Conversations With My Love (b...

By Lolola245

116K 4.5K 3.1K

Pierre Lois is the priest's son. He is well-educated, smart, polite, and he's always available to help those... More

1. Hi!
2. Stop Following Me!
3. I'm Your Salvation.
4. First Message!
5. Benevolent.
6. Talking About Having Fun.
7. Question Time.
8. Church
9. Let's Go To The Zoo (Part 1)
10. Let's Go To The Zoo (Part 2)
11. No Regrets.
12. Declan's Secret Journal.
13. Let's Be Friends.
14. Detention Time.
15. Pierre At My House.
16. The Park.
17. Lies, Lies, Lies (Part 1)
18. Lies, Lies, Lies (Part 2)
19. Pierre = Angry + Hurt!
20. Talk With Kenny.
21. Job Search.
22. Declan's Secret Journal (2)
23. Awkward Talk.
24. Meet Mama.
25. Meet Pierre's Friends.
26. Dinner Time.
27. I Need You.
28. Joshua's Past.
29. Revision Time.
30. Cupcake Talk.
32. Declan's Secret Journal (3)
33. Declan's Birthday.
34. Pierre's Letter.
35. Your Favorite...?
36. Treehouse.
37. Exams.
38. School Break Time.
39. Lunch At Pierre's.
40. Talk With Greg.
41. Babysitting.
42. Declan's Secret Journal (4)
43. Imagine that I'm...
44. Time To Have Fun (Part 1)
45. Time To Have Fun (Part 2)
46. The Carnival.
47. Back Home.
48. Pierre + Declan = ????
49. Hurting.
50. Angry Declan.
51. It's Over.
52. The Party.
53. Pierre's Explanation.
54. Pierre VS Evan.
55. Just A Little Moment.
56. Pierre + Veronica = ????
57. One Year & One Month.
58. Talk With Miss Veronica.
59. Meet Melanie.
60. Reckless Pierre.
61. Picnic On Rooftop.
62. Declan's Secret Journal (5)
63. Unpleasant Talk.
64. Toilet Meeting.
65. Siblings Reunited.
66. Special Kenny Night.
67. You Saved Me Again.
68. The Janitor's Closet.
69. Another Detention.
70. Nightmare.
71. It's Official.
72. Joshua, Kenny and Hans.
73. Butterflies & Rainbows.
74. Illegal Texting.
75. Special Joshua Day.
76. The Orphanage.
77. Lunch With Greg.
78. Joshua's Birthday (Part 1).
79. Joshua's Birthday (Part 2).
80. First Touch.
81. Movie Night.
82. Pierre's Secret Journal.
83. Coffee With Missy.
84. The Future.
85. Home Alone (Part 1)

31. I Had A Dream.

1.2K 59 99
By Lolola245

Hey guys!

So here's chapter 31 and I must admit that it was really funny for me to write that. Though, I still can't believe what I just wrote as it's kind of perverted. I got the idea from my friend and I just personalized it in my own way.

Sorry for the errors and I hope that you will like it. Don't forget to vote and to comment :D

Good reading!


I was laying comfortably in my bed, warmly placed under my bed sheets. It was a bit late and I was trying desperately to sleep. I just finished watching a movie, hoping that it would make me fall asleep faster but the movie ended and I was still awake. So now, I was just doing nothing, my eyes closed. I felt tired but sleeping seemed to be impossible.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring but I did not make a move to take it. I did not want to move. I just wanted to sleep. The ringtone of my phone finally stopped and I hummed in satisfaction, though, not even one minute later, it started ringing again and I groaned.

Okay, someone above seemed to not want me to fall asleep.

Sighing, I raised my hand and moved it towards my nightstand to grab my phone. I touched it at first try and looking at my screen, I closed my eyes immediately. The brightness was too high definitely. I made another attempt to open my eyes and I could now see the Caller ID of someone I did not expect at this hour.

"Love," I said as I instantly took the call. "Do you have any idea of what time it is? It's past midnight. You should already be asleep."

