Dousing the Flame

By Ukume279

75.8K 2.8K 1.4K

Yugi is in college now! Dorm rooms, classes, friends, and a new relationship. Is this new relationship the on... More

First Days of College
Such a Great Day
A True Glimpse
Worried Professor
First Fight
Crossing the Line
Finding Love
Road to Recovery
Close Encounter
Surprises Surprises
Yugi's Strength & Weakness
Taking the Next Step
There's Always a First Time
A Special Ingredient
Little Golden Pyramid
The Day Before
It's Time
Gifts and a Classroom Visit
Yugi is Exausted
The Big News
Little One
Much Needed Rest
Kunji Cave
Evening Ride
Shivers and Aches
Sneaking Around
The Amazon
Ignored Transmissions
Back to Domino
Going Home
Surprise Party
Tag Team
He's Gone
An Unexpected Return


1.3K 45 13
By Ukume279

A/N: Thank you all again for reading, for your votes, and for your comments. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Yugi stood in front of the mirror. He examined his outfit and tugged at it. The petite tri-colored haired young man fidgeted with excitement and nerves. He wore black slacks, a white button up shirt, a crimson tie, and black dress shoes. Yami appeared in the mirror behind him also dressed in slacks and a white button up shirt; his tie was amethyst.

"Don't worry, you look amazing." Yami whispered placing a kiss on Yugi's neck .

"I can't believe I'm graduating today," Yugi exclaimed spinning around to wrap his arms around his lover.

"With honors too," Yami added, "I'm so proud of you."

A light magenta dusted Yugi's cheeks, "Thank you for everything, Yami. You have been there for me every step of the way. You saved me."

Yami tightened his hold on Yugi, "I love you, Aibou. I will always be there for you." Yugi's pink petal soft lips met Yami's in a tender kiss.

"Okay, enough mushy stuff," Yugi teased. "Have you seen my cap and gown?"

"They are already out in the car as are your cords for Magna Cum Laude," Yami responded pride resounding in his voice. Yugi had worked so hard to graduate with honors and succeeded.

Yugi glanced once more in the mirror before spraying some cologne on himself, "Okay! Let's go." Yami smiled and followed his little spouse out the door.


The day was perfect for the graduation ceremony, which was fortunate as the ceremony conducted outside. The sun shone brightly and a light breeze kept the temperature in check. Yami aided Yugi into his cap, gown, and honors cords before giving him a kiss on the cheek. The professor found his seat in the stands. After several minutes of searching he was flagged down by a familiar gray haired man.

He approached his father-in-law with a large smile, "Hello, Grandpa. Thank you for coming. Yugi will be so thrilled you were able to make it."

"I wouldn't miss Yugi's graduation for anything. He may be my grandson, but he is more like a son to me than anything else," Solomon stated patting Yami's shoulder, "Take good care of him, Yami."

The sun-kissed professor smiled warmly at the elderly gentleman, "I promise I will."

The ceremony commenced. There were a multitude of speakers such as the president of the university and the valedictorian. Each speech congratulating them on their success and commending them for their hard work. The valedictorian's speech also contained an inspirational message about overcoming obstacles and becoming stronger for doing so. Yugi's amethyst eyes gleamed with excitement as he watched the ceremony. After the speeches, the president of the university walked back to center stage and began calling out the names of those graduating class. He came to Yugi's name and announcing that he was graduating with honors. Loud cheers resounded from Yugi's family and friends located in the stands as well as his friends that were also graduating that day. Yugi smiled and waved until he reached the university president. The youth shook the man's hand and received his diploma. Yugi finished crossing the stage, diploma clutched closely to his heart.

Once all names where called, the president of the university had them move their tassels over and the graduates tossed their caps in the air, cheering excitedly. Their caps flew into the air, spun, and cascaded back down to earth.

Joey, Tristan, and Duke located Yugi in the masses of people. Joey nuggied Yugi's spikey hair, "Congratulations little buddy! We did it!"

"Hey hey! Watch the hair!" Yugi batted Joeys hands away before hugging him and his other two closest friends, "Congratulations, Joey! Tristan! Duke!"

"So you coming to the beach for the bonfire tonight, Yugi?" Duke asked.

Yugi provided the group with two very enthusiastic thumbs up, "You bet!"

Yami and Solomon appeared next to Yugi. They both hugged and congratulated him, "Yugi, grandpa wants to take you out to lunch. I have something I need to get done and then I will meet you back at home before the bonfire tonight."

Yugi glanced over at his grandfather, "That would be great, Grandpa. I don't get to see you very often. It will be a great opportunity to catch up."

"That it will my boy! Do you guys want to come too?" Solomon asked Duke, Tristan, and Joey.

