Redirected to a Kinder Pack

Galing kay saphem

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Brianna Snow is the outcast of her pack but she left when she was rejected by her mate and redirected to a ki... Higit pa

Char Info
Met and Rejected
She's Gone...?
Saved. BY MY ENEMIES????
Befriending my former enemies
Vampire Info
Main Vampires
Increasing Mystery
Moving In
New Pack and Old Pack characters
Being Controlled???
Confrontation 2
The Plan
The Oh So Wonderful Speech
The Aftermath
Attack, Dream and Decision
Meeting the Vamps
The Final Battle

Truths Revealed, Lies Unravelled

3.1K 36 6
Galing kay saphem

A/N you know how there’s a formal dinner if I put former I meant formal sorry sorry

Btw I’m sure some people are wondering both Brianna’s pack and Liam’s pack have 137 pack members in total


Hmph *slaps myself* just remembered another rule for the weres: NO BETRAYING OR ATTACKING ANYONE NOT MATTER WHO IT IS....UNLESS ITS THE ROGUES AND HUNTERS!!

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I WAS SO CLOSE TO 4 PAGES OTHER CHAPTER *EPIC CRY FEST* gosh I even forgot bout those 2 unknown POV I’m trying to add it on now

Did I mention that uhhh vamps can cry but it’s red not clear??

Well than now that that’s over STORY TIME


 Brianna's POV

- A day later -

HOLT SH!!!!!T THIS PLACE IS HUGE AND AWESOME!!!!!!!! I think I’ll be repeating this every single day I’m here and after that. We had 6 hours to explore the castle before going to bed yesterday and we hadn’t even finished exploring ONE floor.

We went to the buffet for dinner, and let’s just say everyone went to heaven. There was SO much food, and tables everywhere. There was Japanese food, Chinese, American, Canadian, Korean and SOOOOOOOOOO much more.

It was more delicious than the ones you buy at restaurants. I think by the time the fiasco with the hunters and rogues are over, every single one of us will be obese.... actually even more than that. Actually we will be both fit and fat seeing as the floors are so huge it takes like an hour or two to go from one side to another.

The vamps that cooked for us and served us because it’ll take a long time to walk to one place to another were really really kind. I think I have yet to see someone in our packs saying they hate it here.

The sluts from Liam's pack really did enjoy it here, considering that the bedrooms were soundproof and the REALLY huge strip mall. I think there were at least 17 fights in stores for a certain clothes in just 6 hours. 

Awesome right??!?!? 


-1:30 pm -

3 and a half more hours till the formal dinner. All the girls are like having a full body makeover by the vamps in the spa. I saw and their very very good at their job. Some are even learning from them.

Walking to my room, the hallway was completely deserted because everyone was everywhere that’s not the bedroom hallways....literally.

I was almost to my bedroom when I was suddenly grabbed and pulled into the bedroom I was passing. Shrieking I fought back but for some reason I couldn’t move than a cloth was put to my mouth. My surroundings turned completely black as I fell unconscious.




-10 minutes later-

I jolted awake looking around frantically, but couldn’t move. My face had a confused expression, when my gaze went down I screamed... my hands were tied together at the top of my head. My legs were tied apart and I was...............


An evil laugh came from the left of me in the shadows, "do you like your position??" He asked creepily.

Shivering in disgust, I yelled in anger, "WHO THE HE11 ARE YOU?!?!?" The voice was so strangely familiar.

"Brianna, Brianna, is that how you talk to your lover?"

"I HAVE NO LOVER YOU MOTHER F*CKING B!TCH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I snarled out.

He stepped out of the shadows and I gasped.

(OMG OMG WHO IS IT?!?!?!? DO YOU GUYS KNOW??? Additional note: no she does not have a lover. And she can’t get out of the chains, she’s not invincible you know??)

"" my eyes were turning pitch black, "RALPH YOU GODD@MN @55H0LE!!!!!!!! GET ME OUT OF THIS YOU FREAK."

(Guessed Ralph?? your rite than!!! FYI he’s the trouble maker in Liam's pack remember??? Mystery person #1 down btw you know how he said he was gonna break her heart he gave up on it and just decided to go for r@pe)

Ralph ignored my insults; his eyes were filled with lust as he looked me up and down. I shuddered in disgust, being the dumb@ss he is, he thought it was me liking the attention.

He stalked closer while i tried to get away from him to no avail. I screamed in panic, "HELP SOMEBODY HELP!!!!"

My yelling seemed to have turned him on even more "tsk tsk my love, the rooms soundproof remember??" he smirked evilly.

