My journey to sexual purity. X

By Fightingforpurity101

8.3K 838 473

My journey as a Christian girl pursuing a life of purity. (: More

A little bit about me(:
Cold Turkey
True intimacy. X
Properly feeding yourself prevents binge eating the wrong things✌
Whom the son sets free IS free indeed
Mass post on overcoming pornography addiction
Freedom is freedom
Sex drives are [gifts] from God
Idolizing relationships/ marriage
The [bigger] cycle
Yearly check up ☺
The truth will set you free
Be Vulnerable (part 1)
Just go to the Source
History tends to repeat itself
Slippery Slope
Resilience amidst failure
Life update :)
Dare to obey
A Graceless Journey

A little vulnerability goes a long way❤

192 23 9
By Fightingforpurity101

***Instead of saying "y'all", sometimes I say "guys". When I say "guys" I'm not referring to the male population- I'm referring to any and every one reading this. This may be obvious, but I've personally encountered women who have gotten incredibly offended by being addressed as "guys". Please know that I'm just using it as a way to address the diverse population of readers. In this particular case it's a collective term, and not meant to be offensive. X

Ok, now on to the good stuff :D

Over the last few weeks you all have really been encouraging me with your kind messages. Although your messages vary greatly, there was one thing they each had in common. Every message that you all sent expressed how encouraged you were by my openness and vulnerability as I shared very intimate things with you guys.

Although I was supposed to be writing a mini-series (I'm really sorry about all the delays by the way, I've been much busier than I thought), I felt led to take an intentional hiatus, and give you guys the chance to be vulnerable.

Over the last few weeks some of you have sent me heavy messages and have allowed me to give you advice. However, what I don't think you all realize is how much your questions could benefit others. You may feel like you're the only one struggling, but I promise you, you're not. You don't know how much you could encourage someone else by simply letting them know that others are going through something similar.

When I first started writing about my addiction I was incredibly embarrassed, because I thought I was the only one struggling. However, it was through sharing that I not only found that I wasn't alone, but also that being open with my struggles could help others overcome theirs.

For the next week or two I will be taking questions from you all. If you send me a question I will ask if you'd mind having it featured, and if you agree I will answer your question, and add the response to this book. I will include your question, but I will NOT include your name.

I encourage you guys to be open with one another, but if you aren't comfortable with sharing your question then that's fine too! I will also continue to take personal messages, and simply responding via personal/ direct message.

PS- Feel free to send as many questions as you want! The more, the better!!! I love you all so much, and I can't wait to hear from you all.

PSS- We all have such different struggles and backgrounds, and therefore have very different things to offer. If you have something to add, then PLEASE share it the comment section! :D You don't know how much your input could positively affect someone. This would be a great way for you guys to encourage and really help each other out- not to mention bond and build a community.

PSSS- Also, feel free to send in some testimonies/ general tips!!! Those are super powerful, and can really encourage someone :)

I hope you all have had a Merry Christmas, and I pray you all have an awesome new year.

Lots of love, and God bless. Xoxo

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