediately dilate indicating that he loved it not only that maybe adored it but I know he wouldn't admit it.

"Wow this pie is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted n my life," says Dean totally didn't expect that.

"Told you, technically I won," I smile I've been doing it a lot lately.

After dinner, we showed them the room they both are gonna stay in as hey specifically asked for that. Lucas left cause he had an urgent meeting but I'm proud of him on keeping his anger in.

'Thanks, babe,' Lucas mind linked me shit forgot about that.

"Anyways hope you liked dinner and don't  worry no one will enter this house, it is completely safe no one enters. Please make your selves at home." I say, "Goodnight," as I turn to leave

"Hey Ranelle," I turn and see them both in the doorway.

"Thanks for taking care of our lil sis and understanding her when she had to lie to you," Dean says as he looks like he has been to hell and back.

"Guys come on not only is she my friend but my sister. don't worry about her she is one tough cookie." I say as they both hug me and I hug them back "Have a goodnight," I say as I turn to leave.

"Goodnight and that was some good pie," Dean shouts and I laugh.

Going to bed I feel so accomplished as I made them open up and not only that but also made some killer pie. all I need know is to cuddle with Lucas but he had a meeting. As I open the door I find him shirtless with his blouse and underwear on the bed.

"Here wear these as your PJs, " he hands me the clothes  go inand change honestly i kinda like this.

I go out and cuddle with lucas in the bed as he kisses my forehead and i drift off to sweat sweat sleep.

Hey I'm back and I wrote up to 2000 words just for you guys and as an apology for taking so godamn long thanks for sticking around.
Hope you like it ♥️♥️





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