Only Time Will Tell

By silviaaxox

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"Sooner or later you're going to fall for me." "You forgot the 'never' option." I smiled fakely. He chuckled... More

1. Let Me Introduce You
2. Meeting the Neighbours
3. New Boy
4. Alone with New Boy
5. Welcome to Our Gang
6. Try-Outs
7. Not So Fun Fun Fair
8. Explanations
9. Patience is a Virtue
10. Trying to Impress
11. Can't Sleep
12. You Can Have Him
13. Keep Away From Her
14. What Was That?
15. Sports Awards Dinner
16. The Wedding
17. Need a Ride?
18. Neighbour after Date
19. Carefree
20. Taking Me Out
21. Meet My Mates
22. I Had Fun
23. Three Harsh Words
24. I Want You to Be There
25. The Kiss
26. Confused
27. The Three Words
28. My Prince on a Unicorn
29. Mistake
30. HELP!
32. Shopping Trip
33. Beach Party
34. Just Give Me a Chance
35. This Place Is Beautiful
36. Just Come Out
37. Just Stay
38. Date Night With A Twist
39. The Three Unrequited Words
40. Business Thing
41. The Match
42. A Library?
43. What's Wrong?
44. I Should Have Known
45. You Fucked Up
46. Let's Bunk
47. What Is Wrong With You?
48. You Want Me 'Cause I'm Taken
49. Romantic
50. Fight
51. I Don't Know What To Think
52. Remember
53. Think Things Through
54. The Truth
55. Venice

31. You Don't Know Anything

6.9K 225 58
By silviaaxox

Chapter Thirty-One

Adjusting my eyes to the bright light was one of the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Who the fuck used such strong light bulbs?! I swear. They were giving me a head ache.

But suddenly I forgot about them as I realised I was in a hospital. A hospital. Not again. 

"Hello. I'm glad you're finally awake." My eyes focused on a petite black haired woman in her late twenties beaming at me, holding a clipboard. I guessed she was a nurse.

"How long have I been out?" I choked, the difficulty of speaking slightly surprising me.

"A few hours. It 8pm." She told me.

A few hours. Suddenly the events of earlier that day filled my head. The images of Kyle and Luke fighting. Luke's words floating through my ears. The feeling of not being able to breathe. The pain.

"I'll call your parents in." The nurse smiled scurrying out the room.

I lay on my bed, dreading the sound of my mother's voice.

"Hannah! Oh Hannah sweetheart!" I heard the clicking of heels as I twisted my head to look at my parents.

"Hi mum, hi dad." I chocked once again forgetting that I couldn't speak. "Help me up."

My mother quickly adjusted my pillows so I could sit up slightly. I got a closer look of my mum who was looking at me horrified.

"Hannah, baby you look—" She bit her lip. "Horrible."

I pursed my lips. From what I could remember from earlier that day, I could only imagine how bad I looked.

"What happened?  Who did this?" She whimpered taking hold of my hand.

I looked at her confused. "They didn't tell you?"

She shook her head. "Tell me darling!  Was it Derek again is he back?"

I gulped trying to hold back tears. "It was—He—"

My mum squeezed my hand slightly. "Sweetheart its okay, take your time."

Why was it so hard to tell my parents the truth?  Probably because Luke was the last person I'd expect to do something like that. I mean, I actually would expect it from Kyle more than Luke. In my eyes, Luke was harmless. He wouldn't hurt a fly. But he hurt me.

"Luke." I chocked. 

I watched my mums eyes widen as she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. My dad placed his face in his hands and turned away and leaving the room.

"Luke? As in, your Luke?" My mum asked.

"He's obviously not my Luke now." I said.

"But why?" My mum asked. "Why would he do this?"

I bit my lip still trying to hold back tears even though my vision was getting blurry. "He knows."

My mum knew straight away what I was talking about. She shut her eyes and sighed looking at the floor. 

"I don't know how but he knows." I repeated.

"But why did he react this way? Did you tell him it wasn't your fault?" My mum panicked.

"I didn't tell him." I sighed. "I denied it. I know it was stupid but mum, I couldn't tell him it meant nothing."

My mum smiled slightly. "Because it didn't." 

I nodded. "I've messes up mum. This is all my fault." Tears were spilling down my cheeks. "Why do I always get myself into all this crap? First Derek now Luke. What is wrong with me? I was perfectly happy with Luke. I never complained. He was perfect and then I let that idiot kiss me and now look at me! Look at me mum." I cried more and more with each word.

