Are You Happy Now? - Part 1 (...

By SpanishRose90

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Michelle Branch, an up-and-coming young musician, gets the opportunity to be the opening act on tour with pop... More

Author's Note/Disclaimer
Prologue: "Who Do You Think You Are?"
Chapter 1 - Part 1: "Collide"
Chapter 1 - Part 2: "Everything"
Chapter 2 - Part 1: "Dream Girl"
Chapter 2 - Part 2: "I Don't Want To Talk About It"
Chapter 3: "Crazy Beautiful"
Chapter 4 - Part 1: "Christmas Time"
Chapter 5 - Part 1: "Now I See"
Chapter 5 - Part 2: "Now I See"
Chapter 6: "California"
Chapter 7: Part 1"Colorblind"
Chapter 7 - Part 2: "After Hours"
Chapter 8: "A Drop In the Ocean"
Chapter 9: "In The City"
Chapter 10: "With Or Without You"
Chapter 11 - Part 1: "Second Chances"
Chapter 11 - Part 2: "Second Chances"
Chapter 11 - Part 3: "Second Chances"
Chapter 12: "Tuesday Morning"
Chapter 13: "Empty Handed"
Chapter 14: "Lost Without Each Other"
Chapter 15 - Part 1: "Where Are You Now?"
Chapter 15 - Part 2: "Where Are You Now?"
Chapter 16 - Part 1: "Goodbye To You"
Chapter 16 - Part 2: "Let Me Introduce Myself"
Chapter 17: "Penny and Me"
Chapter 18: "Lost Without You" (epilouge)

Chapter 4 - Part 2: "What Christmas Means To Me"

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By SpanishRose90

December 2001

Tulsa International Airport

It was now past 5 p.m. Taylor was patiently waiting for Michelle. He was anxious to see her now. It had been two weeks since the last time he saw her and he couldn't wait to hold her in his arms again. After ten minutes of waiting, Taylor decided to go up to one of the front desks and ask one of the clerks the status of Michelle's flight, because she should have already landed, he figured.

"Excuse me, Ms.?"

The clerk, a middle-aged blonde woman stopped what she was doing and looked up at Taylor.

"Yes, sir, how can I help?" the clerk asked him.

"Flight 675, uh Los Angeles to Tulsa, can you tell me the status of it? My girlfriend is on that flight and according to her itinerary, she should been here by now."

"Sure, just give me one second and I'll check the status of it for you, sir."

The clerk typed in the information and looked over the search results that her computer just generated.

"According to this, the flight has already landed here in Tulsa. Perhaps she is still waiting for her bag at baggage claim? If you take a look around sir, you'll see it is fairly busy considering it's Christmas Eve. My advice would be to just phone her and let her know you're here."...She said in a bubbly voice.

Taylor just sighed in frustration, but thanked the woman for her help. He sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting area and took his phone out and was about to place another call until he heard a familiar voice calling out his name.

"Taylor! Taylor!"

Taylor turned his head to the direction where voice was coming from, and he saw it was Michelle who was waving one of her hands at him to get his attention. As soon he saw her, he smiled and got up, and began to walk towards her.

Michelle ran into Taylor's waiting arms and squealed in delight as he picked her up and twirled her around a bit.

The two young teenagers were oblivious to the stares they got from onlookers. The only thing that mattered was the bliss they felt being in each other's arms finally after two weeks of being apart.

"Mmmh, I missed you!" Michelle whispered into Taylor's ear as she had her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist as he continued to hold her.

"I've missed you too!" Taylor whispered back to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before setting her down.

They recollected themselves and Taylor helped Michelle with her luggage. He took her big suitcase while she took her purse and a small duffel bag. They began to walk out of the airport and into the parking lot where Taylor had parked the truck.

"So what took you so long to get here?" Taylor asked Michelle.

"Well, the landover in Houston. We ran into some snow on our way to Texas, which caused us to have to do an emergency landing in Houston. All flights were delayed until the storm somewhat cleared out which, luckily for me, only lasted about an hour. The total buzz killer was when I finally landed here, I got held at customs for a little while." Michelle told Taylor.

"Why?" Taylor asked. They are now in front of the back of his Dad's truck. Taylor opened the bed of the truck and placed all Michelle's luggage in there and locked it up.

"This bitchy old lady was taking her sweet ass time claiming her things, which held back the line. So you can only imagine not too many people were happy with her."

"You being one of them?" Taylor asked her with a mischievous grin on his face."So impatient." he teased.

Michelle playfully smacked him.

"No!" she said in a teasing voice. "I can be patient! long as I know I'm getting my way in the end."

They both laughed at this.

"I'm so happy that you're here finally." Taylor told Michelle as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Me too." Michelle said back to him with her arms wrapped around his neck.

They stared deeply into each other's eyes for a few seconds until Taylor remembered he needed to get them back to his parents' house, because they are expected them any minute now.

