Your Mines a Drake Love Story

By yogirll

20.7K 335 49

If You Love Aubrey Graham theeeeen....... More

Your Mines a Drake Love Story
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Shocker)
Dreams and Nightmares
im back

Chapter 18

460 8 2
By yogirll

- Kamryn

when me and Jamila pulled up to her house i was still shocked , angry , sad .. I was an emotional reck inside of me but outside of me i just had a straight face. Before i walked out of our house i looked into Aubrey's eyes and saw nothing but guilt . I couldnt stay much longer to being around him or looking at him . He hurt me to the point where i just didnt want to be around him , see him , hear him or have ANYTHING to do with him. Half of me feels bad that i just up and left him so suddenly and quickly , then theres that part of me that just doesnt have any sympathy. To be honest i would take him back but thats gonna need some time for me to settle and get over it.

Jamila: hey .. You okay babe ?

Kamryn: yeah .. Im good . I .. I just cant believe what he did ?! He told me he'll never hurt me or cheat on me or anything that'll cause us to be apart . He lied to me J.

Jamila: i know i know . We both know that you still love him .. Dont you ?

Kamryn: of course i still love him .. But

Jamila: even if you move on to the next dude and get with him , deep down that love you have for Aubs isnt gonna go away or change . Yall are ment for each other and God knows . Everybody knows yall are ment for each other.

Kamryn: i know .. But how am i gonna go up to him and like .. Ya know

Jamila: im pertty sure if yall see each other then yall gone get somethin poppin if you know what i mean

Kamryn: whatever *laughs* , but i do gotta go back and get some clothes later on tho

Jamila: welp .. Good luck with that . You already know how the nights gonna end.

Kamryn: mmhmm well see .. I might be able to get out of his trance

Jamila: yeeah . Thats what you think but knowing you and him .. *winks*

Kamryn: whatever *laughs*.

*Later that night*

Jamila:(laying on the couch) where you goin girly ?

Kamryn: i have to go get some clothes from the house , so i'll be back in like .. Mmh i'll be back soon

Jamila: okaaay , see you tomorrow morning *smiles*

Kamryn: whatever

- it was around 11 when i pulled up to the house when i realized Aubs wasnt home (thats a good thing). I walked in and headed up the stairs and started to get some clothes and figure out what i want to bring when i heard someone walking in through the front door. I decided to get what i have and leave and when i came down stairs there he was ...

Aubrey: are you really taking your stuff

Kamryn: yeah ..

Aubrey: well can we just talk for minute

Kamryn: theres nothing to talk about .. I already know everything i need to know about what happend

Aubrey: *grabs her waist* look why cant we just live past this . Everybody makes mistakes , and im not trying to lose you . Your my everything and i know i hurt you but i just want you to forgive me and i just want you to know that i love you.

Kamryn: aubrey .. I dont know what to say . I mean like i love you too .. Like i really do but *sighs* i dont know how im feeling right ..

Aubrey: cant we just sit and talk abotu everything .. Like i dont even know .. What happend "that night". You cant keep this hidden or all to yourself cause i care and wanna know.

Kamryn: i dont know when ..

Aubrey: what do i have to do to make you tell me then ?

Kamryn: depends ..

-Soon we both were just standing looking into eachothers eyes . We were closer than ever and getting closer and closer . Next ya know he kissed me. I would've moved away but i just couldnt. I missed his kisses and touches . I couldnt move away from him cause when hes holding me i cant release myself from him strong grip. I guess he really didnt wanna let me go... Theen

-Part 2 coming next ;)

-ooh ?! And how was it (i know it was wack cause it wasnt my best chapter)

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