I'm Sorry

By RedGhost00

53.5K 1.2K 433

After the fall of Overwatch, Dr. Angela 'Mercy' Ziegler was haunted by guilt on what she did to an old friend... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Heartbreaker Notes
Part 13
Part 14
Spread the Kindness
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Sorry Guys...
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Are you Kidding me?!
I got some 'Alternatives'
I Got "Sour" News...
Sequel Is Out!

Part 9

1.1K 33 7
By RedGhost00

"Doc.... rise and shine.." she heard a familiar accent, a finger poking her shoulders countless times trying to wake her up. She shifted slightly and turned away from the distraction; the poking went to a halt for a minute, then it came back.

"Doc... It's mornin'. Don'tcha want breakfast?"

She pulled her covers almost to her head, trying to block out everything that disturbs her sleep.

"Five more minutes...." a sigh was heard coming out from the person, then followed by footsteps slowly leaving the room and a click of a door signalling her the person left the room.

She sighed contentedly and her shoulders relaxed. But just as she was about to indulge herself into her slumber, the door opened once again, and this time the light flickered on, blinding her eyes even though they were closed shut. She was about to hide completely under her covers from the rude awakening, until her nose caught a whiff in the air.


She slowly got up from her bed and turned to see where the aroma was coming from. She saw McCree in his usual attire, holding a tray with a complete set of toast with scrambled eggs on the side, not to forget a cup of coffee.

"Breakfast in bed, ma'am?" He slowly walked towards her bed, carefully bringing the tray. Angela completely sat up on her bed, waiting for her scrumptious meal to come. He put the tray onto her lap, which she was still groggy from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the food that was served hot.

"You don't need to do all of this, McCree."

"As long it'll help you to get up from bed, I would do it everyday." He tilted his hat and looked at the doctor.

"Did you made these? It looks appetizing."

"Well, could've done better." She could hear the pride from his tone of voice.

She took the cutlery and put the scrambled eggs on the toast. With a crunchy bite, he could guess that she was enjoying it.

"It's delicious. Thank you McCree."

"Nothing to it, ma'am."

It was a complete silence, only the sounds of her munching down the food before her and McCree just standing beside her like an idiot. She spoke to make it less awkward.

"So, did Winston and Tracer already left for Numbani?"

"Right after they paid you a little visit, the chopper left with them few minutes after." He answered. Angela just hummed since her mouth was full. She gulped down the toast and eggs, and continued.

"Other than Lucio, is there someone else who hasn't arrived yet?"

"Well... Mei just got here last night. She heard you almost got kidnapped, so she went to check on you. Buuutt.. you already went for bed." He explained.

"I see... How was she by the way?"

"Probably chilly. She kept wearing her coat like there's a blizzard going on here." He shrugged.

As she was enjoying her breakfast, a knock on the door took their attention to the entrance. Came in a peeking silhouette of a woman, wearing big spectacles and thick jacket despite the hot climate.

Speak of the devil.

"Did I interrupt something?" She asked sweetly as in a soft whisper.

"Oh, Mei! Come in! You came in right on time." Angela called out to the scientist, offering her to join them.

"I heard what happened to you... are you hurt, doctor?" Mei came in with a concerned look, but Angela smiling face made Mei felt a bit relieved. It's been so long that they've met each other after all of them split up.

"I'm fine, Mei. In fact, I'm feeling better, thank you for asking. How are you?" She took another bite from her toast, savouring the taste of burnt carbohydrate and rich protein from the scrambled eggs.

Mei walked closer to her, standing beside the cowboy and her face brightened up with a smile.

"I'm feeling great! Yesterday, I just went to the Himalayas to see the mountains! It was wonderful! You should come there often!"

"Maybe not now.. I will be busy soon I get enough rest after this." She finished her meal, and McCree quickly took the tray from her like a gentleman he is.

"Care for seconds, ma'am?"

"Oh, it's alright. I'm full." Angela declined.

"Well, best be off. Got other important things to do." McCree decided to leave the ladies for a chit-chat, and he didn't want to be in their way. Women can be scary.

"Thank you, Jesse..." McCree just nodded at Angela. He turned to look at the other lady.

"Would you mind keeping the doc some company, miss?" Mei nodded gleefully accepting McCree's favor. He turned his heel and walked his way to the exit.

As Mei watched McCree left the room with the tray, she sat at the corner of Angela's bed.

"You should get some time of yourself, doctor... All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I'd be happy to bring you there."