"We'd better be heading back to my parents' before they send out a search party for us."

"Yeah." Michelle said, while feeling a bit nervous at the thought of meeting Taylor's family as his girlfriend this time around and not just his friend.

Taylor and Michelle got into the truck and Taylor started up the engine and began to drive them in the direction of his folks' place.

During the ride, Taylor and Michelle caught each other up on what had been happening in their lives, career wise, and everything in between. Taylor noticed the closer he got to his parents' house, the more quiet and distance Michelle seemed.

Eventually Taylor pulled up to the front of the driveway and parked the truck there. He turned off the engine and took the keys out of the ignition. He turned to face Michelle.

"Michelle, what's wrong?" Taylor asked her.

Michelle looked over at the house and then turned to look at Taylor. Taylor saw the fear and anxiety on her face.

"Hey, come on, talk to me." Taylor told Michelle as he caressed one of her cheeks.

Michelle leaned more into Taylor's touch, for it soothed her a bit. She looked at him dead in the eyes and saw the concern in them.

"I'm just scared." Michelle said flat out.

"Of what? Meeting my family? But you've already met most of them at the BBQ." Taylor said, feeling a bit confused.

Michelle just nodded her head "yes" in response.

"What if they don't like me, Tay?" Michelle asked him, feeling a bit panicky.

Taylor grabbed a hold of Michelle's hands and interlocked her fingers with his.

"Michelle, they are going to love you, because they know how important you are to me." Taylor told her truthfully.

"Let's hope so." Michelle said, still not convinced that the Hanson family would welcome her entirely with open arms.

"I know for a fact mom already likes you, and of course Ike and Zac do."

"Come on, let's go inside." Taylor said as he let go of Michelle's hands and unlocked the doors for them to get out.

They got out the truck and went to the bed of it to grab a hold of Michelle's luggage.

Again, Taylor grabbed a hold of the big suitcase and Michelle grabbed a hold of the duffel bag and her purse.

They began to walk up the pathway that led to the front door. Taylor placed the suitcase on the ground for a second and took out his keys unlocked the door.

"Ladies first.."

Michelle walked in feeling a bit uneasy, she had no idea what reaction Taylor's family will have when they met her again under these new circumstances.

Taylor walked in behind her and closed the door.

"We're here! Mom?" Taylor called out.

"In the kitchen, honey!" Diane yelled back.

Taylor placed Michelle's suitcase down in the closet and motioned for her to hand him her duffel bag and purse, which she did and he placed those items too, into the closet for the time being.

Taylor grabbed a hold of Michelle's hand and together they walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Mom! Sorry, we're a bit late, Michelle's flight got delayed a little." Taylor stated.

"That's all right, the important thing is you're here now!" Diana said as she walked over to them.

"Hello Michelle, it's so nice to see you again!" Diana told Michelle warmly and genuinely, while embracing her.

"Oh, it's nice to see you again too, Mrs. Hanson. Thank you so much for having me spend the holidays with your family, I feel very honored."

"You're welcome dear, please make yourself at home." Diane told Michelle.

"Are you sure that you don't need help with something?" Michelle asked genuinely.

"No dear, I'm fine, I almost have everything in order for dinner. Why don't you kids go freshen yourselves up a bit and I'll call you when dinner is served?" Diane stated.

"Okay, thank you once again Mrs. Hanson." Michelle said as she and Taylor walked out of the kitchen and back into the foyer.

"See that wasn't so bad!" Taylor told Michelle hoping the introduction she just had with his mom would now put her nerves at ease.

"Well, I still have your dad and the rest of your brothers and sisters to meet, so let's take it one step at time mister." Michelle told Taylor, still feeling nervous about meeting his family again.

"I'm sure they are all going to love you the way same my mom already does!" Taylor tells her.

"Your mom loves me?" Michelle asked Taylor, feeling very confused.

"Oh, trust me babe, she likes you." Taylor then winked at Michelle, which made her smile and laugh a bit. She playfully hit him on the shoulder for that remark.

Taylor took Michelle's suitcase and began to walk upstairs. Michelle took her duffel bag and purse and followed him up the winding staircase to the second level of the house.

On the way up the stairs where several framed family photos. Michelle smiled, seeing pictures of Taylor when he was very young.

They stopped in front of a room. Taylor knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Michelle heard a young girl's voice say through the closed door. Taylor opened the door and walked in with the suitcase in tow.

"Hey Jess! Hey Avery!" Taylor said greeting his sisters with enthusiasm in his voice.

"Hey Tay!" both girls responded in unison back to him, neither one of them bothering to look up, for they were so engrossed by what they were reading on the computer.

Michelle walked into the room feeling a little out place.

"Can you guys stop what you're doing for one second please, I want to re-introduce you to someone." Taylor told his sisters.

Both Jessica and Avery rolled their eyes in annoyance, because their brother interrupted them reading something of great importance.

