One Night

By RandomGabs

702K 22.3K 756

One night with her girl friends, one earth shattering kiss and off to a new job, where her boss is the guy sh... More

One Night
Fate Sucks
The Meetings
Pushed too Far
Touching Submission
Climbing out of the Rabbit Hole
The Truth in the Lies
And The World Goes Boom!
A Past
Dinner ;)
Anniversary Surprise
Anniversary Weekend
Dinner for Four before we split.
Alexander's Turn
1 door shuts, 3 more open
A Night In
Blasts from the Past
A Phone Call
A Week Apart
A Week Apart (Pt. 2)
The Night Back
Me and My Broken Heart
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
He Came Back
After (pt 1)
After (pt 2)
After (pt 3)
After (pt. 4)
Coming for You
A Piece here, A Memory There
How The Grinch (Almost) Stole Christmas
Thinking Out Loud
AnnieMireya Theophilia James

Battle of Words

23.4K 597 16
By RandomGabs

AN: This is dedicated to abbgail because she gave me the idea to write in Josh'sPOV, so enjoy! 

*Josh's Point of View* 

After I left Savanna's office and headed over to PR, Ashley was waiting at her office door. She looked me up and down, smiling, her eyes clearly enjoying the view. Ugh, don't get me wrong. She was cool, pretty and nice. I just didn't like the way she stared at me, like I was a dessert she was about to eat. I didn't even like her like that. I only had eyes for Sav.

"Hey, Joshie!" She greeted, her smile was even bigger now. I cringed, but plastered a smile on my face. I didn't want to be rude.

"It's just Josh," I corrected, politely, knowing I only liked Savanna calling me that. She made it sound sexy. Ashley looked a little crestfallen as she brushed back her light brown hair, brushing off what I said.

"Sorry," she said, before turning around. I followed her into the office. "So, I have something to for you to take up to Mr. James," she said, picking something up off of her desk. She turned around, her smile gone. But it was still apparent that she was checking me out. 

"These are the claims for the new book they've decided to publish before another company calls dibs and Mr. James needs to look over them I send them out. Don't come back unless he's given you the ok," she said, handing a Manila envelope to me. I nodded, and went back to the elevator, feeling her eyes on me. 

I seemed to be going back to this thing a lot. I bet this gets used  a lot besides me. I tapped nervously on the envelope. I really didn't want to see Mr. James again. He just got on my nerves. I caught him more than once during dinner, eyeing Savanna. I glared, but then I noticed Danielle looking at me, so I felt like I couldn't say anything. I just got this feeling that if I didn't make sure Savanna knew that we were a thing, Mr. James would make a move on my woman. And that honestly did not sit well with me. Savanna was my girl and he needed to back off.

The doors opened to the fifteenth floor. I headed to his office. His door was open so I knocked. He looked up from some papers. He seemed surprised to see me again. I stepped in, warily. I was on his territory. He leaned back in his chair. 

"Yes?" he asked. I held up the Manila envelope. 

"This is from PR. Ashley needs you to sign off on the statements before she sends them out," I said, tossing them on his desk. He opened it and glanced over them. He looked up, his eyebrow raised. 

"Ok, you can go now," he said, his tone reminding me of how you would speak to a child. I crossed my arms, already irritated. 

"Ashley said that I should stay and take the papers back until you've signed off on them," I said. "Bosses orders." 

"Technically I am your boss. She's just your higher up," he said. I nodded, not liking the way he talked to me.

He turned back to the papers. While he looked at them, I turned to his windows. They were his entire wall and looked out over Houston. It was pretty cool. It was a nice refresher from inside the building. Granted it did have another amazing view. Savy. I smiled a little, ok that was cheesy. I doubt Savanna would have minded. She seemed to like me being a little cheesy.

"Here take these and get out. I have real work to do," Mr. James snapped behind me. I turned around. He looked tense. 

Do I put him on edge? What's his deal? 

I took the envelope and looked at him.  

"What's the real reason you transferred me?" I asked, know that the answer he gave me earlier was complete bull shit. He raised his eyebrow. 

"What do you mean? I've already told you," he said, calmly, but his eyes revealed his anger. Yeah he was pissed. But about what? I resisted the urge to punch him. 

"I know that the answer you gave me earlier was crap. Savy- I mean Savanna- would have been able to do her job with or without me," I snapped, losing my patience. I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes darkened when I mentioned Savanna's nickname. So this did have to do with her.  

