My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Learning Of His Past

389 24 1
By TarableTaralynn

 After sneaking up behind the Vamps, Dean and Paige grabbed them at the same time and cut their heads off. Once they were dead, they drug the bodies into the bushes, hiding them and the heads. They then snuck around to the front of the church and again unseen, they crept up behind the two Vamps. They then grabbed them at the same time and cut their heads off, before they hid the bodies in the bushes. Once they were finished they stayed in the bushes watching to make sure that they hadn't been seen. After a few seconds of nothing, they figured they were safe, so they snuck to the back of the church again. They went to the back door, Dean closed his eyes, but couldn't sense any Vamps near the door. So, he slowly and quietly opened the door and went in first, followed closely by Paige.

 Once inside they kept to the shadows, Dean led the way through the church keeping his senses tuned for even the slightest noise. It seemed strange to Dean that there were few Vamps around; especially at a place where the Elders were. Something was going on, he could feel it, he knew his family and how they worked and this was completely out of character for them. After coming to another empty hall, Dean knew the best thing for them to do right now was leave, until they figured out what was going on.

 "What do we do now?" Paige asked sighing frustrated. "I thought you said the Elders were here?"

 "They are, I can feel them!" Dean answered, as he looked around.

 "Then where are all the Vamps?" She asked confused, as she stood beside him.

 "Right here!" A female voice spoke from behind them, they turned around to find at least ten Vamps standing there. "Hello again, brother."

 "Mia." Dean said, starring at her, hate dripping off the word. "I thought with the Elders here there would be more of you?"

 "There is, but they were sent out on hunts. It's not like we'd need them to take care of you two!" Mia said laughing.

 "That right?" Paige asked smiling.

 "No one's talking to you mortal!" Mia said angrily, before she slapped Paige, she went to do it again, but Dean stopped her.

 "Touch her again Mia and I'll rip your damn arm off!" Dean warned, as he held her arm tightly.

 "What is your fascination with these pathetic creatures?" Mia asked, as she pulled her arm free.

 "I answer to no one!" Dean replied.

 "Grab them, the Elders are waiting!" Mia ordered.

 "You do and I will kill you! That's not a threat, but a promise!" Dean warned them, as he looked each of them in the eyes and sensed their hesitation.

 "What are you waiting for? Get them dammit!" Mia ordered angrily.

 Dean looked at Paige smiling and nodded his head slightly, only she saw it and smiled back knowing exactly what he was thinking. Before any of the Vamps could do anything, Dean charged them, pulling out his machetes as he neared them. The fight was on, Paige and Dean managed to kill two Vamps each, before the Vamps managed to get control and took them both to the ground. They began to beat them, trying to get Dean and Paige weakened enough that they couldn't fight anymore. Thinking they had won, Mia bent down in front of Dean; who was now on his knees, while Paige was held behind them by two Vamps. Smiling Mia grabbed Dean's hair and made him look at her, before she spoke.

 "I told you Deano, you and your little bitch mortal are no match for..." Mia began, but was cut off when Paige got free and cut her head off from behind.

 "I couldn't take it anymore! Damn she was annoying!" Paige said, as Dean smiled.

 The battle was back on and soon all the Vamps were dead, of course the fight wasn't easy, both Dean and Paige had been injured; Dean though would heal in minutes, Paige, being human wasn't so lucky. As they leaned against the wall, catching their breath, Dean watched her closely. He knew she was hurting and he wasn't sure if he should let her continue.

 "Don't even think about telling me to sit this out!" Paige said, not looking at him, as she checked herself for injuries.

 "Paige, you're wounded and exhausted, the fight is only going to get worse! The Elders are stronger and smarter than..."

 "I get it Dean!" Paige said sighing frustrated, as she finally looked at him. "I'm helping you finish this and you can't stop me! Besides, we kicked some serious Vamp ass, I told you we make a great team!"

 "Yeah, yeah!" Dean said smiling, as they began walking again. "Let's go Wonder Woman!" He added, both laughing, Paige punched him in the arm.


 Roman sighed sadly, as he sat on the floor watching Seth pace, it's been hours since they were taken and still there was no sign of Dean. Roman wanted to believe that Dean was still alive and coming after them, but knowing where Keeper had sent him, Roman couldn't stop thinking of the worst. Seth though, refused to give up on Dean, it hurt Roman to know Seth had more faith in Dean, than he had and Roman was in love with Dean!

 "Ro?" Seth's voice spoke, breaking into his thoughts.


 "Worrying about him being dead doesn't mean you love him less." Seth said gently.

 "Seth, I know he can take care of himself, but he's one Vamp against the rest of his kind; including the Elders! I'm just..."

 "Scared that he could be killed?" Vassago said, cutting Roman off, as he came into the room with Keeper.

 "I guess they don't have much faith in him, do they sire?" Keeper added smiling.

 "Shut up, you bastard! You know nothing about us dammit!" Roman yelled angrily, as stood beside an equally angry Seth.

