Tell It To The Crows(a Sons...

By mc_cassie

147K 2.8K 308

Libby Parker is running from her past. Granted, she's only seventeen ( almost eighteen) While she's running... More

Charming... Not Really
My First Shift
Back Again
I Have No Idea Where I'm Going
Yes, You Were Right. No, I Will Never Admit That.
I'm not Fooled
Bedrest? Pssh, Who Needs Bedrest?
Come On,Lass. Tell Me Somethin'
Jax Doesn't Like Our Relationship?
The Rooftop and I Have Become Best Friends
The Failed and Unexpected
Stupid Blond MC Hitler
It Was Just A Talk,Jax.
Why Isn't This Size Nine Converse Up Your Ass Yet
Hitch Hikers and Junkie Whores
So Will You
I Told You So
Hello? I Am Talking To You!
I Need To Talk to Libby
Uh Oh
Officer Asshole
Number One Sad Baddie

I Need to Talk to Libby (Part 2)

3.3K 69 4
By mc_cassie

The storm only increased through the day and it was kind of nice considering that I hadn't seen something like it since I left Chicago. It was a breath of fresh air for me, and everyone else in the Club seemed to agree with me. While we waited for midnight to strike, we played different card games. My personal favorite had to be when we played Spoons on two pool tables that we pushed together. It went a little something like this.

"So, how do we play again?" Juice asked, passing me the two combined decks of cards. I grinned and shuffled them before I started to pass out four cards to everyone who was playing with us as I explained the rules for a second time,"So the person who starts,which is me this round, will pass cards around the table to the person next to me who will look at it and see if they want it. Then, if they want it, they take it and put down a card that they don't want. You're only allowed to have four cards in your hand."

"And the first one to get four of a kind, takes a spoon from the middle and the person that doesn't grab one, loses the round and it goes on until there's two people left." Kip finished for me, flashing me a grin. Recently, we've been playing Spoons to pass the time, so he's practically a pro by now.

It always seemed to come down to me and Ope, which made me laugh a little and after several games of it, we divided to find other forms of entertainment.

Jax's Point of View:

It was close. So fucking close. I pulled Libby into my body then we started to rock back and forth to the soft song that was playing, thanks to Bobby who had hooked up the speakers and started the music up.

"I'll have Juice pick you up when we have Alvarez." I informed her, tangling my fingers with hers. She looked up at me then stated, "That's good. But what's going to happen before you get Alvarez? Who's getting the casualties in this?"

"They are! I swear, no one's going down tonight besides the Mayans. You'll get your revenge tonight. Trust me." I begged, cupping her chin. She nodded and gave me a quick kiss as Clay started to round us up. I looked down at her then declared, "I love you, Libby Parker."

Her hazel eyes widened and before she could reply, Opie was dragging me outside to our bikes. Instead of Libby following me out like I half expected her to, she stood in the doorway of the Clubhouse with her mouth slightly open and Half Sack at her side. She gave a half hearted wave at me then retreated as our bikes roared to life.

"What was that about?" Opie called to me over the bikes. I waved a hand in dismissal, hoping he'd drop the subject, only to receive a stern glare that read,"We'll talk about this shit eventually." We kicked our bikes into gear and rode to the destination that Julio had given us where no one was in sight, probably because we were about half a mile from where the Mayans leaders were meeting. Unfortunately for them, it'd be their last.

With quick and light steps, we hurried over and put on the silencer to our guns then waited to catch a glance at the browns. We spotted them pretty quickly, considering there was street lamps surrounding them. I waved my brothers in closer then ordered,"I want no collateral damage on this,so Tig, go with Clay. Hap, with Chibs, Bobby with Juice, and Ope, you're with me. Got it? Go. Take out the VP and Sergeant at Arms but don't touch Alvarez. We want him alive."

They repeated the plan to themselves as we separated in opposite directions and Ope hissed to me softly,"So what's wrong with you and Libs. She looked a little stunned when we left."

"I told her that I loved her." I admitted. He raised his eyebrows then asked,"Oh really? How long have you guys been together now?"

"A month, I think. Do you think I said it too soon?" I questioned, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"No, I think it was the wrong time. Probably should've waited until she kills her biggest enemy." I scoffed at his answer then muttered, "Smartass." The plan couldn't have gone any better. Happy was a good enough shot that he put a bullet in each of the the targets we were going for, causing Alvarez to whip around, demanding us to come out.

