The Alpha's Human Mate

By SunFireRising

307K 8.3K 590

Calla moves to a new town with her mother to get away from a 'divorce' but Calla finds out there was a differ... More

The Apha's Human Mate
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
AN*** Video of how Calla redirects lightning
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapte 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 35

2.9K 86 12
By SunFireRising

Harmony's POV


I covered my ears so my ear drums wouldn't be killed from Carr's screeching!

Calla was sitting on her green bed and glaring at her, "CARR! STOP MAKING THAT GOD DAMN AWFUL NOISE!!!"

Carr stopped right away, but she couldn't keep the huge grin off of her face, No one could resist Calla's Alpha tone. I smile, Calla is so powerful, and beautiful... god waking up in her arms this morning was amazing.

Carr walked over to the golden box on her desk and caressed the golden exterior, "You know, my mate gave this dress to me... so that must mean he is in this house, and pack!"

I smiled, "You know Carr, I think you might be right... But why would the person hide till tonight?"

Carr frowned, "I have no idea... but I think my mate wants me..."

Calla looked at Carr's frown and quickly intervened in her sadness, "Carr your mate obviously wants you, He bought you this dress, wrote you a love note along with the dress... also in the note he wrote that he loved you already! So obviously he wants you, I think he just wants to surprise you tonight!"

You know.. Calla was right, but then again she's always right! Carr was thinking about what Calla had said, "Your right Alpha, anyways who wouldn't want me??"

Carr winked at us, and we all started laughing. I grin, "Is everything all set for the party?"

Carr smirks, "Of course everything is ready Harm!!! All I have to do is get dressed, and ready, then wait for quests to arrive... hmmm, what time is it?"

Before I could even turn towards the green clock above her bed Calla replied, "Its 6:30, People will start arriving, that aren't already here that are in the pack, at 7!!! So get moving!"

Carr's face paled at the time, "GODDESS! I need to do my hair, and I need to get this dress on.. and makeup!!!"

Calla smirked, "You know I bet Lucy would love to help you... you are her only daughter and she knows today is very special!"

Carr nodded, "Your right, ill mind link her to come up!"

There was a knock at the door, I turned to see Lucy entering the room with a big smile on her face.

Calla grinned, "Already got her!"

We all laugh, "Hey Lucy how are you?"

Lucy looks over at me and smiles, "Im doing very good child, You and Calla might want to go change into something better suited for this party other then pajamas."

Lucy and Carr giggled when I looked down at my outfit and blushed, Calla let me borrow one of her Aeropostale shirts she wears to bed, and a pair of grey booty shorts for bed.

Calla grinned at me, "Come on baby, I know exactly what you can wear!"

She walked over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the room, but I didn't leave with out Lucy and Carr shooting me winks, and heart gestures.

I laugh, "You know Calla, I do have clothes in my room."

Calla smiles, "I know you do, but I got you the perfect outfit that will look absolutely perfect on you!"

I blush, Calla didn't have to buy me anything... "You didn't have to buy me anything babe..."

Calla smirked, "But I wanted too!!!!"

I sigh, I guess I cant win against Calla. We arrive at her exclusive Alpha bedroom, and walk in. Calla giggles and pushes me down on her king size bed, that was all zebra print... she's such a sucker for zebra print! Calla runs over to her walk-in closet and exits a minute later carrying a silver box.

Calla walks over to be hesitantly before kneeling on the ground in front of me, box in hand.

She smiled, "You will look beautiful in this, even though you are already the most gorgeous woman in the world..."

I blush and so does she, "Thank you babe.. your so thoughtful!"

Calla grins, "I know, now open it!!!"

I roll my eyes, "Your so cocky."

She winks at me and places the silver box on my lap, I didn't realize my hands were shaking until I started to untie the blue ribbon, once I got that untied I lifted the lid of the box, VERY carefully. I gasped at what was inside...

In the silver box was a dress that was silver, and would go down to the end of my thighs, it had one shoulder strap... and it was glittery. It was amazing.

I look into Calla's eyes to see love and adoration in them, I reach down and hug her around her neck, "Its soo beautiful Calla, Thank you!"

Calla chuckles, "It was my pleasure baby, anyways its a treat for me too, I get to see your sexy ass wearing this dress!"

I pull back and look at her face, she winks and licks her lips, I couldn't help but laugh, "Your unbelievable!"

She grins, "Yes I know babe... tell me something I don't know!"