"I had a dream," he simply said and I frowned.

"A dream?" I repeated in confusion.

"Yeah, a dream," he confirmed and I did not know what to think of it.

"You," I paused to turn around on my back, passing one hand in my hair, my eyes closed. "You had a dream or a nightmare?"

"Not really a nightmare but I still feel scared and confused and hot," he told me and he quickly added. "I mean I'm sweaty. Though, I don't understand, the fan is on but my body is still in heat."

I chuckled at that.

"Do you know that church will start in a few hours?" I asked him and he hummed.

"Church is the least of my worries," he replied and my eyes opened at that.

"What's the problem?" I questioned, slightly worried now. If he wasn't worrying about church, that must surely mean that something pretty damn important happened.

"The dream," he repeated.

"Okay, what happened in it?" I asked him, putting myself in a sitting position. I did not want to fall asleep while talking to him now.

"It's really bothering me. I mean I woke up about twenty minutes ago and now I can't fall back asleep because of it. And-and my body seems to be in an excited state," he explained quickly and I blinked. His body was excited..."I thought that I should talk about it with someone, with you specially cause it's super troubling."

I heard everything that he said but somehow my mind got stuck on one thing.

His body was excited.

What kind of dream could make someone's body excited?


Nah, this couldn't be possible.

"I'm all ears," I told Pierre, now super curious.

"I don't know where to start," he said and I cleared my throat.

"From the beginning of the dream," I suggested dumbly.

"Okay...oh, well, I, I mean we," he started with difficulty. "We were at the cinema."

"We?" I repeated with big eyes. "We means Declan and Pierre? Pierre and Declan? Darling and Love? Love and-"

"Declan," he interrupted me, slightly annoyed.

"I'm just trying to get it right," I told him. "Was it me with you in the dream?"

There was a small pause before I heard him reply a timid yes. Now it got me curious to the maximum level and even beyond. Plus, if my thought of earlier was correct, this was going to be really interesting.

"A Christmas movie was playing but it wasn't so great," my love continued slowly. "Maybe that explained the lack of people in the room. We were sitting in the far back. We were actually more interested in talking than watching the movie. And you-you-"

"I what?" I asked him impatiently when he suddenly stopped. I heard him take in a big breath.

"You ran out of popcorn," he said and it wasn't what I was expecting to hear but then he added. "You tried to steal some of mine but I didn't let you and you started pouting."

"I have a cute pouting face," I precised at this moment and he let out a laugh.

"It's so embarrassing," he said. "I don't know why I dreamed of that. It's like a constant image playing in my head over and over again. I can't seem to take it out. It's so intense."

"Don't panicked, just calm down," I told him. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"You don't know what happened next," he exclaimed. "I tried to joke with you and I grabbed a bunch of popcorn and pushed them into your mouth, well, most of the popcorn fell down but before I could pull my hand away, you started sucking on my fingers...oh god!"

He got me fully awake now. I could not believe it. I sucked on his fingers. He dreamed of me sucking on his fingers. Dear goodness, I would enjoy doing that in real life...or maybe I would like tasting a lower region of his body. Goody, I was so perverted at times.

"I can't continue," Pierre stated but he couldn't stop now.

"Come on, go on, you got me too interested now," I informed him.

"I beg that you must be enjoying this," he said and it sounded like if he was scolding me.

"Love, it's just a little sucking of fingers. Nothing dramatic," I tried to reassure him. "So continue."

He sighed.

"I didn't pull my hand away, even when I started to feel your warm tongue," he let out and he squealed. "Ah! I can't believe that I just said that! Oh my god! What have I become? All of that is your fault."

"Hey, you are the one who dreamed of my warm tongue touching your fingers, not me," I teased him and he groaned.

"You are mocking me," he seemed to be the one pouting now. "This is not funny. You are mean."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I told him honestly but not even a few seconds later, I let out a laugh and I knew that if he was in front of me right now, he would have glared at me.