"You bitches! You'll pay for this." he shouted, as we emerged from our hiding spots where we were now soaked to the bone, water trailing down the leather on our backs. I chuckled and snapped, "Knock him out." Alvarez went to swing and defend himself but Juice was much quicker,thanks to his younger age, so he was able to slam the gun into his frontal lobe,knocking him out.

We moved quickly and drug him into the van that Half Sack and Julio had brought around by our bikes while Juice brushed away our footprints as we walked away. The sound of thunder almost overpowered the roar of our motorcycles but we could still hear ourselves speak to one another and I turned in surprise as Bobby stated low,"Been a long time since there's been this bad of a storm. Guess it's a sign."

We turned to face him but no one said anything in return as we loaded up and drove to the little warehouse that we had found outside of town. I gave a nod to Happy who lifted Alvarez then carried him inside and tied him to the chair where we would wait for him to come around.

"Go home,Juice,Sack. Bobby, Hap,why don't you go with them, take Speedy over there too. Hold down the Clubhouse in case something back there happens." Clay ordered,shooing them away. I looked up at my Prez and stated,"Go ahead and go home. We got this,man."

He raised an eyebrow then nodded and when he started to walk away, he looked over his shoulder and declared,"You're starting to act more and more like your father every day." I shrugged then replied, "Sometimes that's a good thing in my book."

"Never said it wasn't." he declared after a moment of hesitation. I nodded and turned back to where Opie was smacking the Prez of the Mayans back to consciousness, Tig and Chibs chuckling at every slap that he laid across the cheeks of Alvarez. I propped myself against a few of the boxes, kicking my legs up on the chair that we had found lying around as his brown eyes fluttered open, my best friend backed away to join me at the side.

"Jax. Nice to see you again, muchacho." he greeted, a smug smirk across his bloody lips. I grinned in return,"Yes, very nice to see you indeed. Do you know why you're here, Marcus?"

"What are you going to do? Kill me? Man, it'll only start a war in Charming. Is that really what you want?" Alvarez questioned. I chuckled and leaned close to his face then asked,"You think I'm going to kill you? Oh no, amigo. I don't think so."

A gun was cocked in the dark behind me and the Mayan Prez tensed at the sound, his brain whirling and twirling as he attempted to decipher who the gunman was.

"Man,you got another thing coming." Tig chuckled from his chair as lightning crackled across the midnight sky, revealing his crazy black curls and wild blue eyes. Chibs nodded and agreed,"Aye. The person on the other side of that barrel is very pissed off at ye." Opie joined in on the laughter then added,"Oh yeah,I'd be pissing in my pants if I was in your position,homie."

A small laugh echoed through the hall,causing us all to fall silent at the dead humor in the giggle before she called out,"He'd be wise to do so,Ope. Because for what I'm about to do to him, he'll be begging for a piss break."

"Pequeña, por favor." Alvarez begged,eyes widening as he caught side of her creamy skin. A bitter laugh followed his statement before she hissed, "Begging,Marcus? That's fucking pathetic. You're a goddamn Prez. Act like one."

"You wouldn't swoop so low, pequeña. You're not a Son." he protested but his voice quivered, admitting that he was scared. The lightning struck again, this time the thunder rattled the weak warehouse halls, and the light caught her now darkened hazel eyes that had changed to a mossy green then she flashed a smirk and replied,"No,you're right." She handed the gun off to Chibs then walked around his chair.

"I'm not a Son,I'm not patched in,I'm not a prospect, hell, I'm not even a fucking old lady yet. But I'm something much more terrifying." She stopped dead behind him and I caught sight of her weapon then she hissed,"I'm the fucking Reaper Princess, bitch, and that means that you don't fuck with my Club,my family, or my man without paying the price."

She drove the knife into his hand, drawling a scream of fear,pain,and surprise to rip from his throat,and unfortunately for him, it seemed that the blade was very,very rusted and dull, judging by the way that it ripped the tender muscles and tissues of his hand.

"Mierda, mierda, lo siento!" he shrieked, struggling in his binds. She laughed wickedly then snapped in Spanish as well, "No mereces el perdón."

We exchanged worried looks at the use of their foreign terminology but when Libby continued to speak in the language, we couldn't have been more confused. But this seemed personal and no one of us seemed like we were brave enough to say something to hear.

"Jackson,please. tell her I'm sorry. I had to do it. I couldn't seem weak in front of my crew. You know how it is,man."Alvarez begged, eyes glazed over after the third stab of Libby's that she delivered to him. She laughed and set down the knife before pulling a lighter from her pocket then settled in a crouch in front of him then asked," Do you know what my first thought was when I saw my parents lying across the dining table of my home?"