I think for a minute... hmmm I got it, "I think that maybe one of my brothers is Caroline's mate!"

Calla sat there for a minute, weighing the possibilities, "Hmmm, it could be possible, but im not sure. Jay, and Eli didn't look at Carr the way a mate would... You know I was thinking that maybe Kyrie is her mate. He does do everything she tells him too."

Hmm I guess that would make sense, "Yeah it could be that, but I cant really see them being together, Caroline is so sweet, and down to earth, and Kyrie is a ball breaker, and he's kind of a jerk... No offense babe!"

Calla smiles, "No offense takes, he is a jerk. But I guess your right. I cant see them together either... But your mate is supposed to make you a better person, Maybe the goddess put Carr with Kyrie so he would be a better person."

Calla shrugged, But I know that sounds right, "You are right, maybe your on to something! Sooo... Have I made you a better person yet?"

Calla grins at me, "Baby, you have made me see things in the way I wouldn't have before, You make me think about other peoples perspectives and thoughts. You made me a better person so far.. And I know you will make me even better!"

I smile... Calla's words are always so sweet and reassuring, "That's really sweet of you to say babe!!!"

Calla winks at me, I giggle and lean down to hug her again, "What are you wearing tonight?"

Calla pulls back and kisses me gently on the lips, "I'm wearing tight black pants with a blood red corset and stilettos."

OMG, Calla would look so hot in the outfit... Calla laughs, "Yes I know baby, I will definitely look hot, but I will not be able to match your beauty, people will be staring at you, not me!"

I blush.... I'm not as beautiful as her, Calla grabbed my skin and made me look into her eyes, "Don't ever think your not as beautiful as me, In my opinion your more beautiful then me and every other woman in this world!!"

I sigh, "Fine... but your still my gorgeous baby."

Calla smiles at me, "I'm yours!"

She pulls away from me and walks to the bathroom, but before she closed the door she took off her shirt, showing her perky boobs in her lacy black bra, she smirked, "There's room for one more, we need to save water, the planet is in danger."

I laughed at her, "You only want to see me naked!"

She gaped and put her hand over her heart in fake hurt, "Baby, that is so untrue! I want both of us to be naked and wet in the shower together!"

I laugh even harder, "Your cute, so I guess ill join you!"

Calla winks at me and goes into the bathroom, but throws her clothes out of the bathroom and onto the floor, showing me she was naked, my wolf purred in satisfaction. I smile and head to the bathroom. This is going to be a FUN shower. ;)

Caroline's POV

"You know, I'm so proud of you u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsa (Cherokee for daughter)"

I smile, "Mom, there's nothing to be proud of!"

My mother frowned, "u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsa, There is plenty to be proud of, You are a sweet, courageous, beautiful, bold, strong, smart, and most of all amazing! You have made me proud... Your father would have been proud."

My eyes started filling with tears, "Thank you e-tsi (Cherokee for mother), I do miss him you know..."

Mom smiled through her tears, "I do too, but your father is in a better place with the goddess."

I nod, "He was a very special man, and a great person. I love you e-do-da (Cherokee for father)."

My mom smiled, "Come on love, I need to finish curling your hair."

I nod and turn back around so I was facing the mirror, my mother curled my hair in large bouncy curls that fell to my lower back.

I smile, "You are good at everything e-tsi!"

She laughs, "Not everything, but I do my best... Do you have any idea of who your mate is?"

I frown, "I have NO idea... it could be anyone."

She smiles, Do you know if its an a-ge-hu-tsa (Girl) or an a-tsu-tsa (Boy)?"

I gasp, "E-tsi, I don't think I wouldn't be mated to a girl..."

My mother frowns, "If its a girl or boy, you will love the person no matter what! Don't be so closed minded! I told you that wolves can have a woman or male mate."

I cringe from her words, "I am sorry e-tsi, you are right! I will love my mate even if its a a-ge-hu-tsa, or even an alien! We are meant to be together."

My mother smiles at me, "This is why I am proud of you u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsa (daughter)."

I smile, "I love you e-tsi!"

She smiles, "I love you too!"

I turn around and hug my mother, I feel so safe in her arms, she smells like lavender and lilac. Her scent smells like home. Gosh... im just nervous for tonight... I bet my mate is beautiful and amazing!

My mother pulls back and smiles at me, "Your mate will be perfect... trust me! Ok now, your hair is all done, don't wear any makeup..."

