Dear Diary: My Delinquent

By badbittyreads

24.6K 483 112

Dear Diary, At first he was broken. Wait no, then I was broken. Let me start over! *** Tessa's family adopte... More

Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 1
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 2
Dear Diary: My Delinquint... Chap 3
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 4
Dear Diary: My Delinquen...Chap 5
Dear Diary: My Delinquint ...Chap 6
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 7
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 8
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 9
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 10
Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 11
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 12
Dear Diary: My Delinquent... Chap 13
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 15
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 16
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 17
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 18
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 19
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 20
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 21
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 22
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 23
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 24
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 25
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 26
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 27
Extra Special Interview with the Delinquents
Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Epilogue
☆Angels Dont Die Easily☆

Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 14

846 19 2
By badbittyreads

Everything was black..too black.


I could hear the frantic voices and I could hear the snapping of shoes against tile floor. Wait, tile floor? The last thing I remember was stepping out onto the road and... that's it.

How could I be so stupid. Commit suicide? That's not like me.

I wanted to open my eyes but they seemed glued shut. One more time. I lightly fluttered my eyes open. But I had to shut them right away because of the light. It was too bright. I quickly adjusted to the bright light though. I was in a white room. A hospital room.

I nurse came and took one look at me and yelled for the doctor. A doctor came in right away.

"She's awake sir." No duh.

"Of course. Thank you Alicia." He quickly thanked the nurse then turned his attention to me.

"Hello Tessa I'm doctor Brown. Can you remember anything that happened?" He asked me, getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, I jumped in front of a car." I told him. I started searching the back if my mind for anything else. "Colton was mad at me and I was really angry at myself so..." I carried off.

"Ok. Can you remember your birthday?" He asked me like I was a two year old.

"July fourth."

He nodded. "Okay I think that's pretty much all the questions I need to know that you don't have any permanent memory loss." He quickly explained. I nodded.

"Where's my parents?" I was hurt and in the hospital. Shouldn't they be here like the minute I was awake?

"Yes your parents are down at the cafeteria with your brother. I'll send a nurse down to get them." He left the room to go fetch my parents. Well get a nurse to fetch them.

Realization crashed down on me like a ton of bricks. Colton was here! Why? He doesn't care. He never did. Right?

My heart almost jumped out of my rib cage when I heard a bunch of crashing and yelling in the hallway outside of my room. What the hell was going on?

Then Colton was at the door. His cheeks weren't the usual pale. No, they were red and tear stained. His black hair was all messed up too.

I moved onto my side and faced the window away from Colton. I had to be strong. I couldn't show how hurt I really was. Emotionally and physically. Physically because my leg and hand and face and my whole body hurt so much that silent tears ran down my cheeks.

I could hear quite footsteps move to the side of my bed, but I still refused to look his way. I froze when I sob accidentally ripped around the room.

Colton was quickly on my side. "W-why are you crying? Does anything hurt. Wait let me help you up." He ranted quickly and helped me up to where I was before.

"Why were you crying Tessa?" He demanded.

I took a shaky breath. Its about time I said what was on my mind. "C-colton I'm crying because I hurt you. You have been hurt too many times. How could I be such a bitch to you knowing that you were sensitive. Now look at me. I just purposely ran out in front of a car. That's really low of me! I could of e-ended my life."

I collapsed crying in Coltons arms. "Its all going to be ok now." He told me. I hope it would.


"Finally!" I cheered. " I can get out of this damn place!" If I wasn't in a wheel chair I would be doing a happy dance.

"Tessa don't swear." My mom pointed a finger at me.

"I say damn all the time. Its not like I say fu-" My dad cut me off.

"Don't even start." He snapped.

"Someone's got their man period." I mumbled really low so that my parents couldn't hear couldn't hear. I felt like jumping up and down when I heard Colton laugh slightly behind me. He was pushing my chair to the car. I looked up when he was looking down at me and I grinned and he smiled back.

He kissed my forehead but we were caught. "By the way kids, we have lots to talk about when we get home." My mom chimed. Fuck!


OOOOH does stuff get bad or good?


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