My Perfect Mistake | #Wattys2...

By infinity_and_beyond3

2M 57.5K 9.8K

~COMPLETED~ | This story is being slowly edited. "As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surp... More

My Perfect Mistake (Teen Pregnancy)
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
My Perfect Mistake: Extras
Author's Note: Unwritten
Wattys 2016

Chapter Two

77.9K 2K 359
By infinity_and_beyond3

Hello again my fabulous readers! So what did you guys think of the last Chapter? I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! :)

I don't really have much to say, so here's Chapter 2. :)

Picture of Sean Walker on side --->


*Anabelle's POV*

*5 weeks later*

Winter Formal is next week and like always, I never go. It was just a stupid high school dance. I don't fawn over them like most of the girls at my school.

I never actually did tell Lianne about what happened between Sean and I at the party. I had told her I felt uncomfortable and we left. She didn't even question me further, which I was grateful for.

But now, I might have to tell her. I was supposed to get my period a few days ago but it never came. My period was never one to come late. But since I am no longer a virgin, I was worried. I asked myself this question several times today, because it was the only thing that was on my mind.

Could I be pregnant?

I pray to God that I'm not. I can't have a baby now! I'm still seventeen and in high school! I haven't even graduated yet or studied to be a lawyer or even got married!

I cannot have a baby get in the way of my plans for the future. Sure, I want kids, but I wanted them after I graduated Law school and got married.

I just needed to buy a pregnancy test to be sure. I needed to call Lianne and tell her. I seriously needed her support right now.

I grabbed my phone that was laying face down on my nightstand and dialed Lianne's number. After a few rings, she finally answered.

"Hey Ana!"

"Hey. Can you come over?" I asked her, my voice very shaky.

"Sure. Are you okay? Your voice sounds kind of shaky."

"Yeah. Just come over please. It's urgent." I quickly hung up the phone and placed it back on my nightstand.

My whole body was shaking because of how scared and nervous I was. I needed something to take my mind off of everything that was going on. I grabbed my book from my nightstand and opened it to the spot I had left off on.

Reading could help. It always took my mind off of anything. School, work and my dad. Speaking of work, I totally forgot I had picked up a late shift at the Café.

I looked at my clock and saw it was a quarter till four. My shift started at six and I would get out at one in the morning. I just hope Lianne gets here soon. I needed to take that test as soon as possible.

I set my book back down on my nightstand and got up from my bed, quickly grabbing a pair of underwear from my drawer. A warm shower is what I definitely needed right now.

I walked into the bathroom and began undressing myself. Once I was fully undressed, I turned to the side and looked at myself in the mirror. I put my hands on my stomach, letting out a small sigh. There could be a baby in there at this second.

God, how could I be so stupid and irresponsible? I never actually asked Sean if he was using a condom. I was just so caught up in the moment to even ask him. I should of asked. You know what? No. I should of never had sex with him in the first place.

I turned on the shower and walked in, once the water was warm. The warm water hit my skin, relaxing my body. Maybe this is what I needed after all. I washed my hair and then washed my body with soap. Once I finished rinsing off, I exited the shower.

I grabbed the towel and dried myself with it. I put on my undergarments and walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to my closet and slipped on a pair of black jeans and a navy blue v-neck. I put on my red converse and walked back to the bathroom.

I blowed dry my hair and left it in its natural waves. Just as I sat down on my bed, Lianne came barging into my room. "Hey. Are you okay? You sounded worried on the phone." She said, quickly sitting next to me on my bed.

I sighed, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I have to tell you something."

I shifted my body so that I was facing her. "Remember the party at Sean's that we went to?" She nodded, gesturing for me to continue. "Well, Sean had spilled his drink on me, making me smell like alcohol. I asked him where the bathroom was and long story short, we had sex."

Her eyes went wide as a smile broke out onto her face. "Oh my God Ana! I never would of thought you would have lost your v-card to Sean Walker! Oh my God, was he good?"

I quickly placed my hand over mouth to stop her from yelling or talking for the matter. My father was down the hall in the living room and I didn't need him hearing that his daughter had lost her virginity.

"Say it louder won't you!? My dad is down the hall in the living room!" I whispered yelled at her. I took my hand away from her mouth and saw that she had a small frown. "Sorry."

