Fixing My Luna

By SweetDream22

37.8K 783 42

Coming from a bad home with her evil abusive brother, Lily runs away with her 2 little siblings. When they st... More

Chapter 1- Run Aways
Chapter 2- My Blue Eyed Mate
Chapter 3- Welcome Home
Chapter 4- New Visitor
Chapter 5- Spill It
Chapter 6- Playing Cards
Chapter 7- New Talent
Chapter 8- Friends
Chapter 9- Mornings
Chapter 10- Bring it on Boys
Chapter 11- You Bite Me?
Chapter 13- Unlocking the Truth
Chapter 14- Ready or Not
Chapter 15- Taken
Chapter 16- I'm Not a Cheater
Chapter 17- It's A Deal
Chapter 18- Being Left Out
Chapter 19- Just A Little Girl
Chapter 20- Hide And Seek
Chapter 21- Fights Pics and Sorrys
Chapter 22- Treehouse
Chapter 23- One More Day
Chapter 24- Just Getting Started
Chapter 25- Now or Never
Chapter 26- Excuse Me?
Chapter 27- Worrying About Lily
Chapter 28- Waking Up
Chapter 29-It's Time
Chapter 30- 50/50

Chapter 12- Shocking Surprises

1.3K 25 1
By SweetDream22

Jay P.O.V.

    Drew came striding into my office and normally I would have beat him for such a stupid action but because he was my beta I let him slide on a lot of things. Drew was wearing a huge smile on his face. I groaned in frustration and leaning on my desk I put my face in my heads. “So help me Drew, that smile better be good news or I will kick your ass.”

    He came to a stop in front of my desk. “Guess what I found?” he said with pure excitement in his voice sounding like a little kid who just found a hidden present.

    I lifted my head to look at him “I’m not in the mood. Tell me now.” I commanded him. I am so sick of people not getting to the point on things. Playing these stupid games just waste time.

    “I found her.” Those 3 words have just made my day. Ever since Lily left, I have wanted her back. I knew she was powerful and as long as I had her and the kids she couldn’t use her powers against me. She was my ticket to success and I don't care if she is my sister. My Alpha role is more important then some silly girls feelings. But then the wicked girl had to run away with the kids and ruin everything I have tried so hard to create since father died. When I found her gone, I first went to that worthless Marcus and beat him but he didn’t know anything. I did however put a spy on him just in case.

    “How?” I asked in shock as Drew’s smile grew bigger and his brown eyes brighter. I can’t blame him for being happy because being on my good side is quite the accomplishment.

    “That spy we put on Marcus lead us to her. She is at the Black Rocky Pack.” My smile dropped and Drew started backing away slowly in fear.

    “She is in what pack?” I said with my jaw clenched.

    Drew was now to the door and slowly he said “Black Rocky.”

    I let out a growl that shook the whole house. The Black Rocky pack is the biggest pack and I am second to his. Of all packs she had to go running to that one! My wolf was begging to be released but I held him in. Drew was strong but nothing compared to when I am mad. He was halfway out the door when he quickly added “And she’s the Luna.” With that I through a lamb and it shattered on the now closed door and my wolf was seeping out. Shit!


    I inhaled deeply and my nose immediately filled with the sweet scent of fresh strawberries. Just her smell made me smile with so much joy. I opened my eyes to see Lily wrapped in my arms as she presses fully against me sleeping soundly. Even with bed head she was beautiful and seeing my mark on her neck made her more perfect. The mark has already almost healed and the bleeding stopped last night after I cleaned it. I knew my mark would be bigger than anyone elses in my pack because being an Alpha made me very territorial.

    Sensing me looking at her Lily’s eyes opened but she shut them just as fast. She blushed softly and smiled. “Staring is considered rude you know.” she informed me with her eyes still closed.

    I chuckled softly. My little mate never fails to surprise me. “Well than I am the rudest person you will ever meet because there is no way I can’t look at you.”

