I'm Sorry

By RedGhost00

53.5K 1.2K 433

After the fall of Overwatch, Dr. Angela 'Mercy' Ziegler was haunted by guilt on what she did to an old friend... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Heartbreaker Notes
Part 13
Part 14
Spread the Kindness
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Sorry Guys...
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Are you Kidding me?!
I got some 'Alternatives'
I Got "Sour" News...
Sequel Is Out!

Part 11

1K 37 11
By RedGhost00

He watched through the CCTV of the interrogation room. A crying doctor was in the middle of the room, curled there like a pathetic ball. No one was there outside the interrogation room except him, since the guards that supposed to watch her through the cameras were out to get something for him. His arm crossed, under his belt of unused ammo strapped completely on his chest. She looked helpless; very pathetic, he thought. The grip of his hand on his arm tightened, trying to suppress the igneous anger inside him. He hated her. Right now he felt like barging into the room and choke her while he staring at her sorry eyes, laughing at her misery.

But god be darned, he couldn't.

The door's locked using the classic lock and key, not bothering to use automated doors and security panels or passwords and shit. And the key's with the boss.

After thrashing the 'innocent' guards for not opening the doors, they told him about the key and he stopped beating them, but going to the boss' office was pretty much in vain, nevertheless. He could still remember every word he said during their unexpected meeting.

Even if you do barge into the room, you won't expect any answers to come out easily. Even you know how she is, right? So don't even try to waste any of our time. You can have your reunion tomorrow.

He slammed the control panels with brute force of his fist and cursed under his breath. He hated it when everything wasn't going to his plan. He couldn't wait anymore longer. He needed answers.

Few seconds passed, and the guards came. One of them called out to him.

"Sir, we got all the information that you needed for tomorrow's interrogation, sir." He spoke in formality.

Reaper slowly turned to look at the two guards, as he got up from his little tantrum and walked towards them. They saw the huge hole on the panels and resulted a few sparks from a few broken cables and smashed buttons. That really drained all the colour in their face, luckily they were wearing helmets. Reaper snatched the file from the guard's hand and opened it to examine the confidential papers. A familiar face of a Swiss woman was at the top right of the paper, along with some writings about her bibliography on the whole sheet, and there still more.

A professional doctor.

Above average.

Achieved new nanotechnology research.

Blah blah blah...on and on, he thought lazily. He already knew almost all what's written in it, so what's the point on giving him the information?

"I don't see any point in this shit. What am I supposed to ask her?" He asked in dissatisfaction. The guard was hesitant at first, fear of hitting the wrong nerve on the masked man.

"The boss said to ask her about her research. It's the reason what she was taken for, he said." The guard explained. Reaper just grunted and left the room, leaving the two injured guards that he beaten up all cower from his movements.

He was stomping his way to his room, ignoring everyone who was passing him.

Including Widowmaker.

She saw the change of aura from the man, though his mood was always the same. Grumpy.

"Aw...Did someone just spilled your milk?" She sassed. That managed to make him stopped his tracks. He turned to glance at the woman behind him, crossing her arms with a devilish smirk.

"I don't have time for this, Ameliē." He bellowed, then he continued his steps to his chambers. That made Widowmaker raised her brows, a little surprised with his unexpected gesture. She never see him so pissed, that he won't even stop to get mad at her sassy remarks like he always do.

20 minutes before...

The silent room echoed her small sobs, still no sign of stopping or even slowing down. After the Sombra woman left, all she can do was cry. She even didn't know where to start. Start what? She didn't know. She was hopeless. No one was there to save her right now; but will anyone realise her absence? She only hoped on that that could make a huge change on her situation.

Suddenly a sudden loud sound of broken furniture was heard from the outside. She could hear people crying out in pain and she could guess that someone just got thrown at the other end of the room outside hers. Probably a table must've been broken from the violent action. Someone must had a bad temper.