"No thanks, Mei. You came to the Himalayas for a reason. I don't want to disturb your research."

"Try to enjoy more doctor. I heard about your stress levels from Winston too. You shouldn't let work stressed you out."

"My work only had sick people and white rooms. There's not much to see something exciting in the hospital sadly." Angela was a bit jealous with Mei. She could see that the young climatologist was enjoying with her life while conducting her research instead of sitting around in a gloomy hospital and handle deaths, like she was doing right now.

Mei saw the change of expression on her face, and the Chinese researcher started to frown.

"Is there something wrong, Mercy?"

"Oh, nothing was wrong! It's just that..  I have a thought to myself. Must be fun for having a job that travels around the world. Surely it is exciting."

"Oh it is... but if my research didn't have to do with life threatening disasters, that would be more fun.."

"...not to mention still having your friends by your side and doing research together.." Mei continued, with her chin propped up by her hand that stood on her lap. Her eyes wandered in the room, thinking about something. Angela regretted on bringing that up.

"I'm sorry... I should've been more sensitive."

"It's alright. You can't change the past, right? Things just happened, so better to move on." She let out a sigh and sat up straight. The doctor could see the solemness in her eyes, she was trying so hard to cope with the sudden changes of the world on her own.

"Do you have a partner, Mercy?" Mei's question got her by surprise.

"You mean, a lab partner of the sort?"

Mei nodded with curiosity visibly seen on her face. Angela didn't put much effort to think of an answer.

"More like a co-worker. She's helping with the people in Saudi Arabia right now. I would've been there if Overwatch didn't recall."

"Have you contacted her?"

"Now that you mention it...." Angela didn't call that friend of hers. Wonder if she's doing okay?

"You should contact her more often. It's very assuring to know you have a friend that is still with you even if you are far away." Mei advised. Somehow, Angela would agree more.

"I'll do that. Thanks for reminding me, Mei."

"Anytime!" Before they could say anymore words, something was catching their attention. Both of them looked at the entrance door to see something was peeking them.

Mei's face brightened when she recognised the eavesdropper.

"Oh, Mercy! I forgot to introduce you to someone!" She called out to the flying robot, shying away from the two ladies.

"This little friend of mine was accompanying me through my research. One of my successful inventions!"  Mei continued to persuade the little contraption to come out. The drone slowly got out from its hiding and came zooming towards Mei.

"How cute! Does it have a name?"

"Hmm..not yet.. but I'm still working on it." The drone was flying around her happily, making the climatologist giggle.

"How's your research by the way?"

"It's good progress, doctor. But I still need more time and resources for now. I heard that your research  was a success. Congratulations!"

"It was nothing much. I couldn't have done it without help."

"I'm sure that research of yours will help many people." She knew Mei wasn't the only one who said that; many of them did. But no matter how many times she would hear the things she wanted to hear, deep inside her told her that something's not right.

A few times she would hear Dr. Rashed's voice echoing through her mind.

Death is inevitable. We can't just reviving people as much as we please like it's a child's play.

"You should get some rest, Mercy. I better go." Mei already got up and was about to leave.

"Mei, wait!" Angela stopped her. Mei turned towards her with a confused stare.

"...Do you... do you really think my research would help a lot of people?" Mei only gave her a smile before she replied,

"Absolutely!" and left. Angela was left all alone once again in her room, leaving her into her thoughts.


It was already hours passed after her last chat with someone, which was Mei. She was reading an interesting book that Genji just found for her to entertain herself since she can't do anything besides resting. She wanted to talk to the ninja cyborg, but by the looks of him he's kinda busy. Everyone is; and she wondered why. He even didn't want her to leave her bed except for going to the loo, but she thought he was just being overprotective.

She just finished the book and closed it with a sigh of relief. Everything was silent, as always. She looked around to look for something that she could do,

But what?

Then she remembered the conversation she shared with Mei. She needed to make a call with Priscilla. She turned to her small table beside her bed searching for a certain small device, but it wasn't there. Maybe she misplaced it somewhere.

"Must've have left it in the lab with my cardigan." She slowly uncover herself from the bed covers and let her feet touched the cold floor. Good thing she was wearing socks right now.

She wore her flat pumps and slowly went her way to the door, beckoning her to open it and embrace the outside world. Before she could reach her hand to the knob, she realized that the silver item was turning in a hasty manner; so she quickly retracted her hand away and waited for the anonymous person to let itself in.

The door flung open and she saw the colour of neon right at her face. Was he at the door the whole time?