"So why did you really transfer me?"

He sighed and stood up. "I don't want you and her together. I doubt the "thing" you have going on will last and I just don't want her to get hurt," he said, leaning forward his hands on the desk.

"I would never hurt her on purpose," I said, sensing his protectiveness and his "claim" on Savanna through his words. "She's my girlfriend now and I fully intend to make things work for us."

I turned and left before I did something rash, like hit the guy or cuss him out. Fuck the fact that he was my boss. It irritated me that I could so easily see his protectiveness over Savanna. The way he mentioned her, and how his body tensed when I mentioned her name. I was ready to punch something, preferably him.

When I got back to Ashley's office, she was thrilled that I got back so quickly. Much to my enjoyment (that was sarcasm).

For the rest of the morning, she made me go get  copies and signatures from the rest of the PR team. When lunch rolled around, I went out to the place Savy usually went, but she wasn't there. She was probably working. She just dove head in when it came to work. And that's what I liked about her, her determination and way she took everything on with a fierce attitude.

When we all got back from lunch, Ashley had a meeting to go to so she let me on her email and told me to write and send an email to each of the companies. The stack had like 15 in them and each email was nearly a thousand words. Great. It took me three hours to do. 

It was nearly four when she came back. I had started playing Candy Crush on my phone while I waited. She came in. 

"Did you finish?" she asked, coming around the desk to look at the screen. I got up and nodded. 

"Yeah, I finished an hour ago," I said, leaning against her window walls. She nodded, clicking on the emails I sent. She seemed pleased. 

"Good. I need you to fetch the list of other books Mr. James has decided to go to and I'll start up the drafts for the statement," she said, sitting in her chair. I groaned. 

Yay! I sulked over to the elevator. I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. I really didn't like Mr. James. His personality just irritated me and don't even get me started on the fact that he has the hots for my girlfriend. That was't go there. 

When the doors opened, I was telling myself to relax and keep a level head. The last thing I needed was to get fired for saying something with my big mouth. His door was shut. I knocked and waited for him to answer it. He did and he looked surprised and irritated to see me. Feelings mutual. 

"Josh? What do you want now?" he asked, sounding annoyed at having to see me three times today. I rolled my eyes. 

"PR needs the list of the other books you plan to publish," I said, hating being a lackey, going back and forth between him and her. He nodded and turned into his office. I followed. He walked around his desk and looked through the stack of papers. 

"Next time PR needs something, I'd rather you email me. Seeing you more than once is annoying," he said, still looking through his papers. 

"Yeah, I'll do that. I don't want to see you either," I retorted without thinking. Crap, shut up Josh. He looked up, glaring, before his face turned into a smirk. He started fumbling through his papers again. 

"Savanna came by today," he said. I noticed a bit of laughter and mocking in his voice. I felt my jaw slacken before I tighten it, my jaw clicking into place.

"So?" I asked, trying to sound like I didn't care. 

"She begged me to transfer you back," he said.

I felt my hopes rise at the thought of being Savanna's assistant again.

"I said no. I'd get her a new one."

And poof! There they go.

"I really doubt that her coffee needs are that important." He was smirking a little as he found them. "I did really enjoy how she said she'd do anything to get you back; even if it meant a sexual favor."

I felt my eyes widen and my jaw go slack. 

She wouldn't. Would she? She didn't seem the kind of girl who'd sell out so easily. His smirk became bigger at my expression.

"Goodbye Josh," he said. "I'll be sure to tell Sav you stopped by." He winked and turned around. 

"You son of a bitch! If you lay so much as a finger on her, I'll-" I started. He turned, his green grey eyes glaring. 

"You'll what?" he mocked. "You can't do anything. I, however, can tell Savy about why you got fired from your last job." My mouth clicked shut. "Oh, you don't want that do you? No? Good, now get out!" I turned and did what I was told. 

This mother fucker was so cold. He'd really stoop that low. Well, I guess that's what you become after you fight your way to the top. He'd really tell Savanna and I hated how he used her nicknames so easily like they were on a personal level. Once her name popped into my mind, I went back to what he  said,  she said she'd do anything to get you back; even if it meant a sexual favor. She wouldn't, would she? We haven't been together long. Just a day, if you're going by officially. It did flatter me how she fought to get me back. 

