My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Figuring Things Out

335 18 4
By TarableTaralynn

**With Roman And Seth**:

 After learning about Dean being at the Exchange, Vassago and Keeper had left. Roman stayed sitting, as he thought about Dean, hoping he was okay. He was so proud hearing that Dean had let all the humans free, he had done the right thing and it made him love Dean even more. He noticed Seth had been sitting quietly beside him since Keeper told them what Dean had done and he knew Seth was thinking about Paige.

 "You alright Seth?" Roman asked.

 "Yeah, just worried about Dean." Seth answered sighing.

 "Seth, she's okay." Roman said gently.

 "You mean he's okay! Dean's a..."

 "I'm not talking about Dean, I'm talking about Paige!" Roman said, cutting him off. "I know you care for her Seth." He added, as he took his hand.

 "I do, but she's long gone by now. I...I don't know where she lives or even her last name!" Seth said sadly. "I fell for a complete stranger, while we were locked up, how pathetic am I?"

 "That's the thing about love Seth, it's crazy, beautiful and happens when you least expect it! Don't give up on love or Paige please."

 "How utterly touching! Warms my cold, black heart to witness such a tender moment." Vassago mocked them, as he came into the room alone.

 "Where's your little puppet?" Roman asked angrily. "It's weird to see you without him stuck up your ass all the time!"

 "You know boys, I can see why Deano likes you two so much!" Vassago said, as he sat on his makeshift throne.                                             
"Oh, please tell us, we're just dying to know!" Seth replied sarcastically.

 "That right there! That is what Dean sees in you both!"

 "What sarcasm?" Roman asked confused.

 "No, you fool! Your spirit, your never ending courage even in the face of certain death! He sees himself in you two." Vassago explained.

 "You don't know him!" Seth countered angrily.

 "I created him, of my own blood! He is me, you incompetent fool! Turning pathetic mortals into Vampires isn't a precise science though, some can't even handle the change and they...die horrible, painful deaths! After I became King and started to rebuild our extinct family, Dean was my first! He was special to me, he was my child; to put it in terms you two can understand. My blood gave him life and so I turned a blind eye to his un-Vampire like behavior. Until his rebellion turned him against his own kind and he chose humans over his family!"

 "This...all of this is because Dean chose someone other than you to love?" Roman asked shocked.

 "It started out as that, yes, but now it's gone beyond that! He is the Chosen One, written about centuries ago and now this is about survival! Kill him; while he still hasn't mastered his new powers, before he kills me!" 

**With Dean And Paige**:

 After killing the Elders and realizing none of them could help them find Roman and Seth, they left the Church, before the rest of Dean's family returned. He knew now that the Elders were dead; but Keeper and Vassago were still alive, the rest of his family would be searching for him, wanting to be the one to tell Vassago that they killed Dean and be rewarded for it!

 As they drove around on Dean's bike, he knew they needed some kind of shelter so they'd be hidden and he could go over the prophecy; hoping it could tell him what powers he now possessed or would with time. He couldn't take Paige to Roman and Seth's apartment, that would be the first place the Hunters and the rest of his family would look for them. He couldn't take her home, he didn't know if it was now being watched or not, he couldn't risk it. Finally, he remembered coming across an old, abandoned farmhouse just outside of town while he was on the run from the Hunters. That would be the perfect place to camp out for awhile!

 After driving for awhile they arrived, it was dark now and the only light came from the full moon above. Dean parked and they got off the bike, Paige took her helmet off and starred at the large, rundown house. It looked like something straight out of a horror movie, she shivered slightly from the sight, Dean looked at her and smiling spoke.

 "Aw, what's the matter kid? Don't tell me you're scared of a house, but not of killing Vampires?" Dean teased.

 "I'm not scared!" She answered, as she threw him the helmet, he caught still smiling. "It is a little creepy though! And speaking of blood suckers, how do you know none of them are around here?"

 "I would have sensed them. Trust me there isn't a Vamp anywhere around here for miles...well, except for me! Let me hide my bike and grab the bags, then we'll go inside and rest up." Dean explained.