I frown, "But Mom..... I like wearing makeup! It's for a special occasion!"

She sighs, "Fine tsu-na-da-da-tlu-gi (sweetheart), but no to much... look natural. Your mate will love you with and without makeup!"

I smile, "Thank you e-tsi (mother)."

My mom kisses my cheek before heading for the door, but she turns around, "Oh I almost forgot!!!"

She walks back over to me and reaches into her pocket and pulls out this little brown pouche, "u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsa this was the bracelet you made when you were about 5 years old, you told me you wanted to give this to your mate when you found the person. I put this away so I could give it to you on your 16th birthday party... Give it to your mate when your ready! I love you u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsa!"

She handed me the pouch and walked out before I could say anything. I didn't remember saying that or making anything. I look down at the small pouch in my hands and I open it. I let the bracelet fall into my hands, I gasp as the memories flood back... I remember I made this when my father and I were in the woods, doing wood carvings.

He taught me how, and when I was good enough I made this tiny wooden wolf charm, it had a wolf howling, its perfect! This is the last thing my father taught me how to do... my wolf charm is on a silver bracelet, cause you cant just give a charm. But im happy my mother put this away for me.

I smile and run my thumb over the little wolf. I put it back in the pouch and I place it gently on the desk. Now, to tackle makeup and getting dressed! I look over at the time, its 6:48! SHIT! No time for makeup... just getting dressed!

Lucy's POV (Carr's Mother)

Gosh... my little usdi (baby) is grown up... she's going to be finding her mate tonight. I am so proud of my u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsa (daughter). Calla loves Carr, and so does her mates Luke, and Harmony.

I really hope things work out for the three of them. Its obvious that she has to pick.. but I don't think she has the heart to make one go mate-less. I know she will make everything better, but by the looks of it I think she is going to pick Harmony. I see the way she looks at Luke, and then the way she looks at Harm.

When she looks at Harmony, all I see in her eyes is obviously love, but there is more. I see adoration, love, care, attraction, reassurance, completion, passion, acceptance, patience, and warmth. I know Calla loves Harm with all of her heart, She loves the way she completes her. But there is still a part of her that has love for Luke, but its not as strong as her love for Harmony.

When Calla looks at Luke I see lust, attraction and care, and obviously love. A mated relationship shouldn't be based lust and attraction. It should be based on the love that's there, and the passion, and warmth. It all isn't just about the lust and sexual desires.

I just know Calla will end up choosing Harmony, and im happy for that. Harmony deserves Calla just as much as Calla deserves her.

I sigh and walk out of the living room and into the kitchen, I need to make sure everything is set for when Caroline's quests arrive. Lets see... I look over to the table to see its filled with drinks, and party snacks like chips and dip, cheese and crackers, fruit platters and veggie platters.

I smile, Caroline always thinks of everyone... vegetarians, meat lovers! Gosh, my little usdi (baby) always makes me proud.

I walk out of the sliding doors and into the backyard, hmmm the pool is cleaned and filled, the DJ is setting up, the snack table out here is filled with food and drinks, balloons are everywhere, everything seems perfect. People from the pack are all over the yard, laughing and conversating. I spot Calla and Harmony holding hands talking to pack members.

I smile and walk over, "Hello Alpha Calla, Hello Harmony!"

Calla and Harmony both smile at me and say, "Hello."

I grin, "I just got done doing Carr's hair, she will probably be down in 6 minutes!"

Calla smiles, "She will look beautiful like always!"

I laugh, "She wanted to wear makeup but I made sure I made it so she didn't have time to put any on!"

Harmony smirks, "Very sneaky Lucy, Very sneaky!"

We all laugh, Calla grins, "She looks better with out it anyways."

I nod, "Yes I know, but of course she wants to wear it! I'm so excited to meet her mate."

Calla frowns, "Me too, but I wish I knew who it was already. I don't want her to be stuck with a jerk."

Harmony nods, "Me either, Caroline deserves the best of the best."

I smile, "Don't worry u-we-tsi-a-ge-hu-tsas (daughters) I know Caroline's mate will be perfect, I've seen it."

Calla frowns, "What do you mean seen it?"

I grin, "I haven't really told anyone, but I have an faye ability. I can see the future."

Calla and Harmony both gasp, Calla frowns, "Why have you never told me? Your Alpha should know!"

I cower back from Calla's gaze, "Alpha, I told Jace when he was in power... and I was planning to tell you Calla, I just haven't thought about it."

