Funny how love works (A Spoby...

By Kelys151

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Spencer and Toby are now living their current lives separatly. They haven't seen each other since the breakup... More

Chapter 1: Hello again
Chapter 2: Cookies and Sundays
Chapter 3: This is A Goodbye
Chapter 4: the Fight
Chapter 5: The Decision
Chapter 6: Detective Hanna
Chapter 7: Troubles
Chapter 8: Nobody knows where we mind end up
Chapter 9: Post it and Memories
Chapter 10: Limerence
Chapter 12: Don't Let Go
Chapter 13: Happiness never last
Chapter 14: A.D and misery
Chapter 15: Keys & Blackmail
Chapter 16: Pictures & Pills
Chapter 17: Explanations
Chapter 18: Police or Secrets ?
Chapter 19: To trust or not
Chapter 20: Worst day of their lives
Chapter 21: Ohhh the guilt
Chapter 22: How do you feel ?
Chapter 23: This Weird Computer
Chapter 24: A Good night of Sleep
Chapter 25: I know who A.D is
Chapter 26: The End of a bad Period
Last chapter: An Unusual Wedding
A/N 1K ❤️

Chapter 11: Together even in pain

190 10 14
By Kelys151

Grace's POV

Toby said that we have to stay in the room but he won't tell me why. I'm sure he knows...
But I'm just going to do as he says and be quiet. I wonder where Mom and Dad are, if they have to stay lock in too. I don't like not knowing what is happening, I'll just ask again "So, the nurse didn't tell you what was happening ? "
" I'm sorry Grace, i'd like to know more but i'm not sure yet."
" Yet? Do you have some guesses then???" He thinks before answering
" Hum, no. No idea" he looks at the window.
" Toby?"
"Yes? "
" If something were to happen, could you just be honest with me and not treat me like I'm 5? "
" Well, you're five but yes, i promise you." He kisses me on the forehead and keep walking in circles across the room.
I don't feel scared or anything yet. I mean, we always do things like this at school just in case, 4-5 times a year so i'm kinda use to it: it will be over within an hour, or two tops.
My stomach hurts a bit, but i guess I'll not say anything. I'm a big girl, i can be in pain for a few minutes/hours.
Toby looks so worried it's weird, like when Miss Spencer was "waiting for him to wake up" worried. He looks into the closets and stuff.
"Grace... I really don't know when we're gonna get out of here but i wanted to thank you"
" What for? Didn't do anything really"
" I guess i'd have find my memory back but, you helped us even though you didn't know us. And mostly, you where here when Spence was alone" Spence? That's a cute nickname, mine is Gracie but it sound like a baby name, which i'm not anymore
" She had her blond friend a lot two, and the ones with the books and the music too. I didn't change a thing. "
" Believe me, you d-" he stops for a second. I think he heard something..

- Hum Grace, you said you wanted to know the truth about what's happening....
- Yes please, what is wrong?
- Listen, i'm not sure about this but, do you watch the news with your parents sometimes?
- Not a lot, it's too scary. But i heard them talking about it sometimes. What is the link?
- Well, have you heard of what happened in France a year ago. At a concert?? *he starts to speak faster and faster*
- I think so... There were mean man with guns who killed lots of people. It was so sad.
Toby, is that what you heard???
- I, I don't know honey. But, if it is the case, you will have to listen to me very carefully. First, can you get out of your bed or you are too weak???
- I guess i can, but my belly hurts.
- I'm so sorry *he takes my hand*. But you're gonna have to forget the pain for a while, i know it's hard but you're a big girl i know you can do this.
He's right, I'm a big girl, i'll hold on.
- Ok so, do you play "hide and seek" with your friends sometimes? Well, this game is like THE most important one you'll ever have. You can't move, or talk or scream unless i say so okay????
I nod
- We're going to go very quietly to the big closet here, once inside, i'm going to lock it and we're going to stay here for a while okay? Do you understand everything i say???
I nod once again and we move into the "closet". It's kind of tight but we both fit. We just wait there for a while but don't hear anything....
I'm getting very scared now, i don't want to die, i don't want anyone to die, it's so unfair...

Toby's POV

I can feel that Grace is shaking, i try to hold her to reassure her, she calms a bit. Poor girl, poor children in the hospital... I'm scared myself so i can't even imagine how they must be feeling. I don't even know if what i heard is real, and if it's the case, is the shooter alone? Or are th-
I can hear someone yell "Please, i'm just a patient, i can't help you. Please put this dow-" *gun shot* " WHERE IS THE CARDIO-THORACIC SURGEON???!"
Grace holds me tighter and tighter.
I can hear the man walking into the hallway. Then another one. How many are them?!
" Can I help you mister? " the second one asks
" I'm looking for the cardio surgeon. Where did you see him last?"
I think he's pointing a gun at the guy cause he replies with a very frightened voice.
" I- I- I-. He, err She's not working today. She wasn't on, on call"
" You're lying!"
" I, I promi- *gun shot*.
Something just hit the door, Grace jumps with surprise. I can feel tears on my hand.
I can't see what's happening, it's dark and there isn't any opening.

Oh my god, the door. He's pushing it. Damn those hospital doors that we can't lock!
I put my hand on Grace's mouth just in case. I can hear someone screaming above us, must be the second floor. Maybe HE noticed the scream too cause he goes away.
We wait exactly in the same position for 34 minutes, she's not moving an inch, she's so brave poor girl. I haven't heard anyone on the floor for a while so I take my phone off my pocket and call 911, discretely.

"Hello? 911 what's your emergency?"