"Where are you going, doctor?" The cyborg started to attack her with a question that she'd expect to come. He could see her sweat dropped right from her temple down to her chin.

"I uh... going to the lab to get my phone.. Can't I?"

"Are you going to make a call?"

"Genji... you seem..  a bit nosy today... is something wrong?" She noticed that the cyborg's stiffened stature started to relax, he was hesitant at first, then he let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry doctor. Maybe I should give you some space. I was worried something might happen to you once more."

"It's alright, Genji. I'm completely safe here. You don't need to worry." Genji looked a bit more calmer than before, she assumed that he started to trust her safety.

"Can you reconsider my wish, to follow you to the lab to retrieve your phone?" Or not.

Angela sighed in defeat.

"Fine." Genji let her out from the room and she lead the way to her lab, making him following her from behind.

It was dead silence. No words were exchanged between them. She let herself to think in between the silence  that she needed. Something was off. Very off. Right at the corner of her eye, she could see that Genji was being observant, which means he was being cautious of something. He was looking around like he was just checking things out, but she knew it was more than that. His hand was unconsciously resting on the katana on his back.

Clearly, he knew something that she don't.

As they reached at the lab, Athena opened the door, letting both to enter. Genji examined the messy lab, this time he was just checking things out out of curiosity.

"I know what you're gonna say, Genji. I'll handle the mess later."

"I didn't say anything, doctor. I wasn't intend to say such things." He denied. She checked at her work table to see if her phone was there, luckily it was the whole time. She must've absentmindedly left it there.

She took her small contraption and turned on the screen. 10 missed calls from Priscilla. She must've been worried sick.

"Did you found your phone?" Genji's voice got her out from her trance. She nodded.

"Yes. It's here. We should get going--" her phone rung unexpectedly. She jumped from the sudden noise and checked at the caller. Her lips curved into a smile and she swiped the screen to the green call button.

"Hello? Angela? Is it you?!" A distraught voice was heard at the other side.

"Yes Pris. It's me.. Sorry I didn't call you. I left my phone at the lab."

"Thank goodness you're alright! I thought the place exploded or something. You didn't call me when you reached there!"

"Look, I'm very sorry about that. I'm fine here. The place wasn't exploded, I assure you."

"Good... next time don't scare me like that."

"So, how's the work? Is Dr. Rashed okay?"

"Oh, we're doing great here! The patients are getting lesser and lesser by the day, so you don't need to worry about us."

"That's good to hear."

"Oh, have you heard? The gauntlet's already out in display at the museum in Numbani! It's all over the news right now!"

"I heard."

"Not only that, the Talons were there too! And your friends were also on TV."

"Wait... what?"

"The guy in the clinic? He was there. He went to the museum to get the gauntlet. There was someone with him though, but I could't recall how she looked like....Anyways, good thing your Overwatch friends were there to stop them."

She guessed that Tracer and Winston managed to stop the Talons. She sighed after holding her breath for no good reason. Genji saw that and he started at the doctor with a slight tilt on his head like a curious cat.

"Is something the matter, doctor?"

"Oh, no. Just getting good news, that's all."

"You're with someone?"

"Yes. A friend of mine."

"I see..Well, I... ca--....shou--...(bzzztt)..."

"H-Hello? Priscilla? You there?" The reception suddenly went down, although the line was supposed to be fine. It was cut off when the lab's light flickered violently above them.

"What's going on?" Angela panicked as her head turned on every corner of the lab. Genji was nearby, already in his stance.

Suddenly, Athena made her presence noticeable.

"Doctor, it seems like someone just broke into the facility. They are attempting to hack into the security system."

"The data!" Angela's eyes widened, she couldn't let them try to get the information after their failed attempt when Winston was around.

"Do not worry. Winston already transferred the files outside my database for safety precautions. They will not acquire the data here." Athena reassured, but that didn't make her feel any better.

"But.. what about you?"

"Right now the enemy has infiltrate our base. We need to strike back before they override the security." Genji interrupted. Angela nodded, his bright idea made sense through the hectic situation. They exited the lab and ran down through the hallway.

Few minutes already passed, and they were running like the building was on fire. They were halfway to the Winston's lab which is their main base.

Her headache suddenly emerged from the frantic running. She stopped for a minute and held her head. Genji realized her sudden halt and he stopped to turn towards the doctor, worry was evident in his gesture.

"Doctor, are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine. Just the headache is all." As Genji approached her, the lights went out. Everything was dark, but visible enough for him to see through his visor. Looks like the enemy managed to override the system, but Athena had shut down the main power to prevent them from accessing any further.

