All Because of a Turtle [Mode...

By CinnaLinRoll

66.6K 3K 7.1K

Another modern day Hamilton lams FanFiction More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

3.9K 183 480
By CinnaLinRoll

Johns POV

Laughs filled the hall as me and my two best friends stumbled down, "D-Did you see his face!?" Hercules yelped instantly bursting out laughing once more.

"Yes!!! Oh, only if we got that on camera!" I responded laughing harder.

"Oui! I got a bit of it, but only the ending.." My other friend, Lafayette said pulling out his phone.

We all gathered closely around the phone staring at it. Basically, what had happened is someone's date had gone terribly wrong while we just happened to be in the background watching.

The guy had accidentally spilt his drink already on his date until near the end he decided it was a good idea to propose. So, when he pulled out the ring and got out of the seat, his date did the same, well getting out of the seat. So, the guy accidentally pushed her some how making her fall back into the person behind them. Short story short, she ended up on fire and the guys face was HILARIOUS. But it's alright! He poured water on her so they're both fine.

Now you're probably thinking were terrible people at laughing, and well, we are. We will probably end up going to hell for laughing three times as much watching it over again.

We all were dying of laughter as we finally made it to the door of my dorm. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door I opened the door then quickly froze for a second, then instantly closed it.

"Someone's in my dorm." I said right when the door shut, hoping the person inside hadn't known I ever came in.

"What? Maybe it's your dorm mate?" Hercules murmured saying the last part slowly acting as if I were stupid.

I rolled my eyes, "No. My roommate isn't supposed to come until tomorrow!"

"Mon Amie, you may have just heard him wrong."

"No. No I didn't!" I snapped then peaked open the door and my eyes widened, he was holding my turtle!

"He's trying to steal my turtle!!" I whisper shouted at them then sat down and they did the same beside me. "Here's the plan.."


"I'm John Laurens. Your roommate." I said grinning.

I let my hand fall to my side as I examined the boy in front of me. He was quite short for his size, but not too short, just short enough to the point where it was adorable. He had silky dark brown hair that tied neatly behind his head (even though there were a few loose strands of his hair which again, made him that much more hot). The boy had peach fuzz around his mouth which was actually quite adorable. My god, don't even get me started on his eyes. His eyes I co-


Hercules and Lafayette burst through the door, Lafayette running towards me as Hercules tackled Alexander.

"WHAT THE F-" Hercules put his hand over alexanders mouth quickly and looked at me.

I stared at them and my eye twitched, "Guys.. That was my roommate... Alexander..."

Hercules blinked and let go of Alexander then stood up, "Told you."

"What the hell is going on?" Alex asked glaring at all three of us.

I sighed, damn it, I knew it was partly my fault but still. My friends can be extremely annoying at times, even if it was my idea. Couldn't they see we were having a conversation and I wasn't trying to kill him.

I sighed, "Well as you may know, I thought you were a thief trying to steal my turtle..... So I got my friends to help me attack you or whatever? Anyways, Hercules, Lafayette, meet Alexander. Alexander meet Hercules and Lafayette."

I smiled gesturing to them as I said there name. Alex grinned and shook both of there hands. Oh my god his smile, just let alone his smile could light up the whole world.

"So what're you studying for?" Hercules asked

"Law. And what about you?" He said returning the question.

"That's classified." Hercules said with a little wink and I groaned. I leaned over to Alexander and whispered, "He doesn't like to tell people what he studies for, even though half of the school already knows. He wants to be a spy so he doesn't tell much." I explained and Alexander nodded, "Cool!"

Alexander. God was that hard to say, well it could be easier. "Hey, Alexander. Could we call you Alex? Just for y'know short?"

He nodded, "Sure go ahead.." He mumbled

We all awkwardly stood there for a while until Hercules and Lafayette decided to leave, so it was just me and Alex. I looked over at him quite hopeful to start a conversation with him. I like this kid, and I had a feeling we could possibly be great friends..

Or more... What? John, stop crushing on every single guy you meet. Oh, I might've forgotten to mention, I'm gay. 100% gay, so I doubt he's into guys, he's probably straight.

Finally I turned my attention to Alex who had somehow snuck to the other side of the room. He sat on the couch with his laptop in his lap. I watched him for a while then felt a bump on my foot.

I gazed down. Shellby, my turtle, stood there looking at me. I grinned and leaned down picking the small creature up.

I walked over to Shellby's cage and set her in it then quickly put some food for her.

I turned back around to Alex, he was still typing.

I stood there examining my choices which were, go talk to him, or actually get some work done and go through clothes.

I decided to talk to him was the better idea. I walked over to the couch and sat beside him then looked at him and grinned, "Hi."

"Hello." He mumbled still focusing on his computer. I frowned, school hasn't even started yet, how could he already be so glued to his computer? It was clear he was typing as well because he was on google docs.

I kept on going through conversation ideas in my head. He was my roommate, so I found it as a personal goal to make friends with him.

"So where are you from?"


A/N: Hello again! Sorry things are going quite bland right now, but I don't want to take the story too fast. Just because it irritates my when like the first day they meet they're like, hey you're cute, wanna make out now? But that could just be me :3 and I'm not patient so we will see how me being patient goes.

Anywho, I hope your all enjoying the book so far and again, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this! c:

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