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Interview: Wattpad Fright

81 13 42
By Paranormal

Interview with Wattpad fright

We dropped in on Wattpad's Home of Horror for their thoughts on Paranormal Romance and their vision for the horror genre. We have not only one, but four of fright's staff here with us today!

Greetings, Fright!

Let's begin with a little bit about you. Fright has grown exponentially over the years, but for those who aren't yet familiar with it, how would you describe what the Fright profile offers to Wattpad users?

Answer: TAHinsonE84: I believe that Fright offers an abundance of frightfully gooey fun outlets for writers and readers to enjoy the horror community within Wattpad.

Answer: JesseSprague: I agree, but I think it's important to add that it isn't just for the horror community. I think that's why Fright works; we are open to any genre as long as you have a certain darkness to the story. Paranormal writers, Vampire and Werewolf writers, and Thriller...can't forget they all belong in our vast, tentacled embrace!

Answer: sallhwa0314: How about this then? Although our name is Fright, we don't limit ourselves to just things that are meant to scare. We offer our readers an abundance of stories that touch upon Vampires, Werewolves, Mystery & Thriller, Paranormal, and maybe even a little bit of Romance. If the story has a certain darkness within it and just the right amount of creepy, we're all up for introducing it on our profile. In that sense, Fright is a community for anyone who enjoys the darker side of fiction and not necessarily just for those who love to be scared.

Sounds like my kind of place! You mentioned that your tastes are vast and varied, but which would you say has been your most successful reading list and why?

Answer: JesseSprague: Depends on what you mean by successful. We get more submissions for short story than any other list. I think because we ask that a story be complete before submitting, the short story list gives access to a lot of authors who may not have a completed novel yet.

Answer: sallhwa0314: I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I would think Top Horror Stories or the Featured list would be quite popular for newer users of Wattpad who want to see some of the best stories in the horror genre Wattpad has to offer.

Like all good pages, Fright fits all kinds of stories, specifically dealing with fear, man's darkest conflicts or paranormal/supernatural events. How does fright handle romance or other unrelated genres/sub-genres?

Answer: JesseSprague: I don't know that we do handle romance in a fashion different from anything else...I mean it won't steer us away from your story but it won't steer us towards it either.

Answer: Jewel1307: For me it's about how the story is told. If it catches my attention and keeps me engaged with a dark theme throughout, I don't mind what genre it is.

Answer: sallhwa0314: Agree with Jewels. If the main genre of the story is still something dark, like horror or mystery, and romance is just tied within it, we wouldn't have any problems with it.

Paranormal romance is one particular sub-genre, what would you say you enjoy most about reading it?

Answer: TAHinsonE84: Giving that Fright has so much horror themed stories, it's nice to have a bit of romance to bring another element of storytelling, or events to the stories; rather than the constant 'on-the-edge-of-your-seat' thrills; a bit of romance helps - in my opinion - bring the reader closer to the story by adding a touch of personalized emotions, which, we all can relate to.  Does that make sense?

Absolutely! Couldn't have said it better myself!

Answer: JesseSprague: It makes sense to me! Romance appeals to a different part of us. Now I like my romance tinged with a little darkness...but that's the fun of paranormal. It's like having my cake and eating it too...or some less cliché example that I can't think of currently.

Answer: Jewel1307: Much like any genre, having a romantic aside to story can help add authenticity to a plot or storyline. Romance is about the journey of two characters falling in love. Even monsters have hearts under the right conditions.

Answer: sallhwa0314: So I guess we could say romance gives a humane touch to inhumane creatures that allows readers to better relate to the characters. It also sets a nice balance of light and to an otherwise dark genre.

I'm beginning to think you might be a bunch of sweethearts over there, really! So, imagine you're sitting in front of a brand new writer, penning paranormal (romance) for the first time. What advice would you give them for avoiding common traps?

Answer: TAHinsonE84: For me, I would suggest staying away from cliché-done-that-before, scenarios.

Answer: JesseSprague: I would say that even in romance you have to remember to give your characters significant flaws. It's really easy to go Mary Sue when your focus is two people falling in love...But that's a trap (and a poisoned one)! Even in a love story people want to read about MC's that feel real.

Answer: jewel1307: The road in any relationship is bumpy. One of the best tips I read somewhere is to keep it real. Some may argue that real and paranormal are a contradiction, but keeping personalities and interactions between them true to life with all its ups, downs, insecurities and bad breath will help your characters and story come to life in someone's mind.

Yes, I supposed bad breath is a given when the undead and werewolves become involved!