They turn to face Taylor and Michelle.

"Jess, Avery this is Michelle Branch, you guys remember her, she opened for us last year and she came to the BBQ back in September."

Michelle flashed Jessica and Avery a small smile and extended her hand out to them.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys again." she said.

"It's nice to meet you again too. Welcome to our home." Jessica said while shaking Michelle's hand.

"Well, thank you." Michelle said back to Jessica, impressed with her politeness.

Avery shook Michelle's hand too and said her greetings as well.

All was silent for a moment, until Avery spoke up.

"I love your music, it's very real and uplifting, unlike some the crap the radio stations play nowadays." Avery boldly stated.

Michelle was blown away by this because she never thought that a young girl like Avery would love the kind music she played. Most girls Avery's age were listening to either Britney or Christina, not her music. It felt refreshing for Michelle to know this.

"Thanks! What's your favorite song from the album?" Michelle asked, curious to know.

"I love the entire album. I would listen to it non-stop. It got to the point that Tay took me to the music store to buy me my own copy of it, after I kept stealing his." Avery revealed.

"Oh, really?" Michelle said while turning to face Taylor who was blushing.

"Yeah, really!" Avery stated back.

"Huh, it seems like you forgot to share that bit information with me, Tay. Any other secrets you're harboring from me?" Michelle asked him playfully.

Before Taylor can reply back, Jessica spoke up.

"He's got tons of secrets!" Jessica said.

Taylor gave Jessica a look that read "you are so dead".

Jessica smirked at this.

"We'll tell you all about them before we go to sleep tonight, since you are rooming with us." Avery said.

Michelle looked over at Taylor and saw for the first time ever that Taylor seemed both embarrassed and uncomfortable based what his sisters just said. She is loving it.

"Deal!" Michelle said to them.

"You two will do no such thing, or else I won't give your Christmas presents tomorrow morning." Taylor warned his little sisters hoping this would stop them from sharing any embarrassing stories about him.

"Oh come on, Tay!" Avery and Jessica moaned in disbelief.

Michelle found this all amusing.

Eventually Taylor, Avery, and Jessica all came to a mutual agreement that was they would not reveal any embarrassing stories about Taylor to Michelle only if in return Taylor didn't threaten to not give the girls their gifts on Christmas morning.

After Michelle got her stuff settled into Jessica and Avery's bedroom, she and Taylor left the girls in their room and went to hang out with Isaac and Zac in the bedroom they shared with Taylor.

"Hey guys, look who's here finally!" Taylor said to his brothers as he and Michelle walked into the room.

"Hey Michelle! Merry Christmas it's so good to see you!" Ike told her as he gave her a hug.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Ike! It's so good to see you too!" Michelle says back to him.

"Hey, Michelle...." Zac said casually said as he walked up to her and gave her a hug too.

"Hey Zac! She said while hugging him back. Michelle sensed something off with Zac, but she couldn't tell what. He had always been moody, she knew this. She pushed the thought away and smiled. It was good to see him.

"So, how are you guys? How's the album coming along? Made any progress yet with the label?" Michelle asked excitedly, sitting down on the bed.

The guys just shared a look of sheer disappointment. That look alone was indication enough for Michelle to get an idea of how bad things were between the brothers and their record label.

"I guessing no." "What's the problem now?" Michelle groaned.

All three boys sat down heavily. "The same problem as always, "we don't sound mainstream enough." Ike told Michelle, sighing.

"What does that even mean?" Michelle asked in a confused voice.

"You got us, sometimes, I think the label has no idea what they're talking about!" Zac said angrily, as he chimed in his opinion.

Michelle put a hand on Zac's shoulder, squeezing it. "Look, I know it hasn't been easy so far for guys, but you guys can't give up. You've fought tooth and nail to get to where you guys are, don't let a bunch executives, who probably have their heads so far up their asses, bring you guys down. Your music is good and it deserves it be recognized and respect it, so fight for it!" Michelle says to them while challenging them on, because she more than anybody knows what the life of a musician is like, and she knows Hanson has what it takes to survive and make it. She just hopes she did too.

Taylor looked at Michelle with such admiration. Everyday he found himself being more and more connected to her as his feelings for her continued grow. He only hoped she felt the same way about him too.

Everyone was silent for a moment. The guys were really absorbing Michelle's words in their heads and they knew what they have to do now to get the record finished; they had to keep fighting for their music. They knew they couldn't compromise.

"Thanks for the talk, Michelle, you're a really great friend, we'll lucky to have you." Ike told her.

"That we are." Taylor said while looking at Michelle.

Michelle smiled at Taylor.

Isaac and Zac saw the connection between their brother and Michelle and knew without a shadow of doubt they were in love with one another. The question is when will they finally realize it for themselves?

The moment was interrupted by Walker walking into the room. He opened the door abruptly, and saw the close moment Taylor and Michelle were having with Ike and Zac looking on as onlookers, and decided to put an end to it. He cleared his throat loudly.