I whisper "Rosewood hospital, there is a shooter. I don't know if someone already called but you have to come now"
"We indeed receive a call earlier but it hung up immediately. The police is coming right a-" I hang up quickly and whisper to Grace "It will be over soon, keep going for a few minutes girl"
She doesn't respond a thing, she just squeeze my hand very tightly.
10 minutes later, i can hear the police's cars outside. Thank god! We still stay where we are, waiting for some signal or something.
Ok, someone is coming in now. " The more you hide, the more people will die, just like you let her die Dr Altman!" Oh my god, it's real, he's here. I, once again, cover Grace's mouth, she breathes heavily and is crying, but she manages to stay as quiet as possible.
The man continues " See? I can just shoot anywhere like here *gun shot* or here *another one*. You want crazy? You'll get crazy *another gun shot*. But this one wasn't on the floor, or the ceiling or whatever. This random shot just went through the closet and hit my shoulder. I'm bleeding, a lot, Grace tries to put something on it but, it fails. I try to find something that feels like a bandage or I'll pass out soon. While i try to grab one, a syringe falls and break.
The footsteps are getting closer and closer. He tries to open, but it's locked. He shakes it, I hold Grace very tightly, i can feel that she's terrified, i won't let anything happen to her.
" No matter who's in there, come out or I'll shoot" The voice we hear is dark and heartless, like a robot minus the synthetic. If i come out, i won't be able to defend myself and i'll put Grace in danger, but on the other hand, if I stay, maybe he'll shot on her side. I don't feel anything above my elbow, my head is like turning and turning and turning. I can't give up, i can't leave Grace alone... But i don't feel any strength.
Strength... The only person that could give me any is Spencer... Spencer.
Oh my gosh, i hope she's okay, i don't know what happened down there, i really really don't.
After a few second, i hear a loud noise and i black out.

Hanna's POV (before the shooting starts)
I see Spencer coming down the stairs, many bags in her hands. I'm happy that they got through all this, it's been a hard year for them, they deserve some time out of this hospital now 😂. Where is Toby anyway?

- Spence? Where's your knight and shiny?
- He's saying goodbye to Grace :)
- And Grace is?? I ask
- You know the girl who was visiting him often.
- Oh right. Do you need some help with these? Look heavy.
- Actually if you could just fill up some paperworks at the reception, say that we cleared the room •119 ect...
- Sure, wait up here you guys.
I let my hand go of Caleb's and walk to the reception. This man outside is like rushing me so i just botch the papers and go back to the gang.
- You came back fast ! Aria exclaimed
- Yeah this guy kept rushing me so i botch the whole thing.
- I don't care I just want to get out of here! Spencer replies with a smile
- Ready to go then ? I ask
- Yep, just wait a minute so Toby can come ba-

She gets interrupted by someone yelling.
I don't see who's speaking but it doesn't seem good. I turn around to see that this is the guy behind me! He has a gun. Crap!
We all get on the floor quickly. The man doesn't say a thing. He walk around all the people, pointing his weapon up on us but no one's reacting. We're all too scared to do so.
I take Caleb's hand and squeeze it, i don't feel good.
I take an eye on the man, he's going back to the reception and asks something. I try to hear but i'm too far away, i crawl closer and Spencer follows me. "I'm sorry, she- she's not on call today" the woman says, terrified
Who is he looking for ? Why would he take everyone as an hostage ?
"I 'M ASKING AGAIN *he points his gun at her* WHERE IS DOCTOR ALTMAN?!"
She starts crying and mumbles "I... I'm sorry no one can help you h- here"
"Well you can't anymore" *gun shot*
OH MY GOD! Did he just shot her ? Did he shot the receptionist? THERE ARE FUCKING KIDS IN HERE!
I look at Spencer, she's shaking too. We crawl back to Caleb and try to find an out somewhere. Everything seems closed or locked up. This "room" is so huge, there must be like 60 people in here, 60 people on the floor, waiting for someone to help them.
"Mommy i'm scared" A little voice says
Oh no, this kid should stay quiet.
"You wanna stop being scared kiddo?" The man answers, while pointing his gun. Okay i have to do something, you can't shot a kid in the face!
"HEY HERE" i get up
"Hanna what are you doing?!" Emily whispers
I don't answer, i just stand still.
The man turns around.
"Did i ask for your advice Blondie?"
" A kid? Really? If you want to shoot someone, here I am. Unless you're a coward." ok why I am doing this again?
I'm probably going to die in a few seconds, i look at Caleb one last time, saying "goodbye" with my eyes.
"If you really want this" the cold hearted man replies *starts pointing*
Caleb gets up and runs in front of me "Wait wait man! You wouldn't shot a pregnant woman wouldn't you *he takes my hand* It's like killing a kid"
The girls look at me with a confused look. Yep, i was suppose to tell everyone tonight at the welcome home party, great way to learn an incoming birth...
"If you want to kill someone, here I am"
" You two, stop bothering me or I'll shot you both! I didn't want to shot anybody but every-time you speak you make me lose my time, if you make me lose my time, you die"
" I love you Hanna, take care of our kid"
* Gun shot*
"Noooo!" I yell. Caleb falls on the ground with me.
"Man, cardio is on the first floor apparently "
(A/N: 1st floor is neuro but obviously the shooters didn't get that properly )
I hear him running away.

Caleb is laying near me and touches his stomach. He's not hurt, neither am I. Suprised, we quickly stand up and look around. What happe-
"OMG SPENCER!! " We all yell and get around her.
"What did you do? " i cover her stomach with my scarf
" I.. I couldn't let a future dad or mom get killed"
" Spence I.... You're going to stay alive okay? You stay alive for me? For us, for all of us! For Toby! You stay alive you hear me" i Say, crying over her body.
" To- Toby..." she closes her eyes
Ezra, Aria and Emily get up and run outside to get some. At least the doors weren't close

Please don't let go Spencer, please don't let go...

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