"No! I don't,please don't kill me,pequeño!" Marcus begged. A small smile grazed her lips as she leaned in close and whispered something in his ear which caused his eyes to widen then she flicked the Bic then leaned the flame towards him, igniting his clothes.

He begun to shriek as we walked away from the sight, his shouts following us out. Opie turned to my girlfriend then asked,"What did you tell him?" She patted him on the back and stated,"I told him that he ripped my family away from him,so now his family can feel the same."

Libby's Point of View:

Chibs shook his head then replied,"Dat's dark, love." I shrugged and declared,"Nope, just what he deserved." He kissed the top of her head then suggested,"Let's get that cast off of ya, huh?"

"Hallefuckinglujah!" I cried out, running the best I could to the bikes. I heard the guys share a laugh and Jax wrapped his arms around my waist as we gathered in a circle to stare at the flames rising from the warehouse. Eventually, the now ex-leader of the Mayans' screams died out, probably from him either bleeding out or passing out from the smoke in his lungs. With no guilt at all in my system, we rode back to the Clubhouse where everyone was waiting outside for us to arrive.

"Well?" Gemma asked as she,Clay, and Speedy,which is what the boys had nicknamed the new prospect, joined us and the rest of the Charter leaned in close for the news of Alvarez. I grabbed Jax's hand then murmured,"He's dead. Stabbed him three times and burned him alive." Happy whistled under his breath then muttered to me in his low voice, "Marry me."

I laughed and patted his cheek then warned,"Better watch out for this weird blond guy that's always hanging around me. He's like obsessed with me and my interesting life." Jax turned to me then faced Opie for a few seconds who was currently dying of laughter along with Tig and Chibs before he gasped,"Oh fuck, you're talking about me,aren't you!?"

I joined in with the spread of chuckles then ruffled his hair before I turned to the Scotsman and stated,"Now,Chibby,I think we have a date before me and Hap gets married." Happy reached over and patted me softly on the shoulder and declared,"Just give me the time and place and I'll bring the booze and rings."

"Deal!" I cheered before walking over the picnic table beside the boxing ring near the Clubhouse entrance where I waited for Chibs to gather his gear to get the concrete slab off my leg. After about twenty minutes, he had it off and waving it like a trophy then I hopped up and walked around for a few moments then cried out,"I'M FREE,DAMMIT!" Laughter roared the place and someone decided that booze needed to join the celebration of the death of Marcus Alvarez.

Opie joined me at the picnic table then stared at my beer bottle in hand then informed me with a know-it-all tone,"You know that's not good for you." I rolled my eyes and my head lolled to the side to stare at him with a bored expression as I asked in the most-dramatic way possible."No, really? I never noticed, thank you,Mr. Alcoholic."

"I am not an alcoholic!" he cried out, leaning on me, only to reach up and snatch my beer out of my hands then he guzzled down the rest of the bottle. I pointed a finger at him as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand then muttered,"Shut up,ya little smartass. How are ya feeling, Short Stack? Any guilt so far?"

I shook my head and replied softly,"No,I don't think so. But the week is still young so hey, maybe it'll come. Either that or I'm an emotionless little bitch." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders then informed me,"While others would agree with that statement, I have to deny that. You're a great person and you just got dealt a shitty hand in life. But it looks like you're starting to change into what you were made to be."

I raised an eyebrow then turned to face him and asked,"Oh yeah? And what's that supposed to be,Yoda?" He scoffed at my Star Wars reference but didn't break his stern expression when he said this,"An old lady. More importantly, my best friend and VP's old lady."

Hello,hello.hello.everyone!!!! It seems that I am terrible at doing things that I am supposed to be doing and instead of doing that, I do things that I want to do. Unfortunately, if this turned out like shit, then I'm sorry, but I'm stuck doing testing for the state so I've been very busy with all of that, including my own relationship problems. But, for most of you, you're probably freaking out about the fact that I.... Killed.... Marcus Alvarez... Well, guys, please remember that this story is a FANFICTION!!!! IT'S MY OWN STORYLINE! EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IS MEANT TO PUSH THIS STORYLINE! I know I said that there wouldn't be many OCs in this, but I LIED! It was just too good to pass up. Now, I'm not going to lie. My original plan was to kill off Speedy (Julio, or the new kid) but then I got thinking and the plans alternated and now, I think he's going to stay alive into the sequel. YES, I SAID SEQUEL!! YAY!!!! So, um, comment on what you liked or thought was funny, vote on this chapter and maybe previously written chapters, and share. Thanks and I'll see you next round in Tell It To The Crows.

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