How Can't You See It? (Cody S...

By letmyguitarcry

119K 1K 181

"Are you still mad at me?" "No." "Are you sure?" "I was never mad at you." "What were you?" "Hurt..." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 20

3K 20 2
By letmyguitarcry


"What's your name?" Jess asked her, as we released formt he hug, and started walking towards the stage.

"Ellie" She beamed.

"Are you excited?" I asked, already knowing her answer.

"Yes! Very! Thankyou so much for picking me!" 

"That's ok" Me and Jess took her backstage, and one of the team was giving her instructions about going and sitting on the stool and stuff.  Once she went up on stage, we went side stage to watch her and Cody. Ellie was sat on the stool, tears coming into her eyes, and Cody walked up to her while singing.

Not long into the song, I noticed that Cody was getting a little closer to the gril that what he usually does...


Jess' POV:

It was the end of the concert, and after staying backstage for a while, me and Alli decided to go back to the tourbus. Greyson was still backstage talking to the team, and various people, but we didn't know where Cody was. 



"Does Cody usually get that close to the Not Just You girl?" I asked. It hurt seeing them that close, and I just wanted to know if it was an act, or if he really did like that girl.

"Well, umm, the times I've seen him, he hasn't. I'm sorry Jess! I really thought he liked you!" She said, as we were coming up to the tourbus. 

"That's ok! It's not your fault. It just hurt a bit, you know? Once you've got your iPod, can we just walk around for a bit?" 

"I know, and if you want to, but not for too long, it's starting to get dark. Woah, I sound like an old person." We both laughed and walked into thte bus. When we went in, we saw Cody sat on the small couch, with the girl, Ellie. Why had he brought her here? Does that usually happen? 

"Oh, hey Cody" Alli said, as she went and got her iPod, I stayed by the door and waited.

"Hey Alli, I take it you've met Ellie" He said, smiling towards Ellie and putting his arm around her. Ok, that hurt, he usually does that to me. 

"Yeah, hey Ellie. Cody, me and Jess are going for a little walk, we'll be back in about 15 minutes." Alli said, walking over to me, putting her iPod in her pocket.

"Ok, don't be late, we're going to the hotel in about 20 minutes. Oh and hey Jess, I didn't see you there" He turned back to Elli, and started talking to her. Me and Alli both stood there with shocked faces. He didn't notice me? Ouch...

Cody's POV:

I had taken Ellie, the Not Just You girl, back to the tourbus, she was quite cute, and I had to get over Jess. Not long later, both Alli and Jess came into the bus. I pretened to not notice Jess, as much as it hurt me. 

"Oh, hey Cody" ALli said, walking over to get her iPod, she obviously didn't know I was here.

"Hey Alli, I take it you've met Ellie" I said, putting  my arm around Ellie's shoulders and smiling at her, doing my best to make Jess jealous.

"Yeah, hey Ellie. Cody, me and Jess are going for a little walk, we'll be back in about 15 minutes." Alli, walked over towards Jess while putting her iPod into her pocket. 

"Ok, don't be late, we're going to the hotel in about 20 minutes. Oh and hey Jess, I didn't see you there" I turned my attention straight back to Ellie, I didn't want to see Alli or Jess' reaction to how I was acting. I knew it was wrong, but I had to get over Jess. She doesn't feel the same way I do, Jess was right, you do feel crushed when you find out. 

Jess and Alli left the bus, and me and Ellie were talking about random things, I was mainly trying to get to know her. We would be leaving to the hotel soon, and Alli and Jess weren't back. Elli had to go home, so I walked her to the door,

"Hopefully I'll see you soon. I think I don't have a show tomorrow, want to meet?" I asked her.

"Ok! Do you want my number to text me the details?" I nodded and we exchanged numbers. We hugged, and I kissed her on the cheek, before going back inside. It felt wrong kissing her on the cheek, it still feels like it should be Jess. I need to stop thinking about her. I have to get over her. 

Alli's POV:

Me and Jess were still walking through a little park we had found, when we realised that we were late. We started runnning back to the tourbus, but we stopped in our tracks when we saw Ellie and Cody stood outside. They were talking, then they hugged, and Cody kissed Ellie on the cheek. I saw Jess' eyes get teary, and I gave her a side hug.

"It's ok Jess" I whispered, wiping her eyes with my hand. She noded trying to stop herself crying and we started walking towards the bus. Cody had gone back inside, and Ellie was walking towards us.