My mum took my face in her hands. "Don't you dare blame this on yourself understand? Derek is the past you can't compare any guy to him. And Luke obviously wasn't perfect honey. If not now then he'd explode one day and who knows how that could've ended. Who knows how today could've ended if not for Kyle—"

"Kyle." I let out my head scanning my surrounding searching hopelessly for him. "Where is he mum? Is he okay?" I remembered how Luke pushed him against the lockers and the sound of bones crack, not sure whether it was Luke's or Kyles. Probably both to be perfectly honest.

My mum smiled softly again taking my hand. "He was being checked up on. But he's fine."

"See mum? Not only do I get myself into this stuff, I also end up hurting other people.  What if he's badly injured what if—"

"I'm okay princess." My breath hitched and my heart stopped beating as my head snapped in the direction of the voice to be met by a dirty blonde tall figure leaning against the door frame, his muscular arms crossed against his chest, a smirk plastering his face.

"Kyle." I breathed.

My mum squeezed my hand but my eyes never left his. "I'll leave you two alone." She laughed before letting go and leaving the room.

Kyle bounced off the door frame and made his way to my hospital bed. "How are you princess?" His husky gruff voice made me speechless for a bit before I took a deep breath and got a hang of myself.

"Could be better." I sighed. "Thank you Kyle."

Kyle cocked an eyebrow. "For what?"

"For saving me, again! If you wouldn't have come I don't even want to think about what could have—"

"Shh." Kyle took my hand in his, his touch making my heart race. "Don't think about it. It's over now."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I was such a bitch to you this morning and yet you came and practically saved my life." 

Kyle chuckled softly. "Well I couldn't just leave my princess." He smirked. That when I noticed them. The two cuts on his lower lip and one really deep on the upper. The bruise that was appearing on the left side of his jaw and the darkness around his right eye.

I gasped, more tears escaping. Kyles eyes widened in confusion and panic. "What wrong princess?  Are you okay?"

"I am." I chocked. "But look at you."

I felt his muscles relax as he sighed deeply. "You're crazy! You scared me!"

"Kyle! Have you seen yourself?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes."

"All of that is my fault! You got hurt because of m—"

"I got hurt because I chose to intervene. It wasn't your fault and you have no right to blame it on yourself." He brought his hand up to my face, his thumb wiping away a tear.

"But Kyle if I hadn't—"

"I kissed you. I shouldn't have done it I know. But if anything, I started all of this. It my fault and looking at you like that—"

Kyle was interrupted by a nurse asking him to leave as she checked up on me.

He was blaming himself. Something I had been begging him to do ever since he kissed me, but now after everything hat happened, hearing him blame himself was the worst thing I could have heard. 

I didn't want him to blame himself when I knew that it was also my fault. It hurt me knowing that he blamed himself for Luke. For what Luke had done to me.


In the morning I got let out of hospital and obviously missed the day of school not quite ready to face anyone.

My best friends visited me at home as soon as school was finished.

"Hannah you never told us that Luke was so—"

"Violent?" I interrupted Layna. "That's because he wasn't. Which made it so much worse."

"I would've never though..." Jake trailed off.

I sighed. "Yeah, neither would I. But to be honest, it was kind of to he expected right? Derek ended up like that. Now Luke. Can I not just find a proper caring guy that I can feel safe around?"

Casey crossed her arms across her chest and smirked. "Well, there might be a candidate."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Casey and Layna exchanged a look. Before Layna smirked as well. "Well, we did hear about who your saviour was."

I shook my head. "No guys, no."

"Why not?" Casey exclaimed. "He's saved you twice already!  Twice!"

"Yeah, he's obviously your prince charming." Layna grinned. 

I cocked an eyebrow. "Not going to happen."

"Why? He's so totally into you!" Layna teased.

"They have a point." Jake said. "I mean, he did kiss you."

"I bet it was because Jade wasn't satisfying him—"

"I will slap you." Casey cut in with a threat. "Just admit that you guys have chemistry."

I shook my head. Admitting it would be like a death warrant. I'd wouldn't be able to look at him or Jade in the same way ever again. It would change everything.


"Sweetheart wake up. We're leaving in like an hour." My mum shook my lightly ripping the covers off of me.

"Mum." I whined. "I don't want to go."

"Claire and Rob want us all there. So you have to go Hannah. I don't want any excuses." And with that she left my room.

My newly married cousin and her husband decided to do a whole family get together thing which I personally saw no point in. I'd be bored as hell and would just sit on my phone for the whole party. Or I'd have to listen about the older generation of my family trying to hook me up with a far cousin or something like that wasn't incest!