"Open the goddamn door! Let me see the captive!" A rasp voice of a man shouting at the other side of the door was heard. Somehow those words struck fear into her heart. Was the mentioned captive, supposed to be her?

Only a single thought was left in her mind; what had she done wrong? Why was the man mad at her? She shivered not because of the cold room, wondering what would happen to her if she didn't find a way to escape. The man was capable to hurt her, since he never even mind to hurt his own comrades that far. She curled herself up into a ball as she hugged her knees desperately like her life depends on them. The dried tears once again started to water and wet her eyelashes and moisten her cornea. The violence didn't stop there, she could still hear the agonizing sounds of men getting beaten up by the other man. Then one of them started to speak in a hasty manner.

"B-boss!! The key's with the boss!!" He pleaded. Then, the room went silent. She could hear the sound of menacing footsteps, she guessed they were combat boots with an attached metal. She heard a heavy sigh after a long pause. Suddenly, the menacing footsteps continued, but slowly faded. She assumed the attacker left.

The breath that she held for no reason was let out hard. Her hands reached to her chest, clenched hard on where her heart supposed to be. She could feel the adrenaline had made her heart skipped a beat out of fear. It was thumping loudly until she could almost hear it from her own ears. Tears already flowed down across her dirt-covered cheek. She felt so filthy, rolling around the cement with nothing comfortable to lie on. Her clothes were all dirty, and she felt disgusted with herself; feeling all sweaty and sticky. She let herself curled up on the floor, crying her eyes out once more. She's scared.

She really needed someone.

Her eyes were still tired, but she can no longer sleep anymore. She didn't even realise that she fell asleep. Maybe it had been hours that she slept after the small incident, she thought. With all the energy she had left, she tried hard to open them; obviously because her eyes were already puffy from all the crying. She pushed herself up from the floor, with an arm supporting her body. Her free hand rubbed her eye, trying hard to open them still. When she finally get to see properly, she looked around her surrounding.

Nothing changed much.

She's still in the room.

'Guess it wasn't a dream.' She thought.

Her stomach growled begging to be fed. She held hard on her stomach, trying to suppress her hunger. She doubt she would get anything here. Not even a glass of water. Heck, not even a glass!

She stayed there hugging her knees, but this time she wasn't crying. She was tired actually. Not enough rest, no stamina, and her throat was parched. Her head rested on her knees, looking at the blank wall beside her. Then a sound of metal was loud enough to make her jump. Her head snapped towards the only metal thing in the room.

It was open.

She waited for someone to enter, but there was none. It lasted for almost 5 minutes and no one was there. Her eyes suddenly glimmered with a little hope.

She still got a chance.

Her legs suddenly got the strength to let her stand up from her spot. Ever so slowly, she walked her way to the door and went behind it, not letting anything suspicious to see her. She peeked at the opening carefully,

It was clear.

She crept out from the dull room to another room. She could see there was a broken table, a few splinters scattered around the room. Few metres away, she saw a doorless entrance, beckoning her. Her face suddenly brightened up with a smile and tears already welled up in her eyes. She's gonna escape. She will find a way out.

She'll see all her friends.

Without thinking twice, she ran towards the entrance, ignoring the mangled furniture before her. She didn't realise that she lost a shoe, and her bare foot unintendedly stepped on the floor that was filled with various sizes of splinters. She yelped when she felt a jolt of pain and fell on the floor after she passed the table. She looked down at her foot. It was filled with splinters; and some of them made her foot bled. She cursed under her breath and looked behind her. She was close, she can't let this small problem stopped her. Slowly, she got up from her fall and limped her way towards the entrance, trying to avoid from stepping the floor with her injured sole. Finally at the entrance, she held the frame of it and took a sharp turn to the right.

That is, if she didn't bump on something solid.

She fell flat on her bottom again and held her nose, feeling a slight pain from the collision. Then she realised she wasn't alone.

A menacing figure, stood tall in front of her, towering her with an intimidating aura. The holes on his mask bore through her widened blue ones.

"Where do you think you're going?"

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