Forever Broken // Carl Grimes

By anonfaerie

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"We're playing a dangerous game." | Book Three of the 'Forever' series | - Forever Alone // Carl Grimes - For... More

~ Forever Broken ~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
100k 😍🔥🎉
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter: Before The Battle

Chapter 36

478 26 13
By anonfaerie

And I'm on my way,
I still remember these old country lanes
When we did not know the answers
And I miss the way
You make me feel,
It's real
We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
Over the castle on the hill
Over the castle on the hill

Castle On The Hill - Ed Sheeran


There was something about the way he made her feel;

It was almost as if he made her dull soul come to life by a mere touch. She felt the strongest feeling of happiness when she was around him, and their time together, she never wanted it to end. She still felt the warmth in her heart when his hand lay atop hers, his thumb gently stroking her soft skin. She loved that when their mind should be on other things, his would always be on her.

Carl was like her source of power, of life. He was electricity, an embodied power that jump-started her heart, her mind and her soul.

Carl Grimes was her strength, and she would forever be his heart.

She'd lived a life of adventure and incident so far that she believed only lived inside of printed pages with limitless imagination. She was living in a world of freedom, yet it came with a price. Death. All she wanted now was to carry out her life, living the little things. She would be happy without any excitement for just a while. But for her, it never seemed to work that way.

Her feelings for Carl, they never changed. Whether it was the way he held her, kissed her or cared for her. She felt it with the same intensity as she always had. She felt protected, loved, however foolish such feelings were.

She didn't expect for their fight to be short-lived, all of them coming out un-scathed. She prepared herself for loss, she prepared herself for pain and longing, but she would fight until her last breath to see that they prevailed.

Lauren wanted to watch the life leave Negan's eyes, and her face to be his last sight.

She knew that it wouldn't be a day or even a week until they enacted their revolt, but it would happen. She would show him just how strong she really was.

She was deep in training as her mind wandered, the light night breeze raising the hairs on her arms. She trained every night for the past week. It wasn't easy to grasp back the strength she used to have. The pain in her back still lingered in her movements but she neglected to feel it. She needed to be strong. She needed to feel like Negan hadn't taken anything from her. Gradually, she brushed the dust from her memories and molded back into the fighter she used to be.

She struck quickly, and she almost always hit her mark. Her aim hadn't much changed, she still hit her target as she used to. She felt her crossbow as an extention of her body, and as the bolt left her weapon she knew that she wouldn't fail. She forced herself to remember little details of her past, and they came to her slowly but surely. She remembered every altercation with Negan, from his murder of Sam to the moment he shattered her mind and body. He still haunted her, but she was able to push her fears away, if only for a short while.

Sweat glistened on her forehead as she struck the straw dummy with her bare fists, her anger a weapon.

"You won't hurt me again," She whispered to herself, "I'm not afraid."

Somehow, she felt like saying it would make it easier to believe.

"You've been out here for a long time," Carl said. She turned around to meet him, her arms wrapping around his waist, "It's getting late."

Lauren had noticed how he'd grown the past weeks. She knew he trained more than she ever had lately, and she could tell. She believed that it was his way of building up a barrier against Negan, a way of proving himself as a countable opponent. His arms were bigger, his torso more defined and the curves of each muscle visible as he moved. They both grew, in body and in heart.

"I know," She sighed, "I'm just trying to get back to the way I was.. I don't want to feel like he's taken anything away from me."

She smiled as Carl pressed his lips to her cheek, his breath fanning against the crook of her neck as they stood.

"He can never change who you are," He said, "You'll always be Lauren, no matter what. He can't take that from you; you know that for yourself."

She felt like herself again when she was around him, and less like a broken toy.

"I remember being in that cell," She muttered as the memory came to her mind, "Someone tried to save me. Two people actually, they weren't Saviors."

"Do you know who?"

Lauren paused, "There was a girl.. I knew her but I couldn't remember. I was so scared, I refused to go with her... It was Georgina."

"She's alive," Carl breathed a sigh of relief, "I havn't seen Georgina since the night he found us. I thought she died."

"There was someone with her," Lauren continued, "He was helping her. She's not alone out there, but she's out there. I need to find her. There's a reason she hasn't come back."

"What could she be doing all these weeks?" Carl wondered out loud, "She obviously found out enough to be able find you."

"Whatever she's doing I need to bring her back," Lauren sighed, "I've already lost enough friends. Somehow it hurts more when the last moments you have with someone you've lived your years with, are spent looking at them like they're a stranger."

Lauren pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Negan is going to be here soon and I have nothing for him. I can't pretend to be his pet if I don't give him any information."

"I think.. I have an idea for that."


The Survivors knew he was coming before those empty vans rolled through the gates. She stood outside, a foot between her and Carl. Her heart drummed as his RV came to a stop in the centre of the line of vans his followers had created. She knew he loved his theatrics.

"I missed you all," Negan bellowed as he stepped off the RV, Lucille in his callused hands, "What have you got for me this week?"

Lauren nodded her head and the crates were dropped infront of Negan before her people retreated back. She noticed how he saw her regain of authority, and the flash of curiosity in his eyes. He surveyed his 'earnings' and clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disapproval.

"You're light."

His words were laced in venom, the annoyance in his voice enough to make her sick.

"I thought we had an understanding," He accented his words, an irritated tone to his deep voice, "You give me what I ask for, and noone has to die. Did I not make myself clear?"

Negan strode forwards, his eyes scanning the crowd for his next victim but before he passed her, Lauren pressed a firm hand on his chest, her eyes staring forward.
"I know where the rest is."

As queued, the murmers sounded from various parts of the group of Survivors. Negan's eyes glinted and his lips turned into a smirk.

"I'll get them for you," She said lowly, "Everyone here is tired and they are running low on supplies. They chanced their arm, but I found out in time."

Her words set off a chain reaction of abuse and shouts from the Survivors. She feigned a grimace to let Negan believe she had just blown her cover for him. She could see the anger in his eyes, the dash it was to his ego to think that he could be cheated of supplies.

"Chloe," Lauren called, "Get them."

Chloe took a group of people inside the doors of Greenview. Lauren kept her eyes on Negan, knowing his next move would be to assert his own authority.

"Who's responsible for this?"

Lauren clicked her fingers and Josh, Chloe's boyfriend was grabbed and brought forward by two men. She hated placing her own people in harms way, but he had volunteered to place himself infront of Negan. Lauren only prayed the rest of her plan would run freely.

As expected, Negan lifted Lucille threateningly, his features set to stone.

"So you think you're able to cheat me?" Negan asked, striding back and forth like a predator sizing up his prey, "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.."

Before he lifted the bat, Lauren stood between him and Josh. She placed a hand on his chest and another hovered infront of Lucille.

"I gave up a lot telling you that," She said sternly, her heart thundering, "They'll never follow me if you them and their friends. I will take care of my people, you can take care of yours. As long as you get what you are owed we're fine."

She waited his reply, her throat dry and her whole body rigid. Her words were harsh and for a man like Negan, very deadly. She remained unwaveringly stocial.

Negan's hand gripped her wrist tightly, and she felt her breath catch in her throat, her body preparing itself for pain.

"Keep them under control," He said viciously, "Or next time I'll kill them all."

Negan released her wrist, a smirk on his lips.

"I think we need to catch up, darling."


Sorta fillerish but I hope its good
I'm gonna have a bomb ass chap for when the two plot lines cross ;)

I'm really excited for the Mina line to develop a lil more

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