I sighed, shaking my head. "I got caught up in the moment Lianne. I wasn't thinking straight. It was a total mistake."

Lianne snorted before a smile appeared on her face once again. "Oh C'mon Ana. I'm pretty sure he wasn't that bad." She paused for a second. "Wait, was he?"

"Lia, My period is late," I finally said. Her smile quickly faded away. "How late?"

"A week late. I'm scared Lianne. What if I'm pregnant? I'm not ready to be a mom." I rambled, on the verge of tears. "Okay. Hold on, calm down. Did you take a test?"

I shook my head. She got up from my bed and turned in my direction. "C'mon. We're going to the store. Let's go." I got up and grabbed my phone before leaving my room.

We walked down the hallway to the living room where my dad was sitting down on his recliner, watching tv. "I'm going to go hang out with Lianne. I'll see you later." He nodded, his eyes still focused on the television screen. "Okay be careful. I love you."

"Okay, I will. I love you too." I said to him, smiling. We walked out the door and got inside the car. Lianne pulled out of my driveway and drove off. The car ride to the Pharmacy felt like forever.

It was only because I had so much thoughts racing through my mind and I was just so scared and worried.

We finally got to the store and got out the car, once we were parked. "Go to the bathroom and wait for me there. I'll buy the pregnancy test and give it to you." Lianne explained.

I nodded, quickly making my way towards the bathroom. I walked into a stall and stood there, waiting. After several minutes, I hear the bathroom door open and close. "Ana, I have the test. Which stall are you in?" I opened my stall and she walked over to where I was, handing me the test.

I closed the stall and read the instructions that were on the back of the box. I opened the box and pulled down my pants. I peed on the stick and set it down on the toilet paper holder.

I wiped myself and pulled up my pants, flushing the toilet right after. I took the box and read it again. I should get the results in two to three minutes.

I grabbed the test and exited the stall. I walked over to the sink and left the test resting on the counter. I washed my hands and looked over at Lianne.

"How long until we find out the results?" She questioned. I let out a small sigh. "Two to three minutes." She nodded, quietly standing next to me.

"Ana?" Lianne whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"If you do end up being pregnant, just know. I'll be here for you. I'll support you through the whole thing." I gave her a small smile, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"Thank you so much Lianne. I'm happy to know that I have someone here to support me and that I'm not in it alone." I said as we were still hugging.

She quickly pulled away. "Of course Ana. You're my best friend, you're like a sister to me. I can never let you go through this alone. We're in this together."

Before I could say anything, I heard something beep behind me. I looked at Lianne who gave me a small nod. I slowly inhaled and exhaled as I slowly turned around.

This is it. The moment of truth.

I picked up the pregnancy test and my heart dropped as I read the results.


Tears slowly made their way down my face. I'm going to be a mom. My life is going to change. All my plans for the future were now thrown in the trash.

Lianne didn't dare ask me if I'm pregnant or not. She already knew just because of my reaction. I looked at her and she quickly pulled me in for a hug.

I began crying onto her shoulder as she gently rubbed my back. "It's okay Ana. We'll get through this. I promise," She said, soothingly.

I nodded as I continued to cry onto her shoulder.


I finished cleaning the last of the tables. "Why don't you go home and get some rest Anabelle. I'll close up." I looked behind me and see Jason, a coworker of mine, standing behind me.

I shook my head. "No it's fine. I need all the money I can get." I stacked the chairs on the table and walked behind the counter.

Now that I found out I was pregnant, it got me thinking if I should keep the baby. I most likely am. I could never kill something so precious nor can I give up my child up to a different family. Just the thought of giving it to another family, just kind of bothered me, in a way. But it wasn't a horrible option either.

I haven't told Lianne about it yet but I know she'll have full support on my decision. Besides, I know she'll be excited to be my child's godmom and aunt.

I haven't really told Jason about me being pregnant. Me and him are really good friends so maybe I should. I cleaned the counters, glancing at Jason every once in awhile, who was cleaning the coffee machines.

"Jason?" I said, still cleaning the counters. He looked up at me and said,"Yeah?" I opened my mouth to say something but the little bell went off, signaling that a customer entered the shop.

