
By hey_Jacyyyy

2.5M 69.7K 9.1K

2013-2014 "You don't know me, no one does," I said in a voice just above a whisper. "Then let me in, I want... More

1. Goodbyes.
2. Morning After.
3. Home.
4. Nobody's perfect.
5. The mall.
6. My baby.
7. The first race.
8. Apology breakfast.
9. Class Teachers & Students.
10. True colours.
11. Whats wrong with you?
12. Its only a Scratch.
13. I'm fine.
14. Meeting Constable Frey.
15. Insults.
16. Dad?
17. Revenge best served even.
18. Jake.
19. The Happy Text.
20. Date Cut Short.
21. The Bitch is Back.
22. Death Notes.
23. Stick to the roads.
24. Tampered.
25. The Feather Design.
26. To Sad to be Mean.
27. The tip off.
28. False Evidence.
29. The Explosion.
30. Jesse.
31. I hate Puzzles.
32. New Friends.
33. Important calls.
34. Sharpie Wars.
35. She's my Sister.
36. Confrontations.
37. Logan's Luxury.
38. June Second.
40. Nasty Rumours.
41. Bad Luck Birthdays.
42. Britty's Secrets.
43. Meeting Fay.
44. The Note.
45. The Boys.
46. Private Jets.
47. Tiara.
48. Relatives.
49. Just Keep Swimming.
50. Deals.
51. Cars, Cars & More Cars.
52. Riverstone.
53. Rest In Peace.
54. Global Threat Operative.
55. Another Note.
56. Birds Of The Rainbow.
57. The Funeral.
58. Light & Dark.
59. The Hux's.
60. Beautiful Endings.
61. 3 Months Later.
62. I'm Back.
63. Hatred & Hospitals.
64. Explain.
65. Just My Luck.
66. Party?
67. Her.
68. Code.
69. The Arrest.
70. Snapping.
71. Letting Go.
72. Was it Worth it?
73. Wasn't Your Fault.
74. Our Love.
75. In The End.

39. Problems & Solutions.

33.4K 804 123
By hey_Jacyyyy

Fridays, your suppose to love them. But it just meant the end of the week and I was still cut off.

My friends were still slightly mad, well mostly Britty... And my car had to be taken back to the Logan's friend Monday morning because he forgot to connect the subwoofer.

So basically I had to ride my bike all week and it rained on Wednesday. But I had gotten both of them registered.

Luckily I had gotten my car back yesterday so I could actually drive it now.

I jumped into my ripped skinny jeans with no skill whatsoever and then matched it with a grey tank top. I slid down the railing of the stairs groaning as I forgot to jump and banged into the end of the rail.

Rubbing the side of my ass I grabbed my keys, bag and phone, and walked to my car in the garage using the clicker to open the door.

I waited for it to open plugging in my phone and blasting Magic by B.o.B.

I pulled out clicking it again so it would go down and turned on the a/c.

I arrived at school five minutes too and I watched with a proud smirk on my face as people jaws dropped as I pulled up.

Feast your eyes on my sexy Lexus LFA.

I slipped into my black pumps considering I had forgotten my shoes.. And I always had spare pair in the car.

Unfortunately they had to be heals...

I stepped out shouldering my back pack and pushing my sunglasses on top of my head. Closing the car door I locked it and walked to the school doors while guys noticeably stared at my ass.

I wonder it I throw my heal at them they'll stop? But then I'd need another pair of shoes..

"Woah Jackie, nice ride," one of the hot sport players commented smirking, and I say sport because I'm not entirely sure what they play...

"Thanks," I smirked back brushing past him.

"So you finally got it back?" Jesse smiled quirking an eye brow at me as I walked inside the school doors.

"Yep, last night," I grinned walking down the hall with him.

"Are you still not talking to the girls? Aka Britty and Tabby?" Jesse frowned.

"I would be talking to Chloe, Penny and Kelly, but Britty keeps them close and she hates me for 'stealing her brother,'" I said using air quotes.

"It's so boring without you there, where are you even hanging out?" Jesse groaned.

"I found this place called the library," I started in a whisper, "but then I just broke into Toby's classroom and hung out with him."

"I really didn't think you'd be seen in the library," he chuckled and I smiled.