"This was a bad idea calling you," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, love," I said. "I promise I won't laugh again. Just tell me what's bothering you."

"Everything is bothering me," he exclaimed. "The way you looked at me, your eyes were full of desire and god, I found it hot. I stupidly found it hot and when my fingers slipped out of your mouth, you said that I tasted good and something told me that there was another meaning behind your words, a really dirty meaning and I just wanted one single thing at that moment and I-I.."

"What?" I questioned, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Of course, I did not miss the part where he said that it was hot seeing me looking at him with a burning desire but I was more impatient to know how he reacted to that.

"I kissed you," his reply seemed to shock both him and I. "I kissed you. I surprised myself and you were surprised too. The kiss was slow and at the same time passionate. And...and your tongue touched with mine and I just felt like moaning which I did...oh my god. Oh my god! I am having some weird sensations in my body right now."

"You are sexually excited," I informed him and he immediately started to protest but I kinda missed what he said.

He kissed me.

He kissed me.

He kissed me!

The first time that he actually made a move on me, it needed to be in a dream. I was the only one who ever kissed him and when it happened, he always pushed me away and since our last kiss, I was trying desperately to control myself so that I did not kiss him again but now, he had to inform me that he kissed me on his own will in his head.

"Declan," my love shouted at the phone. "Are you listening to me?"


"Yes," I replied and he paused. "Tell me more about the kiss."

"Don't you realize that it's really hard for me to say?" He asked me in disbelief.

"You woke me up in the middle of the night," I reminded him. "Okay, I was already awake but still, you can't stop now. Tell me about how you felt during the kiss. I want to hear every detail."

"I'm feeling every detail of it," he said and he sighed. "I don't know how to explain it with the right the dream, I wanted you, only you, and suddenly, your hand, you moved it down and you touched my thing."

"I literally jumped into the action part in that dream," I commented and he let out a squeal.

"I should feel disgusted," he said and I frowned at his words. "But I did not feel any disgust. I did not push you away and you basically tried to pull me on top of you. Declan, we were in a public place, how could you do that?"

"Hey, I did not do anything," I protested. "It's your little head who created everything. Well done, by the way."

"Ah!" He groaned. "You are the cause of everything. You are always talking about touching me and doing some dirty things to me, specially yesterday, so it's your fault if I dreamed of that."

Yesterday, we could say yesterday as we were already past midnight, was our revision day at my place and yeah, maybe I did tease him a bit. At first, I was serious and really concentrated but after some hours, I started having enough. It wasn't the same for Pierre though. He was basically full of energy. Oh well, my parents forced me to keep the door of my bedroom wide opened, so I couldn't really touch my love physically but my words did touch him a lot.

Specially my little description of how I was going to pleasure his whole body.

One funny thing, each time I told him about an intimate activity that I wanted to do with him, he would reply to me with his typical answer "You can still dream", but I guessed that in the end, it was him who ended up dreaming of it.

"Did we do more than kissing?" I asked Pierre.

"Yes," he confirmed and I bit my bottom lip.

"Did we do the act?" I questioned then.

"No," he answered instantly. "I mean yes or maybe no. You..ah..near the end, you were touching me and I felt like some kind of pleasure wanted to explode inside of me and I woke up before it could happen...oh my's official, you turned me into a dirty boy. I'm no longer innocent. I was dreamily violated by you and I'm feeling more hot than ever now."

"I want a description," I ordered him. "You missed some part."

"Are you crazy?" He asked me.

"Crazy of you, yes," I replied. "I really want to know. Please tell me. I won't laugh or anything. I will just listen to you describe how I turned you into a dirty boy."

"You really like teasing me in words and in actions," he complained.

"Love, spill everything out. It will make you feel better."

And it would make me feel really excited.

Listening to him describing to me how he dreamed of us making out was going to be a really special occasion. He had his first wet dream about me, the boy who he claimed he didn't love.

