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By jasminefj

383K 8.5K 1.9K

Story Status: [ on going + revising ] In which a girl named Selena falls in love with a frat boy named Zayn... More

C A S T & D E T A I L S
๐ŸŽถCurated Playlists for character relationships:
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12 ; Revised

6.5K 140 24
By jasminefj

Stars Dance
Chapter 12
Zayn's Point of View

THINGS FROM HERE on out could literally not get any worse. Her eyes widen when she saw Selena and I entangled together. Her eyes turned a shade darker and she tried to contain her anger as manageable as possible. Selena quick got off of me and approached her. I stood back with my head faced to the ground and a clenched jaw. They were going back and forth at it and if I said anything, I knew I'd just be the odd one out in this whole thing and everything would build up at once and hell would break loose. I could not let that happen,  not like this at least.
She had kicked out Selena at her own door and I knew this was all might fault. In the end it was and Selena was clueless about the whole thing, she would have done everything possible to keep Selena out to hurt me, its what she did. I helped Selena out of the dorm with the couple of things she had in her hold, and told her she'd be back for the rest of her things.
"What is wrong with her?" Selena exclaimed. "I have nowhere to go." She nearly cried.
"Don't worry." I tried to ease her. "Everything will be ok." I said.
"No it won't!" She exclaimed. "What am I suppose to tell my mom?" She exclaimed. "Everything started because of you." She said. "She's been acting like this over a fucking project with you." Selena says in frustration.
I was choked for words and I didn't know what to say. "I-..."
"What a fucking dramatic bitch." Selena mumbled under her teeth. My eyes widen as I never really heard such vocabulary from her. "My own room!" She pointed at her chest. "I just would have rather left than dealt with her at this point." She admitted. "But where the hell am I suppose to spend the night?" She sighed.
I thought of Jackie but would she like the idea? Would Jackie even accept? Jackie would have too. My father did buy me an apartment earlier in the year last semester in hopes of buying my forgiveness back, but I never used the fucking flat ever, I was stubborn, but I don't think that was the case any longer. It remains empty and full with new furniture.
"Vanessa and Ashely cannot see me like this." She admitted.
"I know a place." I suggested.
"I'm not fond with the idea of sharing with your friend Jackie." She admitted. "So, if that's what you were suggesting...forget it." She said.
I chuckled. "I had that in mind." I admitted. "But I don't know how you would've felt about it." I admitted. "I know a place, but I need you to trust me." I told her. "Do you trust me?" She glanced over at me and nodded her head up and down with a smile. "C'mon." I said taking her belongings and heading towards my car. She didn't object and took my hand as I guided her.

Selena's Point of View

He had pulled up at an apartment complex, and parked the car in one of the slots. He hurried to turn off the engine and helped me out of the car and quickly took my had as he opened the trunk of his car and took my things out. The chilly air blew against my face and I pulled my body closer to his as he hurried us into the building.
The lobby was bright with lights, and the front desk lady just gave Zayn and I a glance before we hurried towards the elevator and he pressed the bottom the illuminated the up signal. We stood there for a slight second and blonde woman picked up the phone to her ear while glancing at Zayn and I. I frowned as I found that odd, the elevator door opened and I stepped into the space with Zayn in front of me.
He pressed the floor number 25 and the doors closed in front of us. In a matter of seconds the door opened on that floor and we walked door the hallway passing a few doors when Zayn took this key from his keychain and put it in the door knob and twisted it open. He gave me a small smile before he motioned that I step in first, I did and I looked around at the apartment. It gave off a fresh scent of new and all the furniture was covered in plain white sheets.
"You have a place outside of the campus?" I questioned as I walked slowly taking the average sized place in. I had its kitchen, two rooms down the hallway a bathroom, a small living room and a dining space.
"My father." Is all he said. I glanced over at him confused as he took notice while uncovering all the furniture, and began to explain further. "He bought this place for me in his recovery days thinking that he could make amends with me with this place." He explained. "It's never been used, until now." He admitted."
His words took me by surprise, a small gasp leaving my mouth. "His must really want you to forgive him." I spoke my thoughts out loud.
"He needs to understand that money can't buy my forgiveness." He admits. "Materialistic things mean nothing to me." He says. "I just want you to feel safe. He admits approaching me and wrapping his arms around my waist.