They looked at one another, "No thanks, Grandpa. You spend some time with Yugi." Tristan smiled answering for the rest of the group.

"You ready, Yugi?" Grandpa asked.

"I am! I am starving!" Yugi turned to Yami and gave him a quick kiss, "I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too." Yami waved in return.


Soloman took Yugi to the local burger place down the street from the campus. As expected, it was packed with joyful students celebrating either their graduation or the graduation of friend or family member. They found a booth in the far corner of the restaurant and sat down. A petite redheaded waitress with green eyes approached the two to welcome them and take their order. Yugi ordered BBQ mini sliders, fries, and a strawberry shake. His grandfather ordered a chicken sandwich, fries, and ice tea.

"So how is married life treating you my boy?" Solomon asked.

"It couldn't be better," Yugi smiled.

"So did that hubby of your like the wedding gift? You never really told me if he liked it or least you didn't tell me if he liked it on you," Soloman grinned mischievously; an impish glint dancing his his old amethyst eyes.

Yugi's mouth gaped open, / Oh Ra! We are not having this conversation right now.../

"What? Did he not like it?" Solomon inquired genuinely curious.

The waitress placed their drinks in front of them, "Your food will be out soon."

Yugi looked up at the girl, /My face has got to be as red as her hair.../ Yugi hid his beet red face in his hands while mumbling a, "Thank you, take your time."

When the petite waitress left, Solomon turned his attention back to Yugi, "Well?"

Yugi sighed tilting his head back, "He..." Yugi gulped, "He loved it. Thank you, Grandpa."

A knowing smirk crossed the elderly man's face, "From what you described of him, I knew he would."

"Yes, he loved it. I can't believe you bought it!" Yugi squeaked.

"Well, I wanted to get you something that would ensure a healthy sex life," Solomon shrugged and popped a fry in his mouth.

"Oh, Grandpa!" Yugi's head hit the table; his face radiating so much heat a batch of cookies could be baked on his cheeks.

Solomon chuckled lightheartedly, watching his grandson squirm under the embarrassing topic, "Well, I'm glad he liked it. Look here comes our food."

Yugi looked up as the redhead placed their food in front of them. Yugi shoved a fry into his mouth and tried to calm down before the heat pulsing from his face could start a fire in their corner of the restaurant.

"How long are you staying grandpa? We have a fold out couch if you need a place to spend the night," Yugi attempted desperately to change the topic.

"I can't stay. I have to leave after our lunch," Solomon responded, taking a sip of his ice tea.

"Oh," Yugi glanced down sadly. He missed his grandfather immensely.

"Don't worry, I'll see you soon my boy," Solomon lifted Yugi's chin with a comforting wrinkled hand.

Yugi smiled, "I know. I just miss you is all."

"I miss you too, Yugi. Hopefully, now that you are out of school you can come and see me more?"Solomon asked.

Yugi nodded, "I think that can be arranged."

"Good," Yugi's grandfather hugged him before they headed out to his car to take Yugi home.


Yugi paced aimlessly throughout their apartment while chatting with Joey on his cell phone, "I know. I am so glad that is over. I actually think it is going to feel strange not having to worry about homework, classes, tests, papers, presentations, and projects." Yugi gasped for air after listing the responsibilities that came with attending school.

"Not me man. I am so happy it is over, I'm not looken back," Joey responded an elated ring present in his voice.

Yugi chuckled.

"So when are you coming to the bonfire, Yug! It's getten dark already," Joey inquired.

"I'll be there! I'm just waiting on Yami to come home. He snuck off somewhere this afternoon and has yet to return. He is planning something. I just know he is... I just can't put my finger on what shenanigans he is up to this time," Yugi giggled again.

"If it's another car, can I have your Jag?" Joey asked hopefully.

"No, Joey! I love that car," the petite youth giggled, "Plus Yami and I already talked about that. It's not going to be another car."

"You really do have that man wrapped don't you," Joey teased.

"Yup and proud of it!" Yugi's chest swelled with pride and his head tilted up.

The doorbell sounded earning Yugi's attention, "Oh! Joey someone's at the door. Hang on a second."

"Did Yami forget his key or something?" Joey sniggered.

"Possibly, but I doubt it. He's really good about not losing his keys," Yugi shrugged even though Joey couldn't see it.

Yugi opened the door confusion crossing his face as his amethyst eyes met the gaze of two uniformed police officers.

"Hello," Yugi greeted them, "What can I do for you gentlemen?"

"Are you Yugi Sennen? Spouse of Yami Sennen?" One of them asked.

Yugi felt his heart skip a beat, "Ye...Yea..."

"We need to speak with you. Now."

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