"I've been to the library before," I defended.

"Yeah when?" He smirked as I stopped walking to think about it.

"Year seven," I grumbled realising that I had always gotten someone else to get me books for assignments.

"Knew it," Jesse said in a sing song voice.

"Shut up," I laughed rolling my eyes at his proud smirk.

"What class do you have?" Jesse asked as the bell went.

"Maths," I grumbled.

"Sucks I got cooking, see ya," he waved and I frowned as he walked away, he has cooking... Wait.. What?

I sighed walking in the direction of my math class really regretting to get my shoes from next to the door.

"Take a seat class," Mrs Kay smiled just as I was walking in, I slumped down next to the only available seat left. Next to Zac.

Did I also mention that him and Scott were also mad at me.


"Turn to page 276, in your text book and start working on 14C also I want your homework that I gave you on Monday," Mrs Kay said and I grumpily pulled out the massive book opening it to the right page and starting on the questions.

"Do you have your homework?" Mrs Kay asked as she reached my desk.

"Yeah," I said handing it to her and she stood there in shock for a moment.

"You actually did your homework," she muttered, I'm pretty sure to herself.

"Yeah," I nodded slowly.

"Good job," she said looking over my sheet to see if I had filled it all out.

"Uh, thanks?" I frowned going back to work.

Once I had finished that section of the work I looked up realising that everyone else was still starting it.

I'll just wait until someone else finishes... Or not.

"Jackie Skye to the principles office, Jackie Skye to the principles office, thank you," the speaker in the classroom said and everyone turned to me.

I rolled my eyes shouldering my back and making my way to the classroom door. "If you didn't get those questions finished can you hand your book in tomorrow."

"I finished it like five minutes ago," I shrugged and mrs Kay gave me a odd look and I could still feel everyone's eyes on me.

"All of it?" She asked.

"Yeah, I even ended up doing the bonus activity," I shrugged handing her my book so she could check.

"Well.... Wow... Uh, you better go now," she mumbled and I nodded and walked out the door and down the familiar path to the principles office.

"You wanted to see me," I greeted Hannah and she gave me a week smile and gestured for me to sit.

"Have you had a fallout with your father?" She asked and I frowned.. Why would she know about that?

"Um.. Yeah.." I said awkwardly.

"Well, his stopped paying for your schooling," she mumbled giving me a sad smile.

"That asshole," I spat.

"I told him that he wasn't allowed to refund the money that he paid for this term so your safe," she started.

"But its not me that's doing this, he won't pay for next semesters and because you don't have the top grades the school board are trying to get you transferred to the public school," she finished readying herself for my outburst.

But none came.

"How much does it cost?" I asked calmly.

"Does what?" She frowned.

"The last semester," I said looking her dead in the eye.

"Fifty grand," she gulped.

"If I get you this, will I be able to stay?" I questioned my tone still calm.

"Yes," she nodded.

"Then I will, by the end of this term," I shrugged, I would not let dad win this even if I had to beg for money on the side of the street. Like a hobo.

"Jackie this is fifty thousand dollars, you would need to sell a lot of weed to even make half of that," she sighed running a hand through her ponytail.

"Don't worry, I'll get it," I said smiling reassuringly at her and standing up as the bell went for next class.

"I'm sorry Jackie, if I could of done anything I would of," she smiled sadly at me as I walked to her door.

"It's seriously okay, I'll figure something out," I shrugged and closed the door behind me walking numbly to physics.

"Is anyone sitting here?" Someone asked me as I sat at the back of the room. I didn't even bother looking up and just shook my head as a no.

"Are you ignoring me?" They asked and sideways glanced at the person who had sat next to me.

Just Blake.

I hadn't talked to him either because Britty had kept me away from the whole group.

"Huh?" I frowned forgetting what he had asked.

"Are you ignoring me?" He repeated but slower.

"No," I shrugged trying to stop freaking out so much. I'm going to kill him...

Now I have a sperm donator as well as an egg donator. Seriously a shitty day.

"Are you okay?" He frowned eyeing me strangely.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I dismissed focusing on whatever mr Bentley was writing on the board.

"Why did you get called to the office?" He pressed.

"For stuff," I answered vaguely.