His hands travelled up my legs to my thigh, the higher he went up the more i struggled. His arousal grew stronger as he saw me at his mercy; he took away his hands and undressed.

His friend was huge and completely aroused, seeing this my eyes widened in fear and i thrashed around frantically. Ralph smelled my fear and smirked.

He crawled in between my legs, and put his hands to my core and was about to push his fingers in when....




Ralph was suddenly thrown off of me and into the wall. A group of red cloaked vampires stood in the room with the door closed.

They were a scary sight especially Leo and Sora. Their fangs had elongated, eyes were red, their claws were out and they were hissing like crazy.

One vamp held a sword in his hand; the edge was on Ralph's throat so he didn’t move at all. Well he couldn’t seeing as a vamp held him against the wall using telekinesis.

The vamp twins rushed to me while the other vamps watched Ralph. "OMIGOSH, Bri, are you ok?!?!?! We’re sorry we didn’t get to you in time!!" They broke the chains that were on me.

I quickly took the blanket and covered myself. My eyes were filled with hate for Ralph. "I’m fine.... thank you for saving me but how’d you know??"

"The rooms are soundproof for weres not vamps, just so we can make sure nothing bad happens." They said sheepishly.

"Oh." was my reply.

Their eyes hardened as they turned to Ralph, "Bring him to the dungeons. NO visitors. 24hour guard on him. He DOES NOT escape. The queen will decide his punishment later."

The vamps nodded before they all disappeared.

"Thank you." I told them. 

Leo and Sora smiled saying, "It’s our job and your our friend don’t worry bout it."


-4:50 pm-

I was still abit shaken from my encounter with Ralph but it was fine now. No one knew about it... thank the gods. It would’ve started a riot in this place sounds fun *sarcasm*

Everyone was wearing their formal wear and was heading towards the elevators. I was wearing a floor length blue dress. The boys were all wearing suits with different colored ties.

When we got to the throne room we all gasped, it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!! There were decorations everywhere and tables with food and drinks. Chairs lining the wall, a HUGE dance floor. A throne with some chairs beside it with huge double doors behind it stood at the back of the room.

Everyone had their jaws open in surprise. Val, Leo and Sora appeared in front of us grinning, "Like it?!?!"

"I LOVE IT!!" i exclaimed. I frowned as a thought went through my head. "Where’s Ken? I haven’t seen him since we got here?" 

They smiled at me, "You'll see them soon promise but for now ENJOY THE DINNER!!! We must go we have some business to do."

Do you remember that time Leo and Sora told me that vamps rarely take off their cloaks?!?... He wasn’t kidding, ALL the vamps here were wearing suits and dresses with cloaks over them....WOW


 -5:00 sharp-

Trumpets blared throughout the room loudly and everyone shut up.

2 people in gray cloaks were standing on each side of the huge double doors. They shouted out, "PRESENTING THE ROYAL GAURD!!"

The doors opened, and a bunch of red cloaks came out while all the vamps in the crowd bowed to them.


My jaw dropped open in surprise, I thought to myself, huh I never knew they were the lieutenants. Leo and Sora walked through the doors as all the vamps bowed again.


I think my eyes are gonna bug out soon, what next?? Val’s gonna be the queen I thought to myself sarcastically. Kennedy walked out through the doors with his head held high as the vamps kneeled this time bowing their heads.


8 black cloaks came out and all the vamps kneeled and bowed their heads. Huh I said thinking to myself. There’s supposed to be 10. Kennedy was announced as captain so where’s the other one.....Val walked through the door in front of the other 7 elders.


The last elder must be out seeing as the queen is being announced.


(Awesome name rite??? it’s so wonderfully long)

Every single vampire in the room including the 2 announcers kneeled and bared their necks, EXCEPT for Val, as an EXTREMELY beautiful woman walked into the room. Her long black tresses of hair reached her waist, she wore a black cloak, extremely pale (like every other vamp), she wore a floor length black dress. Her eyes were crimson with black irises. And she looked like....she looked like....she was.....she looked like she was.....

(OMG SHE LOOKED LIKE SHE WAS WHAT??? WHO??? WHAT??? WHEN???? WHERE???? WHY????? Laugh welllllllllllllllllllll than shall I end it here? It’d be such a wonderful cliffy don’t u think....but I owe up to you guys for the late upload READ ON<333)

My jaws dropped, OMIGOD &%*^$$%(@&*() SHE..... SHE....... SHE LOOKS LIKE AN EXACT REPLICA OF VAL EXCEPT FOR THE LENGTH OF HAIR?!?!?!?!?!?! THEY EVEN HAVE THE SAME FIRST NAME WELL SIMILAR. Valerie and Valeria (similar rite??)

