Secret Love Story (narry) (bo...

By AndThen25

59K 1.9K 1K

When it comes to the One Direction boys, everyone knows how close they are. But amongst the fivesome, there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 +
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Not a chappie
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 +
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 +
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 16

925 34 24
By AndThen25

I think you are one of the first people that voted and commented on my story. I just wanted to say Thank you. I hadn't even realized that I had not thanked you yet. Argh I'm horrible! justxnarryx


"Geez harry, we shouldn't have done that to her!" Niall tried to feel sorry for the woman but he couldn't keep the amused smile creeping up on his face as Harry and he raced down the well lit street. There was no soul in the neighborhood as it was already well into the night and the crisp fresh smell of rain hung in the air, signifying it was about to start pouring very soon.

"Please Niall! That woman spells trouble!" Harry screamed back at him as he took an abrupt turn into a little path that was between two houses.

"You knew that and you still dared me to buy her those snails!" Niall responded as they jogged to a more relaxed pace once they were out of the streets.

"Yeah but that's all, you didn't have to flirt with her and tell her that you were into girls that ate snails."

At that Harry and Niall burst out laughing at the ridiculous events that happened that night. The dinner took an impossible turn when their food arrived. Harry kept sending Niall a smug look all throughout dinner. The only saving grace that Niall got was that the snails took a long time to prepare and arrived way after they were both done eating.  Niall was contemplating making a run for it.

Harry sat back and waited for Niall's move. He really wanted to see how the Irish lad was going to get out of this one. Niall, sensing Harry's challenge, motioned for the woman by the bar to join them. She downed the drink that she had in her hand and sauntered her way over to them. For some reason every lighting in the room did that cliché movie thing and centered on her.

She was truly beautiful. With red hair styled elegantly and settled down her exposed shoulders and alabaster skin that made the hip hugging dress she was wearing stand out. Her full lips were painted in a provocative red and the slit that reached her thigh showed her shapely leg. But it was all too perfect.

She looked too much like an engineered man fantasy. Everything a man could ever want in a woman, she had. But her feel was all wrong. So was her face.

Her eyes were beautiful, a light blue that was very pale. But they showed no emotion. There was no warmth, no recognition. Just bottomless pools of nothingness. Her face was perfect symmetrical and not a wrinkle in sight. No laugh lines. No worry lines. Just smooth skin.


But no human was flawless.

There is usually something that gives a person away to their humanity; Bags under the eyes, creases, freckles, natural highlight or a natural tan from spending too much time in the outdoors. That's what made us relate to other humans so easily. Those signs showed us that we were all imperfect and that we were human.

She seemed way too much like a doll. A perfect collector's item porcelain doll that was groomed and well kept to never be touched by the hands of time or by imperfection.

And she seemed cold.

When she finally danced to a stop in front of them, Niall decided he was wrong. Her eyes did hold something, a predatory gleam in that made a shiver run up his spine.

Niall proceeded to give her the snails and she took a seat beside them though neither of them had invited her to. Niall had no idea what prompted him to tell her that he found girls eating snails sexy. From them onward things progressively went downhill. Niall and Harry had to tag team in order to handle her. She was a natural master at flirting and getting what she wanted. And she wanted was, not only Niall, but both Niall and Harry  to take her home for a night of fun.

Niall was sure Harry would have been down for it if he wasn't so afraid of her, the Perverted little shit.

Niall had no idea one could make an invitation to a one night stand seem so innocent. At the end of the dinner Harry and Niall had to run the heck away from her by jumping out of the taxi that all that all three had somehow, insert not so subtle air quotes here, ended up in when it stopped at the robots.

"I hope she is still not following us" Harry speculated after curbing his hearty laughs.

"God she was bawdy." Niall said dabbing at the corner of his eyes with a hanky.

"And pretentious!"

"I hope I don't have the misfortune of encountering her again. I don't know what I would do."

"Knowing you, you would probably laugh."

"We are here." Harry said opening the gate that led to his L.A. house. It opened off to a wide garden with a beautiful pool. Stairs led to the veranda of the house where the Jacuzzi that faced the pool  was.

"Good timing too. It looks like it's about to rain." Niall said, keeping an eye on the sky full of clouds.

"Hey Niall, give me your phone."

"Why?" Niall asked giving putting his phone into Harry's outstretched hand anyway.

"Because this!" Harry shouted before giving Niall a hard shove and sent him tumbling into the pool behind.

"What the ...!" But his sentence was cut short when he was engulfed by the water that was freezing cold. Kicking his legs so the water would carry him back up to the surface, cutting through the unsettled water Niall surfaced, ready to give Harry a tongue lashing but when he met Harry's eyes he stopped abruptly.

"Don't think that you got off the hook that easily. I'm still pissed off at you."

"Then why were you acting all cool at the dinner?"

"I'm an adult Niall. I know that there is a time and a place. My first priority tonight was that charity but we are off the clock now and I am taking the liberty to remind you that I am still pissed at you."

With drops of the cool water making his eyes heavy Niall was quick to brush the excess water from his face. He didn't know how to go about this. He knew Harry had to still be angry. One could have guessed that from the way he wouldn't answer Niall's text messages and that's precisely why he came to L.A. He couldn't stand that Harry was mad at him and he needed to make things right, but when he saw Harry at the charity dinner Harry seemed quite fine.

He was getting cool and calm vibes from him. They were able to converse like nothing happened at all. So he thought that everything was okay. Guess he had no right to think that at all. He should have apologized immediately when he saw Harry. But on the other hand, how could he at a charity dinner where they were the guests of honor?

Harry was right, there was a time and place for everything. I guess it was time that he made amendments for the lies he had told.

With those thoughts still swimming in Niall's head the heavens opened and it started pouring. It wasn't heavy rains but it sure weren't showers. It was the perfect kind of rain for a bit of frolicking in. It was soothing and soft, steadily pounding the soil in Harry's backyard making the homey smell of wet soil saturate the air.

"Here's your phone," Harry's voice said pulling him from his thoughts." I'm going inside for a minute." He said placing the phone on the chaise beside the pool.

He left Niall in the pool, drenched to skin with dread. Did he fuck up his and Harry's relationship forever?


So the house I uploaded is rumored to be Harry's house in L.A but reports have recently surfaced that he sold it and bought another house that is near Kendall's home in L.A and then yada yada yada, blah blah blah - you know how the media immediately jumps to the conclusion that Hendall is secretly dating, but I doubt it.

I really hope he didn't sell this house though, cause it looks really beautiful. But I'm sure that if he did sell it, his new house is much more dope. 'Cause our baby frog has great taste in everything ;-).

Whale, that being said.

Hope you are all enjoying the story because I live to please you the readers, as few as you may be. You are greatly appreciated and each and everyone are a ray of sunshine to me. I love you guys.



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