"Dad!" Ike said, startled. "Can you knock?"

"What are you doing here?" Zac asked.

"Well, your mother told me to come and get you guys, because dinner is ready. Your sisters and your brother are all downstairs now, so it's just you four are missing." Walker said with such authority in his voice.

Ike and Zac got up quickly, because they knew their father meant business and made their way downstairs. Taylor grabbed a hold of one of Michelle's hands and helped her up and they too walked past Walker and began to walk downstairs. Before they could, however, Walker blocked their way.

"Taylor, aren't you going to introduce me to your new girlfriend here?" Walker casually asked his son while looking a bit intimidating. This made Michelle feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Michelle this is my father Walker... and dad you remember Michelle she was the girl who opened for us last year on tour and who came to the BBQ in September." Taylor explained.

"It's nice to meet you again Mr. Hanson."

Michelle extended her hand out to Walker and he just looked at it first and then finally shook it.

"Likewise." he answered back to her his voice filled with small hint of distaste, not smiling.

"Thank you again, for allowing me to spend the holidays with your family, it's an honor really." Michelle said nervously, still gripping Taylor's hand like a lifeline.

"I'm just surprised that your family doesn't celebrate Christmas, most people I have come across do celebrate this joyful occasion...but I guess there is always a "first". Are you not a Christian then?" Walker asked. Michelle could sense sarcasm in his voice.

"No." Michelle said while looking and feeling uncomfortable now. "I'm not."

Walker was silent for a moment while he considered that answer. Taylor cringed, but couldn't blame Michelle for being honest.

"So, how do your parents feel about you staying in a boy's house at your age?" Walker asked not so discreetly, leaning on the banister.

This shocked both Michelle and Taylor. Taylor didn't know what his father was getting at, or why he was giving Michelle a hard time.

"Well, they know there will be parental supervision and the house full with kids, so that puts their minds at ease. Plus they trust in me. I'm not a child, I mean, I'm 18 years old." Michelle said.

"Mmmh, well let's hope you don't do anything to ruin that trust, because trust me, when I tell you this, once a child breaks that trust they can never get it back." Walker said while staring at Michelle very intently, trying to scare her, which he was. Michelle looked at the floor, unsure how to answer, feeling scrutinized under his gaze.

Taylor could sense that tension was brewing between Michelle and his father, so he decided to put an end to the awful conversation.

"You know, why don't we go eat, everybody is probably waiting on us now. Shall we?" Taylor held his hand to Michelle and she didn't hesitate to take it and walk with Taylor down the stairs to the dining room table. She wanted to get away from Walker as quickly as possible.

"What was that about?" Michele whispered to Taylor as they descended the stairs. Taylor shrugged helplessly. He was angry at his father for making Michelle feel uncomfortable, but he knew this wasn't the right time to talk to his father about it.

"I don't know. But I'm sure it'll be fine." he said to make her feel better, but he wasn't sure he believed that. He too was shocked by how his father had treated Michelle. There was no reason for it. Taylor knew his father had liked Natalie, but Taylor was confused as to why his father couldn't, or rather refused, to be welcoming to Michelle, whom he had made clear was his girlfriend now. Taylor gave Michelle's hand a small squeeze and smiled at her. She relaxed a bit and tried to smile back, but was really shaken by the interaction she'd just had with Walker. She took a shaky breath.

Walker just watched his son and Michelle descend down the stairs and into the dining room with a look of contempt on his face.

Taylor and Michelle took their seats at the table and so did Walker at the head of the table. After joining hands in a prayer of grace, the Hanson family and Michelle begin to eat. Throughout dinner, Walker observed Michelle and how she interacted with Taylor and the rest of the family. He came to the conclusion though she is a nice girl, but was unsure if she was the type of girl he wanted Taylor to be with. He had liked Natalie a lot, and was confused why Taylor had broken up with her. Natalie was a good southern, Christian girl, where Michelle was not. In Walker's mind, she was a bad influence, and he was sure she'd break his son's heart. After the holidays were over, Walker decided he'd make it his mission to get Michelle out of Taylor's life, because in his mind she was no good for his son.

After dinner Michelle and Taylor were in the living room watching some Christmas movies with the rest of the Hanson siblings. Every one of them liked Michelle especially Zoe who instantly liked her and clung on to her every chance she got. Taylor found this adorable at first, but now was getting a bit annoyed with his youngest sister, because it was interrupting any small stolen moments he could have with Michelle. As the movie credits rolled, Diane and Walker came into the room.

"Zoe, Mackie, Avery, and Jessica it's past all your bedtimes, say your good nights and head upstairs and get ready for bed." Diana told the children sternly. The kids groaned in protest, but knew better than to argue with their mother.

All four kids said their good nights to their parents, brothers and to Michelle. Jessica and Avery were already making their way upstairs. Mackie was holding Zoe's hand and was about to walk them upstairs, until Zoe stopped and turned to look at Michelle.

