Darkiplier X Reader

By Random_Reader40

71.7K 1.6K 1.6K

This is a fan fiction, for those who read my other stories and didn't know I write these. Okay well this is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36/ Epilogue
something for the sequel
answer for the sequel
Release Date for the Sequel!!

Chapter 3

3.6K 76 25
By Random_Reader40


I was still confused on Mark'a second brother. I mean how could he keep this from me! I am, or thought I was his best friend. I am so confused and pissed it isn't even funny anymore. I thought this was a prank, but it isn't.

Well I better get going for my job. I mean it is Monday sadly. I just want to sleep in like I normally do, but I can't because I work at a bakery that normally no one wants to come into. It isn't that we are a bad bakery it is just none of the works are nice. Anyways I have to get to work before one of them chew off my head.

Once I got to work the first coworker to talk to me was Kelly. Now she isn't bad, but she also isn't that nice either. Like she can be a total bitch when you get on her bad side, and lucky for me I am on that bad side. Okay maybe not so lucky, but how was I suppose to know that I wasn't suppose to eat one of the samples we had laying out. Let's just say it was my first day to when I did it.

"Look who finally decided to come in, and she is a second late!"

"How the hell can I be a second late?"

"I don't know, but you are, and for that you have to stay late and close up for today."

I was going to say something mean, but a customer walked into the bakery. So of course I turned into the happy go lucky Y/N I am!

"Hello and welcome to Sweets (couldn't think of anything) how may I help you?"

"Yea I would like a cupcake, no you know what a dozen f/f (favorite flavor) cupcakes please."

"Coming right up."

I didn't really look at the person who ordered so I just went back and got the cupcakes. May I say this person has a great taste in cupcakes! I mean these ones are the bomb!

Any who, I gave the guy the cupcakes, and he handed me a 20 when they were only 5, and then I was told to keep the change. I mean wow what a great day so far for me.

"How the hell did you do that," Sam said. Sam is one of my other coworkers, and she was super nice. She has beautiful brown hair, hazel eyes, and she is like literally one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

Like this one time this old couple bought a cake and was like five dollars short, and they started to tell her never mind. Well she wasn't having it, and took money out of her own wallet and paid it full and told them to keep their money. Everyone loves Sam, except for Kelly.

"I don't know. I mean I just grabbed the cupcakes," I tell her as I started to put the money away.

"Well you have some game, and you can start to spill how you get a great tip like that."

"Like I said I don't know. I mean I guess that dude knows me."

"I mean the guy looked a lot like that Mark guys that comes in here a lot for lunch. However, this guy looked like he hasn't slept in days and crawled out of hell."

My face went pale as soon as she said crawled and hell. That was fucking Dark, and yet I didn't know!? I wonder if he knew it was me? I mean I wear a name tag, but I could be wrong.

"Wait you said he looks like Mark?"

"Yea. Like he had a darker shade of hair, but besides that and the other things I listed he looks like Mark."

"Okay. It must have been Tom. I mean I think I heard Mark say that Tom is coming into town."

"Whatever you say girl. Well I am going to get to work before the queen of bitchiness gets pissed."

"Okay have fun."

Once I got out of that conversation I was thinking if that was Dark. I mean I would know if Tom would be coming in because I would have been told. I need to stop thinking about this I need to get to work.

~time skip to after work~

Thank the lord it is closing time. I am the last one here since the queen said I had to. I mean I know I made a mistake, but that was like over two years ago! Come one get your sorry ass over it!

Okay well time to go home I mean it is 7 at night. That means if I leave right now then I would have time to go home, get a shower, and either read or watch a movie. Sweet maybe today won't be as bad as I thought.

I started my two minute walk home. That is one of the best things about working at the bakery. I live not to far from it. I mean yea sometimes I would love to live farther, but I love my cozy little house.

Anyways, I finally reached my front door. I checked to make sure that I locked the door, but just my luck it was unlocked. Great so someone robbed me didn't they? That is just freaking great! This is just want I need is to be robbed.

I walked through the door to see the house completely dark. Oh boy, now I am a little scared because I always have my lights on. Not only that my dog isn't barking. She is way to quite for the loud German Shepherd she is.

"Belle. Girl come here * whistles* here girl."

Nothing. Not even a whimper. Gosh I hope she is okay. Then all of a sudden I heard growling and a loud ouch. I ran to the light switch and turned on the lights.

What I saw was Mark, Dark, and Belle all sitting there. Well more like Dark was holding his arm, and when he moved his arm away I saw a bite mark.

"I told you not to hold her like that. Anyways, Y/N SURPRISE," Mark screamed at the top of his lungs.


We will find out what happens at the little party next time. I am so sorry this is so delayed from when I wanted it to be. Okay well I love you Random Reader! I hope you have a great day! Don't forget to tell me what you think by commenting, and if you liked it please like it! I hope to you in the next CHAPTER!!! BYE XD!!!! 💚

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