Darned to Heck

By inglenooksoot

7.7K 526 39

****COMPLETED**** ~ Every movement of his lips against mine seemed to scold me, how dare I try to run away, h... More

Take out the Trash
Wakey Wakey
Hot Damn
Watch Your Mouth
Don't Kick Rocks
A Gift
NEVER Accept Gifts From Demons
Demon Blood
The Witching Hour
Special Snowflake
Rubies and Emeralds
The Seven Princes of Hell
*Tick** Tick** Tick*
The Harpsian Diamond
Four Days
Six Feet Under
Red and Black
Dinner with the Devil
Prince of Wrath
The Library
Cat and Mouse
The War of The Blood Sea
The High Council
Angel Wings
Thrill of the Chase
Glass Eyes
Dog Food
Shadow creature
God's Will
Boxed In
The King of Angels
Kill Me Once
Second Chance


168 13 0
By inglenooksoot

"Miss A Jones." A creaky looking old troll thing yelled my name when we had finally reached the end of the queue. Egg ushered me towards the big black door that hung between me and Passus, we had finally reached the end of the line. The time had come for me to meet my destiny in the Hollow.

I gulped as I walked to the door, it was guarded on either side by a couple more white demons, and was held in place by two massive hinges on the left side, about the size of your average cat. The door itself had to be at least two and a half of me high and swung open dramatically as I approached it.

"ENTER." A deep voice boomed.

Already with the commands, I could see me having a hard time with sticking to my best behaviour in there. I sighed internally and walked forwards.

My mouth dropped open at the sight before me. Sat behind a six foot chunk of solid rock was an absolutely humongous dark red demon. It's arms were as thick as tree trunks and he was ripped, like mega ripped. Imagine Dwayne The Rock Johnson but twelve times bigger. All over it's body dinner plate sized muscles rippled and twitched beneath maroon skin. A pair of yellowed ram's horns twisted from each side of his skull and he had a pretty intense underbite, from which two tusks sprouted. If I had to describe him as anything it would be a cross between a wild boar and a hot sauce commercial.


My knees buckled instantly at his command and I thought I might pee myself.


A deep throaty chuckle echoed and bounced off the walls as he looked down at me.

"Not so tough anymore hm? You've been here for less than ten of your human hours and already you have two marks to be repaid Miss Jones. I have to say I was expecting you to be a little more intimidating."

I was speechless, all I could do was stare at this meat mountain of a creature.

"Continue gawping and we could make that three marks, if you would like?"

I looked to the ground so fast I nearly detached a retina.

"I'm glad we understand each other." He stood and walked from behind his desk to where I knelt, probably quivering with fear "Time to pay your debt." I could hear what sounded like hooves click against the rock of the floor with each step he took.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit

"Before I begin I would like you to be aware of why you are being punished. This is so you will learn your place and what is expected of you."

I heard the loud high whistle of something thin moving at speed through the air, then the hum and crackle of electricity. From my limited view I could see a long sinuous whip that seemed to be made of pure energy. Like lightning little flashes and cracks bubbled all over its surface, spraying off into the charged air around it. I could already feel the pulsating heat that radiated from it despite it being at least four metres away from me.

"Your first mark will represent the behaviour shown to a porter at your awakening."

Porter? Was he talking about Egg?

"This mark is to make it known that insubordination, disobedience or defiance of any kind will not be tolerated. Orders made to you by any demon, of any class will be carried out immediately and without question."

Is this actually happening right now sweet baby Jesus this can't be happening.

"Your second mark is to represent the fact that, because of your behaviour you are late. This will also not be tolerated under my command. You will arrive where you are told, when you are told. Without exception. Is that understood?"

Hoooly burning hell.


Shit "y-yes s-sir."


I could see the whip being raised, trailing murderously along the ground like some giant electric snake. I saw it leave the rock and then heard it slice through the air, coming down and cracking across my spine. I screamed as it seared through my flesh, flaying my skin and fusing muscle to bone. Claws of electricity danced and writhed across my back with sudden intense heat, running away from the main body of the whip and consuming every inch of me in agonising flames. I fell to the floor gasping for air, digging my nails into the rock hard enough to draw blood, desperately grasping at anything for relief from the pain.

"Back on your knees."

I lurched and bucked around on the floor, desperately trying to get up but my muscles defied my every attempt, the electricity from the whip seemed to have fried the connection from my brain to my legs, there was no way I could get up, I wouldn't have been surprised if the impact had broken my spine.

"On your knees or I will make sure that this next one kills you."

I tried to move again but realising that it was useless I let my head fall forward to the floor in resignation.

"So be it."

I heard the whip crackle and hiss as it slinked along the floor beside me then felt the impact as it collided with my back for the second time.

Everything went black.

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