My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

25K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note


387 28 12
By TarableTaralynn

**Two Days Later**:

 Dean sat on the roof alone, it was late, Roman and Seth were sleeping. Since their talk two days ago Dean still trained them, just not as hard as before and he didn't push them past exhaustion. He was worried though, since that night there's been no other attacks on them by Hunters. Roman and Seth believed it was a good thing, but he didn't have it in him to tell them it wasn't! He knew his family weren't going to back off like this unless they were planning something. He kept it to himself though, not wanting to worry Roman and Seth.

 Over the last two days Dean told them more about his life before and after he became a Vamp. He told them things he hasn't told anyone else before or even thought about in years. Being with them he belonged, he didn't feel like a monster and Roman made him feel things he had never felt before; even before he became a Vamp. As much as he loved both of them, it worried him knowing they were his weakness, Vassago and the Elders knew it too and would use them to get to him; they could be hurt because of him. Suddenly he heard movement behind him, it was dark out, but to him he could see everything as clear as daytime. He waited until whoever it was got close, before he got up and quickly grabbed them flipping them onto the roof on their back. Holding them down, using one hand on their neck, he bent down and saw a smiling Roman looking back, Dean quickly let him go and helped him sit up, before he spoke.

 "Dammit Roman, I've told you and Seth not to sneak up on me!" Dean scolded him. "I could have hurt you!"

 "I'm sorry D, but you didn't!" Roman replied, taking his hand.

 "I could have Roman!" Dean stated.

 "I won't do it again, I promise. Do you forgive me?" Roman asked.

 "Always." Dean replied, before he kissed him. "What are you doing up anyway?"

 "I woke up and you were gone, so I came looking for you. Are you okay babe?"

 "Yeah." Dean answered, kissing the side of his head.

 "I love you, but you're a horrible liar Ambrose!" Roman said smiling.

 "What?" Dean asked shocked. "I can't be that bad if I've managed to hide the fact that I'm a Vampire for centuries and hid our relationship from my kind!" He pointed out smugly.

 "Yeah, but none of them know you like I do!" Roman countered. "Seth's even noticed you've been acting strange...well, stranger than usual!"

 "Ha, ha!" Dean said sarcastically, as he nudged Roman lightly with his shoulder.

 "Dean, what's wrong baby?" Roman asked gently. "Does it have anything to do with the lack of Hunter attacks?"

 "Yeah Roman, it does." Dean answered.

 "Isn't that a good thing?" Roman asked confused.

 "Usually, but not when it involves my kind!" Dean replied.

 "Dean, I think you need to stop looking for trouble where there isn't any." Roman said gently, as he touched Dean's face. "Let's just enjoy the peace and quiet! Besides, I can think of better ways to occupy our free-time, instead of worrying about imaginary problems." He added smiling.

 "Oh yeah, how?" Dean said smiling too.

 "Like this!" Roman said, as he climbed onto Dean's lap and began kissing him.

 "I like your idea better!" Dean replied smiling, when the kiss ended.

 "Come on, let's go back inside and I'll show you another way." Roman added still smiling.

**The Next Night**:

 Roman yawned, as he finished changing out of his uniform after another long, busy shift. He was just finishing packing his bag, when Seth came into the room to change so they could leave.

 "What a shift!" Seth said, before he yawned.

 "I know! I'll be glad to get home and just relax with D." Roman replied sighing.

 "Speaking of Dean, is he okay?" Seth asked.

 "Fine, why?"

 "He just seems really on edge the last couple of days. So, I was just concerned." Seth answered, as he changed into his regular clothes.

 "He's just worried that his family is up to something." Roman said sighing.

 "Seriously? They haven't done anything since the last attack." Seth said.

 "I know, but Dean thinks that that's a sign of something big being in the works."

 "Come on, let's go home and see what your paranoid Vampire boyfriend is doing." Seth said smiling, as they both laughed.

 After grabbing their bags, they left the hospital and began walking to Seth's car. They reached the car and put their bags in the trunk, before they went to get in, but suddenly they were surrounded by a group of five, angry Vamps.

 "Oh, shit!" Seth said nervously, as they looked at each other, before looking back at the Vamps.

 "Hello, ladies!" A male Vamp spoke smiling; he was obviously the one in charge.

 "Who the hell are you and where's Dean?" Roman asked, as Seth came and stood beside him.

 "Don't worry our brother's fine, he doesn't even know we're here." The Vamp answered. "My name's Dante, but you can call me Master!"

 "Dante, huh?" Seth said smiling. "You don't look like a Dante."

 "Is that right?"

 "Nope! You look more like a blood-sucking loser!" Seth said, as he and Roman laughed.

 Dante smiled, before he quickly grabbed Seth by the front of his shirt and slammed him into the car, while the others held Roman back.

 "You think your real tough don't you, you little pissant?" Dante questioned smiling. "Without your little protector Dean though to save your worthless asses, you don't stand a chance against us! I should just suck all the blood from your bodies; suck you dry, and leave your worthless carcasses to rot! Lucky for you two, I can't!"

 "What do you want with us?" Roman demanded, fighting to get free.

 "I don't want anything from any pathetic mortals, but Keeper does!"

 "What does he want from us?" Seth asked scared.

 "You'll have to ask him yourselves! Let's go, we're already past the time I told Keeper I'd have you captured by dammit!" Dante said, angry that it's taken this long to capture two mortals.

 "We're not going anywhere with you, you son-of-a-bitch!" Roman said angrily, Seth agreed.