I looked in the direction of the door and saw a lady standing in front of the counter. I gave her a small smile as I walked over to the register. "Hello Miss. How can I help you?"

"I would like a small hot chocolate and three snickerdoodle cookies, please."

"Of course. That will be $4.75." She handed me the money and I put it in the cash register.

I walked over to the hot chocolate machine and grabbed a cup, filling it up with hot chocolate. I topped it with some whipped cream and placed a cap on it.

I set the cup on the counter and I put the cookies into the bag. I handed the hot chocolate and cookies to the lady. "Enjoy. Have a good night," I smiled at her.

"Thank you. You have a good night as well," She said, returning the smile as she grabbed some napkins and made her way out the door. I sighed as I wiped my forehead. I looked up at the clock to check the time.

It was only 9:30 pm.

I have three and a half hours left of work. I just wanted to go home and sleep, because that's what I seemed to be doing these past few days.

I leaned my back on the counter, crossing my arms over my chest. I needed to make a doctor's appointment to check on the baby.

"Jason, there's something I want to tell you." I said, anxiously. What if he judges me? What if he doesn't want to be my best guy friend anymore? I can't stand loosing him as a friend.

"What is it?" I took a deep breath. "I'm-" I was interrupted once again by the little bell. I turned around and saw Sean walking in with his best friend Chase.

My heart began racing as Sean got closer to the counter. I totally forgot that I had to tell Sean that I was pregnant. Do I really have to tell him?

It's not like he cares. He's with a different girl every other week. He's only had one steady relationship and that was with Kayla Richards, the most popular girl in this school.

"How c-can I help you?" I stuttered. He looked at me and flashed me his million dollar smile. My heart began racing even faster than it did before. "Hey. You're the girl I spilled my drink on at my party. Right?"

"Yeah," I said, laughing nervously. I looked at him and saw that he was still smiling. I watched as he leaned in closer to me. "That was one hell of a night I had with you," He said, his voice quiet. I looked down as I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.

He let out a small laugh. "I'll take a medium mango smoothie and my friend here will take a large strawberry banana smoothie."

I nodded. "Will that be all?" He nodded, handing me a twenty dollar bill. I took the cash and put it into the cash register. "Keep the rest," He said to me before I could start counting his extra change. I glanced up at him and saw him wink at me.

I could feel myself blushing a little. "Thank you." I put the rest of the change in my back pocket. Jason handed the smoothies to Sean. "I'll see you some other time."

He nudged Chase before they both walked out of the cafe. Maybe I should tell Sean. Afterall he is the father of my child and he deserves to know. But how and when should I tell him?

As soon as possible, I tell myself. I'm so tired right now. I just wanted to go home, eat and then sleep. This is not how I wanted to spend my Friday night.

I wanted to spend my Friday night reading and finishing homework. That's what I do every Friday. "Listen Ana. Go home and get some sleep. I'll close up."

I looked at Jason and shook my head. I opened my mouth to argue but he stopped me. "Ana go home. Please. I'll cover for you."

I sighed in defeat as I wiped my face with my hands. "Fine. Thanks Jason. You really are a good friend."

"No problem," He smiled. "Now go home."

I gave him a small smile as I took off my apron. I hung my apron on the rack and grabbed my bag. "I'll see you Sunday!" I said to him as I walked to the entrance of the cafe.

"Okay. Bye Ana!" He said, from behind the counter. I walked out the cafe and I called for a taxi. "2368 Audubon Way please." I said to the taxi driver as I entered the cab.

He nodded and began driving. After a few minutes, we arrived at my house. "Thank you." I said, handing him the money. I closed the door to the cab and walked to the front of my house.

I took out my keys from my bag and unlocked the door to my house. I walked inside the house, quietly closing the door behind me. I locked the door and walked inside the living room.

I walked down the hallway to my bedroom. Once I got to my room, I set my bag and keys on top of my desk. I changed into my pajamas and I laid down on my bed.

I really have to tell my dad I'm pregnant. I'll start to show soon and he'll get suspicious. I'm just really scared to tell him though. I know that he's going to be so disappointed in me.

I laid under the covers and after a few minutes, I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.



I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter! Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been totally busy with school and I hope you guys understand that.

Sorry for any typos. Until next time! :)





xxxxx infinity_and_beyond3 xxxxx

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