    She sighed at opened her crystal blue eyes once again. This time she decided to stare me up and down without trying to hide it and I had to laugh at her game. “There now we are both rude.” she said after her little inspection.

    Sighing I shook my head and pretended to be disappointed at her, “What am I ever going to do with you Angel?” I complained.

    That got a evil smile out of her and she wrapped her arms around my chest. “You could lock me in this room with you and we could never leave. Then we would never be rude to anyone but each other.”

    I groaned with pleasure at her wonderful idea. To be locked away with my mate... in our bedroom... yeah I have no complaints for that but I knew the one thing that would stop me. That would be my Alpha role. “Trust me Angel that is the best idea I have ever heard but I have Alpha business to do too.”

    Her face fell but she nodded and even tried to give me a happy smile to tell me she understood. That’s when the idea clicked. I tucked my finger under her chin and tilted her to face me before I spoke. “Do you want to spend time with me in the office?”

    Once I got the words out her face lite up again, “Of course but first I need to eat something.” she said as she sprang up out of bed.

    At the sight of her I can’t help but let out a low growl of pleasure because right now my Angel is completely topless with only a gold necklace with a little gold key on it. I did an obvious inspection of my little mate and I can feel my eyes turning darker from my wolf, who by the way is growling with lust inside me. Lily didn’t seem to understand what was wrong until she looked down and she immediately covered her assets. I laughed at her reaction and that earned me a scowl. “Oh don’t be so shy Angel.”

    “Perv.” she muttered before she walking into our closet and  walked out a couple minutes later in a white cut off sleeve silk blouse and black skinny jeans. She really isn’t helping her case her. “Much better.”

    “If you say so. I’ll be down after my shower.”

    She just nodded before she gave me a peck on the lips and bounced to the door. I couldn’t help but watch her bum the whole way and she didn’t fail to notice. “Being rude again babe.” she shouted over her shoulder as she shut the bedroom door. I couldn’t have asked for a better mate.


    My rude mate. That reminds me. I stopped in front of the hallway mirror and once I  was in front of it I pulled back the collar of my shirt to see his mark.

    Holy cow! It’s huge! I thought it would be a little bit but this one covered most of my lower neck. Trust me I’m not complaining since everytime he touches it, it sends sparks through me. The colors almost made it look bruised but I knew the colors will fade with time until all there is left is the mark itself..

    Pulling myself from the mirror, I skipped down the stairs toward the kitchen. I found Lana down there staring breakfast all by herself. “Hey Lana. No help today?”

    She spun around with a warm smile, “Morning Luna.” Then she turned back to make what looks like egg bake.

    “No, no, no Lana. Call me Lily not Luna.” I told her. I don’t like for people to call me Luna. I want them to think I am an equal, not any better than they are because I’m not. I just happen to be mated to an Alpha.

    Lana nodded first but then went back to work. I wonder if she ever stops working. “So where are the other girls?”

    “I gave them the day off and besides who likes working on a monday?”

    “Well would you like help?” I asked. Back in my old pack, when Jay wasn’t home, I would be down in the kitchen with the cooks and they would teach me to make a lot of things. They were some nice ladies.

    Lana turned to me with a puzzled look “You know how to cook?” Is it hard to believe I know how to cook? 

    “Yeah so would you mind if I made something like cinnamon rolls?”

    “Sure Lily. We should have all the ingredients for it.”

    After a quick look I found all of my ingredients in the kitchen and I started getting to work rolling them and putting them in the big pan. I knew I have to just feed the pack house which isn’t that much compared to the whole pack. The house only has about 15 people. All the Alpha’s and Beta’s family and others with no home stay here before they find their own home. Right now all I think are here are Daniel's siblings and their mates, Rosie and Mikey, and Ash and Sarah.

    As soon as I placed the rolls in the over people started coming down.  Daniel was first and he had a huge smile on his face when he saw me cooking. “You cook?” he asked surprised.