Calla relaxed and smiled, "Its ok Lucy, I just thought you didn't trust me."

I shake my head, "Alpha I trust you with my life!"

Calla grins, "Well tell us about your vision!"

Harmony nods, "What does her mate look like?"

I laugh, "It was a fuzzy vision, I couldn't see looks or faces but I could see Caroline holding someone's hand and they were walking together and laughing, she was truly happy."

Calla and Harmony both 'Awww' at my vision.

I giggle, "Yes I know... anyways im going to go let people in, people are here! Go make sure Caroline is ready!"

Caroline's POV

I glance in the mirror one more time, the green dress goes down to my knees, and its tight fitting so it shows off my curves. Also it if frilly at the bottom, and its strapless. Its truly gorgeous, and I look absolutely stunning tonight! I smile at my reflection,

I walk over to my closet and slip on shiny black 4 inch heels. I smile one last time at myself before grabbing the little brown pouch and tucking it inside of the breast part of my dress, I want to keep it close... and I know I wont loose it when its over my heart.

I go to open the door but when I pull it Calla falls into my room, hmmm weird.

Calla glares at me while she stands up, "Hello Carr, I was coming up to tell you your quests are starting to arrive."

I smile, "Thank you, and that was quite an entrance!"

I start laughing and Calla just rolls her eyes and looks at my outfit, "Wow Caroline, You look beautiful! That dress really brings out the green in your eyes!"

I blush, "Thank you Alpha, that means a lot to me!"

Calla laughs, "You don't have to call me Alpha, your a close friend Carr."

I love being Calla's friend. I smile, "Ok, but you defiantly look better then me, I love the black tight pants and corset, Why did you pick the color red?"

Calla smirks, "Because my pack is the 'Blood Eclipse Pack'."

I laugh, "And the color of blood is red... I see what you did there! So smart and clever."

Calla bows, "Thank you, thank you very much! Now lets go!"

I smile as Calla tugs me down the hallways, "Calla, you really love Harmony don't you?"

Calla blushes but keeps on walking, "Yes Carr, I really love her... she completes me you know? I thought I felt whole with Luke, but I REALLY feel complete with Harmony by my side."

I smile, "That's really sweet!!! Awww! I hope my mate and I will feel that way."

We reach the sliding doors and Calla turns around to look at me, "You and your mate will be perfect for each other... trust me! You will be happy."

I smile, "Thank you Calla, I really hope so!"

Calla grins and walks into the crowd, I see her wrap her arms around Harmony, and they start dancing.

I smile... gosh they are so love struck. I walk into the backyard and once I was 6 feet away from the crowd of people, everyone fell into applause. I blush.

Calla stands up on the stage that the DJ is set up on, "Hello Everyone! Thank you for coming to Caroline's birthday! I just want to make a little speech."

She pauses and looks at me, "Caroline Summers, You are a great pack member and friend, When ever I am lost and I need help, you always pop into my thoughts and you help me through the struggle. You are very beautiful, independent, smart, bold, daring, brave, caring, loving, strong, and most of all you have the biggest loving heart. I am so proud to call you one of my close friends... Happy birthday Caroline!!!"

The whole crowd started to clap, and I was standing there like an idiot, replaying Calla's speech in my head, I didn't realize I was crying happy tears until they ran down my cheeks. I smiled at Calla, the DJ started to play music again and everyone started dancing and having fun.

I walk onto the dance floor and dance with everyone else, I get hugged from different sets of arms, warm embraces from human friends, and scorching hot, strong hugs from my pack. But when I got the scent of the person that embraced me now, it was filling my nose and making my wolf purr in satisfaction. My wolf yelled 'MATE' at me.

I pull back from the sparks dancing over my skin, and when I see the most beautiful face I've ever seen, the person had full lips, tanned skin, brown loving eyes, golden brown long hair... and the most amazing smile ive ever seen... Jade Is my mate, and I am already in love with her.

Hey guys! I made this chapter long because I just wanted to write and write! Are you guys shocked Jade (Harmony's Twin) is Caroline's mate??? I am sooo happy about this chapter! I fit in a couple point of views! I really love you all! I want to get to my goal 10k reads with this chapter!!! Plzzz make it happen! Also I am using the Cherokee language because I thought it would be cool! I love you all! <333 Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW ME AND TO READ MY OTHER BOOKS!


Kat Akatyszewski <3 xoxoxo

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