I groaned getting out of bed and into the shower. I went for a simple fitted strapless bodice, but floaty skirt, floral print dress. I chose fuchsia suede heels and a light mulberry baywater bag.

I left my hair in the natural curls I had and applied some natural make up but I had to apply more than usual to cover up the cuts and bruises on my face. 

In that given hour, I was ready.

"Hannah! So good to see you!" My cousin beamed as she struggled towards me in her too high heels.

I laughed softly hugging her back. "Hey Claire." 

"Claire dear, do you know where your parents are? I'd love to see them after such a long time." My mum asked.

Claire nodded pointing to a round table with my aunt and uncle sitting at it.

As my parents made their way towards that table Claire took my hand and pulled me through the crowd, until we reached a table full of drinks.

"Here you go." She handed me a glass of champagne. 

I looked at the glass and then at my cousin. "Claire, I'm underage." Yes Hannah, pretend you're sensible and that you've never drank before.

It didn't work because my cousin let out a laugh. "Hannah please, you're seventeen, and you've had more than enough drinking experiences. Plus, it's just a glass of champagne." That's why I loved this girl.

I took it but before I had a chance to take a sip she was dragging me through a crowd again.

We then ended up on a picnic bench in a large patch of green grass and bright flowers. "Fancy." I commented. 

"Thanks." She laughed. "So I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry to hear what happened to you—"

"It's fine Claire. Thank you." I cut in not really wanting to keep this subject going.

"Whoever he was, he wasn't worth it." She smiled. "I know it's early, but have you got any replacement?" She wriggled her eyebrows.

I laughed slightly. "No." I lied.

She cocked an eyebrow knowing me too well. "Really?"


"Good. Because that boy over there is totally interested in you." She nudged her head subtly on the direction of the buffet table.

I scanned the table looking for a 'boy' until my eyes focused on an all too familiar figure. 

"Shit." I cursed, my eyes widening.

"I know right, he's a good looking guy." She laughed probably at my reaction even though she got the wrong idea from it. "He's Rob's cousin."

I nodded. "I know."

"You know?" She asked confused. 

"Yeah, he also happens to be my neighbour. Go to my school. And be the guy who saved my life three days ago." I told her burying my face in my hands.

She gasped excitedly. "You must be kidding me!"

I shook my head. "Nope."

"You go girl!" Claire cheered. 

"No Claire, no you go girl." I told her. "He has a girlfriend. He's also the reason all of this happened."

"What did he do?"

"He kissed me. He kissed me twice and my boyfriend found out!" I exclaimed. "If he hadn't done that I would still be with my boyfriend and I wouldn't be such a mess both physically and mentally." I sighed.

Claire bit her lip. "Hannah, let me tell you something. I believe in one thing, everything happens for a reason."


"If he hadn't kissed you, yeah okay, you'd still be with your boyfriend but that wouldn't change the fact that deep inside, that boyfriend of yours was abusive and was just hiding it." She told me. "That hottie, showed you what your boyfriend was really like and who knows what could happen in the future one day when he exploded. Thanks to Mr handsome over there, you've freed yourself from someone who could potentially kill you Hannah. He saved your life."

I sat there, listening to what she was saying. I knew she was right. If not for Kyle I would be oblivious to what Luke was really like. I would've never known until it was too late and Luke could hurt me much more than he did three days ago. Kyle had saved my life.

Kyles P.O.V.

"Kyle mate, so glad you could come." Rob grinned as he shook my hand.

"Yeah, me too." Lies. This was the last place I wanted to be.

Since Thursday I've been locked up in my room with the blinds down, in bed with only one person on my mind.

I couldn't not think of her. My thoughts always drifted back to her somehow. It was torture.

That day when Hannah ended up in hospital I sat on her bed, watching her sleep. I looked at the cuts and bruises on her face. I wanted to break down and cry because it killed me seeing her so ruined. So hurt, knowing that it was my fault.

I couldn't bare to think what that asshole would've done to her if I had decided to take the long way to class and not have heard Hannah scream or if my appointment had ended earlier and I was already in class. The thought broke my heart.

I missed school on Friday. I couldn't face anyone. Sure, no one knew the background to what happened but the fact that I did was enough. And I couldn't face Jade or any of Hannah's friends.

Speaking of Jade, yesterday I woke up knowing one thing. 

