Ever After |all human| COMPLE...

By lordsasskins

54K 2K 567

| edwardxbella | A broken boy in Florida. A lonely girl in Washington. An anonymous chat room, where two lost... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Please read, friends๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
| Epilogue |

Chapter 12

1.3K 53 4
By lordsasskins

After a long lecture about responsibilities from my father, I ducked out gracefully to go to bed. Mostly because I was waiting for a call, I rushed up over the stairs, and into the bathroom, turning on the warm water and quickly washing my face, removing all the makeup Alice had previously applied. Once I was finished, I patted my face dry and pulled my hair back into a ponytail, brushed my teeth, and then shut the water off. After putting everything away, I left the bathroom and headed towards my bedroom, where I unzipped the dress and wiggled out of it, resting it on the back of my rocking chair, dressing quickly in my flannel pyjamas.

I curled up on my bed, on top of the covers, and held my pillow tightly to my chest, I was conflicted with emotions, I was happy, of course, Edward made me happy, from the day I first met him online, to right now. And now he was my boyfriend. Boyfriend. I had a boyfriend. And he was actually an amazing guy.

But that's where my heart sunk. My first boyfriend, this is one of those times a girl definitely needs her mom. I sighed sadly and glanced up at the photo on my nightstand, of her and I, when I was only four. I wonder what she would think of him.. I bet she would have liked him. My mom liked everybody, but I bet she would love him.

My phone rang, snapping me out of my train of thought, I glanced down at my cell phone as Edwards number before I answered it, lifting it to my ear.

"Hello?" I breathed into the phone.

"Bella?" He asked, seeming worried. "Why are you crying?"

"I hadn't realized I was," I answered truthfully, sniffling and wiping a tear from my eye.

"Did I do something?" He asked cautiously.

"No," I was quick to assure him, "I was just thinking about my mom,"

"Oh, Bella I'm sorry," he told me, having known she passed on from a conversation we had a few months back.

"Don't be, I'm glad you called, I already feel better." I stated.

"Oh really?" He asked, teasingly smug.


"I thought you didn't like talking on the phone?" He taunted in a soft voice, causing me to bite my lip.

"I could definitely make an exception." I answered, a grin growing on my face.

"Good, cause I like talking to you." He told me, causing me to laugh. "Can you get your computer?"

"Mhm," I replied cautiously, crawling out of bed and grabbing my computer off the desk, carrying it back to the bed with me, "why?" I asked as I sat cross legged on the bed, placing it in my lap.

"Log into facebook." He told me.

"Okay" I replied, booting my computer up quickly and opening the web browser, typing in Facebook quickly and logging into it just so fast.

I noticed immediately that I had a friend request and opened it up to see Edwards name. I accepted immediately.

"I just made a new friend!" I said, grinning. I heard him laugh.

"Me too, funny thing isn't it?" He told me, I clicked over to his page, and my heart sped up in overtime as I seen the photo of us, taken earlier, as his profile picture.

"Who is that with you in your profile picture?" I said, hiding my excitement in a teasing manner.

"My beautiful girlfriend, you should meet her." He chuckled.

I pressed my lips tightly together, a smile spreading across my face.

"Some people would say it's to soon, I don't think so." He went on to say. I clicked on the photo and seen he had the description set as a heart eyed emoji and a red heart.

He already had a bunch of likes, and pressing my lips together, I realized how popular he probably was. He had some comments there already. I didn't bother reading. I didn't want to. I reacted with a heart myself and then went back to my page.

"I've never been in a relationship before." I said, randomly.

He just laughed "and?" He questioned.

"I don't know," I said "I'm just saying."

"Do you think it's to soon?" He asked me.

"I feel weird." I admitted. "I know your heart so well, your mind, and I know you know mine, to the point I don't see you as a stranger at all. While we were talking all those months, all I could think about was being with you. So no, I don't think it's too soon. I just think it's weird, that a wish of mine came true. This never happens to anyone."

"I feel the same way with you," he paused for a beat, "you're my dream come true."

I blushed hard, I was speechless.

"Get some sleep, okay? Be ready for 10 tomorrow." He said

"Why?" I questioned.

"I wanted to go out for breakfast, I want you to come." He said simply.

"Okay," I said shyly, biting my lip.

"Night, beautiful." He said.

"Goodnight," I breathed. I waited a minute, hearing his breath on the other side, before I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up, laying it on my nightstand.

I sat back, covering my face with my hands, I was grinning widely, my computer still sat on my lap. I might have been there five minutes before I heard a ding from my computer, it was my notifications. I opened it up to see that Edward had a request. I clicked it and accepted before I breathed deeply and flicked back to my profile, where it said single, it now said I was in a relationship with his name at the end.

I shut my computer quickly and laid it aside, moving the blankets down I curled up underneath them.

I didn't feel wrong about moving this quick, but I knew there were people who would have something to say about it.

With that weighing in on my mind, I turned over on my side and curled up, eventually falling asleep.


Edwards POV.

I woke up early the next morning, and had my shower, got dressed, and dried my hair, I was ready well before nine, and paced my room as I anxiously wait for the acceptable time to leave. I watched the clock tick to nine, and figured Bella would be up now, so I texted her ;

"Morning, beautiful."

She didn't answer until 9:30.

"Sorry, I was getting ready, morning, you."

I sighed, relieved before answering.

"Leaving now, see you shortly."

I told her, as I left my room and headed down over the stairs, shouting out to my parents to let them know I was going out for breakfast.

I opened my Facebook, noticing I had a couple messages and some notifications. Checking the notifications I noticed they were mostly about my photo and newly updated relationship status. Bella's friends, and my old friends from my old home.

I climbed in my car and hooked my phone up to my Bluetooth, and went on my way, I was barely out of the driveway when my phone rang, I looked at the number and grinned, answering it, and speaking through the bluetooth.

"Kate! Hey!" I greeted excitedly. My best friend. I was happy to hear from her.

"Who is she?" She said simply, sounding upset with me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, frowning.

"You've been there for like a week! You already have a girlfriend? What happened to the girl online?" She questioned.

"Funny story." I murmured.

"Did you get catfished?!" She demanded, "I'll hunt them down."

"No, I found her." I said, my grin coming through into my voice.

"What?" She said shocked.

"I'm on my way to get her now, bringing her out for breakfast." I said.

"The Bella girl?" She questioned.

"Is indeed my online sweetheart."

"Whoa," she said quietly, "how?"

"It's a long story, but I'll tell you all about it later," I said as I pulled up in front of Bella's house, "I got to go though, I just got to her house."

"Okay, bye Eddie!" She said, "call me later, and have fun!"

With that she was gone, and I was climbing out of the car, walking up the path to Bella's door, I knocked on the door, waited a moment, and then was face to face with a beautiful Bella.

I took in her look and smiled, she was wearing converse sneakers, a pair of black jeans and an oversized black sweater with a faded superman symbol on the chest, her hair was pulled out of her face and in a ponytail but she had some falling from the sides, framing her face.

I smiled widely. She looked incredible. Even more so than last night, I think - I could tell this was more her, and that, that was beautiful.

"Good morning," I said again.

"Good morning," she replied, blushing.

"Ready to go?" I asked, holding out my arm for her.

She nodded her head softly and looping her arm around mine, she closed the door behind herself and we began towards the car.

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