You could’ve literally smelt the arousal of unmated wolves in here just by seeing her... it was disgusting.

A thought went through my head, why didn’t Val bow?? She must be the princess or something to not kneel.... but they would’ve announced it....

WHATS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!? (Hmmm what is going on here telllllll me =O btw u must be wondering why no one talks its cuz it’s rude and even they know that)

The queen stood in front of the throne, the council of elders sat in the chairs beside the throne and she spoke loud and clear, "Welcome to my formal dinner party everyone. Welcome back my lovely kin." her voice sounds like Val too....

"Welcome to my home and castle werewolves, it is such an honor to have you in my humble home." I thought we’re supposed to say it’s such an honor to be here not the other way around. Snow laughed at that, true true.

"I'd hate to be a damper on this party but we have a seriously bad problem we need to solve and i wish to have everyone’s opinion on it,” She smiled a million watt smile. She waved a hand at Kennedy and he bowed and disappeared with 2 other guards.

A minute later, Kennedy came back with the 2 guards dragging Ralph, a swearing, chained Ralph, with them. And threw him in front of the queen.

Sky's father spoke up, "What's going on here?? Why have you chained our kin??" when he spoke, every single vamp turned and glared at him. He took a step back startled.

A vamp in a grey cloak, a girl raised her hand. "Yes Sierra?" The queen said to her.

"May I say a word to the werewolves?"

The queen nodded and said, "Of course."

Sierra turned to Sky's dad and hissed at him, "You do not ever ever speak out of turn without asking the queen for permission to talk when she is conducting business."

Sky's dad was about to say something but all the vampires glared at him. He immediately shut up. The queen laughed, her laughter were like bells. "Do not worry about it Sierra, He did not know."

Sierra nodded and backed off. The queen continued, "To answer your question, this boy, Ralph i believe is his name. Under MY home, tried to r@pe someone that i will not name, and that is unacceptable in my opinion," All the vamps hissed some werewolves growled in disgust at him.

The queen raised her hand and everyone quieted, "I normally would have given him a punishment, but seeing as he is your kin, I thought you would like to decide on his punishment instead." 

All the wolves, including me, looked at her in admiration. Why? You want to know why.... it’s because all other people would just decide on their punishment instead of asking other people, kin or not.

The vamp queen smiled and said, "What do you think?"

People’s mind links came into my mind saying we should kill him. It wasn’t his first time anyhow. Hearing that i stood up and said, "Kill him." everyone echoed my sentiment.

She nodded and waved her hand at the people that were watching Ralph, and they took him away. "Well, than," she continued on like nothing happened. "Have fun at the party." The queen walked away and everyone started chattering.

A few minutes later when I was walking out of the washrooms Leo and Sora appeared in front of me, and I exclaimed, "What’s up guys?!"

They had serious faces on when they said that the queen wanted to see me and to follow them. We walked through the double doors and down a corridor and reached a door. They knocked and opened the door when someone said enter.

They pushed me in gently and closed the door behind me. Turning around I faced the queen sitting in a chair behind the desk and Val casually leaning against the couch. Liam stood in the corner of the room with a blank expression.

I kneeled, baring my neck to the queen and said, "Your majesty," to Val, "hey Val"

Val nodded at me while the queen said, "sit down anywhere Brianna." She sighed when I sat down and said, "I’m sure you have questions to ask so ask."

"Well," i said, "Why do you and Val look so alike? And why is HE here?"

She answered me saying, "One me and Val are the same person, that’s why she didn’t bow, or talks in my presence. And two, I wanted you two to get back together." she stated calmly.

I stood up so fast and shouted in anger, "YOU WANT ME TO GET 'BACK' TOGETHER WITH THAT MANWHORE?!?!?!? ONE I WAS NEVER WITH HIM AND TWO HE REJECTED ME MILLIONS A TIMES BY NOW!!.... Wait what do you mean you guys are the same people"

The queen was unfazed, "I'll explain later and Liam, your mate, rejected you 3 years ago, correct?"

"Yes," I said tightly through clenched teeth.

"He honestly did reject you back then, but when you left, he realized his mistake and wanted you that time he loved you and he still does."

"Then why didn’t he try to find me or even attempt to get me back when we saw each other again."

 "Because we were using mind control on him to keep rejecting you."

"BUT WHY?!?!" my voice anguished.