"Michelle, can you read me a story before I go to sleep?" Zoe asked so innocently.

This shock everybody, because Zoe usually didn't take act this friendly with people she had only met a few times, but for some reason with Michelle, Zoe took a liking to her instantly. Taylor smiled at his youngest sister.

All eyes are on Michelle now.

"Well, that depends if it's okay with your mom and dad." Michelle replied.

Zoe turned to face her parents.

"Mommy! Daddy! Can Michelle please read me a story?"

Walker was about to say "no", until he saw that Zoe was giving him the the puppy eyes and lip, which he was a sucker for.

"All right, just one story and then you have to go to bed alright?" Walker told his youngest daughter. Zoe just nodded her head "yes" in response and smiled triumphantly, because she had gotten what she wanted.

"Go get your jammies on and brush your teeth. When you've done all that then you can call Michelle up so she can read a story. All right?" Diana told Zoe.

"Okay, Mommy!" Zoe chirped while she and Mackie raced up the stairs to get ready for bed.

"I'm sorry you got roped into this, dear." Diana said to Michelle apologetically.

"Oh, it's no problem I love kids, so I'm more than happy to read her a story." Michelle told her.

Diana and Taylor are both touched by Michelle's kindness and patience.

"Hey mom, dad, I'm going to just meet some friends for a late nightcap. I promise I won't be home too late." Ike said as he was putting his jacket and grabbing his wallet and car keys.

"See that you aren't." Walker said to Ike with such seriousness in his voice.

"I promise." Ike said as he kissed his parents goodbye, waved to everyone else, and walked out the door.

Sensing that the teens wanted to be left alone, Diana asked Walker to help her finish putting the leftovers away in the kitchen, which he doesn't really want to do, but it's one of those rare time he gets to spend some alone time with his wife without one of the kids interrupting them.

Soon it was only Michelle, Taylor and Zac left in the living room. Zac turned on the TV and mindlessly flipped through channels. He settled on a station that was playing "It's A Wonderful Life." Taylor sat down on the opposite couch from Zac and motioned for Michelle to sit next to him. She did so and he put his arm around her. He cleared his throat. Taylor was hoping to finally get some alone time with Michelle and he really wished Zac would get the hint.

"So, what do you guys wanna watch this movie?" Zac asked to break the awkward silence.

"Actually, I was wondering if Michelle and I have some alone time, we really haven't had any since she got here today." Taylor told Zac frankly.

Before Zac could say something back, a small little voice is heard over the staircase.

"Michelle! I'm ready for you to read me my story!" Zoe yelled out.

Michelle just smiled to herself. Zoe looked so cute in her pajamas.

"I'll be right up Zoe!" Michelle yelled back.

Michelle could hear Zoe's little feet running back into her room eagerly waiting for Michelle's arrival.

Michelle turns to face Taylor.

"I'll be back down in a few minutes okay?"

Taylor sighed in frustration, because he wanted to spend some quality alone time with Michelle, but he understood where she is coming from. Nobody can say "no" to Zoe, because she is just too cute for one not to.

"I'll be waiting." Taylor gave Michelle a quick kiss on the lips and smiled at her. Michelle smiled back. The two shared a lovey dovey look and Zac just rolled his eyes.

Michelle got up and left the room and made her way upstairs.

Taylor and Zac were left alone for the time being and the tension between them was evident given what happened earlier today. They hadn't yet had a chance to discuss what had happened with Kate earlier and Zac was eager to do so. Zac decided to break the ice.

"Tay, we need to talk about what happened earlier today...." Zac said, looking over at his brother and putting down the remote.

"Do we have to, man? I really don't want to get in it with you right now." Taylor said as he got up and began to walk into the kitchen.

"Why did you have to be such a dick to Kate today?" Zac said cutting straight to the chase.

Those words made Taylor stop in his tracks and he turned to face Zac.

"What? Were you not there when she was attacking with that self-righteous attitude of hers? She no right to get involved in my personal life." Taylor said, unbelieving that Zac could not see his side of the story.

Zac stood up and faced his brother. "Tay, please understand things from her P.O.V. Natalie is her best friend. Kate loves her like a sister. She feels for Natalie and is just trying to look out for her." Zac tried to explain to Taylor.

"So what? That's still doesn't give her the right to meddle into my personal life. I don't care if she's your girlfriend or Natalie's best friend, or whatever. Whatever happened between me and Natalie is our business and our business alone and your girlfriend has a hard time with that concept apparently."

"I understand your anger dude, but you had no right to throw Marion in her face the way you did." Zac told Taylor with a bit of resentment in his voice. "I think you hurt her feelings."

Taylor looked at Zac in disbelief.

"Unbelievable! I hurt her feelings? What about Marion's! Zac, you know she called me a while back and I was on the phone with her for an hour, she was crying! You broke her heart. You may have moved on, but she hasn't. She still has feelings for you."