My thoughts were interrupted when the doors to PR opened. I stepped out and headed to Ashley's office. I put the paper on her desk and sat down. She took it and went over it. I checked the time. 5. Only an hour left. She glanced up from her computer. 

"I don't really have anything for you to do other than make a few copies and get signatures from the rest of PR," she said, motioning to a couple papers on her desk. I nodded and picked them up. I went to the copier room. 

While I made copies my mind drifted back to Savanna and what he said. He was just messing with me. She wouldn't really do that. I stapled the copies together. She was a sweet girl. She didn't strike me as the kind of girl who do that. I went to Nina's cubicle and handed her a copy. She took it. I kept thinking about Savanna as I made my way around the office.

It struck me odd how he seemed to find it funny. I doubt he'd let that opportunity pass. He would take full advantage of it.

I went back around, picking up the signed copies. I wondered back to Ashley's office. I set the signed copies on her desk. She nodded and glanced at the time. 

"You can go. It's 4:55. I don't think 5 minutes will matter," she said. I nodded. 

"Thanks," I said. I left the office.

I took the elevator to the lobby. The receptionist was reading a book. I tapped on the glass. She looked up and smiled. 

"Yes, may I help you?" she asked in a cheerful voice. I nodded. 

"Yes, um, I was wondering if Miss Blackwell had left yet," I asked. She pulled up something on her computer before turning back to me. 

"No, sir. Miss Blackwell hasn't left the building all day," she said. I nodded. 

"Ok, thank you," I said before turning and walking away. 

I walked to my car and got in. She probably missed lunch. I'd come back and bring her something. I drove to my place and got out. I went to my apartment and took a shower. When  I got out, it was barely 6:30. I doubt she'd left yet. I picked up the phone and ordered Chinese. It was 6:45 when they got here. I paid and ate before crashing on the couch. I watched Oblivion and when it was over it was 9. Yeah, she was probably leaving by now. I grabbed the plate I had ordered for her and went back to my car. 

When I got back to work, no one was there. I got out and started walking towards the building. The door opened and Savanna stepped out... Followed by Mr. James. Anger and jealousy flared within me. What is she dong with him? What are they talking about? He reached out and grabbed her elbow.

As I walked closer, they didn't seem to notice me. I was a few feet away when I heard Mr. James speak. 

"-To have upset you, and you're right. This cannot keep happening," he said, his British accent soft. What can't keep happening? 

It was only when Sav turned around did I realize that I had spoken aloud. Oops. Her eyes were wide as she saw me taking a few steps closer to them. Mr. James' eyes were dark as they watched me. I didn't look at him. 

"J-J-Josh, what are you doing here?" she asked, her green eyes full of....fear? Why would she be afraid of me?

"I knew you probably got caught up in work when I didn't see you at lunch, so I brought you dinner," I said,  lifting the Chinese food container up a bit. Her eyes saw it and her stomach grumbled. I smiled before I turned back to Dick of the Year. "So, what can't keep happening?" I asked again, wishing my mind hadn't gone back to the sexual favor bit he mentioned when I saw him earlier today. His mouth pulled into a smile and I felt my stomach sink a bit. I turned back to Savanna. 

She looked like she was trying to think of what to say. Mr. James was silent as he watched he struggle. Finally she found the words. 

"What needs to stop is the constant badgering while I'm working and the amount of work I'm getting," she said, turning slightly as she spoke. Mr. James seemed flustered and his smirk was gone. "I'd appreciate it and-" she turned back to me. "Thanks for dinner, Josh." She stepped up and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and looked at Mr. James. I smirked and we walked away with my arm around her shoulder. 

We walked back to my car and I opened the door for her. She got in and I handed her the food before I closed the door. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. 

"Well played," he observed. I rolled my eyes. 

"This isn't a game, sir. I'm not going to stand by though as you try to make a move on my woman," I snapped before getting in. 

I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I looked over at Savy, who had opened the box and was gnawing on an egg roll. I smiled. She looked kind of silly. 

"So, would you like me to drop you off at your place?" I offered. She nodded and gave me a few directions. While I drove she ate and she only stopped to give me directions. I pulled to a stop in front of her apartment. 

"Mr. James has issues," I said, thinking about the conversations I've had with him. She laughed, her green eyes on me. 

"You have no idea," she remarked. I smiled. 