 Dean hid the bike in the bushes, covering it with leaves and branches; after he had grabbed the bags off of it first. Carrying the bags he returned to Paige, before they went inside with Dean leading the way. Once they found the living room Dean left her there with the bags, while he checked to make sure the rest of the house was empty. When he returned to her, he checked the room for something to start a fire with in the fireplace. He ended up using some old, broken furniture for wood, then using his lighter he started a fire, which cast it's soft glow around the room.

 "Now what?" She asked, as she sat down on the old, yet still surprisingly comfortable couch.

 "Now you rest, while I do a little reading." Dean replied, as he made himself comfy in a chair across from her with his bag that held the prophecy.

 "I'm fine, maybe I could help you with something?" She said yawning, as Dean smiled.

 "Rest now, you can help me after." He answered gently.

 "Fine, but only for an hour!" She agreed, as she lay down, using an old blanket on the back of the couch to cover up with.

 Within seconds she was sound asleep, he watched her sleeping peacefully and knew she'd need to eat, drink and she'd probably want to bathe and change clothes when she woke. Knowing they would be camping out here for a few days, he made a list of things they'd need; including blood for him, and after putting his bag somewhere safe he snuck out. Being a Vamp meant he was able to use his mind to get the security guards everywhere he went to turn off the alarms and let him in. He managed to get them food, drinks; beer included, personal hygiene things for Paige, as well as clothes, household and cooking supplies and he stocked up on blood for himself; after stopping at a blood bank. By the time he was done he knew he couldn't take everything on his bike, so he looked around and spotted an old man parking his pickup truck in his driveway across the street from the stores. So, he went over to the man and again using his Vamp powers he convinced the man to take him home, he loaded his bike and the bags into the truck, before they got in and drove away.

 Once he was home he unloaded everything and sent the man on his way; no one he used his powers on would remember him or anything that happened. He hid his bike back in the bushes, before he brought all the bags inside, he began unpacking everything and even cleaned up one of the rooms for her, before he gently moved her to it without waking her. He then kept himself busy by going around the house, tidying it up a little, enough that it was livable for Paige; it was the least he could do by giving her back a bit of normalcy, in return for her helping him fight his battle. After he was satisfied with his work, he grabbed his bag, sat by the fire and began to try and figure out the prophecy, using Keeper's papers to help.

**With Roman And Seth**:

 Roman woke first the next morning and watched Seth still sleeping peacefully. He sat up and thought about what Vassago had told them the night before about Dean, how they were basically the same Vamp; since Vassago created him. Roman was worried that Vassago was right, that he did know Dean better than anyone and because of that he'd use that knowledge to kill Dean first! The thought of losing him ripped his heart out, if that happened he wasn't sure he was strong enough to live without him.

 "Stop letting that bastard get into your head Ro!" Seth's voice spoke, breaking into his thoughts, as he sat up too.

 "I can't help it Seth, everything he said was..."

 "Bullshit!" Seth said, cutting him off. "Dean is nothing like Vassago, never was! That delusional asshole has been trying to figure Dean out since he turned him; he knows nothing about him! All he's doing is trying to screw with our heads and you're letting him."

 "I know in my heart that you're right Seth, but I...I can't stop my head from believing Vassago's lies." Roman said quietly, as his tears fell silently.

 Seth didn't say anything else, he just took Roman in his arms and let him cry. Knowing Roman didn't need any words of comfort right now, he just needed to let out all the fear he had inside.

 "Are we interrupting something boys?" Vassago's voice mocked, as he returned with Keeper.

 "Such disgusting, emotional creatures humans are Sire, it makes me sick!"

 "What the hell do you two want?" Seth demanded angrily, as Roman pulled away and fixed himself up.

 "We come bearing gifts!" Vassago answered smiling, as he sat on his makeshift throne.

 "What are you talking about?" Roman demanded.

 "Well, since you two are human and need food and water to live, I had Keeper go get you both some!"

 "What game are you playing huh?" Seth demanded angrily. "Why would you care if we ate?"

