Part Time Villains

By amberGoodwin7

107K 2.6K 158

Going to a new school can be hard especially if it is a boarding school in the middle of nowhere,you would se... More

Character list
1.Intro 1
A/N wish
4.Chip on your shoulder
10.Home Affairs part 1
11.Home Affairs Part 2
12.The fastest loser
Author's note
16.Back to Elsewhere
18.Burnt Memories
21:The Wedding
22.Fading memories
Revision/New Version


3.2K 106 8
By amberGoodwin7

Summer break was coming up and Amber was more than excited to see Caleb ,it had been months and talking on the phone just wasn't as great as getting to see him everyday and the week was almost over which meant that on Friday morning she would be back on the train and be back at home by Friday evening .
"guess who..." someone said covering her eyes and whispering in her ear
"argh I hate guessing games" Amber said with a sigh "fine is it Jed"
"nah I'm right here beautiful" he said the voice coming from somewhere ahead
"awww who is it?" she asked pouting
"not telling" the person laughed and at that moment she knew who it was and a devious smile graced her lips as she drew her elbow forward before hitting the culprit right in his ribcage.Klaus dropped to the floor in pain clutching his abdomen groaning
"what the hell Amber,why?" he asked out of breath
"that's what you get for attempting to blindfold me" she said sticking her tongue out at him and giggling "come on let me help you up" Amber said reaching for his hand as she helped him stand up
"how does someone so tiny punch so hard?" Klaus whinned rubbing his still sore ribs
"I told you dynamite comes in small packages" she replied with a wink
"so are you going home for summer" Klaus asked watching her intently
"of coarse I am" Amber said excitedly
"oh" he said feeling a sense of loss
"hey I'll be back so don't go all funeral on me now I'll always be there okay" she said gently and it was as if his fears suddenly vanished
"Fine you don't have to be over dramatic about it" he said making her laugh
"yeah sure I'm the dramatic one" she scoffed as they went for their last lesson till the bell rang for the end of the day.
"So everyone is coming up to Apollo's cabin over spring break are..." Clara said waltzing into Amber's room
"nope" Amber replied placing a pile of folded shirts in her suitcase
"why not?" Clara sulked
"I'm spending it with my family and Cale" she replied
"oh you are forgiven then" Clara said with a giggle and a wink "let me guess you are finally gonna do it" she said making Amber blush
"yes I feel like we're ready for it now ,that it's time to take my relationship with Caleb to the next level " Amber said looking into her mirror and applying a little makeup
"but why wait you've been dating for what six months" Clara asked scrolling through her phone while laying upsidedown on Amber's bed
"it's eight months and we've known eachother for two years and at first I was worried that he wasn't really into me because he had quite the reputation when we met,but he's proven that he is loyal and trustworthy" Amber said with a dreamy look in her eyes as she packed her last sweater

"well all the best and fingers crossed" Clara said in a cheerful voice "anyway I will see you at the end of summer ,even though I would rather you spent it with us but hey" she continued with a heavy sigh

"Haha like I buy that act Clara you know I can't do that " Amber said remorsefully as she gave Clara a big hug. No sooner had Clara left a knock sounded on her door 

The whole day saw an extremely pissed off Klaus ,she was leaving in a few hours and his father was forcing him to spend the summer at the cabin with his brother so to say he was livid was putting it lightly but he would not let her see it ,so spending his day in the studio was his only option well there was Denise but he was trying to reform and distance himself from her because he knew that Amber's relationship with 'Cale' was about to meet an end and getting involved with Denise was not a wise idea if he was going to swoop in and lend a compassionate shoulder to cry on he needed to be clean and have no hangers at his heels .

A few hours later he checked the time and put his paints away and made his way to Amber's dorm .
On his way he could not help but envy how happy people looked to be going home as the loaded their trunks and bags .If only he were able to be happy even for a short while he would give his all because anything was better than spending his vacation with Apollo and Co .
But hey he had no choice it was either that or he would be sent to military school next year ,the very idea made him shiver .Nope he would just have to ignore everyone ,maybe even spend his days texting Amber .

Reaching her door he knocked and the angel herself answered the door with that smile that could make his day brighter.

"Hie" she said shyly as he gave her a hug

"Hey chipmunk" he said with a chuckle making her scowl at him

"I am not a chipmunk Ariiii" she said hitting him on his arm glaring at him trying to intimidate him

"See, cute as a bunny" he replied pinching her cheeks as she tried to swat his hands away 

"I hate you" Amber said with a pout 

"Hey you know you love me ,I'm sorry okay" Klaus said giving her a bear hug ,when she didn't answer him he proceeded to tickle her.

If anyone had walked in they would have had serious doubts that these two were just friends, hell if you saw them any other day giggling and poking each other you would seriously believe that they were albeit the cutest couple you've ever seen ,but alas they were 'just' friends .

"I give, I give,I give" Amber said laughing as Klaus continued to tickle her ,at this moment watching her laugh made Klaus remember the day he had discovered that his little fairy was ticklish .

"Nope I don't think you've learnt your lesson yet" he said laughing along with her continuing his onslaught 

It was a day like no other ,they were in English and were working on a poem they had been given when Klaus being bored decided to poke her in the ribs,he was going for the annoyed reaction so what he got instead amused him more as she actually giggled and tried to swat his hands away as he went to do it again 'Stop it' she had said while he only smirked and did it again until she actually burst out laughing which proceeded in them getting a detention .She had tried to ignore him after that but gave in and they were chums again the next day.

"Fine fine I accept your apology" she said pulling him from his reverie 

"You mean it?" he asked in a teasing tone 

"Yes ,god yes Klaus" she shouted as his fingers slowed down their assault on her sides.

You know how fate likes to yank at people's heart strings, well as it happens Apollo was just about to knock on Amber's door when he heard her . His mind began to race a thousand miles an hour at what he heard ,were Klaus and Amber sleeping together ,had they deceived everyone .The anger he felt was so immense as he walked away that anyone who greeted him or wished him a good vacation received a cold menacing glare. So she was hooking up with Klaus this entire time ,he couldn't help but feel a bitter resentment to the conversation they had yesturday .She had said she and Klaus were just friends and nothing more and like the fool he was he had belived the bitch ,they deserved eachother and when Klaus  broke her heart Apollo would not be the one to pick up the pieces.

"I'm gonna miss you carebear" Klaus said wrapping Amber up in a big bear hug
"argh don't get sappy on me now Arie" Amber said giggling whilst trying to get out of his imbrace "I'll be back before you know it"
"promise" he said holding out his pinky finger
"I promise" Amber said rolling her eyes and linking her pinky finger with his "now let go you umppa lumppa"
Klaus then released her and waved until she was out of sight and only then did he go retrieve his bags and get on the road to the cabin of unspeakable horrors.
love carebear♡♡♡😍😍😍❤💕💖💓💗💞💝💋

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