"Like what?" He pressed again and I clenched my jaw in annoyance.

"None of your business stuff," I bit out scribbling down the assignment that I would do tonight.

"Why are you so mad?" He asked and I shot him a 'are you kidding me' look.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I counted starting to do the questions on the board.

"Because I want to know," he shrugged.

"Can't you do your work or something," I groaned as he kept looking at me expectedly.

"Not until you tell me why you were at the office," he smirked and I groaned again.

"Transfer," I answered simply and he frowned thinking about what I had just told him. Well it wasn't a lie, if couldn't come up with fifty thousand dollars I would be transferred.

"Your getting transferred?" He asked his frown deepening.

"Might," I shrugged.

"Do you want to?" He questioned looking up at me.

"No," I said shaking my head and he breathed out a sigh in relief.

"Thank god, I don't want you to leave," he smiled and at that moment Chloe and Penny sat down catching the end of the sentence.

"Your leaving," Chloe frowned turning to face me.

"No, I might be getting transferred," I said slowly.

"Why?" Penny asked.

"Personal reasons," I shrugged turning back to the board and completing the questions that were suppose to last the whole lesson.

"Such as..?" Blake drawled.

"Things that aren't important," I waved off drawing tornados in my book.

"Well they must be important if your going to move," Blake stated and at that moment Kelly sat down at the table next to Blake.

"Who's moving?" She asked and the late bell went, why was I magically finishing my work so fast?

"Jackie is, she's moving schools," Penny filled her in.

"I might be," I corrected shutting my book and laying my head on the desk.

"Jackie sit up and do your questions," mr Bentley called.

"I'm finished," I shrugged standing up and walking to his desk at the front, shouldering my bag.

"Yeah right," he muttered rolling his eyes and I opened my book chucking it on his desk.

"I have so what can I do?" I groaned and his eyes widened as he looked at the completed work.

"Um.. I guess you can start your theory assignment," he mumbled checking my book.

"Okay," I sighed taking my book back when he had finished ticking it.

When I turned around I notice the whole class had been staring at me, "what?"

I heard mumbles and rolled my eyes and walked back to my seat. Looking at theory's I could do on my phone I was ignoring the four sets of eyes staring at me.

"Stop it," I snapped glaring at the four.

"Stop what?" Blake asked innocently.

"Staring," I said pointedly my eyes narrowing at him.

"What's got you so annoyed?" He frowned.

"Not having the best day," I bite out writing down my ideas.

"What happened?" Chloe asked concerned.

"I forgot my shoes," I brushed off trying to put all my concentration onto my work.

"Is that it?" Kelly frowned.

"That's all I'm going to tell you about," I shrugged standing up and shouldering my bag again.

I walked straight out the door not even bothering to give the teacher an excuse. I walked down the halls until I found the schools library.

By the time I got there, only about ten minutes of class would be left.

"Morning," the librarian smiled and I smiled back going to sit on one of the free couches.

I looked through the ideas I had written down and sighed when the bell went.

Slowly getting up I walked to one of my worse classes. Design.

It had everyone, Britty, Tabby, Chloe, Zac and Jesse. Although I could deal with Jesse.

I sat down in the furthest corner plugging in my head phones and ignoring what was going on around me. I only looked up slightly when I noticed their was about five people standing in front of me that weren't moving.

I pulled out a headphone looking up at them expectedly.

"What?" I asked when they didn't say anything and continued to stare.

If I didn't know them I would of thrown these bloody heals at them. So not in the mood to be wearing these.

"What is this about you transferring?" Jesse spoke up his face hard, I groaned not this again.

"None of your god damn business," I bit out crossing my arms.

"What happened?" Jesse asked concern in his voice.

"I forgot my shoes," I shrugged huffing out a breath and tapping my pencil on the table.

"Your wearing shoes," Zac pointed out looking under the desk.

"I'm wearing three inch heels, to school," I said slowly, who the hell wears heels to school as a choice.

"Kate does," Jesse shrugged and I frowned scrunching my eyebrows together, I said that out loud.

"Kate's a slut," I said boredly wishing mrs Hoyt would hurry up for once.

"Back to the original question, why are you transferring?" Tabby cut in before Jesse could reply.