He held her hand that was holding onto her head and pulled her closer. With a swift movement, she was already being carried onto his back.

"Don't worry, doctor. I'll get you out of here." He piggybanked her through the dark hallway, trying to find a way to get out from the facility. He went straight to a junction, but his movements slowed down.

He heard footsteps.

It was running towards his way.

With a hand carrying the sick doctor, while the other already had his shurikens on the ready; he stayed where he was and prepared to attack. The running became louder, he took a step back. Then, everything was quiet.

Nothing but silence, both of them waited for the other to make a move. He would've sweatdropped right now if he had any glands.

A silhouette jumped out from its hiding, and Genji was about to throw his shurikens to the enemy.

Not until he saw McCree with his gun pointing towards him.

Both of them let out a relieved sigh as their intuitions were backfired.

"You just gave me a scare." McCree retorted as he lifted his hat up to look at the ninja with better vision.

"I thought you were the enemy."

"Likewise." Then the cowboy saw the doctor in distress behind Genji, and she didn't look good.

McCree walked closer to both of them and went his way to inspect the distraught woman closer.

"Doc... you don't look so fine."

"Don't worry... about me... we need to get out of here.." The men could clearly see the sweat on her face. They really need to find a way out fast. Genji repositioned her on his back to make her a bit comfortable before the three of them would start their journey out.

"We must hurry." Genji suggested and McCree nodded.

As they were about to make a quick turn to the left, an arrow was shot from behind, mere inches away from the cyborg's eyes, blocking their advance to leave.

"Not so fast." A deep familiar voice caught their attention.

Genji didn't move. He never turned to look at the person. Slowly, he went to McCree who was beside him and let Angela slide down from his back to put the doctor to better safety. McCree got the signal, quickly took the doctor to his hands and put her arm over his neck.

The cowboy took a glance at the intruder and sneered at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man that shot the arrow turned to look at the mad cowboy. He only replied with a sarcastic 'hmph'.

"Leave. You are no threat to me. Just hand me the doctor." He sneered back. That really pisses McCree off. Just as he was about to assault the man, Genji stopped him with a hand blocking his way to attack the intruder.

"Take the doctor to safety, I'll handle from here." Genji warned.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Now go." Without thinking twice, he left the ninja with the 'arrow man' and went to his destination.

All that's left was two men, battling their wits and strength.

"We meet again, brother." Genji took a slight glance, but never look behind him.

"You are not the brother that I used to know. Do not try to stop me!"

"I thought you would make a better choice. But I was wrong."

"I have no choice. Now spare the talk. Give me the doctor." 

Genji let out a sigh as he slowly took his hand to his katana behind him, unsheathing the japanese blade with a smooth yet menacing motion; still never turned to face his own kin.

"Forgive me for my actions after our small talk."

The intruder only closed his eyes and pulled the string of his bow, pointing the arrow to Genji.

"So as I."

"Hang in there, doc. We're almost there." McCree was struggling in his running, as he was trying to carry the doctor with all of his strength. She was running weakly alongside him, but her eyes were still closed, feeling a bit dizzy.

He could already see the light of their main base, and McCree's running has gone a little faster, making the doctor chasing his pace.

"There. I could see the light!" With a few more steps, they would be out.

Yet a few more steps short to reach their destination.

A blink of vibrant violet came zipping across his field of vision, catching him off guard. He accidently let go of the doctor, letting her fall on the ground, defenseless along with him falling flat on his bottom. Angela's head hit hard on the solid ground, making her head hurts worse than ever. Her eyes now closed shut, but she could still hear the conversation happening around her.

"Well well well... this must be the doctor... And you are... hmm..."

"Tacky hat, bad breath and umm.... nice poncho... So you must be McCree." An unfamiliar voice of a woman, judging the cowboy with his appearance. McCree growled at the woman and she tsked.

"Now we don't want any bad attitude, right? Why not we start from scratch, okay? How about.... as amigos?" She joked. McCree started to get a hit on his nerve.

"Amigos my ass!" She could hear the clicking sound of his gun, aiming at the woman. Angela is in between the two people.

She tried to open her eyes, but everything was blurry. She couldn't focus, and the noises around her suddenly muffled along with her eyesight. She can't black out now. Not at this time.

Gunshots were heard, but she didn't know who's gun was triggered. She admit defeat to the headache, letting herself engulfed by the darkness once again.

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