*completed* A Kindergarten Pr...

By liamsstagram

147K 4K 528

Becca was 5 and she was his best friend Louis was 6 and he was her best friend They made a kindergarten promi... More

A Kindergarten Promise (One Direction/Louis story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
CHapter 25
A/N (: I promise an update soon!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
you and i
Chapter 32
I promise a chapter
and the winner is.......
Chapter 33
One shot and laziness
Chapter 34
Be mad at me
Chapter 35 (last chapter?)

Chapter 26

2.6K 70 24
By liamsstagram

**Becca POV**

I stood on my tippy toes to reach my duffel bag in my closet. After this morning i need to get away from London and go back to Doncaster for a while, a fresh start. If it's meant to be maybe Louis ill come to his sense but if fate doesn't want us together.... then..... well we will just have to see how this plays out.

"Almost got it" i grunted when my fingertips tried to grasp the duffel bag on my top shelf, i'm not the tallest person ever, "gotcha!" finally i got it. It fell at my feet and i bent down to retrieve it. When i did so there was somethingfell off the top shelf with it.

There was a folded piece of paper with a small heart written on it. What is this? It better not be sad because i am all out of tears. I really had a breakdown this afternoon when i got back to my flat, i recieved a few texts from Harry asking how i was but i ignored it because... that boy is so confusing right now. I don't even know what to do with him, actually i don't want to deal with any of them right now.

I fell on my bed on my stomach and turned the folded paper around, i saw in the boyish scribble, "Louis". I don't remember him giving me this... I opened it and started to read the scribble on the page.


Hey its Lou.. in case you didn't see that already. I just wanted to say happy valentines day, i love you, i mean not in that way but more of a best friend way. Not that i don't think i could ever love you in that way... which i mean i could... but you know what never mind. Anyways, i want you to be my Valentine for this year,  because you are my best friend and i love you. Hopefully you get this.xx

Love, Lou  (February 14, 1999)

February of 1999.. which means he would've been about 15 and my about 14 or something like that. I wonder why i never got this letter before, did i just stuff it away somewhere when i moved here? Well who cares, it doesn't matter and i'm not going to cry about it anymore.

I set the bag on my bed and scrambled around my room for clothes, shoes, and other necessities to pack for my mums house. I'm sure i'll still have some crap lying around her house that could be of use. Once i packed all my stuff i zipped the bag and threw it on the floor, it was already around 645 in the evening, time flew by fast. I put on a movie that was on TV and sat on my bed watching it, not paying attention but just thinking, thinking of a way that i could get Louis to see that Harry lied. Not that it matters, because i no longer like Louis, maybe we could be friends, or i'm not even sure if i want that. I am overthinking this. 

When i leave tommorow afternoon then my mum should be happy and i'll explain my whole dilemma and see what she says, she always has been able to help me. So maybe she can help me with this.

god i need to shut up and stop overthinking.

Becca just sit down watch the movie and forget about everything tonight.



 **Harry POV**

"Ya.. ya 20 large pizzas....5 Cheese...5 Pepperoni...5 Supremes.. and i guess 5 Vegetable.. no no someone will pick them up..." i could overhear Niall talking on his phone, Niall is trying to put together this whole thing. Niall was put in charge of food, and inviting people. I am the other person in charge of inviting people, then Liam and Zayn went out to buy food and the alcohol, per Niall's request. Louis on the other hand is supposed to just sit and do nothing all evening, it's like 645 almost 700 at the moment so we are putting together this last minute thing.

"Niall did you tell Liam and Zayn that they need to pick the pizza up?" 

"Shoot.. no hold on" Niall said switching phones and calling Liam and Zayn. I just shook my head and laughed.

"Louis are you excited for tongiht? It'll be awesome., like a Christmas Eve birthday party for you... then tomorrow we sit at home for Christmas and exchange gifts" i told him, scrolling through my phone, Louis grinned and nodded his head. I assumed he was on twitter since he was half paying attention.

"If Niall is putting it together then it must be good" he said, which is true Horan does throw a good party. Usually we get 100 plus people, speaking of people i need to get to inviting people, and crap security too. Fans and Paps will be trying to sneak in, i'll call Paul and he can be in charge of that, "Harry do you think that Becca will come back" he suddenly asks me. I stood there guilt washing over me.

"Umm.. i dunno.. Becca she's... Louis just forget her for tonight... deal with that another day... its your birthday... we can take care of that later..." i told him. I'll never be able to tell him about the lie, it'll make everything worse, god i am stupid, "Louis i'm gonna call some people i'll be back" i said quickly, grabbing my phone and running upstairs.

I dialed my friend Elenour, she is pretty popular and i know she can get a few people from the University to come to the party, after 3 rings she picked up.