 "I really don't, except for one little're no good to me dead! If I let you die now, before my plan is complete, then I have nothing Deano wants! Which means he won't come here for you and I won't be able to kill him!" Vassago explained.

 Keeper gave them the food and drinks, before he left the mausoleum without saying a word, as Vassago sat petting his Raven, watching them in silence.

 "Tell me something, would you two give your lives for Dean?" Vassago asked.

 "Damn right I would!" Roman answered without hesitation.

 "I would too!" Seth added.

 "Curious and what about for each other?"

 "Without thinking twice!" Seth answered first this time.

 "Of course I would!" Roman added.

 "Ah, but would Dean die for either of you though?" Vassago questioned.

 "Of course he would! He's facing death for us right now!" Roman stated.

 "Yes, he's searching for you Roman; you're his mate! What about Seth though? Truthfully, he's nothing to Dean, so why would he risk his life to save him?"

 "You're wrong!" Roman said angrily, while Seth remained silent.

 "Am I?" Vassago said, as he stood. "Think about it, if given the choice to save only one of you, who do you think he'd choose?"

 "Dean loves Seth like a brother dammit!" Roman said upset.

 "Perhaps, but when the time comes we shall see whose right! Until then enjoy your meal gentlemen." Vassago said, before he left.

 "Seth, you can't..."

 "I'm not hungry anymore." Seth said quietly, cutting Roman off. "I'm going to lie down for awhile." He added, as he went to a corner and laid down facing the wall, his back to Roman.

**With Dean And Paige**:

 The morning sun shone through the window, directly into Paige's face waking her up. She opened her eyes and realized she was in a strange room. Confused she slowly sat up; her whole body stiff and sore from their battle the previous day. She got up and looked around, she was even more confused seeing the bags of clothes and hygiene products. She began to look through the bags, but was stopped by a loud crash coming from across the hall, before Dean's angry voice yelled.


 Worried they had been found, Paige raced out of her room and into Dean's surprising him, he turned to look at her.

 "Dean, are you okay?" She asked looking around the room.

 "I'm fine!" Dean answered, as he sat on the edge of the bed sighing and ran his hands over his face.

 "I heard a crash!"

 "Oh, sorry, that was me." Dean replied, as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I got angry and I sort of broke the dresser." He added, pointing to the pile of wood that used to be a dresser.

 "What's wrong?"

 "I can't figure out the damn prophecy!" Dean answered frustrated.

 "Prophecy?" She asked confused, as she sat down beside him on the bed.

 "Long story short, my family found an Ancient Vampire prophecy. It speaks of a Vamp called the Chosen One; which turns out is me! I'm the only one powerful enough to kill the Elders, Keeper and Vassago!"

 "Wow...and this prophecy tells you what exactly?" Paige asked, as she picked it up and looked at it.

 "Everything!" Dean answered. "What I' am, my powers, how to kill Vassago!"

 "So, you're telling me I'm holding your future in my hands right now?" She asked, looking at him.

 "Yep and I can't read the damn thing!" Dean replied frustrated.

 "Okay, why don't you sleep for awhile and let me try?"

 "Paige, I'm a Vampire, I can go days without sleeping remember?" Dean replied sighing.

 "How long has it been since you slept Mr. All Powerful Vampire?" She questioned.

 "I slept...I can't remember!" Dean answered honestly.

 "See, you need to rest Dean! I'll be fine, I'll even stay here and work at your desk." She said gathering everything up, before she took it to the desk and sat down, her back to him.

 "Fine! I'm telling you this is a waste of time!" Dean said, as he lay down and covered up. "I'm not even tired."

 "Just close your eyes and rest then." She said, as she turned to look at him, but he was already sleeping.

 Paige smiled, as she turned back to the desk and spread everything out. She sighed, as she looked at the prophecy; the one that held their entire future on it! She had to figure this out fast and she couldn't make any mistakes!

 "Yeah, no pressure or anything!" She whispered out loud to herself, as she took a deep breath and got to work.


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