Solitude -> The Walking De...

By SaraDanii

235K 7.9K 1.5K

"Torn between two men, stalked by the dead and fighting demons in her head." Starts season one I don't own Th... More



5.1K 213 30
By SaraDanii

"Everybody takes a weapon."

A bunch of us were gathered around random tools which I'm assuming Rick thought of as weapons. I had my knife but I guess an extra addition wouldn't hurt. Two weapons are better than one.

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" Andrea asked.

"We've been over that. Daryl, Rick and I are carrying. Can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." Shane explained.

I glanced at the gun in Rick's holster. This might be the first time that I agree with Andrea about something. I didn't take shooting classes only not to use a gun during an apocalypse.

"My gun." I mumbled.

Rick looked at me amused. I took a machete from the makeshift arsenal and grumbled about it under my breath. It's not like I was going to go around shooting people, despite my deep desire to do so.

"It's not the tress I'm worried about." Andrea mumbled.

"Say someone fires at the wrong moment, herd happens to be passing by, see that is game over for all of us. So you need to get over it." Shane retorted.

I tried to hide an amused smile. Though judging by the way Andrea was glaring at me, I was quite unsuccessful. I'm pleased that I'm not the only one forbidden from carrying a gun, that's all.

"The idea is to take the creek up, about five miles. Turn around, come back the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark." Daryl explained.

"Stay quiet, stay sharp. Keep space between you but always stay in within sight of each other." Rick ordered.

I walked away from the team and made my way to the RV. Dale was going through a car with Abby. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail before reaching them.

"You mind watching over her while Ryan and I go searching?" I asked.

Both of them looked up as I leaned against the RV. Dale was a big old softie who seemed to be fall for Abby's charms. She easily got along with others while the rest of our family had difficulties with that.

"Why can't I come with you? Carl's going."

"Oh, so this is about Carl? If I knew you had a crush on him-"

"I don't have a crush on Carl. I just want to find Sophia."

I grinned at her noticing her discomfort at the subject. Those two are way too young for any funny business but it was still amusing to make her squirm. I did the same to Ryan when he was younger.

"Really? Cause your cheeks are getting red." I teased.

Dale smiled at the two of us as Abby huffed. It was clear that she was annoyed at me for twisting her words. The more I annoy her, the less she'll think about Sophia's disappearance.

"I'll keep an eye on her, Josephine. Don't worry about a thing." Dale said.

"Thanks, Dale, I appreciate it." I replied.

I joined the others as we ventured into the woods. It was quite peaceful actually. I grew up in a big city so nature wasn't that present in my life. The mud was annoying, however. I tried to avoid getting it on my shoes, but that proved to be mission impossible.

Soon enough, we reached a tent. It seemed to be abandoned yet it could still be used. Rick signalled for us to stop moving and to crouch down. I did as he told us and observed the tent. It wasn't exactly the safest place.

"She could be in there." Shane suggested.

"It could be a whole bunch of things in there." Daryl replied.

Him, Rick, Shane and Ryan went forward. The rest of us stood behind. I noticed Daryl going around the tent trying to see inside. Rick called out to Carol. She went to him and the rest of us followed.

"Call out softly. If she's in there, your voice is the first she should hear." Rick explained.

"Sophia. Sweetie, are you in there? Sophia, it's mommy. Sophia, we're all here, baby. It's mommy." Carol called out desperately.

But no response. Rick went to Daryl who slowly unzipped the tent as Rick and Shane pointed their guns at it. Daryl entered the tent as Rick and Shane started coughing. I furrowed my eyebrows confused by their reaction.

For a second, my mind came up with worrying scenarios and I almost called out for Daryl. Thankfully I stopped myself before saying anything. It's like I forgot how much we disliked each other for a moment. He exited the tent all alone.

"Ain't her." He said.

"What's in there?" Andrea asked.

"Some guy. Did what Jenner said. Opted out. Is that what he called it?" Daryl said.

Suddenly, a sound of bells spread through the woods. I tensed at the sound having gotten used to the silence of the apocalypse. Daryl listened for a bit then pointed right. My feet carried me quickly trying to keep up with the rest of the group.

"What direction?" Shane asked.

"I think that way. I'm pretty sure." Rick said.

"Dang, it's hard to tell out here." Shane commented.

If the bells are ringing, then maybe someone is ringing them. It's a bad move on the person's part though. Ever walker within miles would hear it and come in its direction. Maybe it's meant for people to hear.

"If we hear them, maybe Sophia does too." Carol suggested.

"Well, someone's ringing them so it could be their way to tell us that they found her." I added.

Every brain cell that I have screams that this isn't smart. If the people who are ringing the bells aren't dangerous, the walkers that hear them are. I'm so glad that Abby stayed behind with Dale. If only Ryan stayed there, too.

"She could be ringing them herself. Come on." Rick demanded.

