All Because of a Turtle [Mode...

By CinnaLinRoll

66.6K 3K 7.1K

Another modern day Hamilton lams FanFiction More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

5.8K 228 549
By CinnaLinRoll

Author Note: Hello! So this is my very first FanFiction so please be pretty patient with me. This is yet, another modern lams FanFiction. Thank you for taking time out of your day for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
Alex's POV

God damnit Alexander, you had one job.

I had forgotten the keys to my dorm. This was my first year in a new school, scratch that, it's my first year IN a school and I had forgotten to do one of the most simplest jobs ever. I sighed and stared at the door, I could knock. Most people would probably knock in this situation but, I'm not most people.

I turned around and headed back to the elevator pressing the down button and tapped my foot waiting. Finally, the elevator doors split open. Inside the elevator stood a man as tall as me, maybe an inch taller.

I stepped inside the elevator and looked at him, he awkwardly stared forward but I didn't mind it. I mean it would be pretty awkward if someone you who you had no idea who they were stared at you, but that's what I did. I stared. I wouldn't call it staring actually, more of observing.

This man had dark brown eyes, almost black. He had barely any hair, almost none. Then it hit me, I was staring at Aaron Burr. THE Aaron Burr.

"Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?" I started looking at him my eyes narrowed.

"That depends, whose asking." He turned his head slightly to look at me with a quite cautious face. I couldn't blame him though, I probably came off really creepy.

"Oh, sure sir! I'm Alexander Hamilton!" I responded with a smile and offered my hand out to him.

He stared at my hand and slowly extended his shaking mine and raising an eyebrow as he eyed me up and down so I took that as a sign to go on,

"I have been, looking for you.." Crap. That sounds creepy.

"I'm getting nervous.."

"Sir!" I responded quickly, I didn't want to scare him off or anything.

"I heard you're named the Princeton, and well I was seeking an accelerated course of study!" I started

"Well I'd hope so. You're in Princeton college right now."

He stared at me as if I were stupid and my eyes narrowed. He thinks I'm stupid. Im NOT stupid. I decided to shrug it off anyway though, "Oh, yeah right! I-"

"Talk less." He muttered. I stared at him, did he seriously just tell me to shut up? I haven't even talked to him for five minutes and he's telling me to shut up. "What?"

"Smile more." He said a huge grin appearing on his face and I just chuckled. "Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for."

"You can't be serious..?" I said quite in shock. Talking was usually how I got out of things, expressing my beliefs not hiding them, and I think I smile plenty.

"You wanna get ahead?"

"Yes! But si-" I was interrupted as the elevator doors opened and he simply walked out. I stared after him.

Well I had to admit, that was one way to make new friends..

I stood awkwardly in the elevator twiddling with my thumbs and mumbling a bunch of stuff under my breath when the door opened.

I walked out of the elevator and went to the person at the desk, "Hello my name is Alexander Hamilton, I was here just a few minutes ago... I, uh, forgot to get my keys.."

"Alexander Hamilton? Ah, that's right." The lady at the desk mumbled grabbing some keys from under the desk then handed them to me with a smile.

I simply nodded and turned around and went back to the elevator making sure I had the keys this time.

Soon enough I got back to my dorm. I grabbed my keys and took in a deep breath. I'd heard a bunch of stories about roommates, and I know they could either be your enemy or your best friend.

Hopefully not enemy, I'm pretty sure I've already made one in less than an hour.

I slowly grabbed the keys and brought them to the lock turning it then the door swung open.

I slowly peeked my head in and looked around, "Hello?"


Hm, I guess they weren't here. I walked in and gazed around the dorm.

It was sure that they'd been here, one bed already had a bunch of bags and clothes on it while the other lay neatly with nothing on it.

Guessing it was my bed I walked over and set my stuff down on the bed. I grabbed out a few clothes and began folding until I felt something bump into my foot.

I looked down, and right beside my foot was a.. Turtle shell? Alright.. it must've fallen or something..

I leaned down and picked up the turtle shell and I yelped as a green little head popped out.

I know what you're thinking, Alex, you're scared of a turtle? No. No I'm not, but I mean it's kinda scary when you find a random turtle shell then find out it's an actual living turtle.



I turned around and saw a tall man standing in front of me and pointing at me accusingly.

I yet again 'observed' the man, and the first thing I noticed were his freckles. My god did he have many, hundreds, probably thousands! His hair was neatly tied up into a pony tail but in the back you could see the actual floof of his hair. He was actually pretty cute.

"Uhm, hello? Earth to uh- whoever the hell you are..?"

Oh right.

I slowly set the turtle down on the floor looking at him cautiously, despite how cute he was, he did come off pretty crazy.

"I'm so sorry." I said standing back up my eyes huge, "My names Alexander Hamilton." I said offering my hand like I had done with Burr.

He stared at me weirdly then his eyes widened, "Alexander Hamilton!? Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I thought you were a thief."

I couldn't help but chuckled, "Yup, that's me. Well, I'm not a thief I swear..."

The guy also laughed then grabbed my hand shaking it, "I'm John Laurens. Your roommate."

Oh god that was terrible.. Welp, I hope you like it so far! I don't know when the next update will be.. Ah give me a week or so!

Until next time, bye!

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