"That's for me to know and you to not find out," I said glaring at the table, I would smash it but I would probably need to pay for it and I have bigger money problems.

"This is why we got angry at you last time, you never tell us anything," Britty exclaimed.

"Okay then, I've been cut off from my money, I have a beach house, I live next to Jordan and Jay, Toby is my brother that I never knew I had till about two weeks ago, I have no idea where my so called mother is, my dads being a douche, I spent a lot of money last weekend, I have to get my stitches out on Tuesday, I only just got my car back, Logan is in town, someone is still trying to kill me, I feel like punching the wall, I actually went to the library and I forgot my fucking chucks by the door," I ranted throwing my hand up in the air.

They all looked at me mouths a gape, lost for words, so I hadn't actually told them what they were asking but I wasn't about too.

"So Toby's definitely your brother," Zac muttered.

"Yes," I said out of breath and slamming my head on the table. That hurt.

They didn't say anything for another five minutes and I groaned getting out mrs Hoyt's homework that she had assigned us on Tuesday, it wasn't due till Monday but whatever.

"Class get in your seats," she snapped coming through the door just as the late bell went. And she couldn't of been there earlier...

The group in front of me moved to available seats Jesse sitting next to me, "you still didn't say why your getting transferred."

I groaned turning to him with a glare, "you don't tell me nothing, I'm not telling you nothing."

"Ask whatever you want, and I'll answer it but you've got to answer yours as well," he smirked.

"How many girls have you slept with?" I snickered and I saw him go ridged.

"Different question?" He winced.

"Tell me your full life story," I smirked and he groaned.

"Another," he frowned.

"Nope, you couldn't share so I'm not," I said shaking my head.

"But your questions were unfair," he pouted making him look adorable.

"Then to me so is yours," I shrugged handing Mrs Hoyt the homework as she walked past my table to get a new marker.

"Your suppose to give it to me when it's completed," she said raising an eyebrow at my paper.

"Is it that hard to believe that I do my homework and school work?" I groaned and she flipped through it her eyes widening slightly in surprise.

"No, just unusual," she shrugged carrying on with the lesson.

I tuned everything out after that and did the questions on the board.


It was halfway through lunch and I was sitting on Toby's desk eating a chicken and mayo sandwich after I had told him what the headmistress had said.

"Do you want me to loan you the money?" He asked smiling sadly up at me.

"No, that's why I haven't told anyone, I will get the money somehow," I shrugged.

"Fifty grand is a lot," he frowned.

"If I sold everything in my closet I could probably have enough," I said matter of factly.

"Naked with fifty thousand dollars, not a nice image to picture sis," he muttered sticking his tongue out.

"Okay now I'm picturing it," I shuddered picturing a fifty year old man with money taped over his privates.

"Your picturing the old man too," he winced and I nodded making a disgusted face.

"Oh god, now there's a eighty year old grandma," I groaned.

"Yuck," Toby said shaking his head.

"Okay subject change," I said shaking the images out of my head.

"How are you paying for power at your house?" He asked and I frowned.

"Um.. I guess I'm going to need a job, I'll pay for it in the meantime with the money I took out," I shrugged.

"Considering I'd feel like a total freeloader if I didn't pay for something, when I move in I'll pay half," he smiled.

"So you are moving in," I grinned and he rolled his eyes.

"I have to be there to fight off all the robbers," he laughed.

"Better set up booby traps," I chuckled.

"Hmm.. So I'm thinking I'll need barbe wire, arrows, a chain saw and duct tape," he said going serious.

"No way," I said shaking my head at him.

"But it would be cool," he persuaded.

"No booby traps," I laughed and there was a knock on the door.

"Hide," Toby whispered and I jumped behind a desk.

"Hello," he smiled opening the door, I couldn't tell who was there though because of the angle I was at.

"Hey," I just heard them say, "is Jackie here? Jesse told me she would be."

"Um.. She is.. But I'm not sure if she wants to talk to you," Toby said awkwardly and mouthed the words Britty to me.

"That's expected," Britty muttered and I groaned getting off the floor and walking over to the door.

"What do you want?" I asked her trying not to snap.

"To talk," she shrugged and I glanced at Toby.

"I'll be back," I smiled.