Answer: sallhwa0314: Find a nice balance of both genres (romance and paranormal). When you focus too much on building up a romance between characters, you might begin to steer away from the supernatural elements of the story. Keep it human in the sense that the characters can feel love for one another, but not so human that they lose what makes them paranormal. In the end, you're still writing a paranormal story!

Sound advice for any writer! We're all familiar with the usual suspects in paranormal romance, but what themes or creatures would you like to see emerge with more spotlight from the genre?

Answer: JesseSprague: Giant squid monsters! Cthulhu needs love too. Ummm...did you want a serious answer?

That... That wasn't a serious answer?!

Answer: sallhwa0314: And the flying spaghetti monster!! As for themes, how about moving away from conventional haunted houses and try to haunt some other things, say a playground or even a porta potty—Wait, was there supposed to be no bathroom jokes in this interview?

Ha! Too late! It's already done!

So now we have established we (uniquely) ship Cthulhu with the Flying Spaghetti Monster... which themes do you feel are a little overdone? 

Answer: TAHinsonE84: Honestly, surely, I'm not the only that feels this way, but - vampires. I love these horror icons dearly; but, they've been manipulated and transformed into so much, that it's hard to take most of them seriously.

Indeed a requiem to Count Dracula.

Answer: jewel1307: Pfft. I feel it isn't so much that certain creatures (like vampires, werewolves, or mermaids to name a few) are overdone, it's how the story is told. How it's different is what makes it special enough to last beyond a particular trend.

Answer: sallhwa0314: What about the typical vengeful ghost that lurks in an old creepy house? Sure, there's so much you can do with back stories for these characters, but I feel like it's giving ghosts a bad rep. Think of Casper, he's a ghost and he's friendly!

(Or maybe he's just paying people off to say that!) Some paranormal romance is dark and full of thrills. What do you imagine is the most terrifying of preternatural creatures to exist in literature, and what could possibly make you to want date one?

Answer: JesseSprague: I feel like I've already answered this one...give me a Lovecraft monster and then try and prove some other creature is more terrifying. It's not possible. And nothing would make me want to date one...unless I turned into a creature from the abyss.

*Shiver* Sure, I just have to think of Nyarlathotep and can't keep my hands to myself...

Answer: sallhwa0314: Stephen King's It still creeps me out. (I hate clowns!) But perhaps under all that makeup, he could be a pretty sexy guy.

Ha! Yes, before we delve into the realms of sexy clowns and gods of chaos, back to Fright! What was your earliest experience with the power of written language?

Answer: TAHinsonE84: You know, that is an offley great question. I suppose I've always had my hand in some form of writing. I can remember as a kid, I would sit on my doorstep - with pen and paper (back when electronics were not so advanced) in tote, and write short stories. I still have those particular stories still within my possession today.

Right! It's always a good idea to keep old work! You never know when you might reference it.

Answer: JesseSprague: As a kid I had so many stories running around in my head. I think as soon as I learned to compose words as opposed to letters I was off and writing. I don't remember a time when I didn't understand that power.

Answer: jewel1307: Reading my older brother's school book. I've always been fascinated by books and love getting lost in a world someone else has created.

Answer: sallhwa0314: When it comes to actual writing, I started quite late in high school. Even so, I've been creating stories in my head and doodling random monsters or story ideas for as early as I can remember. I think I've somehow always known the power of storytelling and once my creative writing skills had really developed, it naturally translated itself onto paper.

So you're sweethearts and a talented bunch! Since you're also involved in an active community profile, how would you say your readers, fans and featured authors have helped you expand your page's vision?

Answer: TAHinsonE84: Each individual contributes some form of credibility for making Fright such a success. Their assertiveness for wanting to know everything that is happening, or going to be - for that matter. They make Fright, just as much as we do. 

Answer: jewel1307: Fright is a community of like minded people. It doesn't matter if they read or write, every single person who interacts contributes in some way to what we do. Whether it's suggestions for new lists, contest prompts or entries, anthologies or something completely new, it's all helped build a community for the people who love the theme as much as we do.

Answer: sallhwa0314: The name Fright has brought so many readers and writers with the same love for horror to one place. With more people comes more ideas and a constant drive to improve our page and try new things. It's because of all the love we've received from the members of our community that we want to give even more love back. :)

Aww! I'm sure your fans and followers are feeling the love from you this Valentine's! Thank you so much @TAHinsonE84, @JesseSprague, @Jewel1307 and @Sallhwao314 for your insightful responses and having a little fun with us! All the best for fright throughout 2017!

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