Zac looked taken aback by that, like he hadn't known how Marion had felt about him. Taylor just rolled his eyes at Zac's indifference to his ex girlfriend's feelings.

Taylor continued. "Zac, the only reason why I threw Marion in Kate's face was because your girlfriend had the nerve to insult my girlfriend's integrity and character. She called Michelle a "boyfriend stealer" when you and I know damn well, that Michelle never went after me while I was with Natalie. I ended things with Natalie before Michelle and I even started dating. Michelle wasn't chasing after me, I was the one who chasing after her." Where unlike your girlfriend she went after you when you were still with Marion and she knew that, and she didn't care! Just as long she got what she wanted in the end." Taylor raved. "Which now, which then just happened to be you."

"You told her that? That Michelle didn't hit on you when you were with Nat?" Zac asked.

"Yeah, you're damn right I did. I'm sick and tired of hearing her self-righteous attitude. She needs to get knocked off that pedestal so many people have her on and be seen for who she really is. She is has no right to judging me when she is a guilty of doing a similiar thing as well." Taylor said honestly.

It killed Taylor to speak ill of the girl he knew his brother was in love with, but Taylor knew that Zac needed to see that Kate wasn't little "Miss Perfect". She was a flawed human being just like anybody else.

There was an uncomfortable silence between them. Zac shoved his hands in his pockets and stared at his feet. Taylor ran his hands through his long hair, sighing. He hated fighting with Zac.

"So, is that how you see me too?" Zac asked Taylor finally, making eye contact.

Taylor looked at Zac confused.


"You said that Kate's a hypocrite for going after me while I was still involved with Marion, I guess that means I'm one too, since I wasn't exactly "the world's most greatest and faithful boyfriend. I did lie to Marion about talking to Kate...but I didn't cheat on her. But it's all the same to you, isn't it?"

"Zac that's not what I meant - " Taylor began to say, until Zac cut him off in mid-sentence.

"Let me finish please." Zac said, pleading.

Taylor shut his mouth and let Zac finish what he was about to say.

"Look, I know I did wrong. I've learned from it. But you and I are more alike than you think. You should be able to relate. Just like you, I met an amazing girl, who was unlike any girl I had ever met. I wanted to be with her from the moment I met her, but unfortunately things happened and I moved on thinking she had too. I didn't know if I'd see her again."

Zac took a deep breath and continued. Taylor sat down, stunned and listened as Zac continued.

"It wasn't until I saw her again almost two years later that I knew she was the one I wanted. That what I felt for her was the real thing and not just some silly little teenaged crush."

"It was wrong of me to lead Marion on the way I did, just like it was wrong of you to lead Natalie on the way you did. The bottom line is Tay, we both found our soul mates and were happy with them now, but just remember two innocent girls got hurt in the process and they didn't deserve that." Zac said with such maturity and honesty in his voice.

Taylor is left dumbfound, because he can't believe how wise his little brother has gotten for his age. Zac may only be 16 years, but he is wise beyond his years.

"You think Kate's your soulmate?" Taylor asked dubiously.

Zac saw the incredulous look on his brother's face and, suddenly embarrassed, shrugged.


"You're right, Zac. When you get so smart?" Taylor asked his brother, getting up and giving him a hug.

"Dude, I've always been smart, I just try not to show too much...." Zac joked, mock shoving Taylor off of him.

The two shared a laugh, the tension between them gone.

"Look, man I'm sorry that I was so harsh with Kate, it's just that your girlfriend just gets to me you know?"

"Yeah, I know, you're not exactly alone on that front, I know she can be difficult to get along with, but for my sake can you please at least attempt to?" Zac pleaded.

Taylor rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll try to get along with her better, but just one condition, she doesn't speak badly of Michelle in my presence, because that I won't tolerate than, you know more anybody what Michelle means to me."

"Yeah, I know, don't worry, I'll find a way to make sure Kate knows that Michelle is a topic is that off limits to speak of while you're around." Zac reassured Taylor.

"Good. Now, little brother if you don't mind, I'm going to go see what is taking my girlfriend so long to come back down...." Taylor said, as he made his way to the stairs.

"Well, good luck with that bro! As for me I'm headed downstairs to the basement to play some videos games. With Mackie being asleep, I finally have the Nintendo all to myself to play some "Super Mario Kart" without any interruptions'. Night!" Zac said, running boldly to the basement door and opening it with a flourish, disappearing downstairs to the basement.

Taylor made his way upstairs to Zoe and Mackie's room. The the door had been left open. Taylor was about to walk into the room until a certain sight made him stop dead in his tracks.

There was Michelle, sitting in the rocking chair with Zoe in her lap whom was falling more and more asleep as Michelle continued to read to her. This warmed Taylor's heart. He glanced over and noticed that Mackie was already sound asleep in his bed.