"Hey El! It's Harry" i said, "Ya.. ya i know it's been a while... Hey i was wondering if you were up for a party tonight?.... no not a 1D party i mean just for Louis, he's 21 today.... oh okay... yeah that's great... really you can do that? EL! YOU ARE AWESOME! THANK YOU!!..... okay okay so come around 830.... thank, love.... bye!" i hung up. Perfect Elenour agreed to bring some her friends to come to the party and she seemed pretty excited. I think she might have a thing for Louis, she sometimes talks about him. They do seem like they could be a good match.. we can ship it Elounor... oh my god i need to tell Zayn this. It's like a Chirstmas Eve birthday party, it seems legit.

Maybe later, i need to work quickly to get security together and get more people to come. Of course people will come, we are One Direction.


**Becca POV**

I've been sitting on my bed in sweats and my hair in a ponytail for a long time. My eyes are burning from the tv screen, i was able to watch a season of Pretty Little Liars, and paint my nails. I turned to look at  my iPhone screen and saw it was already 800. I groaned and fell back on my mattress, "this is so boring" i whined. Then i had an idea.

My laptop was under my bed so i reached down and got it. I typed my username and password into twitter, then went through my news feed. Most of them were "happy birthday Louis" tweets and then a few "how are you and Louis" tweets and "what did u get him for his birthday?". I suppose i should say something, unless that would cause a frenzy, i continued scrolling through and i saw a tweet that Harry retweeted from some girl named Elenour Calder that said something about a party tonight? For Louis? 

Jealousy sort of panged inside of me, i was upset obviously, you know what i can't take this tonight i need to leave now. I slipped a pair of jeans on and fixed my messed up hair as best as i could, then grabbed my packed bag, I left my flat in a hurry and dialled my mum to let her known i was coming a little earlier than expected.


**Louis POV**

"Happy Birthday Louis!" everyone shouted after i blew out the 21 candles on my cake, that the boys had to pick up from the bakery. Niall tried to bake one but ate half the batter, so that was a failure.

"Thanks everybody" i said grinning, being 21 is great, " now lets part-y!" i shouted already slightly under the influence by having 2 drinks already. Everyone agreed with me and i snaked my way through the crowd of people, half of them i didn't know, and half of them were other friends of ours like the 5sos boys and some people i assume from the Uni that Harry invited. Paul had security taken care of, no papparazzi allowed inside and fans tried getting in but security was tight. 

The music was loud and the food was great since Niall took care of it, pizza, chips, wings, any finger food you could think of, a mini bar, and various sodas was adorning the table. I walked up to a group of people, i assumed college students, and Harry and Zayn were over here too, "Hey everybody" i said and they all said happy birthdays, "liking the party yeah?". THey raised their glasses in the air and hollered. Harry butted in the middle to introduce me to everyone.

"So Lou, this is Will" he pointed to a boy with spiked up hair, "this is Lacy, Trina, and Sophie" he motioned to the 3 girls, i smiled and waved as they slightly had a fangirling attack, "this guy here is Matt and his friend... Brandon isn't it?" they nodded and shook my hand muttering some hello's, "and finally this is my good friend Elenour" Harry introduced me to a girl almost my height with brown hair.

"Hi I'm Eleanor, Eleanor Calder, i'm a student in Manchester, it's really nice to meet you" she said shaking my hand, "I'm a big fan of yours" her accent was so smooth and she seemed so nice. I gave her a sincere smile, her smile was much brighter than mine. She reminded me of Becca, because of her hair, but Becca had my accent. Liam suggestively wiggled his eyebrows at me, and i rolled my eyes, walking to the drink table. 

Niall approached me, "So you like the party?" he slurred, obviously he's had a drink or two, "the pizza is getting...... cold" he hiccuped before walking away, "hey how ya been Josh" Niall said walking away from me. He's gonna have a hangover in the morning. I grabbed a cup and started making myself some kind of drink Zayn taught me last year for his birthday, i was almost done making it when i saw out of the corner of my eye a girl walk up to the table and start making herself a drink. It was the girl, Eleanor i think was her name. For some reason a small smile twitched at the corner of my mouth without me even knowing.

"Having fun making a drink?" she said startling me which caused my cup to fall on the floor, the contents spilling on the hardwood floor, "Oh my umm here let me.. help" she shrieked grabbing napkins from the table and getting on her knees, i did the same.

"Liam is gonna kill me" i said wiping the floor, she laughed next to me, our hands accidentally brushed by each other, i stopped wiping and when i looked up her eyes were big and a small embrassed smile adorned her face. All i did was laugh to myself and stood up, i gave her my hand to help her up which she gladly took, "thanks for helping me El" i said. Then i realized i called her El, like we were friends or something, not that i wouldn't want to be friends with her, but i hope she doesn't think i'm crazy now.