 "Such spirit you two possess! I'm going to enjoy beating it out of you slowly." Vassago said.

 "You've already tried asshole and you couldn't!" Seth stated smiling.

 "I've barely even started boys, I've only been playing with you up until now!" Vassago explained sighing. "You see you two are like little bugs that I'm playing with, until I squish you putting you out of your misery!"

 "Keep talking big to cover up the fact that you're scared shitless of Dean! It didn't worry you when you could control him, it was easier when he didn't know who he was!" Roman said smiling.

 "How dare you, you insignificant, little worms!" Keeper yelled angrily, as he stepped forward ready to attack Seth and Roman, but Vassago stopped him.

 "Easy Keeper, I can handle them! Why don't you go find something to keep yourself occupied, while I play with my new toys for awhile." Vassago said calmly.

 "No sire, I'm not leaving you alone with..."

 "That wasn't a suggestion Keeper! Leave now!" Vassago ordered angrily.

 "Yes, sire!" Keeper said bowing, before he left.

 "Good help is so hard to find!" Vassago said sighing, as he sat on his makeshift throne, petting his Raven on his shoulder. "You were wrong about it being easier when I could control him." He added sighing again, as he looked at them. "I'm sure he's told you both of his past?"

 "He told us all about his hatred of his kind and how he's rebelled against you from the time he was changed into a monster!" Seth answered smiling, Roman smiled too.

 "He's always been...difficult, yes!" Vassago replied. "I'm curious, just how much of his past has he shared?"

 "Why?" Roman asked confused.

 "Has he told you anything of his life before becoming a Vamp?" Vassago asked, Roman and Seth looked at each other, before back at him. "He hasn't...interesting."

 "No and we never asked!" Roman stated.

 "Aren't you curious though to know what Deano was like before I turned him?"

 "You turned him?" Roman and Seth said together shocked.

 "Yes." Vassago answered. "Before Dean became a Vamp he wasn't a good person."

 "You lie!" Roman yelled angrily.

 "I maybe a lot of things, but a liar isn't one of them." Vassago countered, as Roman and Seth sat down on a couple of rocks. "Dean did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, to whoever he wanted! Not giving a damn about the consequences...a true cowboy outlaw!"

 "Cowboy?" Roman whispered shocked.

 "Yes, this was back in the early 1800s. Shall I continue?" Vassago questioned, they both nodded. "I came to Dean's small town in search of the perfect recruits for my new family; with the guidance of the Elders. When I arrived in town there was a large group of people gathered outside the small Sheriff's building, so curious I joined them. That's when I learned of Dean, he was feared by everyone and the townspeople demanded he be hunted down and put to death for his crimes! I knew he was the perfect choice, so I began my search for him, it took days to find him. I did though and it was during his latest crime that I found him; he had just shot and killed two deputies from the next county, who had been sent to arrest him, unfortunately Dean had been shot too in the stomach. I talked to him and even though I gave him the chance to live forever and have powers he could only imagine, he still refused...he even shot me! So, I waited until he passed out, before I bit him!"

 "You changed him after he told you no?" Seth asked angrily.

 "I couldn't lose him, he was exactly what I was looking for!" Vassago answered, as he stood. "I have some business to attend to, it won't take long and when I'm finished, I'll be back to play! I hope you enjoyed story time?" He added laughing, before he left.

 Once he was gone, neither of them spoke, both trying to work through what Vassago had just told them about Dean. Roman leaned against the wall and closed his eyes tight, as Dean's face came to him. He wanted to believe that Vassago had lied about everything he said about Dean, but in his heart he knew it was the truth; especially since Dean wouldn't talk about his life before becoming a Vamp. He sighed shakily, as he thought of the Dean he knew and couldn't believe that he had ever been a monster, before being turned! No matter how much he wanted to pretend it wasn't true, it was and Roman wasn't sure how to react to it. He still loved Dean as much as he always had; nothing would change that! He made a decision to forget the Dean he was in the past and focus on the man he was today, he had changed and spent his entire life as a Vamp trying to make up for his past sins! No longer confused or upset, Roman opened his eyes angrily and looked over at Seth, their eyes met and Roman knew that Seth had come to the same conclusion as he did and they smiled. They were interrupted by Vassago returning alone, they looked at him still smiling, as he spoke they stood.

 "Apologies for our interruption! Shall we begin?" Vassago asked, as he stood in front of them.

 "Do your worst, you blood-sucking freak!" Roman yelled angrily.

 "Your little plan to tell us about Dean's past so we'd hate him; which would hurt him worse than anything you could do to him, failed you son-of-a-bitch!" Seth added angrily.

 "That was never my plan, I just wanted you two to know who your big hero really was before I kill all three of you! Don't worry though, that won't happen until Deano joins our little party! Until then we can have some fun together!" Vassago said, before he threw them both backwards hard against the wall they were chained to, as he laughed. "Are we having fun yet boys?"


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