"Hey guys!" She smiled

"Hey Ellie" I said, Jess just waved beside me. Ellie kept walking past us. Me and Jess walked up to the bus, you could see from Jess' eyes that she had been crying. She was crying while we were walking in the park. He eyes were red, and you could see tear stains on her cheek.

When we got in the bus, Cody was nowhere to be seen, my mum came in shortly behind us,

"Hey girls, are you ready to go to the hotel, it's only a five minute drive" My mum smiled.

"Yup" I said, and we walked over to the small couch, my mum was about to leave and go on the other bus, when she noticed Jess' eyes.

"Are you ok honey?" Mum asked her.

"I'm fine, just miss home" Jess half smiled. This was half true, she did miss home, but that wasn't why she had been crying. 

"It's ok, we're all here, come talk to me if you want ok?" My mum gave Jess and hug, then left off the bus, and not long later the bus started moving.

Jess' POV:

We were just turning intot hte carpark of the hotel, when Cody came into the front of the bus. He went over to the fridge and got out a bottle of water, and went back to his bunk, not even saying a word. The bus stopeed,a nd me and Alli got off, we met up with Angie, Brad, Tom and the rest of the crew, Cody following shortly behind us. 

Once we had signed in at the hotel, we went up tp our rooms, to change. I was sharing a room with Alli, Cody was sharing one with Greyson. We had to change because we were going to the small restaurant in the hotel for some dinner. 

"Alli, I don't own anything nice" I said, laying down on one of the beds.

"What do you mean?" She laughed, laying down next to me. 

"That restaurant is all fancy, I only own jeans, and two pairs of trackies" I sighed. Alli stood up,

"You can borrow one of my dresses" She said, walking over to one of her three suitcases. 

"Nothing too fancy" I laughed, getting up and following her.

"OK, ok... um, how about this one" She held up a deep purple dress with one shoulder, that would go down to just above my knees, it had a back bow around the waist.

"Alli, I love it" I exclaimed, runnnig my fingers over it.

"Then go get changed into it, we're going in a minute" She laughed, I took the dress off of her, and walked intot he bathroom, to get changed.

When I came out, Alli was stood there waiting for me in a black sparkly dress, it looked beautiful. She was holding a pair of purple flats for me to wear, she knows I don't like heels.

"Thankyou Alli, and you look amazing." I smiled, taking the shoes off her and slipping them on. 

"me look amazing? Have you seen yourself?" We linked arms, and walked towards the elavator, Cody and Greyson were shortly behind us. I froze as Alli stepped into the lift, I can't get in there.

"Um, I might take the stairs, and see you down there, I hate small spaces." I said, taking a few steps back.

"Oh, just get in and stop acting like a baby" Cody said, pushing me from behind and into the lift, pushing the button before I could get out. He knows how claustrophobic I am. How could he do this? I went to the back of the lift and intot he corner, and sat down bringing my knees to my chest.

"Cody! Why did you do that!?" Alli said, sitting down next to me and putting her arm around my shoulders. I could feel the tears coming into my eyes, I was starting to panic. 

"Well done mate" Greyson said, sitting on my other side. Cody just stood there, not looking the slight bit guilty. When he noticed that I was crying, his facial expression changed,

"I;m so sorry Jess, I-" He was cut off by the lift opening. I ran out as fast as I could and ran towards the nearest bathroom. Allli followed me, I don't know where the others went. We were in the bathroom next to the restaurant, I sat down on the griund by the sinks, and brought my knees to my chest. 

"I know he's my brother, but I hate him for doing that to you, I would have gone to the satirs with you, I didn't know you were claustrophobic" Alli said, grabbing some tissue, and giving it to me.

"It ok, you didn't know. But he did, I told him the other night. I was so scared." I stood up and splashed some water on my face. Alli rubbed my back and after getting as much evidence off my face that I could that would show I had been crying, we went back out and went into the restaurant. Alli's parents and the crew were already seated at different tables. We wlake dove rto the one that Alli's parents, and Tom, Greyson and Cody were on, and sat down.

"Are you girls ok?" Angie asked me. I looked at Alli before looking back at Angie.

"Yeah, we're fine" I smiled, before looking at the menu. I was to the right of Alli, and Cody was to her left, Greyson on the other side of Cody. No one said anything for a while, then we ordered and ate our food. 


Thankyou for reading! Tell me what you think :) I hope you liked it, the next one should be up within the next week, I will try and upload tonight, but not sure if I will be doing homework :) xx

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