Advice - Love Potion...?

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Dear Agent #2,

I really like this boy, and I wish he were mine. But he won't notice me!

I went to the apothecary and mixed some vials together to make a love potion. Do you think this will work? Will this make him love me?

-Love Potion #9

-Love Potion #9

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Dear #9,

What is wrong with you? By the Magistra that is messed up. Love potions are not consent!

Relationships we relate to one another, sometimes within a structured dynamic, sometimes within one that is changing and adapting to the needs and feelings of the people involved as they both come to a CONSENSUAL agreement about what it should look like, what it is, what they are okay with and what they aren't.

"Love" is an active verb that means to genuinely care about the well-being of another, and to show it. Otherwise it's just an infatuation if it is not reciprocated or acted upon. You got any infatuation potions lying around that you took? No? It developed on its own?

So does love.

Love is something you nourish, something living that grows. Love is exemplified by fondness, attachment, commitment, and intimacy! You can't make a potion for that. You can only hack their organic neurochemical system and override it, making them believe that it's love.

But it's a false love. A drunken love. It serves you, but not them. Do they want you? Just ask them! Maybe give them a compliment first. Express your affection. If you can't because you're too nervous, then write a nice letter. Take that risk. Maybe you will be rejected, but at least the love that you desire came about honestly. Be brave. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

And if you can't take a 'no', then walk away before you hurt them. Because then you don't really care about them, you don't love them, if you can't accept their wishes and their agency to make their own choices about what will make them happy.

You monster.

Destroy that love potion before I report you to HR.

-Agent #2

-Agent #2

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NECROCITY TIMES - Issue #2 - VALENTINE'S SPECIALWhere stories live. Discover now