Sunkissed | Joshifer

By rossness

240K 6.4K 5.9K

The ultimate legacy to leave behind is someone who will love you forever. That could be the case here, but Je... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 1

20.8K 266 73
By rossness

All Rights Reserved & Copyright © 2014

The night before senior graduation. I thought it'd be nice to finally get Sam out of his house and to his first high school party. Ever.

I left the party to get my phone from my my house, only to receive a worried call from Sam.

It was my mistake thinking I could leave him at Liam's party alone. But from the sound of Sam's worried voice over the phone, I knew he needed to be taken out of there.

I didn't want to come back here. But Sam got himself into a mess, and as his only friend, it's up to me to get him out of it. I walk up the steps to the beach house, searching faces in hopes of finding Sam.

Pushing past alcohol scented bodies, I make my way into the living room. As soon as I step in, smoke fills in my lungs.

"I thought you left," I hear Liam's voice from behind me. I turn around to find Liam with bloodshot eyes and a crooked smile.

"Where the hell is Sam," I demand.

"Relax, he's somewhere around here," Liam says trying to pull me into him, but I put my hands on his chest and push him away.

"Not now. Why did you give Sam a blunt? He called me and he sounded scared as hell! Liam, he's never even put a cigarette in his mouth!" I practically scream.

"Can you stop yelling at me? Quit being so annoying and come over here," he says trying to pull me into him, but I remove myself from him once again.

"Liam, he's never been to a party like this! He's probably scared out of his mind. Where is he?" I say pushing past him and heading towards the stairs.

"Well you're not going to find him up there," Liam yells over the music. "Try the deck," he says with a smirk.

I trudge toward the back door, pushing Liam to the wall as I pass. "You know, you're a real ass when you're drunk," I spit at him.

I walk out the back door, the cool air hitting my skin. It's a drastic change compared to the heat radiating from body to body inside the house. I search up and down the deck, hoping to catch sights of Sam. I look over the railing and find him sitting in the sand on the beach.  I rush down the stairs and place myself at his side.

"Sam? Sam, are you okay?" I ask him worriedly, holding on to his shoulder.

"I'm fine," he says not breaking contact with the waves in front of him.

"Come on we're leaving. I'm sorry I left you. I shouldn't have brought you here in the first place," I frown at him.

I stand up and he does as well. We walk back up the steps of the deck and into the smoke filled house. We reach the front and head back towards my car. Once we get in, I turn the car around and head back to my house.

"I'm sorry," Sam says shrugging in his seat.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have brought you to Liam's, I'm sorry," I tell him. I feel so sorry for Sam. He's so innocent to this situation and now he's high as a kite and can't do anything about it.

"Drugs are so bad," he says putting his face in his hands and sobbing.

"I know," I say with a sigh. At least now I know Sam will never do anything like this again.

We arrive at my house on the beach and as soon as I turn the car off, I rush to the other side to help Sam out.

"Can you just take me home?" he groans in the front seat.

"Knowing your family, I don't think they'd be happy with you coming home totally stoned," I say reaching for his hand.

"Jen, I'm fine," Sam groans, swatting my hand away.

"You were just sobbing in your chair three minutes ago," I remind him. "You're staying at my house."

I wait for Sam to exit the car and we enter my beach house.

"I think my parents are sleeping, so just be quiet," I say as I open the front door.

We almost make it to the staircase, until I hear the clearing of my father's throat from the kitchen.

"Hey, how was Liam's?" My dad says from the kitchen.

"You're still awake?" I say walking to the kitchen to find my father sitting at our dining table.

"It's only twelve o'clock. Hi Sam," He says raising a hand to Sam who is trailing behind me.

"Hi Mr. Lawrence," Sam speaks. I look to him and he's rubbing his aching forehead.

"I thought you'd be in later," My father questions.

"We decided to leave early. Sam is gonna stay over, okay?" I say walking over to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle for Sam.

"Alright. See you guys in the morning," he says removing himself from the table and walking to his room.

Sam and I travel up the stairs to the first guest room. Sam makes himself comfortable in bed and I take one last glance at him.

"I'm sorry, Sam," I frown.

"It's okay. It was our last night as seniors, I needed to do something exciting before we graduated," Sam smiles.

"Okay," I half smile. "I'll wake you up in the morning. Night," I say walking out of the room.

I walk to the end of the hallway and up the small staircase leading to my room in the loft.

This is the only place besides the beach I really feel comfortable. I don't know how I'm going to part with this place in the fall. I yank off my shirt and shorts and pull on a tank top with pajama shorts. I walk out to the balcony attached to the side of the room. I climb on top of the roof and take my regular spot overlooking the beach. I take in the warm North Carolina air. It's hard to believe this will be my last summer before college. Looking around the beach, everything still looks the same from when I was a kid. I scan the the houses, and stop on Sam's to the right of mine.

Sam moved here when I was in 6th grade. He climbed out on his roof one night when I was here and we just began in conversation. He's been my best friend since. I feel a sense of responsibility for him. He's a smart guy, but he's naïve when it comes to anything that doesn't have to do with academics.

I hop off the roof, but something else catches my eye. Two boys, who look a bit younger than I, standing on the roof of the house on the other side of Sam's. I forgot that the house had been sold two weeks ago. They must've moved in tonight. The two continue to converse as they kick soda cans off the roof.

I hear the faint sound of their laughter and more tin hitting against sliding down onto the balcony.