"Because I needed you to come to our castle for protection."


"But if you were together would you have accepted especially with him being overprotective of you?"


"Yes" the queen said


She waved her hand at Liam and his face changed from blank to anger as he screamed at the queen, "YOU FCKIN B!TCH!!!!! HOW DARE YOU KEEP ME FROM MY MATE!!"

"Liam!!" I cried out. He rushed to me and enveloped me in a hug, repeatedly saying I’m sorry. I looked at him softly; "I forgive you" He smiled at me and kissed me. We made out for abit before remembering where we were

(Sucky reunion rite?? but i suck at this so forgive me BUT OMG DID YOU GUYS EVER GUESS THAT??)

I glared at the queen aka Val, "I hate you, Kennedy, Leo and Sora for this. I thought you guys were my friends but I was wrong."

Val looked at me with a sad expression, "at least forgive Kennedy, Sora and Leo. They did not want to do this but I’m their queen and they have to listen to me."


Val cut me off, "they couldn’t."

"Of course they could."

"No they couldn’t." Val insisted, "I’m their queen and when they first became part of my kin they swore an oath to me, 'to serve their queen no matter the consequences' they wanted to tell you but the oath stopped them from telling you."

"Breaking an oath means death, if a vampire makes an oath and tries to break it he'll just die just like that,” She told me snapping her fingers.

"I'll forgive them but not you," I told her coldly.

Her face was blank, when she said, "go to the throne room I will be telling you guys all something."

We left without a backwards glance.


Valerie/The queen's POV

I watched as Brianna and her mate left the room and the twins and Kennedy appeared. They all had sad and worried faces.

Kennedy spoke up, "Thank you for saving our friendship with her but what about you?" The twins nodded in agreement to his thanks and question.

"Kennedy, Leo, Sora. You know my first duty is to my kingdom, I nearly destroyed that for my mate even if he is still alive and everyone else thinks he is dead all those years ago." I said sadly, "That war was a mistake and it nearly destroyed the progress we have on all the species."

Kennedy's face softened, "when they find out King Vladimir is truly alive, they'll be overjoyed. After all he is our king and your mate. Losing him hurt all of us as well seeing the pain you try so hard to hide just for us."

Leo and Sora said, "That’s true your majesty. Our kin wishes for one thing and one thing only. YOUR happiness. Your heart is the purest in the world even if the weres don’t know that."

I retorted bitterly, "My heart is not the purest. If it was I would not have separated the two mates for 3 years."

The twins answered back calmly, "But you did it for a good cause. You do plan to tell them that don’t you?"

"Of course, I’m just hoping I will not start another war especially with the rogues and hunters war coming up."

Kennedy said fiercely and surely, "we WILL win never doubt that. We all will lay our lives down to protect the supernatural AND human world. No matter the cost."

I answered with a smile that was as confident as his, "I never did doubt. I just worry. Let’s go tell them the TRUTH."

"Yes let’s hope they will agree." They all said at the same time with determination.


Brianna's POV

Me and Liam have worked things out. Knowing he truly loved me warmed my heart especially with my wolf howling with happiness inside of me.

I just can’t believe Val did this to me.

Snow told me gently, she must have had a good reason. Maybe we should listen to her reason first?

Ok I thought we will then.

I had told my boys what had happened and they were furious but understood when I said I wanted to know her reason why. The double doors slammed open. There stood Val, Kennedy, Leo and Sora.

They strode forward. Val sat on the throne while the others called for attention of everybody. When it quieted Val had told them what had happened between us. Least to say every werewolf was angry, but we calmed them enough to listen to her reason for her actions.

Val smiled sadly and asked for no interruptions. When they agreed she started her story, "Before i tell you my reasoning, some must be questioning why I am queen." There were nods of agreement.

"I'm the queen because Im the first vampire ever. I’ve been alive since the dawn of time. I watched the Earth rise and fall over and over. I knew the first fae, warlock, witch and were. They were immortal like me but they’re dead now so all their younger generations are not immortal

I’m the most powerful vampire. I’m the one with pure vampire blood in me. How am I the most powerful vampire you’re wondering? I have every ability that can be possessed, healing, enhanced senses, mind control or reading, ability to control the elements and etc. That's why I can change the vampire cells so they cannot create another vamp or breed one.

It’s also why I know where every single vampire is, how many and their abilities. As for my reasoning for separating Brianna and Liam is because I wanted peace between our kinds. The only enemy we have will only be rogues and hunters. World peace was what I wanted.