I followed them as they continued running. The sound of bells got louder and louder. We reached what looked like a cemetery. In the distance, I could see a white church standing out.

"That can't be it. It's got no bells." Shane objected.

Rick ignored him and went towards it. He probably still blames himself for Sophia going missing. If you think about it, this is just his desperate attempt at finding her. Who could blame him for having hope?

"It's worth a shot." I told Shane.

I started running along with Rick and got my machete out. We saw a red door which I believe is the entrance. Rick paused before opening the doors. It wasn't that big of a church.

It didn't have a lot of decorations except for crosses and occasional paintings. My attention was caught by four walkers. Rick went first and I followed.

I went to the far side then up. Daryl was behind me. A walker approached me and I quickly lodged the machete into its skull. Daryl went in front of me and made kissy sounds to the walker.

She turned around and he stabbed her. I rolled my eyes at that and took out my machete. I walked passed him as he looked up. No sign of Sophia being here. Considering there were walkers here, that's a good thing.

"Sophia." Rick yelled.

Daryl went up to the statue of Jesus Chris. This whole building made me uncomfortable. Religion wasn't my favorite subject. The whole idea of an almighty God felt silly to me.

"Hey, J.C., you takin requests?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes yet an amused smile formed on my face. I think this is the first time that Daryl and I had something in common. Usually we argue because we have different opinions on everything.

"I'm telling you it's the wrong church. There's no bells." Shane retorted.

Just then, the ringing returned right above us. We ran out only to see it was a speaker. Glenn pulled a few wires and it stopped ringing. All this effort for basically nothing.

"Timer. It's on a timer." Daryl said breathlessly.

"I'm gonna go back in for a bit." Carol mumbled.

She walked back inside as a heavy sight left my lips. Hope was a dangerous thing. It could easily be crushed by reality and leave you feeling worse than in the beginning.


"Y'all have to follow the creek back, okay? Daryl, you're in charge. Me and Rick, we're just gonna hang back. Search this area for another hour just to be thorough." Shane explained.

When I commented about Rick, Shane and Daryl being a trio, I didn't think they'd actually become a leader trio. If they put him in charge, then they must trust him enough.

"You splittin us up? You sure?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, we'll catch up with you." Shane said.

"I wanna stay too. I'm her friend." Carl commented.

I glanced at him with an amused smile on my face. Guess he wants to join the leader trio. Rick and Shane exchanged a wary look. Neither of them seemed very happy at the thought of him out here.

"I'll come too. Make sure he doesn't get into any trouble." I spoke up.

That got the attention of some of the members of the group. It was the first time that I did anything that wasn't for my siblings. Rick nodded agreeing to take me as backup. Lori went to Carl as Ryan bumped his shoulder with mine.

"Don't do anything stupid, Jo." He said.

"I never do anything stupid." I replied.

He smiled at me rolling his eyes before he joined the rest of the group. Rick kissed and hugged Lori before entering the church again. The rest of them left as I sat down next to Carl on the stairs.

"Looks like you're going to be the next sheriff in town." I stated.

"Does that mean Abby's gonna be my second in command?" He asked.

"Don't be silly. She'll take your place as soon as you give her the chance." I joked.

He snorted and I smirked at him. Abby has the potential to be a wild child. She is my sister after all. Their friendship was something that a lot of kids won't be able to experience anymore.

Rick returned from the church and we set off for the woods yet again. I took a deep breath enjoying the fresh air. It's a nice change to rotten corpses. Abby would've enjoyed it. Maybe I should've let her come too.

We heard a rustle in the trees and Rick signalled for us to stop. I tensed and gripped my machete. He pointed to the left and I carefully followed him. Instead of walkers, I saw a deer.

The trees were blocking my view but I could make out its shape as it stepped into a small clearing. A small smile spread over my face at the sight of the deer shaking his fur. Shane, however, pointed his gun at it ruining the moment.

"Shane." Rick protested.

He motioned at Carl who was looking at the deer in awe. I took Carl's hand in mine and stepped forward. Well, I did say that I wouldn't let him get into trouble. At least, not alone.

He grinned at me as we got closer to the deer. My eyes were glued to it as we went forward. The deer didn't seem to notice us. Or at least it didn't care. I looked at Carl with a wide smile over my face.

"Cool." I mouthed.

He nodded in agreement. I stepped on a branch and the deer looked at us. Its big eyes staring into ours. I glanced back at Rick and Shane. They were looking at us smiling. I grinned at them and turned my head back.

Carl wanted to go even closer but I stopped him. We didn't know if the deer was going to run away. I stepped in front of Carl trying to get closer to see what would happen.

Then I heard a loud bang. A sharp pain hit my stomach and I fell on the ground. My eyes immediately closed trying to block out the pain. I was vaguely aware of Carl's hand holding mine.

"No, no, no. Josephine!" I heard a yell.

Then everything turned black.

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