"If your not I'll call the police," he whispered and I laughed.

"Can you call Logan? Please, and ask him what his dug up," I pleaded and he rolled his eyes as I stepped out into the hall.

"Fine," he smiled closing the door behind me.

I looked back at Britty waiting for her to say something, you know anything.

But all she did was play nervously with her fingers.

I sighed and shot her a look, "please just say it."

"Well look, the guys have talked to me and said I should apologise to you for being so rude, and Jesse said that if I didn't fix it than him and Kain were going to go hang out with you, than Blake volunteered to go with and Chloe than stepped up along with Penny and Kelly.." She trailed off and I knew where she was going.

Awe everyone wants to hang with me...

"Look I get that your mad at me for having Blake go to Remma, but I didn't force him, he chose it, plus its his life and his decisions," I shrugged huffing out a breath.

"Yeah I know, it's just his always there, its always been me, him and Scott and when he went off on his own I felt kind of left out," she sighed and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Aw look who it is, easy and Tom boy," Kate laughed one of the school sluts standing to her side.

"Because boys wear heels," I muttered rolling my eyes at her.

"I once saw my brothers friend wear heels," whatshername said in a squeaky voice.

"I'm not even going to say anything to that," I frowned.

"Your such a loner, hanging out with your brother," Kate spat.

"When did Britty become my brother?" I asked.

"Oh please you've been hanging out with Mr Taylor all week, your such a loser," she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh god Kate, get over yourself, people are sick of your pathetic bullying, are you still mad at me because Jesse was your fuck buddy? Because okay I'm sorry, but I do not need your shit in my life right now. You need to get your own life and stop obsessing over mine, its annoying," I snapped turning on my heel and pushing into Toby's room so she couldn't reply.

"You okay?" Toby frowned as I let Britty in after me.

"No, I really need to punch something," I groaned picking up my bag and swinging it over my shoulder.

"If it helps there's a gym near the race track, its pretty good, and not crowded," Toby smiled and I nodded walking out of the door and forgetting about Britty.

I pushed my way out of the school and climbed into my car pulling out of the parking lot and in the direction of the gym.

I found it easily and stepped out of my car locking it, the sign was fading but you could just see the letters that said Punch 'em gym.

"Hello miss," a guy with crooked teeth smiled.

"I really need to punch something," I smiled at him.

"Punching bags are over there help yourself," he smiled pointing to a small section.

I nodded saying thanks and walked over there to see there was a guy hanging up punching bags.

He was about my age and had dark brown hair, I could only see his back though, but I have to say.. He has a really nice ass.

"Wow a person who actually uses the gym in day time," the boy laughed turning around his blue eyes flashing in amusement.

"People use it at night?" I frowned raising an eyebrow.

"You haven't heard of the cage ring?" He frowned back.

"Nope," I said shaking my head.

"Well it hasn't started yet, basically around three in the morning most of the teens come down to watch the cage matches, not legal mind you," he smiled.

"It starts around week five all the way into a week of the holidays. You get prizes," he nodded like he was confirming the information with himself.

"Hmm.. Cool," I smiled wrapping the bandages around my nuckles.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" He frowned looking me up and down to determine my age.

"Shouldn't you," I pointed out swinging my foot up to kick the bag making it swing to the other side of the railing.

"I didn't want to," he shrugged watching me as I kept hitting the bag.

"Me either," I smiled laying another hit.

"Your a good fighter, are you trained in anything?" He questioned.

"Kick boxing and mixed martial arts," I replied.

"That's a good combo, you know you should actually enter the cage match," he suggested and I stopped punching the bag and turned to him.

"And get myself more killed?" I chuckled shaking my head.

"There is a prize for the girl comp," he shrugged.

"Like what?" I asked running a hand through my hair.

"Thirty grand, forty if you agree to fight the boys champ," he smiled.


"When's it start?" I questioned.

"Two weeks the guys comp starts, four for the girls there's usually less competitors," he yawned hanging the last bag and turning to the exit.

"What's your name?" I called after him.

"I guess you'll have to come to the guys cage comp to find out," he laughed back and I groaned.

Thank you really cute boy that I don't know the name of for that totally money problem solver.

I should really get out more.


Picture to side of Jackie's Lexus.

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