    Why is that hard to believe? “Yes I cook.”

    He came and wrapped me in his arms and since he was this close I was happy to smear some cinnamon batter on his cheek. “You better clean that.” he told me.

    “Or what?” I fake threatened.

    “Or this.” he said as he reached past me to dip his fingers in the batter and rub it over the side of my face.

    “Daniel!” I screeched. He let go of me and I started to chase him around the island. In a blur of motion I notice Lana just shaking her head at us and walking out of the room. Finally I made the move to duck down and wait for Daniel to run around the island and when he did I popped up to grab him around the arm. He laugh as he wrapped his arms together around my bum pulled me up off the ground. I pointed to the side of my face, “You need to clean this.”

    I regretted it the moment I said it because Daniel leaned in and licked my face clean. “There. All gone.” he said with a satisfied smile.

    I was quick to rub all the slobber off my face. “Ewww Daniel! That is so gross.” I complained but to be honest it wasn’t that gross. Daniel seemed to buy my fake performance because he tilted his head back and gave a hearty laugh. I took this opportunity to lean in and lick the cinnamon batter slowly off his cheek trying to tease him and boy did it work because as soon as I finished licking him he swooped in to kiss me. The kiss tasted especially sweet from the batter and everything else just disappeared.

    “What is that smell?” Chris called from the other side of the island a little loudly. I pulled back to see him standing there with Missy on his arm smiling at the two of us.

    Still being held up by Daniel I shot Chris an accusing look. “You did that on purpose didn’t you.”

    He had a guilty smile as he shrugged. Caleb answered instead, “Trust me Lily we are all happy that someone stopped you two from sucking face.”

    I stuck my tongue out at him and I know it’s childish but he deserved it. “Don’t worry Angel I liked it.” Daniel said. I turned back to him and smiled. We leaned in for another kiss and as soon as it began I heard the loud groans from Chris and Caleb. I pulled away laughing.

    I heard another set of footsteps coming down the stairs and I turned to find Marcus and Vicki. Vicki let go of Marcus’s hand and came running over to me with an iron tight hug. “Morning Vicki.” I breathed out with what little air I have. She pulled away to let me breath and I caught her pulling up the collar of her shirt. I was immediately suspicious so when she tried walking away I grabbed her arm and spun her around. Before she could do anything I reached up and pulled her collar over and saw a bite in her neck. “You’re marked!” I practically yelled.

    “Shut up.” she snapped.

    I heard a growl from Daniel and no doubt because of the way Vicki was talking to me but I just ignored him. “Sorry Vicki but I’m happy for you.” I pointed out.

    Her annoyance turned to a blush as she looked over to Marcus who was laughing at my excitement. Vicki turned back to me “It was nice and you’ll love it when you get yours.”

    “Trust me I know.” I replied and everyone looked at me confused until I felt Daniel behind me and his fingers sent a trail of tingles through my arm as he pull down the collar of my blouse revealing my mark.

    Missy gasped at it and spoke first, “Daniel, don’t you think you made it big enough?”

    “I can’t help it Miss. I’m Alpha and when something is mine, it’s mine and everyone will know it.” he pointed out as if it was a dumb question.

    I smiled and spun around to kiss him, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Causing a bunch of awws and congratulations to me and Daniel and to Marcus and Vicki as well.

   Before he could reply to any of them, the timer on the oven went off signalling that me cinnamon rolls were done. I quickly grabbed the oven mits and pulled out the now fluffy rolls and poured icing over the top.

    “That’s what that smell was.” Chris said.

    I was about to answer when Ash and Sarah came down with annoyed faces and it didn’t take long to find out why. Only a few step behind them were Cole and Jenny and they were bickering back and forth. “Just please go Jenny.”  Cole whined.

    “No Cole I’m fine. I swear.” Jenny snapped back. I pretty sure the hormones have already begun and these weren’t the worst of them.