I knew that this wasn't what I wanted. That Jade and I haven't been true to ourselves for ages now. That I was forcing myself to stay with her. What me and her had wasn't love, it was her clinging onto me and refusing to let go. And after everything that had happened I couldn't deal with it anymore.

And so I invited her out where I told her that I had enough and that this time it was permanently over. 


"Hey baby!" She squealed getting out of her car and running up to me in those stiletto heel things.

I forced a smile hugging her back but as she was about to kiss me I moved my face away.

"What's wrong?" she asked, evidently surprised that I rejected her kiss.

I pursed my lips. "Jade, we need to talk."

She giggled. "Oh silly, we talk all the time!" 

Oh my god. Why was I even with this girl?

"No Jade," I shook my head. "I'm breaking up with you." My bluntness surprised me but it was too late to take it back and it was what I wanted. 

Jade looked at me and then burst in to hysterics. "Baby, I never knew you to be so funny." She but her lip, tracing her index finger around my chest.

I took hold of her arms. "Jade, I'm not joking." I told her. "I'm breaking up with you. I don't want this."

She yanked her arms out of my hold. "What the fuck Kyle! You were fine with this last night!"

I sighed. This made me look like an asshole. Like I used her. But that wasn't true. At the start I actually liked Jade. But then she got all clingy and wouldn't let go of me. Every time we'd break up she'd find a way of getting me back. She made me believe I liked her. That I loved her. But then came Hannah. And Hannah made me realise that I was lying to myself. That I didn't want this.

Just the brush of my lips against Hannah's felt better than anything I ever did with Jade. Including sex.

I know, I'm sorry, inappropriate.

The chemistry made me go crazy. I've acted like an asshole to Hannah after the kiss because I wanted to make the feeling go away. But it never did. Instead, it weakened me.

"It's because of that slut isn't it?"

"Jade, she's not a slut—"

"Oh great!" She laughed humourlessly. "You're standing up for her!"

"Jade I am sorry, I didn't want this end like this. I liked you, I never used you Jade.  I loved you. But I think we've both know that this," I pointed between her and me, "has been over for a while now."

She laughed subconsciously. "You mean, it's been over since that bitch moved next to you!" She screamed.

I looked around nervously realising that people were looking at us. 

"Jade we're in public." I muttered. "You're the one being a bitch right now! Hannah hasn't done anything to you—"

"But she's ruined us Kyle! She ruined us! She's taken away what we had." She snapped.


"You know what Kyle! Don't even bother! Go to that slag! I don't need you, but good luck trying to get with her because after her little incident with curly boy, she's not going to ever trust any guy again, especially not you after what you've done to her all those years!" She laughed.

My breath hitched. That was a low blow, even for Jade.

"Speechless are we now Kyle?" She smirked before looking at her phone and back at me. "Just know that I'm telling everyone I broke up with you." And with that, she stalked off, leaving me frozen. 


But the more if thought about it, the more I realised that I didn't care what she had to say. I didn't care for or about Jade anymore and that I hadn't for a long time now but I hadn't managed to let that sink in.

There was only one person that I had cared for all this time. And I was going to do everything I could to get her.

Hannah's P.O.V.

"Princess." I jumped slightly at the sound of the familiar husky voice.

I twisted around to face my company. "Kyle." 

"I forgot we were related." He smirked.

Oh god. That sounded so wrong. I committed incest!  "But that means we—"

"Princess, it's okay, we're not related by blood remember?"

I sighed in relief. "Thank god."

Kyle chuckled, bringing shivers. "How are you?"

"I'm okay."

"No you're not." He shook his head.

"I said I'm fine Kyle." I pushed.

"Hannah, I know this must be hard for you but—"

"But you don't know anything Kyle." I snapped. "You don't know what it's like leaving one abusive relationship and getting with a guy who ends up hurting you more than the previous one. You weren't the one being held by your hair and smacked across the ground. You don't know what it's like actually blaming yourself for someone hurting you so bad. You don't know how this messed me up mentally and physically. You don't know anything." I was breathing heavily, the harsh words spilling out, uncontrollably. 

Kyle looked at me, pain written all over his face. I suddenly felt guilty for saying all those things.  I meant them, but maybe not so harshly and I really didn't mean to take it out on Kyle.

I opened my mouth to speak but he shook his head and walked away, leaving me alone at the table with my thoughts.


Sorry Guys, I wont be able to update for a while, mock exams are starting for me on Friday and so I gotta revise! 

I'll update as soon as I'm done with them!

Wish me luck!

Hannah's Outfit:

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