Taylor turned his attention back on Michelle and Zoe. Taylor watched how nurturing Michelle was with Zoe as she read to her.

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.

And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,

Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!

On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, Donner and Blitzen!

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!

Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,

When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.

So up to the housetop the coursers they flew,

With the sleigh full of Toys, and St. Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,

And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.

A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,

And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,

And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.

He had a broad face and a little round belly,

That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,

And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.

And laying his finger aside of his nose,

And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the dawn of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

"Well, that sounded like it was a funny story, huh Zoe?" Michelle asked the little girl as she closed the book. She got nothing in response except little snores indicating that the little girl had now fallen asleep.

"I guess that's the point." Michelle said, chuckling.

She picked Zoe up in her arms and carefully placed in her bed and tucked her in. Michelle then gave Zoe a kiss on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Zoe. Sweet dreams little angel."

Michelle turned off the light and turned on Zoe's nightlight and then she carefully and quietly walked out the room trying not to wake up the two sleeping children. She saw Taylor is waiting for her in the hallway. Michelle quietly closed the door behind and walked towards Taylor.

"Hey you, sorry I took so long, that little sister of yours isn't easy to put sleep. I sang to her two songs before I read that story, because she insisted on hearing my singing voice."

"Well, she is a tough one to crack, but once you get her comfortable she'll fall asleep. Which is exactly what I just saw happen right now." Taylor told Michelle.

"You were watching me? Oh man, I am so embarrassed!" Michelle said, blushing.

Truthfully, Taylor was happy it'd taken Michelle longer than he thought to get Zoe to bed. If she had come down earlier, she'd have walked in on his and Zac's argument.

"Don't be, I think you were so cute in the way you read to my little sister and how wonderful and nurturing you were with her." Taylor said to Michelle with such love in his eyes.

Michelle bit her lip and secretly wished she could stop blushing any more than she already had. She kissed Taylor on the lips. It was very a slow and tender kiss. After they finished kissing, their foreheads were touching and with eyes closed, they savoured the close moment of intimacy between them.

"Let's spend the night together." Taylor suggested suddenly.

Michelle's eyes widened in shock. She had not expected him to say that.

"What?" she whispered.

Taylor saw the panic in her eyes and knows he said the wrong thing. He tried to correct his words.

"I don't mean for us to have sex, what I mean is, I want to spend the night with you, but with you sleeping next to me. I want to hold you in my arms, Michelle." Taylor said, smiling, sincerely.

Michelle is touched by this and a part of her wants to experience this with Taylor, but she was afraid they will get caught by his parents. Walker had made it clear that she was going to be sleeping in a separate room from Taylor. She didn't want break their trust, since they offered her to stay with them during holiday season and all.

"Tay, what if your parents catch us or one your brothers or sisters does?" Michelle asks, worried.

"They won't, they all sleep like the dead." Taylor told her trying to convince her to take this leap of faith with him.

Taylor gave Michelle a very sensual kiss that left her feeling weak in the knees. Darn him, she thought. He had a special power over her. She exhaled deeply and stared at Taylor, deciding what she should do. Okay. She would do it.

"You promise that we won't get caught?" She whispered, biting her lip nervously.

"I promise..." Taylor reassured her.

"Okay." Michelle said.

"Okay, go put your P.J.'s on and meet me downstairs in the living room in about ten minutes okay?" Taylor tells her.

Michelle just nodded her head in agreement.

Michelle went into Jessica and Avery's bedroom and quietly tried to get her nightwear out without making any noise. She removed all her clothes in the pitch dark and put on her P.J.s. She grabbed her robe and slippers and put them on. She then grabbed the wrapped gift she had unpacked and left by the nightstand. She then quietly opened the door and then closed it behind her, making sure she didn't make a sound. She then quietly made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth. After that, she headed downstairs. Michelle carefully placed the wrapped gift on the coffee table.

She saw that Taylor is already there waiting for her. He built in the fireplace a fire to keep them warm. She noticed that he had already made their bed for the night. He had made up a bed on the couch.

Taylor saw Michelle and smiled at her as he walked towards her.

"Hey!" He says while giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "You like? Look cozy?"

"Hey yourself." Michelle says back to him. "And yes, it does."

"You got down here fast." Michelle stated.

"Well, I had to make sure everything was in order. I wanted to make sure you felt exceptionally warm and uh, comfortable tonight." Taylor said, winking at her.

Taylor noticed that Michelle was wearing a black silk pair of pajamas, though being black, left little to the imagination. He could imagine what she looked like under them. He then blushed, feeling guilty for thinking of what Michelle would look like naked.

Michelle laughed, knowing what he was thinking, but also knowing he was joking. "Don't get too comfortable!" she said, smiling.

She felt so safe and wanted on a level that she couldn't explain it, but it just felt right being with Taylor.

