My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

25K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

The Search Continues

315 19 0
By TarableTaralynn

**With Dean And Paige**:

 Knowing that the rest of his family were out and they were in no danger of being caught, Dean and Paige walked around the hallways of the church openly; no longer hidden in the shadows. Dean knew his injuries from their earlier battle were almost healed, he looked at Paige as they walked and knew even though she was hurting, she wouldn't give up until the Elders were all dead. Looking at her he smiled and shook his head slightly at that thought, she saw it and stopped walking, before she spoke, causing him to stop and look behind him at her.

 "What's so funny?" She demanded, as she crossed her arms.

 "Nothing!" He answered.

 "Tell me!" Paige ordered.

 "Fine, I'll tell you." Dean said sighing. "I was just thinking of how well you fight for a..."

 "A girl?" Paige said bitterly, cutting him off.

 "Nope!" Dean answered, as he began walking away. "For a human!" He added smiling, as he looked over his shoulder at her and winked.

 Paige laughed, before she quickly caught up to him and they continued searching in silence. Dean was getting angry, they had searched the entire church and found no sign of the damn Elders, he was beginning to think the cowards had fled after discovering he had found them. They searched the last room in the church and were about to leave after finding it empty too, when suddenly Dean sensed they weren't alone, he smiled, as he looked around them at the shadows; he had almost missed their scent and would have thanks to the Ancient powers Cass had told him they were now using months ago, but thanks to his supercharged powers he had been able to catch it.

 "So, what now?" Paige asked, as she wandered around the room, not noticing Dean looking around smiling. "They aren't here, so do we..."

 "Paige, freeze!" Dean ordered, cutting her off, as he noticed movement in the shadows.

 "Why?" She questioned nervously, as she stopped and looked at him. "They're here aren't they?" She added, Dean nodded.

 Before either of them could say or do anything else the Elders came out of hiding, catching them both off guard. They both turned to look in front of them and found an Elder standing there, but before they could react they were sent flying across the room. They hit the floor hard and rolled until they hit a wall, both groaned from the impact, Dean got up first and rushed to Paige, helping her up.

 "Damn I hate Vampires!" She said angrily, as they starred at the five, large Vamps in front of them.

 "Aw, what's the matter mortal? Can't handle a little fight?" One of the Elders taunted smiling.

 "You okay kid?" Dean asked.

 "I will be once we kill these sons-of-bitches!" Paige answered.

 "Paige, maybe you should let me handle this?" Dean suggested, she looked at him angrily.

 "Yeah Paige, maybe you should listen to Dean, before you get that pretty, little face of yours messed up!" Another Elder taunted, as they all laughed.

 "Let's go, you blood sucking asshole!" Paige yelled angrily, as she charged at the Elder closest to her.

**With Roman And Seth**:

 Roman sighed frustrated, as he sat on the stone floor and tried to get the chain around his ankle unlocked. Seth was pacing again, trying to figure out a way to get them free, before Vassago killed them.

 "Dammit!" Roman said angrily, as he gave up on the chain.

 "Didn't work?" Seth asked, as he looked at him.

 "No!" Roman answered, as he leaned his head back against the wall and ran his hands over his face. "Nothing we've tried is working!"

 "We can't give up Ro, Dean wouldn't!" Seth said, trying to keep his brother fighting.

 "That's because Dean's too stupid to quit!" Vassago's voice spoke, as he came into the mausoleum alone.

 "Where's your little bitch?" Roman asked angrily, as he stood beside Seth.

 "Keeper? He's out on business!" Vassago answered, as he sat on his makeshift throne and began petting his Raven that sat on his arm now.

 "Not going to torture us? What's the matter Vassago, not have anymore fight in you?" Seth taunted smiling.

 "I've got more fight in my baby finger, than the two of you have in your entire bodies combined!" Vassago replied.

 "Then why aren't you trying to hurt us like you usually do?" Roman asked confused.

 "I thought we'd get to know each other better, we could talk about, oh I don't know...Dean?"

 "What about him, you bastard?" Roman demanded angrily.

 "Calm down lover boy, I just thought you'd like to know more about the man you both love so much; I mean it's not like Deano's told you anything right?" Vassago answered.

 "Why?" Seth questioned suspiciously.

 "Fine, if neither of you are interested, than I guess I'll just start torturing..."

 "Alright, we're listening!" Roman said, cutting him off.

 "I thought you would! Now, let's see...last story-time  I told you about Dean's...troubled past as a cowboy outlaw!"

 "And how you turned him against his will!" Roman added angrily.

 "Yes, yes! Big, bad Vassago turned poor, innocent Dean into a monster, get over it! Shall I continue or should I leave?"

 "Continue dammit!" Seth answered, as he and Roman sat down.

 "After I turned Dean, I needed to keep him safe from the townspeople who were still after him. So, I had Keeper take him to our little hideout and watch over him, while I continued searching for new family members."

 "Sire!" Keeper said, as he rushed into the mausoleum.

 "What is it Keeper? You're interrupting story-time dammit!" Vassago asked annoyed.

 "Dean found the Exchange and he killed Dante!" Keeper announced.

 Hearing Dean had been to the Exchange made both men smile, but Seth's went away, as he remembered all the people they left they had left Paige behind! He hoped she was okay and he vowed once Dean had freed them he was going back for her!