"DId you just call me El?" she chuckled, "only my friends call me that". Well there goes my hope. "Does this mean we are friend Mr. Tomlinson?" oh is she flirting with me, because i'm not good at this sort of thing.

"I..uh.. yeah i guess" i scratched the back of my neck, "is that cool with you Miss. Calder?" i knew i did something right when she giggled and nodded yes.

"So what about you make me a drink then?" she smiled and leaned her elbow on the table, as i grabbed two cups and started to make us drinks. 

"One drink for my new best friend El, coming right up" i said pouring the liquid from the bottle into our cups, i handed one to her and took a sip from mine.

"Oh so we're best friends now?" El said with some scarcasim in her voice, but it was in a cute way, "so 21 yeah?" she took a sip of her drink. Looking at me, eyebrows raised.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "yup i'm 21, Christmas Eve what a birthday.... how old are you?" i said casually. She bit her lip before replying.

"I just turned 20, I'm a student at the University of Manchester, and i'm a friend of Harry's" she told me, scooting a little closer to me. She was really pretty, she really was. 

"So-" i was about to keep talking to her but Zayn came up to me interrupting the conversation.

"Louis the boys want to do a toast to you come on" he pulled my arm, i looked at El who just smiled and shrugged, "wait wait Zayn ill be there in a minute!" i said rummaging through my pockets and found a reciept from the Tesco down the street, "Got a pen?" Eleanor nodded and handed me a pen which i scribbled my number on. Eleanor looked at me and her cheeks were pink, "don't share it okay?" my smile was so big and Zayn dragged me to the front of the crowd of people in our flat where the other 3 boys were standing, along with Simon. 

"I would like to say a few words...." Simon started to the crowd of maybe 70 people. I zoned out and frantically searched for the Eleanor girl, who was not in the crowd anymore. It was about 10pm already. What? Time passed too quickly, it didn't even feel like we were doing this party thing for about 3 hours. Well, she has my number, "..... here's to being 21" Simon finished. Oh woah what he's done already? 

"Oh Oh ya! yay me!" i suddenly came back to reality and cheered with everyone else, when it was finished everybody went back to partying. But i couldn't find that Eleanor girl in the crowd, actually quite a mass of people have left already probably because tomorrow is Christmas. Makes sense.


"Thanks for coming, yeah thank you, Merry Christmas" i said as the last of the people were leaving our flat. Now it was only us 5 with a messy flat, "do we have to clean this tonight?" i asked. 

"Nah lets go to sleep and clean in the morning.. this place is trashed" Liam said as he headed to his room, "where is Niall?"

"Niall passed out somewhere i think right after Simons speech... he might be in his room" Harry yelled up the stairs. Liam nodded and headed to his room.

"No the little crap is in my room passed out on my bed" Liam groaned, "whatever i'm taking his room. Night" he said. The other boys muttered some goodnights and laughed at Niall passing out, that little Irish man always gives us a laugh. 

The other boys went upstairs and i followed after, i stopped Harry in the hall to ask him a question, "Haz, do you know that Eleanor girl you introduced me to?" he nodded with a small smirk on his face. 

"Yeah.. why" he crossed his arms over his chest and arched his eyebrows. 

"Does.. she have.. a boyfriend.. or seeing someone" i asked rather quickly, this seems wrong considering i just had a blowout with Becca and all this crap.

"Not that i know of.. why?" he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"No reason, goodnight Harry" he shrugged and went to his room and i ran to my room and closed the door, i took my shirt and pants off so i was in my boxers then climbed into my bed. I went on twitter and typed a quick Thanks for the birthday wished from our fans, they make us all happy, when my phone beeped and a text message popped up from an unknown number.

From: Unknown

Hey, it's El(: thanks 4 the party, had to leave early sorry. Thx for the drink btw. call me somtime? Happy Birthdayxx


i'm so sorry this update was like a week late im sorry :P but here it is all 2,830 words of it. 

(I understand the timing may be messed up and i'm making El one year younger than Louis just like in real life.... but just bear with me. And if i got the facts about El wrong just bare with me again :) you guys are so awesome. thanks for 2K reads hpefully 3K? woop woop!!!! This was a really long chapter btw and took me a few days because of writers block and being lazy)

Anyhoran, is there gonna be a Elounor?? or will Becca and Louis get back together somehow??? hmm hmm? idk but it might not be exactly what you guys might think it will turn out to be ;) woohoo and Becca's gonna be with her parents?

What will she find or could it be a who will she find?? idk gotta wait for the next update(:

so i shall write the next one shortly and hopefully not take as long. truly sorry for that wait(:xx


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