My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

Going To War

377 25 0
By TarableTaralynn


 Roman and Seth sat on the floor of their new prison, their right ankles chained to the wall. Both were angry that Keeper had lied to them about where they were being taken. The church Dean was on his way to was where the Elders stayed and it would be fiercely protected by Vamps. They were really in a mausoleum in a graveyard miles out of town in the opposite direction of the church. They haven't seen or spoken to Vassago yet and truthfully neither were sure they wanted to.

 "So, you are the reason our brother rebelled against us and left?" A deep, male voice suddenly spoke from the shadows; it seemed to be all around them.

 "No, you're the reason Dean did, we just gave him something to fight for again!" Roman said angrily, trying to hide his fear.

 "You only fool yourselves, Dean is a monster, he can't love anyone or anything! So, spare yourselves the inevitable heartbreak and let him and your foolish fairy-tale imaginings go!"

 "You don't know him!" Seth said angrily.

 "Oh, and you two do?" The voice asked mockingly.

 "Yes!" Roman and Seth said together.

 "No one knows him better than the one who created him!" The voice said, as a huge man dressed in a black robe; that completely covered his face, hands and feet, came into the light from the shadows, on his shoulder was the biggest, pure black Raven they've ever seen.

 "Vassago!" Roman and Seth said together quietly, neither were sure how they knew who he was, they just did.

 "That's correct, I' am the mighty and all powerful King of Vampires Vassago!"

 "You aren't what we were expecting." Seth said, as Roman agreed.

 "Really? Let me were expecting a pale, cape wearing, hair slicked back Count Dracula?" Vassago asked, both nodded. "You pathetic humans and your stupid horror movies!"

 "If you're so powerful, why haven't you been able to stop Dean?" Roman asked smiling.

 "I haven't tried! You see sending the Hunters after Dean wasn't my idea. It was those incompetent Elders who thought mere Hunters would be enough to end him. I on the other hand know they wouldn't do anything more than anger him and an angry Dean is a dangerous one!" Vassago replied.

 "So, knowing that instead of stopping kidnap us?" Seth asked confused.


 "Isn't that just going to piss him off more?" Roman questioned.


 "And isn't that a bad thing making him more dangerous?" Seth asked.


 "Then why do it?"

 "To get rid of Dean myself, I first need the Elders out of the way! That's where our precious, unstable, Lunatic Vamp comes in. Once he gets rid of them for me, they'll be no one standing in my way anymore, no one to answer to or defend my actions to! I'll be free to finish Dean off and then I'll take my rightful place as ruler of this pathetic, little world!" Vassago explained.

 "You'll never stop Dean!" Roman stated angrily.

 "Watch me!"


 Dean stood in the bushes outside the church, he used his binoculars to look around. So far he's only spotted a few regular Vamps, a few Hunters and the Elders, but there was no sign of Keeper, Vassago or his brothers! He was confused, Keeper had said no one; including the Elders, knew about the church, but yet they were all here together! That meant one of two things; one, the Elders had discovered Vassago's little hideout and came here looking for him. Or two, this was a trap and Keeper had lied wanting him to come here for some reason, while his brothers were being held somewhere else!

 "Any sign of them?" Paige asked quietly.

 "No." Dean answered frustrated.

 "What do we do now?"

 "I don't know." Dean replied, as he put his binoculars down and began pacing.

 "What do you mean you don't know?" Paige asked. "I thought you were this all powerful, unstoppable Vampire anti-hero?"

 "I never said that! Trust me I'm no hero, but what I' am is pissed off and that is very bad for anyone who gets in my way of saving my brothers; that includes you! Understood?" Dean said angrily, as he stopped pacing and looked at her.

 "Hey, I'm on your side remember?" Paige said, unmoved by his anger.

 "Why?" Dean asked.

 "Why what?"

 "Why help me? Humans and Vampires don't normally work together!"

 "I have my reasons, besides you aren't like other Vamps!" Paige answered. "Why do you hate your kind so much anyway?"

 "I have my reasons!" Dean said, as both smiled.

 "Look Mr. Angry Vampire, if we're going to save Seth and Roman than we need to start working together, which means we need to trust each other." Paige said sighing.

 "That could be a problem, see I don't play well with others!" Dean replied.

 "Me neither!" Paige said, both smiled again. "I, I know we could make a great team, a human and a Vamp working together! So, what do you say?" She added, holding out her hand to him.

 "I've got a good point partner!" Dean said smiling, as he shook her hand.

 As their hands touched, Dean suddenly got really dizzy again; the same way he had earlier when he had touched Dante at the Exchange. He closed his eyes tight, as images of Paige's life flashed before his eyes; like a movie on fast forward. He wasn't prepared for the impact from the emotions that came with the images and he felt like he couldn't catch his breath. The last images were of Seth and the emotions she felt for him weren't as strong, as he felt for Roman, but it was pretty damn close!

 Everything suddenly returned back to normal, as quickly as it had appeared. He opened his eyes and saw Paige was still holding his hand, looking at him with fear, confusion and concern in her eyes. He quickly pulled his hand away and began taking deep breaths, as he leaned against a tree.

 "Dean, are you okay?" She asked concerned.

 "Uh, yeah, I'm fine!" He quickly answered, so confused and shocked that he had mindlinked with her.

 "What the hell was that?"

 "Nothing, it was nothing!" He answered, realizing like Dante, Paige didn't know what happened or what he had seen and felt.

 "That didn't look like nothing to me!"

 "I got a little dizzy, that's all! I'm fine now alright? Just drop it!" Dean said angrily.

 "Fine! So, partner what's our plan?"