I quietly open the doors to my room and escape back inside before I can be noticed. I consider going back out and sitting back up on the roof so they'll take notice of me. I open the doors quietly, but when I look back out, the two are now talking to another boy. For a moment, I think it's their father, but he's far too young. Siblings.

He motions them to get off the roof and they hop down and return inside. The other stands outside and overlooks the beach.

He turns toward me. For a moment, I don't move. He doesn't move either, and he's obviously caught sight of me. With the moon beaming down behind him, his face is masked with a shadow.

He turns away, the moon exposing a side of his face. His jawline is chiseled and his brow creased. He returns inside, without taking one last glance at me. I return inside as well. I run to my bed and place myself under the blankets.

I want know him. Although only seeing him for a matter of seconds, I'm already intrigued. I think in the morning I'll make myself acquainted with the new neighbors.


I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door. I reach for my phone on the night stand. 9:26.

"Who is it?" I yell into the loft space.

I don't receive an answer. Instead, Sam opens the door and walks in. He stops at the foot of the bed.

"I said who is it, not come in," I groan.

"Why are you in here?"

"Because we're having breakfast," Sam says pulling the blankets at my feet.

"Just help yourself, you know where everything is," I say rolling over, trying to pull the blankets up but Sam pulls them back.

"We're having breakfast with our new neighbors," he says and I instantly awake.

"What? They're here? Why?" I ask sitting up and pulling my hair into a bun.

"I don't know! My parents are here too. Just please hurry up and get dressed," He says stepping back from the bed. He walks back towards the door and down the small staircase to the middle floor.

I stumble out of bed and to my closet near the front of the room. I put on a pair of white jean shorts and a navy blue pull over. I quickly brush my teeth and fix my bun before heading downstairs.

As I walk down to the middle floor, I hear laughing. I peek from the side of the wall and down to living room where everyone is. I hear Sam's parents and my parents talking to a woman with blonde hair. Behind them stands an awkward Sam with his hands shoved in his pockets. In front of him are two young men. One with dark brown hair and the other with golden blonde.

"Jennifer!" I hear my mom yell. "There you are, come down!" she says.

Everyone turns up and I'm forced to come out from hiding. I quickly make my descent down the stairs and to my parents.

"This is our daughter Jennifer," my mom smiles.

"Hi," I give a small wave and half a smile.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Claflin," I speak with a smile. They give a small greeting and I make my way next to my parents.

"These are our new neighbors!" My dad smiles.

"I'm Michelle," says the lady with blonde hair. She reaches her hand out to me and I take it.

"These are my two oldest boys Dayne and Will. My other three are still at home. I just couldn't get them out of bed!" she smiles.

I look to the two boys, or should I say men. They share the same smile.

"I'm Dayne," says the one with the dark hair. He reaches out for my hand and I gladly take it.

"Will," says the other. He reaches out his hand as well. They're both so broad and handsome. I wonder if it was one of them I saw last night.

"Nice to meet you," I respond.

Sam comes from behind them and stands next to me.

"Well why don't you four get to know each other a bit better. We'll get things ready for breakfast," Mrs. Claflin speaks.

They all move to the kitchen which isn't a very big space, and leave us in the living room.

"You guys can sit down if you want," I say to them, gesturing towards the couch.

"Thanks," Dayne says moving to the couch. Will and Dayne sit down on the couch and Sam and I sit in the chairs across from them.

"So, how long have you lived here?" Will speaks first.

"I've been here since I was about three," I say nodding. "I practically grew up on the beach."

"Yeah, I moved here when I was eleven, I think. Jen was my neighbor and my first friend," Sam says with a bit of stiffness is his voice. He opens his water bottle and takes a few sips.

"Oh cool. So how long have you two been going out?" Will says and Sam almost spits out his water and begins a coughing fit.

"Um, we're not together. Just friends," I laugh.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to make things weird. I just thought you two were together," Will says with a smile.

"Nice going," Dayne says nudging Will's arm. Sam finally recovers from coughing and clears his throat.

"It's fine. So, um, what grade are you in?" Sam asks and Dayne gives a small laugh.

"I'm actually going to be starting my junior year," he says with a smile and Sam slowly nods.

"I'll be starting my sophomore year in the fall," Will adds.

"Did you guys get, like, held back a few grades?" Sam asks.

"Um no," Will smirks. "We're actually talking about college."

"Oh, I didn't realize you were already out of high school," Sam says with another wave of nervousness rushing over him.

"Yeah, we're just here for the summer," Dayne smiles.

"Our high school graduation tonight," I say trying to save Sam from his terrible social skills.

"Our younger brother Josh just graduated too. You should meet him," Dayne says with a smile.

"Really? Wait how many younger brothers do you guys have again?" I ask curiously.

"Three," Will speaks. "Josh, Foster, and Connor. Connor being the youngest," he finishes.

"Well my parents are throwing a small party here and on the beach afterwards. Maybe you can stop by with your other brothers," I offer.

"Oh yeah, we love parties," Will smirks.

"We'll be there," Dayne smiles.

"Cool," I say with a smile.

"Breakfast is ready," says Michelle peeping into the living room.

We all get up from our seats and make our way to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your last name," I say shaking my head.

"Hutcherson," Will answers.

The Hutcherson's. Well they will definitely make an interesting addition to this summer.

•I hope you guys like my new story! Please comment and let me know what you guys think of it!

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