He opened the door to the master bedroom and it was a big room I took a deep breath. "This is where we'll be sleeping." He said. "Unless you don't want too and I'll just sleep in the guest room." He quickly changed his train of thought.
"No this is fine." I smiled at him.
"Are you sure?" He questioned. "I don't want you to feel weird." He said."
"It's fine." I assured him, I approached him and pressed my lips against his.
He didn't say anything afterwards and pulled me closer to him, pressing his mouth against mine and made our way slowly towards the made bed, he slowly sat us down and brought me into his lap, running his down my neck and I couldn't help but lowly moan. I know where he was headed with this but was I ready?
What I felt for Zayn was strong but was ready? I would ridiculous to say and admit that I wasn't in love with him, because each time he was near me or even our skin made the slightest of brush against each others, I would feel a spark between us both that needed to ignited at one point. I hand ran up my thigh and I immediately brought my hand over his to stop him. "Please baby." He moaned against my neck, leaving soft kisses.
"Will it hurt?" I admitted with question.
"It doesn't have to be that just yet." He whispered. "There are other ways." He said with a slight smirk.
"Zayn you've been with so many girls..." I trailed off.
"They don't matter, none of it matters." He said. "What matters is you and I right now in this moment." He admitted.
"Ok." I whispered and pressed my mouth against his.
He carried me in his arms and he set me down on the bed, I sat up on the bed and I watched him get in between my legs on his knees. I wore a dress and his hand quickly went between my legs and caressed my skin as he lips collided with mine. His finger tips brushed against my sex and I slightly bit my bottom lip, he riddled my dress up my knees and spread my thighs further. I lied back into the bed and before I knew it his head was in between my thighs, small fans of his breath against my clothed cherry.
I lied back onto the bed and my headspace was everywhere I couldn't think straight at all, my thoughts and feelings were cloudy and I could just feel my heart beating at a fast rate, the lights were off in the room but still I felt exposed. I left Zayn's cold fingers with his rings latch around my panties and pull them to the side, his mouth attached to my sex and I gasped. He stopped for a second and continued, I could hear sucking noises and I wanted to moan. I lip my bottom lip.
"It's ok baby, let me hear you." He whispered against my sex, and I just complied and moaned loudly.
His tongue flicked against my nub repeatedly and I squirmed under his touch, my back arched and my fingertips pulled at the bed sheets. Zayn took my hands and dug them into his hair. "Pull baby, as hard as you want." He said and continued moving his tongue against my sex. I moaned loudly and pulled at his hair, he groaned against my sex sending vibrations up to my spine. I wasn't going to last long as I was squirming and moaning uncontrollably.
He didn't stop, that is when I felt like I couldn't last any longer. "Zayn I'm gonna-...oh my god." I came and my back arched with my hands pulling at his hair and I panted in the processes.

Zayn's Point of View

I woke the next morning to Selena sound asleep, I quickly got up and threw my shirt over my head and my buckled my jeans. It was around eight in the morning and I quickly slipped out before Selena could wake up to grab breakfast and hurry to do other things before Selena and I had to go to this English lit class. I hurried out the apartment complex and I got in my car and drove off towards the campus, I wasted no time in parking and hurrying towards the sorority house, I walked inside not caring if the people in charge saw me or not.
I walked down the corridor and when I came across the dorm room, I practically banged on the door. I knocked a few more times until Lucy opened the door, she too looking to head out for a class. When she opened the door she rolled her eyes and didn't even say if I could walk in or not, not that I cared. I had been in here many times before in the past.
"If you're here over your stupid little girlfriend, quite frankly I don't want to hear it." She shrugged her shoulders as she sat in front of her vanity.
"You're fucking ridiculous!" I exclaimed looked at her straight through the vanity mirror.
She scoffed. "I'm fucking ridiculous?" She said standing up from the cushioned ottoman and turning her attention to me. "What's fucking ridiculous is you trying to fuck my best friend! And practically all the people around me, that is what's fucking ridiculous." She says.
"Lucy let me live my fucking life!" I practically scream in her face.
She smirks. "You got that shit all up in your head." She points with her finger to my forehead.
"You sit here and you claim that you do this all for Selena's well being and protection, but you're using that as an excuse because you won't admit to yourself that you are jealous with rage to see that I have moved on finally and that my attention no longer revolves around you! Admit it." I exclaim.
She laughs. "Please if I didn't care when you were fucking Jacqueline, what makes you think I would give a fuck if you were fucking Selena?" She says.
"It hurts, because you and Selena were or are actually close, something you and Jackie never were." I confess.
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "You keep telling yourself that." She says.
"And you keep lying to yourself." I say before I turn towards the door and walk out.

Selena's Point of View

I woke up to empty bed beside me, I questioned Zayn's whereabouts and began to self doubt myself. What if this is all he wanted? He left after he got what he wanted. How could I be so stupid? I reached into my suitcase and reached out a pair of clothes, I took a quick shower before I stepped out into the living room and into the kitchen to see what I could make myself to eat before I headed out to class.
I didn't find anything and I sighed, I went to sit on the living room couch when I heard the door click open and Zayn walked in with brown bag. "I'm back." He said with a smile as he sat down next to me.
"Where were you?" I questioned rubbing the side of my neck with my hand.
"I went out to pick up some clothes from the frat, then to grab some breakfast for the both of us to eat before heading out to class." He said reaching into the bag. "I hope you like a sausage biscuit with honey and bacon." He said, handing me a wrapped biscuit, which a coffee cup.
"Thank you." I smile. "I just thought, after last night..you'd-.."I admit.
"Leave?" He finish my sentence for me.
"Yeah, I'm sorry--...I just-.." I nod my head sideways. "Forget it."
"Do we have to go to literature?" He changes the subject, followed by a sigh.
"Well you don't have too." I say. "I know you don't care, but I do, for my grade." I say eating into my food and sipping on my now cooled down coffee.
"You know I'm only in that shit of a class because you're in it." He admits.
"Yeah I kind of figured..." I smile. "So this relationship between you and I, is public? Private?" I question. "I just want to know." I admit.
"Listen, for now, nobody has to know about us." He takes my hand in his. "It's no one's business anyway, in the first place." He lift his shoulders. "Our relationship, is ours between you and me, no one else's." He says.


Zayn drops me off and drives off around the campus to buy sometime before he makes it into class. I walk in first and sit in my regular seat. I begin to take out my materials when I notice that it is almost time and Zayn is not here yet, worrying that he might be late. I didn't look up for a slight second as I reach for a pen, when I notice Adam coming my way with a smile.
"Hey Adam..." I say with an uncertainty in my tone.
"Hey Selena." He says right back sitting right next to me. "Is it fine if I sit here?" He says pointing at the seat next to mine.
"I-..." Before I could say anything he does anyway and I don't say anything else, he turns my way and all I can do is give him a forced smile, the second I do, I hear Zayn's voice behind me.
"How many fucking times do I have to tell you to get up from my fucking chair and stop talking to her?" He says in an angry tone. Oh boy.


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