 "You don't have a choice!" Dante replied smiling.

 Before Seth and Roman could do or say anything, they were both knocked out. Then with two of the other Vamps carrying their limp bodies and Dante in the lead, they took off back to the Exchange. Dante couldn't wait to hand them off to Keeper, maybe after seeing how good he was Vassago would let him finally kill Ambrose and then he'd become the King's second in command instead of Keeper!


 Dean had spent the day training by himself, while Roman and Seth were at work. As he trained he couldn't get the thoughts of what his family were planning out of his head, making it difficult for him to concentrate. He wanted to believe like Roman and Seth did, that this was a good thing,  that they were unsure how to attack next, but he knew that was a lie!

 When he trained by himself he'd sometimes lose track of the time, so he didn't notice how late it was, or that Roman and Seth should have been back hours ago. It wasn't until he finally took a break that he realized what was happening. He looked at the clock and saw it was 10 minutes to one in the morning, three hours past when they should have been home. Dean tried not to panic; when every part of him knew something was wrong! They had been late before; working in a hospital meant emergencies could happen at any time, and so instead of freaking out like he's done in the past, he decided to call them. He tried Roman first, after it went to voicemail he left a message and hung up. He then tried Seth's phone, but got his voicemail too, so once again he left a message and hung up.

 He paced the room holding his phone tightly, as he begged one of them to call him back. After 15 minutes and no returned calls, he knew something was wrong, so he put his phone in his pocket, grabbed his keys and helmet and left the apartment. He ran down the stairs to the lobby and rushed outside to his bike, putting his helmet on as he walked. He got on his bike and drove to the hospital, when he got there he parked his bike and got off; taking his helmet off, suddenly he froze catching the unmistakable scent of Vamps!

 "Dante!" Dean said angrily, as he followed the Vamp's scent to Seth's empty car.

 Realizing what happened, he ran back to his bike, put his helmet on and raced back to the apartment to get what he'd need to kill his family!


 His head pounded, before he even opened his eyes. Roman took deep breaths, trying to calm the pain and stop the nausea that came with it. He lay on his back, eyes still closed, as he tried to remember what happened. For a few seconds all he got from thinking was his headache to get worse. He groaned, as he opened his eyes, after a few seconds everything slowly came into focus and he noticed he was in a room he didn't recognize. He sat up and looked around, panic setting in, as he realized he was in some kind of old jail cell; like something you'd find in an old castle dungeon. Everything came rushing back to him, he stood up using the wall for support, as he called out to Seth, afraid they'd been separated.

 "Seth?" Roman called out, looking around.

 "I'm right here Ro!" Seth answered, as he sat up in the corner of the cell.

 "Seth!" Roman said, as he rushed to him and knelt, before he hugged him tight. "I...I thought they took you somewhere else." He said, as the hug ended.

 "Are you okay?" Seth asked, looking at him.

 "Yeah, just a bump on my head and a headache. Are you okay?" Roman answered.

 "Yeah, I have the same as you; a bump and headache." Seth answered, rubbing the back of his head. "Where are we?"

 "I...I don't know, I just woke up." Roman replied, as they stood and looked around.

 As they tried to figure out where they were, they suddenly heard other people; men, women and even children, scream to be freed, talking to each other and some were crying. Both men froze and looked at each other as the realization hit them like a ton of bricks...they were at the Human Exchange! They both remembered the stories Dean had told them about the Exchange; how horrible it was and what happens to any mortals there and knew they were in serious trouble! Making it worse was the fact that Dean didn't know anything about what happened to them, which meant he wouldn't be coming to save them!

 "Ah, you're awake!" A male voice spoke from in front of them.

 "Who are you?" Seth demanded angrily, as they looked at the Vamp.

 "We haven't been properly introduced, my deepest apologies gentlemen!" The Vamp mocked smiling. "I'm The Keeper!" He added, as he bowed. "And you two are at my Human Exchange!"

 "Why?" Roman demanded.

 "You're here for a very important reason! You're going to lure Dean out of hiding! Vassago knows that to get to Ambrose, we have to use something...someone for bait!" Keeper answered smiling.

 "Dean's too smart to fall for your pathetic trap!" Roman stated, as both he and Seth smiled.

 "Oh, he'll come...if it means saving you two!" Keeper replied smiling.

 "How will he know what happened? He wasn't even there when we were taken!" Seth questioned.

 "He's a Vampire, you idiot! He'll catch Dante's scent and know you were taken! All you mortals are so stupid, it's almost sad really!"

 "You're...afraid of Dean, aren't you?" Roman demanded, after seeing the fear in Keeper's eyes when he spoke of Dean.

 "I fear no one, but Vassago!" Keeper replied angrily.

 "You can't fool us Keeper, we can see it in your eyes!" Seth pointed out.

 "Laugh while you can, you worthless insects! Soon we'll be the ones having the last laugh at your bloody and painful expense!"

 "Dean will end all of you!" Roman stated angrily.

 "He'll try and fail miserably! When Vassago has had his fun beating Dean, until he's almost dead, he'll make him watch; helplessly, as I rip both of you apart! Then Vassago will make Dean die a slow, agonizing death!" Keeper explained smiling.

 "You'll never kill him!" Roman stated.

 "Not now, no! You see when Dean gets here you two, Vassago and I will be gone!" Keeper replied smiling.

 "Gone? Gone where?" Seth asked nervously.

 "It's none of your concern! Rest up insects, we'll be leaving soon!" Keeper answered, before he walked away laughing to make sure everything was ready for them to leave.


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