 "Good, good! That means he's been given our little message and has gone to the Church looking for us!" Vassago said happily, as he sighed. "It's so nice when plans go perfectly!"

 "What about all the humans you had locked up there?" Roman asked, hoping Dean had done the right thing and let them go.

 "That's none of your business, pathetic mortal!" Keeper yelled angrily.

 "It's fine Keeper. What did happen to them?" Vassago asked.

 "Well Sire, Ambrose has freed them all! My humans, my hard work all gone!" Keeper answered angrily.

 "Well gentlemen, looks like you two have given our little rebel Vampire a conscious!" Vassago teased. "Our plan has worked, Deano has gone after the Elders and once he gets rid of them, he'll come here and I'll kill him; after I make him watch his precious mortals die first!"

**With Dean And Paige**:

 Paige charged at the closest Elder, her machete raised and ready to strike. She didn't get very far, before she was thrown backwards again, Dean rushed to her and angrily stood in front of her.

 "You okay kid?" Dean asked, his eyes never leaving the Elders.

 "I'm fine!" She answered, as she got up and stood beside him.

 "Looks like you picked the wrong side Dean!" One of the Elders said smiling.

 "We're just getting started!" Dean replied smiling, as he changed into his Vamp side.

 As Dean changed he felt different, he couldn't explain it, but he felt stronger! The power flowed through him and he knew his powers had grown again; he gripped his machetes tighter, as he starred at the Vamps in front of him. He knew he could kill the Elders by himself, the only problem was that Paige was vulnerable, she could be seriously injured or killed! He needed to figure out a way to distract her long enough for him to finish them off and get them out of there, before the rest of his family returned; the problem was how? She wouldn't just walk away and even the weakest Elder would still hurt or kill her! He suddenly knew what he had to do, she'd give him shit for it later, but it was his only option! He turned to look at her sadly, he sighed, as he spoke.

 "I'm so sorry kid." He said quietly, as she looked at him confused.

 "For what?" She asked.

 "This!" He answered, before he punched her in the face knocking her out, he caught her before she fell and laid her on the floor gently. "I'm so sorry."

 "Finally come to your senses Dean? Coming back to the family where you belong?" An Elder asked smiling, as Dean stood and turned to face them angrily.

 "There's...there's something different about you!" Another Elder stated nervously.

 "You're right there is! It's a little something called..."

 "The Chosen One!" An Elder said, all of them in shock.

 "No, can't be!"

 "It can and it is!" Dean said smiling. "Time to die!"

 Still smiling, Dean charged the two Elders closest to him and before they could do anything he swung his machetes and cut off both their heads. The other Elders weren't going down without a fight! They combined their powers and managed to slow him down enough to cause a little pain to him. Even with their combined powers though, Dean managed to fight through it and soon all the Elders lay at his feet dead; except one! He kept the strongest Elder barely alive, just long enough to use him for information on Vassago.

 He knelt beside the Elder and took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind and focus. He had never tried to mindlink purposely before and truthfully he wasn't sure if he could; every time it had happened had taken him by surprise! He touched the Elder's head and closed his eyes, he took a deep breath and focused on Vassago. Nothing happened, frustrated he squeezed his eyes tighter.

 "Come on, come on!" He said angrily, as again nothing happened. "Dammit!" He yelled upset, as he opened his eyes.

 Pissed off he picked up his machete and killed the last Elder, he stayed on his knees, as he looked around at the fallen Vamps. Despite not knowing where Vassago and Keeper were hiding with his brothers, he smiled. He was one step closer to having the free life with his brothers and now Paige that he always wanted! Suddenly, he heard movement behind him and knew Paige was waking up, he looked behind him and saw her sit up rubbing her bruised jaw.

 "Dean?" She said, as he changed back to his normal self, before he got up and went to her.

 "Yeah?" He replied, helping her to stand, once on her feet she punched him in the face hard. "I deserve that!"

 "Damn right you do!" She said angrily, as she put her machete away. "You punched me dammit! Why did you do that?"

 "I did it to protect you!" He answered, as he went to where he left his machetes on the floor and picked them up, before he put them away.

 "I don't need you to protect me dammit!" She yelled angrily. "I can take care of myself!"

 "Dammit Paige, you don't get it! Yeah, you can kick ass against regular Vamps, but not against the Elders and definitely not against Keeper and Vassago! You are not a Vamp, which means you aren't invincible! If you die, that's it, you don't come back!" Dean yelled upset. "I'm sorry Paige, but I'd rather you hate me then you being dead! I'm not going to let you die just because you're too damn stubborn to listen to me!"

 Paige didn't say or do anything, she just stood quietly listening to him. It felt weird hearing him talk about keeping her safe, no one's ever cared about her before and yet here was a guy; practically a stranger and a Vampire, talking about protecting her! Touched by his words and kindness, she rushed to him and hugged him tight. Not used to being shown affection by anyone other than Roman and Seth, Dean tensed at first, but quickly relaxed and hugged her back. The hug lasted a few seconds, before they both pulled away, smiling Paige looked around and sighing spoke.

 "So, did you find out where Seth and Roman are?"

 "No." He answered frustrated.

 "Okay, so what do we do now?" She asked, equally frustrated.

 "What we've been doing?" He answered smiling. "We keep looking!" He added, before he walked away, Paige sighed shaking her head smiling, before she followed him.


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