Michelle noticed Taylor was wearing an old Rolling Stones t-shirt, probably his dad's, and a pair of plaid boxers. She thought he looked really cute in the oversized shirt. Recently he'd been growing his hair out, and it fell over his eyes. It was an awkward in-between length, about to his chin, and he had to keep pushing it back out of his eyes. Michelle thought he looked adorable.

Taylor cleared his throat in an effort to change the subject and clear the air of the sexual tension that existed between them.

"So I was thinking before we go to bed, that I could give you your present maybe? Michelle asked Taylor.

"Sure, I have something for you too." Taylor revealed to her.

Michelle went to retrieve the gift she had placed on the coffee table earlier. She waited for Taylor to get his gift to her from under the tree. Once he had it, they decided that Taylor should open his gift first.

"Here, I hope you like it." Michelle said, handing it to him, feeling a bit scared he won't.

Taylor opened his gift and his eyes widened in shock.

"Is this what I think it is?" Taylor asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it's the Beatles debut album "Please Please Me" on vinyl!"

"I've been looking everywhere for this album, how were able to find it?" Taylor asked Michelle with such curiosity, turning the record over and reading the back of it.

"Well, first I didn't know what to get you so I asked Ike and Zac what Beatles albums you already had on vinyl, and they told me that you almost every single one expect their debut album. They mentioned to me that you have been looking for this album for years now. So I remembered while I was on tour in England. I found this little vintage record store and I brought a lot records of them including the Beatles debut album. I bought it specifically for you, because I planned on giving it to you for Christmas."

Taylor gave Michelle a quick kiss on the lips and smiled so warmly at her. This girl kept surprising him more and more each day.

"Thank you. I really love it." Taylor told her.

"Well, you're welcome..." Michelle told him.

"Okay, now it's time for you to open your gift."

Michelle squealed in excitement for she is just happy to be here with Taylor, and she loved surprises.

Taylor placed the gift in Michelle's hands. It was a small box wrapped very nicely. Michelle tore open the wrapping paper and saw it was a velvet box. Michelle slowly opened it and gasped in surprise and wonder at the sight in front of her.

The box contained a beautiful custom-made Victorian Burmese ruby bracelet that had to be at least five carat.... It was most beautiful piece of jewelry Michelle had ever seen.

"Oh my God, Taylor this bracelet is so beautiful, but it must have cost you a fortune. I can't accept this...." Michelle tells him, looking up at him.

"You can and you will." Taylor said simply.

"But it's too much!"

"Nothing is too much, don't you know there is anything in this world is more precious to me then you? I plan on spoil you on just about anything your heart desires." Taylor said while he touched Michelle's nose with his finger so slightly and then nuzzled his nose against her.

Michelle is touched by his words and knows he means them, but still it's hard for her to accept the gift knowing it cost him a great deal of money, money she knows he has worked so hard for.

Taylor sensed Michelle's troubles and reassured her.

"Michelle, please accept the gift. There is a reason I bought it for you. Here, try it on." Taylor carefully took the bracelet out of the box and put it on her wrist. It fits perfectly.

"What's that reason?" Michelle asked, curious.

"This bracelet represents you, the rubies are your birthstone, since you were born in July. The legend goes that the women who wear this birthstone are women who are both beautiful and strong. Who have this fire to them that shows their passion."

He continued. "You have that fire Michelle, you have that passion, I see it in you in every aspect of your life whether it's in your music or in your everyday life or with us."

Taylor stared at Michelle with such intensity it made her blush yet again.

Michelle looked into Taylor's eyes and knew it was only a matter of time until she gave herself completely to him, and that both excited and scared her at the same time, because no other guy has ever stirred up these intense feelings within her the way Taylor had. She thought he was perfect.

Their eyes locked on each other and they both moved closer to one another. They leaned in and shared a soft, but very erotic and sensual kiss that left them both feeling breathless.

"So you'll keep the bracelet then?" Taylor asked, his blue eyes searching her brown ones for reassurance.

Michelle had her eyes closed still as she was still reeling from that kiss they had just shared.

"Yeah, I'll keep it. Thank you for the gift, Tay," she tells him as she gives him a kiss on the cheek

"You're welcome..." He said back to her as he placed his forehead against hers and they stay in this position for couple of minutes, until Michelle broke contact, and pulled away.

"We should get some sleep."

"I agree." Taylor said. "The kids will have us all up early, I'm sure."

Michelle went to put her bracelet back in the velvet box and placed the box next to Taylor's Beatles album that is lying on coffee table now.

She walked to the couch and she lies next to Taylor as he covers them with the blankets to keep them warm throughout the night.

Taylor shut off the lamp and the only light that is their source now is the fire coming from the fireplace that is keeping the household warm.

Michelle snuggled up next to Taylor and Taylor wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss on her forehead.....

"Merry Christmas, Michelle," Taylor whispered.

"Merry Christmas, Tay," Michelle whispered back.

Those were last words they said to each other as they closed their eyes, feeling safe and secure in each other's arms. 

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