 "Roman and Seth aren't here, but the Elders are! They'll know where Keeper is hiding them!"

 "And if they don't?" Paige questioned.

 "Then I kill them and keep looking until I find them!"


 Roman sat on the floor, leaning against the wall, it's been a few hours since they were brought to the mausoleum and there was still no sign of Dean. Roman sighed sadly, as he looked at Seth who was asleep, he needed his rest after Vassago decided to have a little fun with them;  of course Vassago's idea of fun was torturing them. He leaned his head back against the wall and thought about Dean, he began to cry silently, as he thought of never seeing Dean again. Dean was probably fighting for his life right now, thinking he was saving them, in fact he could already be dead and it was all Roman's fault!

 "Stop." Seth's voice spoke, breaking into his thoughts.

 "I...I thought you were sleeping?" Roman asked, as he quickly wiped his tears away.

 "I wasn't sleeping, I was just resting." Seth answered, as he sat beside him sighing. "I couldn't stand watching you blame yourself any longer."

 "Seth, this is all my fault!" Roman said upset.

 "No, it's not!"

 "How can you say that?"

 "Because it's the truth!"

 "If Dean had never met me, if he didn't love me...he wouldn't be fighting this war!" Roman said, as he stood and began to pace as far as the chain on his ankle would let him.

 "Ro, that's crap and you know it! Dean's hated and rebelled against his kind long before you came into his life!" Seth stated, as he stood too.

 "Yeah, but he's been sentenced to death because of me!" Roman countered. "Because of our love!"

 "Roman, your love has given Dean a reason to live, don't you get it? You're the part of him that's been missing his entire life, he's never loved anyone; even before he became a Vamp, but he does you! I...I wish I could find the kind of love that you two have, the kind of love you'd fight to keep!" Seth said sadly.

 "Thanks Seth and you'll find your love like that, I know you will!" Roman said gently, as he hugged him.

 "Aw, isn't that touching Keeper?" Vassago said mocking them.

 "It is Sire!" Keeper said smiling.

 "We hate to ruin your bonding moment boys, but I do believe it's time we have some more fun!" Vassago said.

 "You mean you're here to torture us again!" Seth said angrily.

 "That's what I said, it's time we have some more fun!"

 "Enjoy it while you can you blood sucking freak! When Dean finds us he's going to kill you both!" Roman said smiling, Seth nodded smiling.

 "That complete and utter blind faith you have in Dean is very touching, but it's also completely foolish!" Vassago said.

 "What's foolish is your thinking you're going to beat him!" Seth said angrily. "He's stronger and smarter than the both of you combined and I, I know you're scared of him!"

 "I cower before no one, you insignificant worm!" Vassago yelled angrily, as he raised both hands, causing Seth and Roman to rise into the air. "I' am the all powerful King of Vampires, I fear no one, everyone fears me!" He added, as he squeezed his hands into fists, causing both men to grab their throats, as they were choked by an invisible force, while they hung in the air.

 Seconds seemed like an eternity, as they struggled to breathe, just when they thought Vassago was going to kill them, they suddenly could breathe again. Neither had time to register what was happening, before they were thrown backwards against the wall they were chained to and pinned to it unable to move. Vassago slowly walked up to them, until he was right in front of them, he then starred at them silently, no one said a word.

 "Look at them Keeper!" Vassago said. "Such pathetic, worthless creatures humans are, they disgust me! I never understood Dean's obsession with them, but that will all be a thing of the past! Once I kill Ambrose, I'll wipe out every last one of these insects from my world! No, wait I have a better idea...I think I'll keep these two as my pets!" He added, before he and Keeper began laughing.

**With Dean And Paige**:

 Dean checked the church grounds from the tree tops, looking to see how many Vamps were outside, while Paige stayed with their weapons. After his mindlink with her, Dean made sure he had no more physical contact with her not wanting it to happen again. He was so confused about how he had not only mindlinked, but that he had also done it with a human too! He had never mindlinked before, he had never known any Vamps that have or one had! The only ones who were powerful enough to do it were the Elders, Keeper and of course Vassago, but no one knew if they've ever done it or even if they really could!

 Everything was happening so fast, he was developing new powers every day...every second it seemed and he was starting to freak out over it; he felt just like he had when he had first become a Vampire! He was worried that his powers would overtake him and he wouldn't be able to control them or himself; he was scared he would end up hurting Roman, Seth or Paige because of it!

 Movement below brought him out of his thoughts and he shook his head, as he took a deep breath, he needed to focus on what he was doing, he couldn't afford to get distracted now his brothers lives were at stake! He gathered the info he needed, before he quickly, but silently returned to Paige.

 "Well?" She asked, once he was back on the ground.

 "Looks like they weren't expecting any visitors! There's only four Hunters, two at each entrance." Dean answered smiling.

 "What about inside?"

 "That I don't know!"

 "So, we're going in blind?" She questioned sighing, as Dean went to the bag of weapons and began looking through it.

 "Yep!" Dean replied smiling at her, as he stood and gave her two machetes, before he put the bag of weapons on his back and took out his own machetes. "Remember we're going for quick and silent! We don't want to alert the others inside!"

 "Got it!" Paige said smiling. "You're sure they won't catch our scents?"

 "Positive! I know what I'm doing, I've covered our scents completely, trust me if I hadn't we would have already been discovered! Now, let's go!" Dean answered.

 Dean first quietly led the way to the back of the church, as they crept up on the unsuspecting Vamps, Dean hoped that his plan worked! Truthfully, he wasn't as sure of himself, like he made Paige believe, but as long as she thought he was then everything would be least he hoped it would!



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