Especially when I saw all kinds of rogues ganging up with hunters to take down the weres. (Sighs sadly)I had to do something to stop that. If you’re wondering, no I didn’t plan Brianna almost getting r@ped or the attack.

We were just hoping to find a reason to come here for our protection. Then I would’ve told you all the truth.

Anyways, some of you are probably wondering why I would want world peace. (Laughs) It’s because when we were first created, tension was high but we still had peace between us. It was wonderful until it was destroyed.

I should start from the beginning, I was once a human in fact me and my 2 brothers and 2 sisters were the first human that ever existed. God made us around 100 of us at the same time so we had no parents and survived by ourselves.

Me and my siblings were quintuplets.(like twins or triplets but with 5 instead of 2 or 3) I was the eldest, next was my brother, Malcolm, than my sister, Cassandra, after Cassie was my youngest sister, Lily and Lastly my youngest brother William.

We all loved each other especially William but it all changed that one day. We were in a cave sheltering from some rain when we all felt something was going to happen. We were 15 than and was at attention. We all felt something wrong when IT happened.

It was so weird. A bat had flown out of nowhere and bit me on my shoulder while a wolf jumped out of nowhere and bit William. I was writhing in pain, as eldest I felt responsible for them yet I could do nothing for them than.

Will was screaming in pain, while Lil, sweet little Lily, was dragged into the forest by the trees screaming for me to help her (tears rolled down Val's face as she relived it in her head). Cassie was being tortured by the moon while Malcolm was dragged into the shadows of the cave struggling to get out and help us siblings.

That's when I blacked out. When I woke again, my siblings were all there, they looked different but I knew it was them. Will was a wolf, Lily was a tiny fairy (fae) that could turn back into a normal human form, Malcolm was big and strong muscled (warlock), while Cassie was tall and slim. And i.... i was like this," Val motioned to herself.

"Being the first vamp, were, fae, warlock and witch. We were naturally gifted with the knowledge of our kind. We were supposed to be enemies yet being siblings we couldn’t let it be destroyed by our change. (Warlocks have different magic than the witches but are similar)

So we learned all our abilities while fighting the urge to kill each other. There were 100 humans originally, but now there were 50 humans, and a lot of different kind of supernaturals. Mermaids, fire horses, centaurs, giants, troll, etc. The reason we were able to be turned was because being the first 50 humans we had different blood from normal humans.

But we were the strongest and main supernatural of all. With our fragile peace in tact we all traveled the world while avoiding the humans and learning about all kinds of supernatural. We created more of our kind along the way teaching them the way before leaving them to fend for themselves or to come with us.

It wasn’t until 2 centuries after we were turned that the peace between us was destroyed. Seeing as how we couldn’t let humans know about us we had to keep guards around our camps. It was usually me seeing as how I didn’t need sleep but that day Will had insisted on guarding saying that he didn’t want to overwork me.

That was why he was our favorite sibling. But that day he insisted on guarding, we were messing around so we never noticed.... the human with a musket sneaking on us and shot at us. It was intended for me it couldn’t have hurt me since nothing but silver could’ve killed me.

But being the kindhearted one he was, Will heard him at the last second and threw himself in front of me. The bullet hit him in the heart and he died instantly. Of course we managed to kill that human, but William was our peacekeeper and with him dead, the peace between our kinds was completely shredded.

Accusations were thrown around especially at me. And that’s when the first supernatural war started. It ended when all my siblings but me died. The war last 211 years. When the war first started, I retreated to the Amazons and claimed it as my territory, protecting it from harm. Staying out of the war. I could not bear harming my siblings.

31 years after the war started Cassie died, 157 years later, Malcolm died, after 211 years, Lily was assassinated by a were. I tried warning them but they wouldn’t listen and just kept attacking. When Lily died, different species went to different places and stayed away from each other.

The war was what started legends of the supernatural. Though belief faded slowly as time passed. Ever since the war ended i tried to keep the peace while finding a way to bring back that peace we had no matter how little it was.

That's why I controlled Liam to reject Bri over and over no matter how much it hurt me to see them separated. The war with the weres a century and a half ago destroyed the progress I had made with them. So I had to start over.

I already had made allies with everyone but weres. It was hard, it’s been millions of milleniums ( 1 millennium = 1000 years) since that day but I never gave up." Val finished with a sad smile.

When she was done everyone in the room was crying from the sadness of the story.


OK for anyone who does not get it. Val ( the one that saved Brianna from r@pe.) and her mate are the rulers of the vampire

Such a sad sad story =( I hope this made up for the late upload. I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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