"Thanks for the ride, Joshie," she said, unlocking her door. I smiled, loving the way my nickname came off of her lips. She stood up and started to close her door. She stopped and poked her head in. 

"Would you like to meet my roommate, Sam?" She asked me, her smile tentative. I nodded. 

"Sure," I said, turning the car off. I got out and followed her to the door. She unlocked it and led me up to her apartment. Once she unlocked the door, I heard someone scream. 

"SAVANNA! Where have you be---Oh! Hi," Sam said as she came out from the kitchen. She looked me up and down before turning to Savy. "So, who's this?" she asked, nodding her head at me like I wasn't even there. I felt slightly offended. 

"Sam! This is Josh," she said, motioning to me. "I knew you'd be crazy tonight because I came home late again, so here is the man who took me to dinner and gave me a ride home." She took my hand and gently tugged me into the apartment. Sam regarded me warily. 

"Josh, huh?" she asked. I nodded, feeling naked beneath her searching gaze. "Well, if you hurt her, I'm coming after you with an axe, understood?" I nodded, noticing how Savanna smacked her forehead with her hand. 

"Sam," she said. Sam tore her eyes away from me and looked at Sav. "Shut up!" Sam smiled and shrugged. 

"I'm just saying" she said before she turned on her heel, smiling. Well, she was satisfied with herself. I looked at Savanna. 

"So you drag me over here to be eaten by the wolves?" I asked, jokingly. She smiled, sheepishly. 

"Sam's just like that. She talks the talk, but she won't do anything," she said, her cheeks going red. 

"I heard that," Sam called from inside the apartment. We started to laugh. 

"I hope you're still laughing when I poison your drink," she added. I sombered up real quick and turned a bewildered look to Sav.

"And I hope you're laughing when Alexander shows up," she shot back. I heard the laughter in the kitchen.

"I wouldn't be able to laugh, if you know what I mean," Sam said loudly. I couldn't help but smile at their banter. Savy went red.

"SAM! We have a guest," she said. Sam poked her head out from the kitchen, smiling.

"Then you shouldn't have gone there," she said before winking. Savanna rolled her eyes, groaning.

"What am I going to do with you?" she mumbled, before turning back to me. "Well, I just thought you'd enjoy meeting my roommate," she said as we turned back to the door. I laughed.

"Yeah. It was definitely interesting," I remarked. She laughed.

"Yeah, that's Sam," she said, opening the door. I stood there awkwardly, wanting to kiss her goodbye. "Thanks for the food." She looked up, biting her lip. I couldn't help it. That was too cute.

I gripped her head gently and pressed my lips to hers. We shut our eyes as we enjoyed our kiss. It was soft and tender. I pulled away, leaving a lingering kiss on her lips.

I opened my eyes and she opened hers.

"Smooth," she smirked, before smacking me on the ass as I left. I jumped.

"Hey!" I said, shock on my face. She rolled her eyes.  

"You liked it," she said smiling. I leaned in and kissed her quickly again. I pulled away with a smirk on my face. 

"So?' I asked. I winked. "Night, Savy!" I turned and walked back to my car. 

I drove back to my apartment, a smile on my face despite what happened earlier this evening. I knew there was something else going on between Mr. James and Savanna, but after what happened outside the building, it was obvious Sav was done. That thought let me go to sleep easily. 



The next morning, though work didn't seem to appeal to me as it did when I was working with Sav, I felt excited to go. Mr.  James had gotten a dose of his own medicine. Savanna and I were good and I think Ashley had taken the hint. It was going good. I drove to work. 

When I got there, I grabbed two coffee's and headed up to Savy's office. I walked back to her office. She was already there, working. I smiled and laughed as I came in. She looked up and smiled. 

"Joshie!" she greeted. I handed her the cup. She smelled it. "Mmm, you're amazing!" She smiled up at me. I beamed back. 

"He is isn't he?" a new voice said. 

A chill went down my spine. My stomach dropped. I turned around. She stood there, her brown eyes glaring and her brown hair pulled into a braid. 

"Hi, Joshie!" she mocked. 

Oh, god! The asshole didn't..... 


AN: Dun, dun dun!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. It took me a little more time writing from Josh's point of view, but I think I managed! Let me know what you think and who you think "she" is. If you like it, I'll do more from the guy's point of veiw, including Christopher's. ;) 

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