    “Go where.” I asked. Both of them turned to look at me and I also noticed Caleb took this time to try and steal one of the rolls so I used my extra speed to grab the spatula off the counter and slap him right on the hand.

    “Ouch Lily. I just thought we could have one now.” he said innocently trying to get out of trouble.

    “Don’t lie to me Caleb. I know that you thought I was paying all my attention to the happy couple over here,” I said as I jabbed my thumb over at Jenny and Cole who were fighting again but turned to scowl at me when they heard what I said, “so you tried to sneak one for yourself.”

    That got laughs out of everyone except for the happy couple and Caleb who was now rubbing his hand and grumbling “Stupid powers.”

    I turned back to the happy couple who were now almost full out yelling at each other. I didn’t feel like yelling over top of them so I turned back to Daniel. Without any more explanations he brought his fingers up to his lips and I plugged my ears. With a shrill whistle everyone was crying out in pain but at least no one was fighting. “Thanks sweety. Now why the hell are you two fighting?”

    Cole opened his mouth to talk but Jenny spoke up first, “Cole wants me to go to the doctors.” She said looking straight at me.

    Cole opened his mouth to talk and when he wasn’t interrupted he spoke, “I’m just worried about you babe. You’ve been sick every morning and moody.”

    I saw Vicki, Sarah and Missy share knowing looks but the boys looked dumbfounded. Daniel wrapped his arms around me and spoke to his sister, “Jenny what’s been going on? You have been sneaky lately and holding something back?” Then I understood why he was holding on to me. Whether he realizes of not, he is protecting my from Jenny who he things is doing something bad.

    Now everyone’s eyes were on the small girl and you could tell she was dreading this moment. Her gaze finally landed on me and she seemed to be begging for help. I shrugged my shoulders “It’s you choice Jenny. I’m not telling them because you know you have to and I’d get it over with now if I were you.”

    “Fine.” she said finally giving up. “Um.... well..... I’m pregnant.”

    No one spoke for a long time and I felt bad for her. “How long?” Cole almost whispered.

    “Two month.” she replied as she kept her gaze away from everyone's faces. Wow I’m surprised she kept it a secret for that long. A werewolf pregnancy only last for 5 months so everything is kind of speed up.

    “Why didn’t you tell me Vick?” Cole asked almost hurt and right now I was looking forward to getting out of this awkward moment.

    “Because I don’t know. It’s just I didn’t know how you’d take it and being 17 and pregnant isn't one of my plans in life.” she explained.

    We all watched in complete silence as Jenny stared ashamed down at the floor and Cole looked at her with a face full of hurt. It makes me sad just watching them and I reached my hands up to rest on Daniel’s arm that was draped over my shoulder and wrapped around my chest. I gave it a slight squeeze to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere. He must have understood what I was thinking because he squeezed back and I heard him in my head, ‘Just wait and watch.’

    I was about to ask him what he meant but I was to distracted by Cole who now instead of looking hurt is now smiling and twirling a completely shocked Jenny. After Cole set Jenny down she stuttered out “Babe why are you so happy.”

    “Why am I not? I’m going to be a dad!” he said with a smile that showed all his love. Everyone started congratulating him and Jenny, who was now full of relief.

    Now beaming I turned to Caleb, “I guess we can celebrate by having cinnamon rolls early but we need to save some for everyone else.”

    The boys were now jumping for joy and started digging away at the rolls. I couldn’t  help but let out a giggle watching them inhaling them. Then I heard Cole ask me a question that I wasn’t surprised to hear, “You knew about Jenny?”

    I gave him a lazy look and shrugged my shoulders, “Yeah I noticed when I first met her and then her morning sickness confirmed what I already knew.”

    “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” he asked.

    That question seemed to catch everyones attention and now they were all waiting for my answer. “Not my secret to tell.” Apparently it was a good answer because everyone went back to eating just as the rest of the house was coming down stairs for breakfast.