"I moaned...a few times," he admitted and it seemed to be hard for him to say those words. "I-I touched you too and you were hard. It was weird doing that but at the same time kind of good. You kissed me in the neck and you whispered that you wanted to take me. It excited me a lot and my lower region started tingling."

I bit my lips, trying to prevent myself from commenting anything. I could imagine that little scene. Us in the dark room of the cinema in the far back, kissing, hands on each other. I could imagine him moaning and the taste of his lips, so sweet and soft.

"The movie, it ended," my love continued and the nervousness could be heard in his voice. "Instead of going back home, we went out of the cinema and somehow we appeared in a dark corner, then you pushed me against a wall. We kissed once again and you grabbed my butt. I could feel your hard member against mine. It good. You started unbuttoning my shirt but you did not fully remove it, you just uncovered my shoulders to kiss them. Just after that, your hands went down to unbutton my jeans and one of them slipped under my boxers to touch me there...god."


The image of the two of us was too clear in my head and I was feeling myself get hard in real life. Just damn it. How could someone be so innocent and at the same time dreamed of something so sexy and hot? I would gladly discover the dirty side of my love.

Slowly and passionately.

"Declan," Pierre said so quietly that I could barely hear him. "Am I being bad?"

"No, it's okay," I reassured him. "It's normal to want to be pleased in a sexual way."

"But being pleased in sexual way by you is not right," he stated.

"It's not wrong," I made it clear to him. "Please don't speak like a..."

"Religious homophobic," he completed for me.

"Yes," I agreed.

"I'm..." he did not seem to know how to finish his sentence. "I don't know how to get myself out of my current situation."

"You're hard," I stated and he didn't disagree.

"I think," he said, unsure and I wondered how he couldn't know that. "I can clearly see the bulge in my pajamas. I don't know what to do with it."

Such pure innocence should be illegal.

"Touch yourself," I told him and he let out a gasp.

"What? No!" He refused immediately. "I'm not doing that. There must be another way."

"Unless you want to take a cold shower right now, I don't know other solutions," I told him and he gulped.

"I'm not going to masturbate," he said, still unwilling to listen to me. "And I also don't want to take a cold shower."

"I'm hard," I informed him.

"It's not funny to mock me," he scolded me but I was serious.

"Do you want me to send you a picture to prove it to you?" I asked him.

"No!" He exclaimed and I chuckled.

"I want to touch myself," I admitted, looking down.

"Okay, I think that I should end this phone call," he declared.

"Don't," I told him. "Just do it with me."

"Do what? Touch myself?" He asked, incredulous. "I...I don't know how to give myself self pleasure."

"That's so cute."

"Shut up."

"Okay, okay, just relax and listen to me," I advised him. Now how was I going to explain it to him with simple words? "Like in your dream, slip your hand under your pajamas and grab your di-"

"Thing," he interrupted me and I frowned. "I don't want to hear the D word or the C word. It's too vulgar."

"And thing is the best term to call our genital part," I laughed.

"It makes me less uncomfortable," he admitted and I immediately stopped laughing.

"Just do as I said," I told him and it was quiet at the other end of the line. It was only after a few seconds that he replied.


"Really?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Yes," he answered quickly. "What do I have to do now?"

"Wait," I told him, licking my lips, I passed one hand under my boxers and grabbed my member. I could not believe that this was happening. Damn, this was too good to be true. I was going to enjoy every second of that moment. "Move your hand up and down now."

"Oh god," he said and I chuckled.

"I don't know how many times the word god came out of your mouth," I informed him. "I want to hear you moan my name."

"I did in the dream," he said and he made a weird noise at the other end. I started moving my hand and I hummed in satisfaction.

"I want to hear you moan my name in reality," I told him. "You said that you woke up before you could reach your climax. I'm going to make sure that you reach it now, my sweet love."

He did not reply but I knew that he heard me.

"Let me tell you a little story," I started, having some problems controlling my breathing as I quickened my pace. "Actually, I'm going to finish your dream. Let's see, I got you against a wall, shirt half removed, and my hand was grabbing your co-thing. I was touching you and you felt like cumming but you couldn't as you woke up."

"Y-yes," he said in difficulty.

"Perfect," I told him and I let out a moan. I did not need to think for long of what to say. "Seeing that you were close to cumming, I removed my hand out of your jeans."

"Why?" He questioned and he did not seem to like it.

"Because I wanted to taste you," I replied to him. "I got on my knees and lowered your jeans to your ankles. I could then see your whole member and you bit your lip, looking at me with clear want and desperation to reach your climax. I grabbed you once again and slowly took you into my mouth. Being able to finally have you in my mouth was the most perfect thing ever."

"D-don't..hmm...exaggerate," he finished off.

"I moved my head, taking in your whole length and you let out a soft moan. I accelerated my movement without wasting another second, my eyes were up watching you in fascination as you try desperately to hide your joy," I described to him. "I could taste your pre-cum in my mouth and-"

"Stop," he exclaimed. "I can't...this is too much...I want to-"

"Let it out," I moaned. "Damn, I want to cum too, love. Cum with me."

"Don't speak like this," he scolded me.

"I can't stop myself," I told him. God, I was near, almost there. Just a few more. "Think of my mouth around you and my eyes on you. I sucked hard on you and you let out a scream as you came into my mouth. It was-"

"Declan," my love interrupted me in a shout of pleasure. He finally moaned my name and it was enough for me to cum. My head snapped back and I swear under my breath. I needed to know. "Love, did you...?"

"Yes," he confirmed, out of breath and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of both of us breathing hardly. "I forgot to tell you something important. Well, I-I did not really forget but I couldn't let myself to say it. I was too scared in the dream, it's still the same in reality."

"What is it?" I asked him and he gulped. Suddenly, there was no sound at the other end. I thought that he hung up in my face but then he said the words that I never expected to hear.

"I love you."


My eyes snapped opened and the first thing that I saw was my white ceiling. I immediately sat up straight, looking around my dark room both in shock and in confusion. Some sunlight was passing through my curtains and I looked at the clock on my wall to see that it was 05:30 am.


I removed my bed sheets off me and I could clearly see the wet part of my boxers. I cum definitely and I was sweaty and my breathing was slightly accelerated. One realization struck me at that moment. I shook my head in horror quickly. No, no, no! You got to be fucking kidding me!

I looked at my phone and saw that it was placed on my nightstand. Wasn't it with me a few seconds ago? Wasn't I talking to Pierre? This couldn't be happening to me, not again! I quickly grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I went in my call log and unfortunately for me, my love Caller ID was not listed in my recent calls.

Damn it!

Annoyed and frustrated, I called Pierre right away and he answered his phone after a few seconds.

"Oh, good morning, Declan," he greeted me in a happy voice but I could hear the surprise in his voice. "You are up early. I did not think that you wake up that early to go to church."

No embarrassment in his voice. The normal Pierre that I knew would have definitely been embarrassed talking to me after our little dirty talk and touching section.

"Did you call me a few hours ago?" I asked him, hoping for a good answer but I got none.

"Um no. A few hours ago, I was sleeping," he informed me, slightly confused.

"But didn't you wake up in the middle of the night? Didn't we talk?" I asked him question after question. "Please, tell me that you told me that you love me."

He said it, I heard him. It was real...or at least, it sounded real to me.

"No, I did not wake up during the night and the last time we talked was before I went to sleep. You texted me goodnight, remember? Our revision day yesterday was fun but you were too perverted with your ideas definitely. And no, I didn't say that I have any feelings for you. Obviously I feel something but not love, no love from Pierre for his darling," he joked but I knew that he was just trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Oh, no," I let out, slapping myself on the forehead. "Why? Why me? God!"

"Declan, are you okay? You are worrying me," he informed me and I sighed.

"It's just that," I paused, finding myself ridiculous. "I had a dream."

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