    Lana returned back to the kitchen and starting preparing for breakfast when Caleb caught her attention, “Lana, these rolls are amazing!” he said with a mouth full of food.

    Rolling her eyes at his rudeness, Lana replied “Don’t thank me. Thank Lily she made them.”

    “You did?” almost everyone besides Lana, Marcus and Daniel said in unison.

    “Lils is an amazing cook.” Marcus added in.

    “Why is it so hard to believe that I can cook?” I said in utter disbelief. Is it really that hard to believe?

    “Because you are like amazing at everything for your age.” Chris explained. “Wait. How old are you?”

    “Younger than most of you well except for Vicki. I’m 16.”

    The whole group froze in astonishment and I would have checked to see that I didn’t freeze anyone but Vicki snapped out of it first. “Wrong!” she called out in joy. “I’m 17.”

    “Wait, wait, wait. You raise 2 kids, have super powers and can cook but you're only 16.” Caleb asked.

    “I’m almost 17.” I defended myself.

    “What else don’t we know about you?” Cole asked.

    I drew a wicked smile “I guess that’s for you guys to figure out.” I teased. “Don’t you have work to do?” I asked Daniel who has been strangely silent.

    “Yes we do. Now I am sorry but me and my mate have some work to do so you guys have to put the questions on hold.” he told everyone.

    As we walked out they all gave us whistles and calls and I knew I had turned beat red. Nervously I started playing with my necklace and Daniel seemed to notice. “Where did you get that?”

    “It was my mothers and she gave it to me before she passed away.”

    “What does it open?”

    “Nothing. Well I guess something but she didn’t know and it opened nothing in my house.” I said. I remember walking through the house looking for anything with a lock and trying to open them. Jay was upset when he found me in his room so we wrestled it out and mom ended up breaking us apart because she thought we were fighting for real. Jay and I used to be so close and wrestling wasn’t something too uncommon for us but of course he was bigger and stronger but occasionally he let me win.

    “What are you smiling about?” Daniel whisper in my ear breaking me out of my dreaming.

    I reached up to touch my mouth to find I was smiling. Slowly trying not to make him upset I answered, “Jay.” At that he growled and quickly I explained myself, “When my parents were still around Jay was amazing.”

    “Amazing is hardly the words I’d use for him.” He said warningly and I would argue about what he said if I didn’t know how far gone my big brother was.

    “He’s not anymore but he was. I was smiling because when I would search the house for the right lock, I went into Jay’s room and we wrestled. My mom started yelling at us because we could hurt each other but we laughed at her.” When I finished I could feel the smile back on my face.

    “What happened to him?” asked as we walking into his office. Daniel went behind his desk and I decided to walk along the books and see if there is anything that could hold my interest.

    “My parents died and he got dark.” I said lightly and I ran my fingers along the books. Daniel had no reply and I enjoyed the quiet. Most of the books were history of the werewolf and what not but I say one that stuck out. I pulled it from the top shelf and whipped away the thick layer of dust. It was beautiful. It was a crystal blue like my eyes and it had gold binding and gold flower pattern around the border of the front cover. There in gold lettering was the title, Blue. “Daniel what’s this.” I asked holding up the book.

    He gave a quick glance before he went back to his papers. “It’s a book that was given to me dad from another Alpha but it has a lock on the side and I could never get the damn thing open.”

    I flipped the book on it’s side to see the gold lock holding the covers together. If he could never open it why would he keep it? “So why do still have it?”

    “It looks like something important so I never gave it away.” he said nonchalantly but then a evil smile grew on his devilishly handsome face. “Maybe your key can open it.” he teased.

    Walking over to sit on the couch, I mocked his suggestion. “Oh yeah let me just slip the key in and poof magic.” Laughing I pulled the key from under my shirt and brought it to the lock. Slipping the key and it went in! Slowly I turned the key and the book clicked open. My key opened Daniel’s book? I have never seen this book and Daniel has never seen my key. “Daniel? We may have a problem. 

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